embedded system IEEE PAPER 2016
Embedded System Design
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The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase.$1000 Buys You This Many Cycles per SecondSource: Ray Kurzweil,
Auto Plants Growing Embedded System Design Using Wireless Sensor Networks
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Abstract Recent development in the areas of information and communication detonated the emergence of a new paradigm of ubiquitous and smart environment. A ubiquitous environment is a technology that the computer and communication are to control and
Network Security in Embedded System Using TLS
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Abstract Security in terms of Networks have turn out to be more significant to Organizations, Military and personal computer user's. Since various kinds of threats are for data from sending it from sender side over internet till it reaches to receiver. Here we will focus on
Design for Indoor Environment Monitoring System based on Embedded Systemand Multi-sensor Data Fusion Algorithm
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Abstract This paper aims to construct an environmental monitoring system for newly decorated room. Digital temperature-humidity sensors, formaldehyde sensors, benzene sensors, ARM11 and Linux embedded system were selected. According to the application
Embedded Web Server Based Monitoring System
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Abstract-With the development of internet and the coming of the post-PC era, the embedded systems is becoming the centre of interest in the current IT industry and exhibiting broad potential market. In the meantime, the access of embedded systems into the internet has
High Performance Embedded System for Real-Time Pattern Matching
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Abstract In this paper we present an innovative and high performance embedded system for real-time pattern matching. This system is based on the evolution of hardware and algorithms developed for the field of High Energy Physics (HEP) and more specifically for
Automated Oxygen Level and Blood Pressure Sensing Using Embedded System
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Abstract: Blood pressure and the oxygen related problem has become more critical. So we are implementing an automated oxygen and blood pressure sensing system. The blood pressure sensing system will give the diastolic and systolic pressure reading on the
Design and Development of Low Cost Portable Opacity Measurement Systemusing Advance Embedded Controller
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Abstract: The low cost portable opacity measurement system is developed to overcome the limitation inherent in fairly accurate method using Portable Opacity Measurement System. Security system finds that tinted glass in vehicles has been major source of concern for
Design and Implementation of Real-time Kernel Patch System for EmbeddedLinux
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Abstract Although existing real time operating system is used in various fields such as aviation control, military equipments, defense system, nuclear power plant, and medical equipments, practically it is difficult to be used generally due to its very expensive price. If
Research and Design of Embedded Timber Drying Monitoring System Based on ARM9
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Abstract Wood drying is one of the most important processes in wood production and processing. The purpose of the study is to improve the level of automation of small and medium-sized wood drying enterprises and to improve the drying efficiency and quality.
A Distributed Infrared Temperature Monitoring System Based on EmbeddedTechnology and Visualization Technology
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Abstract For the contradictory issues of the transmission rate and flexibility in the current temperature system, this paper puts forward a novel fast rate, high flexibility, and visualization monitor system, and presents its architecture principle design and
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ABSTRACT An efficient automobile security system and keeping pace of advancement in vehicle features with technology have been major concern in automobile industries. Many people have to face difficulties in locking/unlocking and switching ON/OFF the car engine
Estimation of Software Reliability on the Basis of Bits for Embedded System
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Abstract-As software in an embedded system has taken responsibility for controlling both software, and hardware components, the importance of estimating more accurate reliability for such software has been increased. To estimate the reliability of software, we use
Review of Bank Locker System Using Embedded System
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Abstract: In this review paper various bank locker security system designs are explained. In today's high-speed world, security plays significant role. People are now more concern of their belongings like valuable documents, jewelry, and many more material. The safest The 13th National Embedded System Technology Conference (ESTC 2015) was successfully held at Peking University during October 10–11, 2015. More than 200 scholars, specialists, engineers, and graduates of embedded systems in China attended the two-
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Abstract–This proposed work is an attempt to design an advanced vehicle safety system that uses GSM to prevent theft and to determine the location of vehicle. Today theft is happening on the parking or in some insecure places. The safety of the vehicle is exceptionally
An Optimized Embedded System for Automated Paper Bag Production
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Abstract:Despite of all known hazards of plastic pollution, it's prevalent and pervasive in India. Plastic bags are one of the worst and most unnecessary plastic polluters of the earth. Plastic bags are used on a large scale by retailers for a simple reason that plastic bags
Implementation of System Identification Techniques on Embedded Systems
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Abstract Modeling of dynamic systems using system identification became an important discipline as it overrides the errors that may be introduced by traditional modeling techniques. There are two methodologies for identification of systems' models; statistical
An Embedded System for a Bluetooth Controlled Mobile Robot Based on the ATmega8535 Microcontroller
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Abstract Embedded systems have received significant attention during the last decade mainly because of their numerous applications. They can be found in robotics, smart buildings, fabrication equipments as well as medical, automation, industrial, commercial,
Hardware/Software Co-design for a Gender Recognition Embedded System
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Abstract. Gender recognition has applications in human-computer interaction, biometric authentication,targeted marketing. This paper presents an implementation of an algorithm for binary male/female gender recognition from face images based on a
Real Time Monitoring and Control of Multi Sensor Using GSM Techniques inEmbedded System
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Abstract: This paper describes the design of a simple low cost microcontroller based real time monitoring and control of multi sensor using gsm techniques in embedded system. GSM modem using AT comments for sending and receiving message. The LM35 is an
Challenges in Implementation of ANN in Embedded System
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Abstract:Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) provides a simple and efficient method to implement highly non-linear complex systems due to its Universal Function Approximation capabilities. However lack of a simple hardware design that is capable of adopting any
Secure Real Time Embedded System For ATM Using Web Server
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Abstract In today's growing world of ubiquitous computing environment devices are now essential tools that offer competitive business advantages. The design and implementation of previous ATM systems are not much secure as per the requirement of customers and
Automated Control System for Poultry Farm Based On Embedded System
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Abstract-This project presents a flexible answer in a trial of up the accuracy in observation the environmental conditions like temperature, water level, food feeding and reducing work force for industrial households poultry farm. A wireless sensor network (WSN) was
Embedded System for Control of Traffic Rule Violations
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ABSTRACT: With the increase in amount of traffic, traffic rule violation has become a common affair which leads to road accident causing small injuries, permanent disability or even loss of life. Also excess speed of vehicle and trespassing of traffic signals is another
Embedded System to Solve the Laplace's Equation
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Abstract. In this work is solved the Laplace's equation in two dimensions with Dirichlet boundary conditions using the Finite Element Method. Solution algorithms were designed and were loaded into a 32-bit microcontroller STM32. The programmed embedded system
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ABSTRACT Home power consumption tends to grow in proportion to the increase in the number of large-sized electric home appliances. An embedded system without any new additional wiring has been developed for home power management. By using Power Line
Web Server Based Secure Real Time Embedded System for ATM
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Abstract:The project designing and of existing ATM's are not much secure in favor of customer and users. Now a days the trends of mobile banking and mobile account accessing is grows up. ATMs have become very popular with the general public for their
A Novel Embedded Based Power Management System
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Abstract: Power management is the key factor in distribution automation system. We propose a novel embedded system that captures the load power requirement and then send it to a console master computer where software designed in matlab handles the load
Wireless Transmission of Electricity using Embedded System
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Abstract In the present paper the various technologies available so far for wireless transmission of electricity and the need for a Wireless System of Energy Transmission is being discussed to find its possibility in actual practices, their advantages, disadvantages
EASYSim: Energy-aware embedded system simulator
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Abstract-In this paper energy-aware embedded system simulator is presented. Simulation model supports describing behavior of different hardware and software subsystems and power and performance management algorithms. Using presented simulator, two
Curve Subdivision Approach Available for Embedded System
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This article presents a subdivision approach that subdivides a parameter curve in a binary style. The new subdivision approach, which is of high precision, is naturally
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ABSTRACT Applications in areas such as telehealth and household security often require wireless communication between low-power embedded systems and personal smartphones. This paper presents the design and implementation of a project that exploits
Implementing a Canonical Correlation Analysis Algorithm Built-in System on an ARM-based Embedded System for Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential
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Abstract:Steady State visual Evoked Potential (SSVEP) is widely used in the rising need of Brain Computer Interface products. It can now be applied on broad users, not like the traditional BCI products. Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) can be used to conduct
Enhance Embedded System Security With Rust
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Abstract: Real-time embedded systems have to meet a combination of requirements that are in deep tension: they are expected to deliver timely results, observing strict deadlines, all using only very limited resources, computing power and energy. To this day, the most
Water Management System Using Dynamic IP based Embedded Webserver in Real-time
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ABSTRACT The intended system means to create a Water Management System which can result in frequent monitoring of the water quality. System management of water supply using dynamic IP based Embedded Web Servers presented in this paper. To maintain a EWS
Design and Implementation of Real Time Embedded Health Monitoring Systemusing Li-Fi technology
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Abstract: Now a day, health and patient monitoring is very tedious job to do. The monitoring personnel have to watch continuously. They have to keep monitoring the patients, who are admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU). These patients are in serious illness conditions and
An Embedded-Z (EZ) Source Inverter Feed Based Industrial Adjustable Speed Drive System
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Abstract-This paper represents the new topology and hardware modeling of Embedded-Z (EZ) source feed industrial drives and comparative analysis of Z source and EZ-source inverter. In industrial application conventionally there are two converters used for ASD
Embedded Based Smart, Secured and Safe Vehicle System
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Abstract: In today's fast and crowded world, road accident is a major concern. The highest fatal traffic accidents occur on the curved roads at night time. Also the glare problem due to focus of headlight is dangerous. Even the improper indications given to the nearby vehicle
Adaptive Embedded Control for a Ball and Plate System
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Abstract:In the application of embedded control systems, timing is an important factor for ensuring a desired system performance. However, the time properties are difficult to manage under the constraints of a given hardware platform and the application tasks have large