WPLC-wireless power line communication

Power-line communication (PLC) carries data on a conductor that is also used simultaneously for AC electric power transmission or electric power distribution to consumers. It is also known as power-line carrier, power-line digital subscriber line (PDSL), mains communication, power-line telecommunications (PLT), or power-line networking (PLN).

A wide range of power-line communication technologies are needed for different applications, ranging from home automation to Internet access which is often called broadband over power lines (BPL). Most PLC technologies limit themselves to one type of wires (such as premises wiring within a single building), but some can cross between two levels (for example, both the distribution network and premises wiring). Typically transformers prevent propagating the signal, which requires multiple technologies to form very large networks. Various data rates and frequencies are used in different situations.

Zigbee based wireless monitoring and controlling of automation system using plc scada
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Main aim behind this project is to monitor and control the PLC based system using wireless technology. In this project I am going to use a ZIGBEE and SCADA technology to get wireless automation system. Pair of ZIGBEE is used here, among that one is connected with

A discussion about hybrid PLC – wireless communication for smart grids
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This work outlines important characteristics of hybrid PLC – wireless systems for smart grid applications. Moreover, it discusses the hybrid wireless – PLC systems advantages in comparison to not hybrid systems. These advantages are demonstrated not only in the

Measurement of hybrid PLC – wireless channels for indoor and broadband data communication
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This work aims at discussing a measurement cam-paign carried out in a residential apartment to measure hybrid PLC – wireless channel. The hybrid PLC – wireless channels is the one that allow portable devices and devices physically connected to electric distribution

Multi-Interface extensions for PLC / wireless simulator
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Many communication networks consist of legacy and new devices using heterogeneous technologies, such as copper wire, optical fiber, wireless and power line communication ( PLC ). Most network simulators and routing solutions, however, have been designed to work

An investigation on narrow band PLC – wireless parallel channel capacity
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This work aims to investigate achievable data rate of a hybrid narrow band (NB) communication system composed of Power Line Communications ( PLC ) and wireless channels. With this regards, we present the equations of channel capacity when using only a

Boiler Application Using Wireless Bridge between PLC and SCADA
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In this paper, study of wireless SCADA system which is powerful setup for monitoring and controlling the various applications from remotely placed is presented. Wireless SCADA is required in those applications when wire line communications to the remote site is

Physical layer security in PLC networks: An emerging scenario, other than wireless
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We consider the secure transmission of information over power line communication ( PLC ) networks. The focus is on the secrecy guaranteed at the physical layer, named physical layer security (PLS). Although PLS has been deeply investigated for the wireless case, it is

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Now a days a significant growth in wireless technology has occurred which enabled innovation in the field of wireless technologies. This innovation in wireless technologies leads automation in industrial, residential and commercial sectors. Presently in many

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This paper describe about wireless PLC communication and synchronization between two traffic lights system using a RF 433 MHz Transmitter receiver module and Arduino Uno boards. Nowadays traffic lights are major characters of traffic jams reducing systems

Digicel (St Lucia) Ltd and others v Cable Wireless plc and others
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(3) It would often be appropriate for a party to search electronic documents using positive keywords and in the instant case the claimants had agreed that the defendants should be permitted to do so. It would usually be wrong in principle to adopt theleave no stone

Wireless remote control of a PLC system
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Abstract Industriarmatur-ARI AB (IA) design, manufacture and sell products for the district energy, HVAC, water and industry markets. Focus is valves and actuators, but the product range also includes level gauges, water meters, and control cabinets etc. This thesis aims to

Comparison of Boiler Control Using Wireless Bridge Between PLC , SCADA, Wi-Fi
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In this paper the concept of monitoring, recording and controlling of few parts of boiler is discussed. PLC , SCADA and Wi-fiare used to provide control for the parameters. PLC andSCADA are connected with a wireless medium, that is, the Bluetooth module. It can

Low cost Wireless I/O‟ s using PLC , HMI ZIGBEE
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During the past decade, the industrial sector throughout the world has shifted from the classical methods of Control and Automation to the state of the art techniques. This allowed the industries to attain a higher percentage of growth and production, which consequently

IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless network integration with PLC -based industrial networks
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Most of the modern industrial automation systems are based on Programmable Logic Controllers ( PLC ). Vast selection of communication networks are available for automation system designers. Nevertheless, contemporary standards were not designed with real-time

PLC and Its Applications: A Wireless and Automatic Pet-Feeding System for Rabbits
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In this paper we design a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition system, which includes newly designed feeding device, programmable logic controller, a graphical human machine interface programmed with Visual Basic, plus, the Internet communication module. By using This study investigates the benefits of the existing diversity in the parallel use of both power line and wireless channels, which is termed hybrid power line communication ( PLC )/ wireless , to improve physical layer security (PLS) for lowbit-rate applications. In this

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With the advancement of new technologies, automation plays a vital role in industries. Through automation one can run a system or a plant with least effort. The history of automation can be traced since ancient times, when the wheel (3200 BC) was invented. This

Wireless RF Module Speed Synchronization of Multiple Motors in Industries based on PLC and SCADA
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Multiple motor in industries like textile mills, paper mills and steel plants etc. use conveyer belts, for the synchronization of motor to maintain constant loads. This is achieve by interfacing independent PLC to each motor with a speed sensing arrangement with PLC