face-recognition IEEE PAPER 2017
Age-related differences in face recognition: neural correlates of repetition and semantic priming in young and older adults.
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Difficulties in person recognition are among the common complaints associated with cognitive ageing. The present series of experiments therefore investigated face and person recognition in young and older adults. We examined how within-domain and cross-domain
Face Detection and Recognition using Viola-Jones algorithm and Fusion of PCA and ANN
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Keywords: Face recognition, Principal Component Analysis, Artificial Neural Network, Viola-Jones algorithm. INTRODUCTION: Face recognition is a major challenge encountered in multidimensional visual model analysis and is a hot area of research.
Reconstruction-Based Disentanglement for Pose-invariant Face Recognition
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Abstract Deep neural networks (DNNs) trained on large-scale datasets have recently achieved impressive improvements in face recognition. But a persistent challenge remains to develop methods capable of handling large pose variations that are relatively under-
GPU Based Face Recognition System for Authentication
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ABSTRACT-Face has significant role in identifying a person for authentication purpose in public places such as airport security. Face recognition has many real world applications including surveillance and authentication. Due to complex and multidimensional structure of
Individual recognition and the face inversion effectin medaka fish (Oryzias latipes)
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Okayama University, Okayama, Japan Abstract Individual recognition (IR) is essential for maintaining various social interactions in a group, and face recognition is one of the most specialised cognitive abilities in IR. We used both
Comparision of PCA and LDA Techniques for Face Recognition Feature Based Extraction With Accuracy Enhancement
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Abstract-A Face recognition technology is a most important approach in our day to day life. It is mostly used to identified a human being and provide a security in many aspects of life. It becomes very difficult task for researcher to get a best face recognition rate in a various
Marginal loss for deep face recognition
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Abstract Convolutional neural networks have significantly boosted the performance of face recognition in recent years due to its high capacity in learning discriminative features. In order to enhance the discriminative power of the deeply learned features, we propose a new
PCA Based Human Face Recognition with Improved Method for Distorted Images due to Facial Makeup
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AbstractFacial makeup may change the appearance of a face which can degrade the accuracy of an automatic face recognition system. Gradientfaces, an illumination invariant technique, has been found to work well with principle component analysis for human face
Geometrical and Visual Feature Quantization for 3D Face Recognition.
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Abstract: In this paper, we present an efficient method for 3D face recognition based on vector quantization of both geometrical and visual proprieties of the face. The method starts by describing each 3D face using a set of orderless features, and use then the Bag-of-
Automatic Locking Door Using Face Recognition
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ABSTRACT Nowadays people use keys, security cards, password or pattern to open the door. The aim of this paper is to help people for improvement of the door security of sensitive locations by using face detection and recognition. Face is a complex multidimensional
A comparative study on various state of the art face recognition techniques under varying facial expressions.
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Abstract: Through face we can know the emotions and feelings of a person. It can also be used to judge a persons mental aspect and psychomatic aspects. There are 5 state of the art approaches for recognizing faces under varying facial expressions. These 5 approaches are
Age Invariant Face Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Set Distances
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Abstract Biometric security systems based on facial characteristics face a challenging task due to variability in the intrapersonal facial appearance of subjects traced to factors such as pose, illumination, expression and aging. This paper innovates as it proposes a deep
Face recognition in the Edge Cloud
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing opens the door of a new paradigm where it is possible to provide service using Internet thus removing the barrier of limited hardware configuration (ie, processing and storage) of the mobile device. Edge cloud computing is an emerging field
Disentangled representation learning gan for pose-invariant face recognition
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Abstract The large pose discrepancy between two face images is one of the key challenges in face recognition. Conventional approaches for pose-invariant face recognition either perform face frontalization on, or learn a pose-invariant representation from, a non-frontal
Wavelet Transform Based Face Recognition Using SURF Descriptors
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AbstractThis paper presents a new approach to classify salient points as belonging to objects in the face classes. Speeded-Up Robust Features (SURF) algorithm is used to generate feature descriptors. SURF is applied on the subband images generated using
Face Recognition System Using PCA, LDAJacobi Method
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ABSTRACT This paper presents an efficient Face Recognition System using Principle Component Analysis and Linear Discriminant Analysis to recognize person and Jacobi Method is used to find Eigen values and Eigen vectors which is very important step for PCA
Built-in Face Recognition for Smart Phone Devices
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Abstract-This paper presents the deployment of face recognition on mobile phones. Smart phones have become the most convenient and ubiquitous interface for Internet services. They are equipped with massive amount of sensors that can significantly improve the users
TITLE: Remember Me Improving Face Recognition Ability in Males
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Abstract Face perception research dating back to Shapiro and Penrod (1986) has consistently found that females demonstrate superior facial recognition memory compared to males. A recent eyetracking experiment attributed this female advantage to a sex difference
Aging Face Recognition Along with Personal Identification using Local Patterns Selection
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Abstract: Aging is defined as a biological process of growing older. Aging estimation deals with prediction of specific age or age group from face. Aging face recognition has several applications in real world including missing children finding, passport verification etc. Aging
Face and Person Recognition from Unconstrained Video
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In this paper, face detection point overcome the drawback of single view point. For is necessary first-step in face recognition systems, with the purpose of localizing and extracting face region from the example multiple view point increases the position of the background.
Face Recognition: A Survey
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Abstract Face recognition has gained a significant position among most commonly used applications of image processing furthermore availability of viable technologies in this field have contributed a great deal to it. In spite of rapid progress in this field it still has to
Face Recognition Credentials using Fusion of CDF 5/3 Lift Discrete Wavelet Transform and FFT
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Abstract Face recognition has emerged as a popular and universally accepted biometrics compared to other biometric traits, since the image can be captured without the knowledge and co-operation of a person. In this paper, we propose Face recognition using fusion of
Joint Sparse Representation Mechanism for Multimodal Face Recognition
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ABSTRACT: Biometric recognition systems rely on a single biometric signature for authentication. While the advantage of using multiple sources of information for establishing the identity has been widely recognized, computational models for multimodal biometrics
Pose Normalization based on Kernel ELM Regression for Face Recognition.
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AbstractPose variation is the one of the main difficulty faced by present automatic face recognition system. Due to the pose variations, feature vectors of the same person may vary more than inter person identity. This paper aims to generate virtual frontal view from its
Efficient Implementation on Human Face Recognition under Various Expressions using LoG, LBP and SVM
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Abstract: Humans have always had the innate capability to recognize and distinguish between faces; recently computers have shown an equal ability to recognize and distinguish the human faces. Facial recognition is a biometric method of identifying an individual by
Image Quality Assessment for Fake Biometric Detection: Application to Iris, Fingerprint, and Face Recognition
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Abstract: Image Quality Assessment (IQA) is one of the statistical techniques used in image processing to determine whether the biometric sample is real or fake. The objective of the system is to enrich the biometric recognition security. This paper deals with two distinct
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Abstract-In modern times, face recognition has become one of the key aspects of computer vision. There are at least two reasons for this trend; the first is the commercial and law enforcement applications, and the second is the availability of feasible technologies after
2D Face Recognition: An Experimental and Reproducible Research Survey
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Abstract Due to its wide range of applications, automatic face recognition is a research area with high popularity. Many different face recognition algorithms have been proposed in the last decades. Nearly every day there is a new face recognition paper sent to a conference or
A filtered local pattern descriptor for face recognition and infrared pedestrian detection
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Abstract: In recent decades, the local pattern descriptor has achieved tremendous success in the field of face recognition, pedestrian detection, and image texture analysis. This paper presents a generic approach, called the filtered local pattern descriptor (FLPD), which Abstract Dictionary learning has recently attracted a great deal of attention due to its efficacy in sparse representation based image classification task. There are two main limitations of the Sparse Representation based Classification (SRC) for applications. One is that the
Averaging Representation of Standard Face Images and Recognition by KPCA and GFMT
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Abstract: Face recognition has received substantial attention from both research communities and the market, but still remained very challenging in real-time applications.Keywords: Face recognition, KPCA, GFMT, Triangulation, Morphing, and Averaging. I. INTRODUCTION
The Fusion of Gabor Feature and Sparse Representation for Face Recognition
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Abstract. In the field of face recognition, the application of sparse representation is very successful, even if the images are taked under different illumination or including facial expression, it still has good recognition effect. However, when the test and training images
A New Hybrid Approach on Face Detection and Recognition
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video surveillance. Keywords: Face Detection, Face Recognition, Eigen Faces, Viola Jones. I. INTRODUCTION Facecomplex background. Face recognition from image or video is a popular topic in biometrics research. Many
A Study on Face Recognition Techniques with Age and Gender Classification
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Abstract-Nowadays research has explored to extracting auxiliary information from various biometric techniques such as fingerprints, face, iris, palm, voice etc. This information contains some features like gender, age, beard, moustache, scars, height, hair, skin color,
Misclassified Samples based Hierarchical Cascaded Classifier for Video Face Recognition.
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Abstract Due to various factors such as postures, facial expressions and illuminations, face recognition by videos often suffer from poor recognition accuracy and generalization ability, since the within-class scatter might even be higher than the between-class one. Herein we
Metrological characterization of 3D biometric face recognition systems in actual operating conditions
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ABSTRACT Nowadays, face recognition systems are going to widespread in many fields of application, from automatic user login for financial activities and access to restricted areas, to surveillance for improving security in airports and railway stations, to cite a few. In such
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Abstract The objective of this research is to study the effects of image enhancement techniques on face recognition performance of wearable gadgets with an emphasis on recognition rate. In this research, a number of image enhancement techniques are selected
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The effects of change in illumination direction, plastic surgery procedures induce intra face (face image versions of the same person) dissimilarity, which are obstruction to robust face recognition. The most challenging task for
A Survey on Effective Attendance Marking Using Face Recognition Behavior Monitoring and RFID
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Abstract: In the existing system, Attendance monitoring is an Old Technology to call the names of the Students Manually. Proxy Attendance is quite comfortably happening in it. In the proposed system, RFID system is used to monitor the student attendance but has some
Pose Regularization Based Automatic Multi-View Face Recognition Method
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ABSTRACT Face recognition techniques encounters difficulty in handling arbitrary poses variations. Various approaches have been worked upon for face recognition across pose variations, wherein many methods either require manual landmark annotations or assume
Snowflake Logarithmic Metrics for Face Recognition in the Zernike Domain
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Abstract Five power transform (aka snowflake) distance metrics are constructed for the purpose of defining similarity measures for holistic face recognition. The power transform metrics are based on the logarithm of five distance metrics: Euclidean, City-Block, Soergel,
An Assimilated Face Recognition System With effective Gender Recognition Rate
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Abstract-This paper focuses on assimilating the existing Face Recognition techniques and also to perform Gender Recognition by calculating the Gender Recognition Rate (GRR), which is a metric of calculating the average efficiency of Gender Recognition. Numbers of
An Enhanced Position Tracking Motion Prediction and Face Recognition System using Fuzzy Logic
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ABSTRACT The application of expert system is increasingly becoming an area of interest. Since reliability is the key matter for computer technology, fuzzy-logic-expert-system allows knowledge to be simplified by avoiding the knowledgeengineer to forestall the imaginable
Smart Attendance Monitoring System to Avoid Fraudulence by Synchronizing Results of RFID and Face Recognition System
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Regularity of students attendance is prior in the administration of all the Educational Institutions during the recent decades. Poor attendance leads to detention which affects the overall academic performance of the students. Even in this hi-tech century, students
Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Complex Background
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Page 1. Journal of Signal and Information Processing, 2017, 8, 99-112 http://www.scirp.org/journal/ jsip ISSN Online: 2159-4481 ISSN Print: 2159-4465 Real-Time Face Detection and Recognition in Complex Background Xin Zhang, Thomas Gonnot, Jafar Saniie
Wearable Face Recognition System to Aid Visually Impaired People
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ABSTRACT Visually impaired people faces lot of problems in day to day life. Our goal is to make them lead a life which is of security and safety for their own wellbeing. The inability to recognize known individuals in the absence of audio or haptic cues severely restrictions the
Essam. H system for Face Recognition
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Abstract Face Recognition Building new system for (face recognition problem). A system based on the integration of the following methods: _ SVD, which is used to extract three matrices, one of these matrices depends on the rows and the other on the columns and the
An Effective Framwork for Face Recognition using PSO and Eigen Filtration
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Abstract: Face Recognition System (FRS) is a computer application, which can detect, verify and recognize the faces. This paper gives the literature survey of the related work. The area is still an active area of research and new algorithms are being published with increased
A Face Recognition and Spoofing Detection Adapted to Visually-Impaired People
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Abstract: According to estimates by the world Health organization, about 285 million people suffer from some kind of visual disabilities of which 39 million are blind, resulting in 0.7 of the word population. As many visual impaired peoples in the word they are unable to recognize
Novel System for Face Recognition Based on SVD and GLCM
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Abstract Face recognition has main attention from several foundations and researchers as a result to the increasing significance of security and its applications. Many approaches were introduced; each one had strengths and weaknesses. Hybrid classifier approach for face
Feature Fusion and Classifier Ensemble Technique for Robust Face Recognition
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Abstract Face recognition is an important part of the broader biometric security systems research. In the past, researchers have explored either the Feature Space or the Classifier Space at a time to achieve efficient face recognition. In this work, both the Feature Space
Study of Face Recognition techniques
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Abstract In this study, we have
Attendance Monitoring System using Face Recognition
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Abstract-Authentication is a significant issue in system control in computer based communication. Human face recognition is an important branch of biometric verification and has been widely used in many applications, such as video monitor system, human-computer
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In our project, we have worked on both face recognition and detection techniques. The user wears camera glasses, and system speaks the saved persons name when his face comes in view of the camera. In face recognition
Unsupervised Method for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition
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Abstract-Today face recognition is very important field in biometric identification. Face sketch recognition is one of the special typeface recognition.Keywords: Face Recognition; Gradient Edge Detection; Hair Detection; Gaussian Blur; Contrast Stretching. I. INTRODUCTION
3DLBP and SVD Fusion for 3D Face Recognition Using Range Image
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Abstract In this paper, we present a novel approach for fusing 3D Local Binary Pattrns (3DLBP) and singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for face recognition whenKinectis used as the 3D face scanner. Another approach is used to compare the 3DLBP method,
Face Representation and Face Recognition using Optimized Local Ternary Patterns (OLTP)
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Abstract For many years, researchers in face description area have been representing and recognizing faces based on different methods that include subspace discriminant analysis, statistical learning and non-statistics based approach etc. But still automatic face recognition
Quality Based Enhancement for Face Recognition using LBP Feature Extraction and classifying using SVM
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Abstract: Face detection plays a main role in many of the application normally faces can be detected by using classifiers and feature extraction but some of the images which has low quality like dark images, dull images, shadow images may cause problems in face detection
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ABSTRACT: Rotation invariant face recognition is an important area of research because of its many real-world applications, especially in creating a more robust recognition system for commercial and government technologies. Their diffusion is mainly supported by
A Review of Dimensionality Reduction in Face Recognition
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Abstract Face recognition is playing a significant role especially in the field of security, banking, social and judicial area. Face recognition techniques are used to compare an input image with a database of stored faces in order to identify the person in that input image.
Home Security System and Door Access Control Based on Face Recognition
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Abstract-Smart security system has become indispensable in modern daily life. The proposed security system has been developed to prevent robbery in highly secure areas like home environment with lesser power consumption and more reliable standalone security
A Review on Automatic Heterogeneous Face Recognition
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Abstract: Facial recognition has been rapidly growing in areas where real-time challenging and interesting applications. A large number of facial recognition algorithms have been developed for nearly a decade. In this paper, the review of a wide range of methods for facial
Distributed face recognition over a reliable self organizing storage device built from unreliable distributed sensor nodes
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This research describes a set of techniques that allow a set of independent cam- era nodes, each of which have limited processing, storage and communication capabilities to self-organize into a distributed face recognition system. The system respects amorphous computing
Automatic attendance system by using face recognition
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Abstract-Students attendance in the classroom is very important task and if taken manually wastes a lot of time. There are many automatic methods available for this purpose ie biometric attendance. All these methods also waste time because students have to make a
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ABSTRACT Face recognition plays a challenging role in the field of image processing. Though one of its benefit is that the person can easily be identified among the crowd through face recognition, but it has several issues that need to be overcome such as facial
Face Recognition Using Gradient Derivative Local Binary Patterns
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Abstract The emerging notion of the smart city has paying attention in the research field of urban development. One of the challenges of the smart city is how to understand the data collected by the sensor and make a decision. The face detection plays a key role in our
Night time face recognition at large standoff
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Abstract-The face recognition in the night time situation becomes difficult, if the subject is at larger distance from the camera. Thus image quality degrades because of large standoff and low luminance at night time. To address this challenging issue of night time face recognition,
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Abstract This paper proposes a new face recognition algorithm called local derivative tetra pattern (LDTrP). The new technique LDTrP is used to alleviate the face recognition rate under real-time challenges. Local derivative pattern (LDP) is a directional feature extraction
Detailed Survey of Different Face Recognition Approaches
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Abstract-With data and information accumulating in abundance, there is a crucial need for high security. Biometrics has now received more attention. Face biometrics, useful for a persons authentication is a simple and non-intrusive method that recognizes face in
Automated Face Recognition System for Criminals via Dictionary Learning
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Abstract-The paper deals with the face recognition of criminals from the images and videos. It is the undersampled method because it does not uses much images to perform the face recognition. Now-a-days crimes are increasing at it is difficult for the police to maintain their
Face Recognition to Handle Facial Expression, Occlusions, and Posture Variation
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Abstract: In this paper, we present a framework for analysing faces, with the specific goals of matching, comparing, and averaging their shapes. Here we handle variations of facial expression, pose variations, and occlusions between the gallery and probe scans. The
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Abstract Face recognition system places an important role in many person authentication applications. While recognition of these faces so many problems are there, example pose, illumination, and aging. So many algorithms have been proposed to solve these problems.
Unsupervised Learning Dimensionality Reduction Algorithm PCA For Face Recognition
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AbstractSome challenges of developing face recognition system is to train examples of different poses, illuminations, contrast and background conditions. Even though if the system works okay with the tested data set; it fails big time to perform accurately with new data set
Cross Local Gabor Binary Pattern Descriptor with Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition
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AbstractAutomatic face recognition is a well researched area, but still many of the current face recognition methods sensitive to lighting and pose changes. In this paper we introduce a novel facial feature representation to enhance the robustness of face recognition against
Human Face DetectionRecognition Using Raspberry Pi
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Fig. 1 Raspberry Pi 3. Existing Technique Of Face Recognition 3.1server. In recent years face recognition has received substantial attention from researchers in biometrics, pattern recognition, and computer vision communities.
Face Recognition as a Kronecker Product Equation
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AbstractVarious parameters influence face recognition such as expression, pose, and illumination. In contrast to matrices, tensors can be used to naturally accommodate for the different modes of variation. The multilinear singular value decomposition (MLSVD) then
A Comparative Analysis of Face Recognition Methods Using Neural Networks, FuzzyNeuro-Fuzzy System
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Abstract-Face recognition is one form of biometric identification which has become an important way of recognizing person in a real time system. It gained importance due to its applications in many security related areas such as at airport terminals, authentication.
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) and the Face Inversion Effect: Anodal stimulation at Fp3 reduces recognition for upright faces
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faces. This result supports our account of perceptual learning and its role as a key factor in face recognition. Keywords: TDCS; Perceptual learning; Face inversion effect; Old/new recognition task; Face recognition Introduction
Partial Face Recognition Using Robust Point Set Matching
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Abstract: A number of methods have been proposed for recognition of a face over the past few decades. Some of them have shown promising results but they work only in well controlled condition. In this method, the face patch and the gallery image are brought to the
Human Emotion Recognition from Face Images Based On Textural Analysis and Linear Classifier
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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research Volume.06, IssueNo.02, January-2017, Pages: 0318-0322 [7]] W. Zhao and R. Chellappa and PJ Phillips and A. Rosenfeld, Face Recognition: A Literature Survey, ACM Comput.
A Summary of Illumination and Sketch Based Face Recognition Techniques
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Abstract-Face recognition has recently received significant attention especially during the past several years as it is one of the most successful applications of image analysis and understanding. The wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications, the
An Intelligent Automate Door Access Control and Home Security System Based on Face Recognition
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Abstract: Smart home security control system has become indispensable in daily life. The design and development of a home security system, based on human face recognition technology and remotely monitoring technology, to confirm visitor identity and to control door
A New Implementation of Deep Neural Networks for Optical Character Recognition and Face Recognition
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Abstract The automatic analysis and recognition of off-line handwritten characters from images is an important area in many applications. Even with the important progress of recent research in optical character recognition, few problems still wait to be solved specially for
Face feature based extraction and classification for Gender Recognition and Age Estimation using Fuzzy Model: A Review
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Abstract: Facial demographic classification is an attractive topic in computer vision. Attributes such as age and gender can be used in many real life application such as face recognition and internet safety for minors.It is also a useful preprocessing step for face recognition.
Progress in Face Recognition Technology and International Standardization
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1. Abstract In the course of our everyday lives we recognize people we encounter, and respond appropriately as we go about living our lives. In recognizing people, we exploit biometrics in a direct way by observing the physical and behavioral characteristics that make
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Abstract: Object detection or face recognition is one of the most interesting application in the image processing and it is a classical problem in computer vision, having application to surveillance, robotics, multimedia processing. Developing a generic object detection system
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Abstract. The ways of face recognition is in such a way that one can recognize the face. Someone is using software and the aim is to recognize the specified person even after the face is changed. This essay investigates the pros and cons of some of the algorithms of
Comparison of Various Face Recognition Algorithms
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ABSTRACT: The goal of this paper is to present a critical survey of existing literatures on human face recognition using Local Binary Pattern Method. In this paper, I describe the LBP Technique and different approaches proposed in the literature to represent and to recognize
Face Recognition using LBP and PCA under Different Lighting Condition
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Abstract Face is our primary and first focus of attention in social life which plays an important role in identifying an individual. Though there are variations in face due to aging and distractions like beard, glasses or change of hairstyles we can recognize a number of
HANFIS: A New Fast and Robust Approach for Face Recognition and Facial Image Classification
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Abstract. The purpose of this paperwork is to improve the recognition rate and reducing the recognition time required for face recognition application. The method involved in this work is, feature extraction is done using texture based Haralick feature extraction method and
Face Recognition for Biometric Door Unlocking System
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Abstract This paper describes the design and implementation of secure locking using raspberry pi 3 model B for door unlocking to provide essential security to our homes. The work starts with the introduction of face detection followed by detail study of Viola Jones
PCA Algorithm for Human Face Recognition
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ABSTRACT As a Biometric, facial recognition is a form of computer vision that uses faces to attempt to identify a person or verify a persons claimed identity. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is used for data classification and dimensionality reduction. PCA is a
Wavelet-Local binary pattern based face recognition
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ABSTRACT Over the last twenty years face recognition has made immense progress based on statistical learning or subspace discriminant analysis. This paper investigates a technique to reduce features necessary for face recognition based on local binary pattern,
Face Recognition in a WildA new approach-Fast detection and enhanced recognition rate
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AbstractIn this paper we have presented anenhanced and optimized face detection and recognition approach to reduce processing time and at the same time to enhance recognition rate. We have used combined feature search for face detection and DCT based
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ABSTRACT: Human age, as an important personal trait, can be directly inferred by distinct patterns emerging from the facial appearance. Computer-based age synthesis and estimation via faces have become particularly prevalent to picsy because of their explosively
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Abstract Identifying a person with an image has been popularised through the mass media. However, it is less robust to fingerprint or retina scanning. This report describes the face detection and recognition mini-project undertaken for the visual perception and autonomy
Thermal Infrared Face Recognition: A review
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AbstractVisible light face recognition has been well researched but still its performance is limited by varying illumination conditions. Illumination conditions are major source of the uncertainty in face recognition systems performance when it is used in outdoor setting. In
Comparitive Study of Face Recognition using ANN and BFO Technique
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Abstract: The objective of face recognition involves the extraction of different features of the human face from the faceimage for discriminating it from other persons. It is the problem of searching a face in reference database to find thematches as a given face. The purpose is to
A Review of Face Detection and Recognition using Hybrid Approaches
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ABSTRACT Now a days Image processing field is becoming more popular especially for the security purposes. It has many sub fields and face recognition is one of them. Faceetc. to improve the performance of face recognition. CSE PROJECTS