eye-glasses IEEE PAPER
Using eye tracking glasses to analyze mobile device interactions
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Interactions with screen based devices (PCs, laptops) are usually evaluated using remote eye trackers that are attached to a static screen. In addition some require the head to be stable and use a chin rest to ensure this is the case. Consequently users look at the screen from a
Hand-eye coordination in virtual reality, using a desktop display, stereoglasses, and a 3-D mouse
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Abstract. Many virtual reality displays augment the user's view of the real world but do not completely mask it out or replace it. Intuitive control and realistic interaction with these displays depend on accurate hand-eye coordination: the projected image ofa 3-D cursor
Human-€ omputer Interaction Using Eye-Glasses Shape Information by 3-D€ omputer'Vision Techniquesii
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ABSTRACT An approach to human-computer interaction using eye-glasses shape information by} D computer vision techniques is proposed. The direction of sight is estimated by the pose of a pair of eye glasses wom on the user. The eye-glasses shape used in this
Mental workload assessment using eye-tracking glasses in a simulated maritime scenario
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Abstract The primary goal of this study was the assessment of maritime operators' mental workload in simulation scenarios designed for containing typical traffic situations to be handled by officers during usual routine ship navigation. Taskload was manipulated
Microtomography to Study Flame Retardants, Coronary Arteries, VolcanicGlasses, and the Structure of the Eye
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Tomography is one of the best nondestructive tools for conducting studies of the internal structure of objects as well as elemental studies of objects. For example, consider a concentration or distribution map in 3-D of a material. Consider calcification attached to
Eye Movement Measuring System for 3-D Virtual Display with Liquid CrystalGlasses
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Abstract made an eye movement measuring system equipped with liquid crystal glasses {LCD}. This system allows us to measure some aspects of eye movements of subjects. who look at the