engine transmission-automotive engineering

Application of CFD to modelling two-phase flow in a high-speed aero- engine transmission chamber
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ABSTRACT in this paper a CPD-based strategy is used to model two of the dominant ?mdamental characteristics of the two-phase airfoil ?ow ?eld within a bearing chamber; ?rstly the complex three dimensional (3D) air?ow and subsequently the associated motion of oil

AFR and fuel cut-off modeling of LPG-fueled engine based on engine , transmission , and brake system using fuzzy logic controller (FLC)
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During deceleration, continuous fuel flows into the engine not only causing over fuel consumption but also increasing exhausts emissions. Therefore, this paper presents a simulation of AFR and fuel cut-off modeling in the LPG-fueled vehicle using Fuzzy Logic

Automotive engine modeling for real time control
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5.2.3 Engine Speed Control, CL Throttle and Spark Advance 5.2.4 Gain Weighting 5.2.5 Turbine Speed Control 5.2.6 Coordinated Engine / Transmission Control Chapter 6 Summary 6.1 Results . . References

The role of modern control theory for automotive engine control
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imization problems. (a) Engine , transmission , and catalyst scalar although it depend on several input control variables (u) response variable (y), with dynamics measure is to obtain an estimate of the variable engine , transmission , and catalytic systems is

Analytical investigations of coupled rotorcraft/engine/drive train dynamics
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A de tailed finite element model of a complete vehicle includ ing flexible rotor blades, fuselage, engine , transmission , tail rotor, and a feedback control system was studied with the Second Generation Comprehensive Helicopter Analysis System (2GCHAS)

Vehicle powertrain systems
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Page 1. VEHICLE POWERTRAIN SYSTEMS Behrooz Mashadi Iran University of Science and Technology David Crolla University of Sunderland, UK WILEY A John Wiley Sons, Ltd., Publication Page 2. Contents About the Authors Preface List of Abbreviations

Evaluating Engine Contributions to HEV Driveline Vibrations
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relationships or experimental data. Our discussion of modeling efforts will start with some general modeling issues and then present details of the engine , transmission and vehicle models used in this work. Control Signals Both

Transmission drive rattle with thermo-elastohydrodynamic impacts: numerical and experimental investigations
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The transmission is fitted with a clutch torsional damper and a DMF. The fully configurable nature of the rig enables the replacement of these components, providing adequate compatibility with the engine / transmission assembly

Development of a post-transmission hybrid powertrain
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Se co nd ary To rq ue Figure 4: Operating Points and Actual Modes during a Real World Cycle Figure 4 shows the results for a certain C- segment vehicle. The upper graph shows the non- hybrid (magenta) as well as the hybrid operating points of engine + transmission

Real time simulation of complex automatic transmission models
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Page 2. Real Time Simulation of Complex Automatic Transmission Models 2 Introduction To manage the function of a vehicles engine , transmission , and related subsystems, almost all modern vehicles make use of an electronic control system

Power split Hydro-mechanical Variable Transmission (HVT) for off-highway application
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450 reach stacker) over a standard reference cycle performed by the same driver (see figure 2). Each vehicle was completely instrumented and all the main physical variables, such as the transmission input torque and speed (provided by the engine ), transmission output torque

Kinematic and dynamic computation of vehicle transmission based on regular constructs
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Page 1. Draft 12th IFToMM World Congress, Besançon (France), June18-2 2007 Kinematic and dynamic computation of vehicle transmission based on regular constructs V. Algin* V. Ivanov§ Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering Belarusian National Technical

An experimental comparison of transmission vibration responses from OH-58 and AH-1 helicopters
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Page 1. Presented at the American Helicopter Society 57th Annual Forum, Washington DC, 9-1 2001. Copyright by the American Helicopter Society. All rights reserved. An Experimental Comparison of Transmission

Advanced development of dual mass flywheel (DMFW) design-noise control for todays automobiles
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Figure 1 shows a simple model designed to simulate fundamental vibration behavior. The engine , transmission and vehicle are represented as rotating inertias connected by springs This is a typical cause of gear rattle. engine transmission vehicle vibration model

Design optimization and development of vibration analysis program for engine mount system
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Keywords: Engine mount; Vibration design; EMTOOLS; DOE; Design optimization Introduction The vehicle engine mounting system generally consists of engine , transmission supplementary systems and several mount rubbers connected to the vehicle structure

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These pages provide operating instructions for GEM application software which displays J1939- compatible engine transmission data on a CANtrak human-machine interface (HMI) If a parameter is not available from the engine / transmission , it will not be possible to select it Page 1. Model-based Condition Monitoring of Gasoline and Diesel Engines and their Components Combustion Engine Diagnosis Rolf Isermann ATZ/MTZ-Fachbuch Page 2. ATZ/MTZ-Fachbuch Page 3. Die komplexe Technik

Dynamic behavior of transmission systems
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Page 7. TETARP: Torsional degree of freedom related to main rotor Engine: Ktrp: Main rotor/ engine transmission stiffness Ntlrp: Main rotor speed/power turbine speed Ira: Tail rotor inertia Ktra: Tail rotor/ engine transmission stiffness Ntlra: Tail rotor speed/power turbine speed

Engine mounts and its design considerations
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IJERTV2IS110220 Page 3. 1. Introduction: The Mounting of the powerplant ( engine - transmission assembly) receives great care in the design and development of a new vehicle, and the mount specifications of the production parts are carefully guarded by reliability inspectors

From Physical Modeling to Real-Time Simulation: Feed back on the use of Modelica in the engine control development toolchain
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Modelisar and Open Prod. Our aims are to attest Modelica language in an over- all model of a vehicle consisting of vehicle dynam- ics, combustion engine , transmission , drive line, brakes and control systems. ModEngine is a CSE PROJECTS