free -cloud computing-02
Fault tolerance-challenges, techniques and implementation in cloud computing
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Fault tolerance is a major concern to guarantee availability and reliability of critical services as well as application execution. In order to minimize failure impact on the system and application execution, failures should be anticipated and proactively handled. Fault
Automated negotiation with decommitment for dynamic resource allocation in cloud computing .
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We consider the problem of allocating networked resources in dynamic environment, such as cloud computing platforms, where providers strategically price resources to maximize their utility. Resource allocation in these environments, where both providers and
Public vs private vs hybrid vs community- cloud computing : a critical review
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These days cloud computing is booming like no other technology. Every organization whether its small, mid-sized or big, wants to adapt this cutting edge technology for its business. As cloud technology becomes immensely popular among these businesses, the
A view of cloud computing
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By miChAEL ARmBRuSt, ARmAnDo fox, REAn GRiffith, Anthony D. JoSEPh, RAnDy KAtz, AnDy KonWinSKi, Gunho LEE, DAViD PAttERSon, ARiEL RABKin, ion StoiCA, AnD mAtEi zAhARiA hours. This elasticity of resources, without paying a premium for large scale, is
Security issues associated with big data in cloud computing
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In this paper, we discuss security issues for cloud computing , Big data, Map Reduce and Hadoop environment. The main focus is on security issues in cloud computing that are associated with big data. Big data applications are a great benefit to organizationsDMTF The DMTFs Open Virtualization Format ( ovf), which debuted last year, is a first step toward hypervisor, and thus cloud - computing , interoperability. OVF provides a way to move vir- tual machines from one hosted platform to another, noted Dave Link, founder
Cloud computing
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Cloud Computing can be obtained and used in various ways and configurations for a vast range of application scenarios. The four case studies described below have been carefully selected to represent best practice examples in different industries and scenarios that use a
Execution analysis of load balancing algorithms in cloud computing environment
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The concept oft Cloud computing has significantly changed the field of parallel and distributed computing systems today. Cloud computing enables a wide range of users to access distributed, scalable, virtualized hardware and/or software infrastructure over the
Improved PSO-based task scheduling algorithm in cloud computing
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Job scheduling system problem is a core and challenging issue in cloud computing . How to use cloud computing resources efficiently and gain the maximum profits with job scheduling system is one of the cloud computing service providers ultimate goals. For characteristics of
Data security in cloud computing using RSA algorithm
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Cloud Computing is an emerging paradigm which has become todays hottest research area due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing . In todays era, it is most interesting and enticing technology which is offering the services to its users on demand
Security issues in cloud computing and countermeasures
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Cloud computing technology is a new concept of providing dramatically scalable and virtualised resources, bandwidth, software and hardware on demand to consumers. Consumers can typically requests cloud services via a web browser or web service. Using
Analysis of load balancing techniques in cloud computing
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Cloud Computing is an emerging computing paradigm. It aims to share data, calculations, and service transparently over a scalable network of nodes. Since Cloud computing stores the data and disseminated resources in the open environment. So, the amount of data
Exploring cloud computing services and applications
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Cloud computing environment provides a great flexibility and availability of computing resources at a lower cost. This emerging technology opens a new era of e-services in different disciplines. In this paper, we explore cloud computing services and applications, we
Mobile cloud computing : the future of cloud
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Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has revolutionized the way in which mobile subscribers across the globe leverage services on the go. The mobile devices have evolved from mere devices that enabled voice calls only a few years back to smart devices that enable the user
Toward the trend of cloud computing
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Cloud Computing has recently been recognized as one of the most emerging technology. A considerable amount of research has been carried out to explore different areas in Cloud Computing . Nevertheless, few areas including reliability, security and business value of
Cloud computing -research issues, challenges, architecture, platforms and applications: a survey
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Cloud computing is the development of parallel computing , distributed computing , grid computing and virtualization technologies which define the shape of a new era. Cloud computing is an emerging model of business computing . In this paper, we explore the
What is cloud computing
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In the simplest terms, cloud computing means storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computers hard drive. The cloud is just a metaphor for the Internet. It goes back to the days of flowcharts and presentations that would represent the
Access control in cloud computing environment
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Cloud computing is one of the emerging technologies. The cloud environment is a large open distributed system. It is important to preserve the data, as well as, privacy of users. Access Control methods ensure that authorized users access the data and the system. This
Using cloud computing in higher education: A strategy to improve agility in the current financial crisis
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In the current financial crisis and being challenged by growing needs, universities are facing problems in providing necessary information technology (IT) support for educational, research and development activities. The objective of this paper is to find alternatives to the
Mobile cloud computing : Implications and challenges
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During the last few years, there is a revolutionary development in the field of mobile computing , multimedia communication and wireless technology. Together with an explosive growth of the mobile computing and excellent promising technology of cloud computing CSE PROJECTS