embedded system-21
A Review of Designing and Implementing an Embedded System Using Client Server and Web Technology for Monitoring and Controlling of Physical
S Baruah, AK Mahanta ,2010 ,infonomics-society.org
Abstract Enabling embedded System developed for working in a network environment can
provide a lot of opportunities in monitoring and controlling of same from different
geographical areas. It may be in a peer to peer type or client server type depending on
Embedded RTOS System Startup
CZ Yang ,netlab.cse.yzu.edu.tw
2 Embedded applications • Developing a “Hello World” application on an embedded system
is not trivial – As compared with developing in a PC platform 37 Example: Hardware Initialization
in an ARM-Based Embedded System • After reset or power on, the instruction located
a Formal Computational Model for Correct Manipulation and Transformation of Heterogeneous Embedded System
S Vinco ,di.univr.it
In literature, the main proposed approaches for handling such a heterogeneity are model-
based design methodologies, providing frameworks and design flows, and the definition of
formal models. Unluckily, most of such approaches rely on strict top-down methodologies
Development of Portable Electronic Embedded System pH Meter Test Kit by Using In-house Fabricated ISFET for Fruit Ripeness Detection
MN Haron ,1st INEE Annual Colloquium 2010, 2010 ,unimap.edu.my
10| Page situ probe that is lightweight, flexible, durable, and inexpensive. The major
activities involved in this project is to develop ISFET in-house fabrication as well as
embedded system to process and analyze data, measuring pH for fruits in terms of
The embedded desktop augmented reality system based on ADSP-BF561
C Wang, D Yan, D Zhang ,Proc. of SPIE Vol, 2008 ,lib.semi.ac.cn
Page 1. 0′ I -I }EGH—?E!CISION _____ EMBEDDED SYSTEM I I 6625 662508-1 Page 2. As shown
in Figure 1, The video embedded system, which is fixed at the end of the mechanical tracking system,
can be realized self-locking in any position and location tracking.
Development of an Embedded Web Server System for Controlling and Monitoring of Remote Devices
I Hariyale ,2011 ,research.ijcaonline.org
Java. 1. INTRODUCTION In comparison with PC, the embedded system is greatly
improved in stability, reliability and safety etc. The embedded system transplanted
web server can be called embedded web server. Through
A Hardware/Software Codesign for Image Processing in a Processor Based Embedded Systemfor Vehicle Detection
H Moon, S Moon, Y Seo ,jips-k.org
Abstract: Vehicle detector system based on image processing technology is a significant
domain of ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) applications due to its advantages such as
low installation cost and it does not obstruct traffic during the installation of vehicle
Reinforcement Learning Based Adaptive Energy Management on Diverse Applications forEmbedded System
CT Liu ,csie.ntu.edu.tw
Abstract—Use of adaptive energy management strategies is essential in improving energy
utilization, efficiency, and sustainable operation of embedded systems. Accordingly, this
paper presents embedded system applications, which are suitable for employing adaptive
Embedded System Control: Design and Implementation on Multifunctional Sounding Rocket Ground Testing Equipment
L Adetoro ,ssc.smr.ru
Abstract: An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system designed to perform
one or a few dedicated functions often with real-time computing constraints. It is usually
embedded as part of a complete device including hardware and mechanical parts. The
Smart energy management and low-power embedded system design
S Bosse ,spie.org
There is growing demand for miniaturized smart sensors that are embedded in sensorial
materials and smart actuators. In these applications, each sensor and actuator node
provides a sensor, electronics, data processing, and communication. Increasing
Power Prediction of Application Software for Embedded System Based on PXA270 Processor
S Kwon, H Kim, C Lim, DJ Bae ,nguyendangbinh.org
Abstract–Since most of the embedded systems suffer from its restricted running environment,
energy-efficient system design is important. We should consider the structural efficiency not
only from the hardware perspective, but also from the software one. System spends
Research on width detection of building crack algorithm in Embedded system Based on Image
HZLJJ Yongkui ,Proc. of SPIE Vol ,
ABSTRACT The width of the crack is an important indicator in evaluation of the quality of the
buildings. Hand-held embedded device used for measuring the width of the cracks can
reduces the labor intensity of staff, improve the efficiency and reliability of measurement. In
Embedded System for Mobile Acquisition of Emotion-Related Physiological Data
H Beikirch, C Peter, A Fink ,2008 ,cg.cs.uni-bonn.de
Technical systems are ubiquitous today and interaction with them a usual, but often
cumbersome or harassing activity. To improve the quality of interactions and hence the user
experience with a system, the user’s affective state needs to be observed. Adaptive
MARTE for time modeling and verification of real-time embedded system
MA Peraldi-Frati,
Abstract—This paper presents the different steps of a methodology for modeling real-time
requirements and ensuring their validation and their traceability over a design flow for
embedded system design. A specific metamodel for temporal constraints modeling is
Embedded System Example: Web Server Design Using MicroBlaze Soft Processor
R Armstrong, M Muggli, M Ouellette ,2004 ,direct.xilinx.com
Summary This application note describes an embedded system example design of a Web
server running on the MicroBlaze™ soft processor, designed using the Embedded
Development Kit (EDK). The application note also explains how to set up a system as a
Development of an Image Acquisition System for Hand Vein Based on Embedded System
L Xiuyan, L Tiegen, W Yunxin, Y Chenhu ,Proc. of SPIE , 2009 ,
ABSTRACT As one kind of the latest forms of biometrics, the human hand vein recognition
utilizes a state-of-the-art recognition algorithm based on unique veins and capillaries found
on human dorsal hand, which possesses the advantages such as well anti-falsification
Face Detection Using The Embedded System
YJ Lee, DH Ko, SM Song ,ieice.org
Abstract: This paper based on the face detection framework proposed by Viola and Jones
2001. There are three key contributions. The first is the introduction of a new image
representation called the “Integral Image” which allows the features used by oue detector
Design for Middle-Way of Intelligent Energy-Saving System with Embedded System
DL Lee, KY Chen, CL Hsu ,2012 26th International , 2012 ,ieeexplore.ieee.org
Abstract—In this paper the middle-way of the intelligent energy-saving system was
constructed with embedded system PXA300 and the human-machine interface software was
programmed with Visual Studio 2005 which was embedded into the system with the
Embedded-system programmers must learn the fundamentals
designfeature By Randall Hyde, Consultant designfeature Embedded-system-designer
education 92 edn| May 26, 2005 www. edn. com timized code for their applications. British
computing pioneer Sir Tony Hoare once wrote:“Premature optimization is the root of all
The embedded system curriculum (ESC) is one of the most important programs in
engineering education [1]. One of the main concerns for teaching ESC is the diverse
backgrounds of learners [2], especially in the undergraduate program with different