enjoy school time
ABC Learn Online ABC’s Education gateway for children and youth.
ABC Teach Includes dozens of free printable activities, research and report help, project and writing ideas, and diorama themes to print.
Academic Kids Find articles about science, history, mathematics, people, geography, sports, art and cultures. Includes clipart and timelines.
Apples4theteacher.com Features games and fun activities in art, music, foreign languages, English, math, science, and social studies. For students from kindergarten to the 6th grade.
BBC – Learning Schools Learning resources for kids at home and at school. Find activities and games.
Brain POP Learn about your body, space, science and health. Have your homework questions answered with a movie, ask for advice, or just browse and learn. Some free sections but full access requires a paid subscription.
The Children’s University of Manchester Learn about the human body, energy, early Egypt, the earth, organisms, textiles and language . Features short lessons, quizzes and activities.
Classroom Clipart Provides educational clipart to be used on projects and reports. Clipart categories include countries, dinosaurs, animals, space, and weather.
Doofuzz Dudes Club Play online games, do puzzles and win prizes, and download computer wallpaper, birthday invitations and coloring pictures.
Dr Pedi : Why? What? How? Dr Pedi answers questions, such as why do we blink, what is pollution, why do we dream, and how should we take care of our teeth.
EDinformatics: Math and Science Activity Center Contains interactive activities for many science topics.
Education by Design Kids Activities Online activities for kids including a Pokemon scrambler, math games, and a place to publish stories, jokes and poems.
Education Place Free games, activities, and resources for students studying math, reading, social studies and science.
Eeyore’s Patch Winnie the Pooh and friends help teach children how to count, tell the time and learn about nature. Includes interactive exercises and sound files.
Enchanted Learning Site for K-3rd grade students includes both online and printable activities for all subject areas.
EZSchool Interactive tutorials, printable worksheets, and games.
GCSE Guide Provides resources for the English and math portions of the test.
GCSE Revising RevisionTutorials, tips and advice for meeting General Certificate of Secondary Education requirements in maths, English and physics. Includes science coursework support.
IPL2: For Kids – Math and Science Resources from Internet Public Library cover space, animals, earth science, history, math, physics, plants, and technology.
Janet’s Planet Contains video segments, whose topics range from the explanation of the food pyramid to the migratory habits of cranes.
Just for Kids Only Includes math, reading, and science sections, as well as activities for parents to do with toddlers and preschoolers.
Kbears.com Interactive Flash website for young children includes educational activities as well as fun and games.
Kidcyber Covers topics in sports, space, the planet earth, animals, Australia, technology and inventions, animals, and food and my body.
Kidport Home Page Provides interactive math, science, social studies and language arts activities for K-8th graders. Also includes teacher and parent pages. Requires Shockwave plug-in.
Kids Courier Features news, science, reading, math and social studies resources.
Kids Web India Aimed at young people of all ages, with quizzes, puzzles, poems, photographs, games, and general knowledge.
KidsGen Features hobbies and stories, jokes, poems, craft ideas, information about holidays and parties, school projects and magic tricks.
Learning Haven A learning resource covering most subjects and helping with homework. Also provides some free courses and activities.
MidLink Magazine Bi-monthly online magazine created for middle and high school students around the world. Contains details of proposed and completed class projects.
MrNussBaum.com Offers lots of games on topics such as math, language, science, and social studies.
Mrs. Thonus’s Third Grade Stars Includes spelling lists, ongoing homework assignments, curriculum related pages/links, class newsletter, student work and photographs of classroom activities in Marstons Mills East School in Massachusetts. Includes music.
Ms. Jasztal’s Fourth Grade Class Class page for students in Brooksville, Florida. Includes information about class projects, the teacher, parent tips, a clickable interactive map, and suggested resource links.
National Geographic Kids News Weekly news from across the world with an environmental focus. Includes sections on animals and nature, history, people and places, space and science, and wacky news. USA.
NCES Kids’ Zone [ ] – Information about schools, finding a library, quizzes, graphing, and games.
Northumberland Teaching and Learning Resources and activities for teachers and pupils covering most curriculum areas. Online activities for literacy, numeracy, design and technology, as well as information on creating school web sites.
PinkMonkey.com Large collection of literature notes, online textbooks, digital library, and other study resources.
Pitara Have fun learning stories, poems, crafts, science facts, world news, biographies, quizzes, and games.
Print and Learn for Kids Print out a page from this site to learn or practice math concepts on paper.
Professor Garfield Visit the comics lab. Find activities and games about reading, drawing, music, language arts, science, and social studies.
Research Process Helper Offers a framework to help students work through a research project. Its goals are information literacy, information problem-solving, and the research process.
Smithsonian Education Learn about art, science, history, people and places by reading short articles, playing games and doing short trivia quizzes.
Spark Island Learning Resources Online learning adventures for primary-aged kids. Free trial registration.
Studies Made Easy Offers homework help, math tricks, science news, periodic table, and a discussion forum.
Tiki the Penguin’s Quizzes Interactive quizzes on subjects ranging from food to the world.
Time for Time Features interactive games, quizzes, animated time zones, class clock and the history of telling time. Includes lesson plans and create-your own worksheets for teachers.