free research papers-communication wireless mobile multimedia

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Jonathan Wellons, Liang Dai, Bin Chang and Yuan Xue, “Wireless Mesh Network Routing Under Uncertain Demands,” in Guide to Wireless Mesh Networks, Springer Science. [pdf]
Wenbo He, Yuan Xue and Klara Nahrstedt, “Delay Management in Wireless Networks,” in Guide to Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, Springer Science. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Yi Cui and Klara Nahrstedt,”Optimal Resource Allocation for Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Wireless Mesh Networks: Architectures and Protocols, Eds. E. Hossain and K. K. Leung, Springer 2007. (ISBN: 978-0-387-68839-8) [pdf]
Klara Nahrstedt, Wanghong Yuan, Samarth Shah, Yuan Xue, Kai Chen, “QoS Support in Multimedia Wireless Environments,” Multimedia Networking and Communications, Elsevier Science. [pdf]
Taojun Wu, Yuan Xue, and Yi Cui, “Privacy Preservation in Wireless Mesh Network,” Security in Wireless Mesh Networks. [pdf]
Referred Journal Publications

Bo Liu, Yi Cui, Yansheng Lu, Yuan Xue, “Locality-Awareness in BitTorrent-like P2P Applications,” in research Transactions on Multimedia, 2009. [pdf]
Shanshan Jiang, Yuan Xue, and Douglas C. Schmidt, “Minimum Disruption Service Composition and Recovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Computer Network Journal, Special Issue on Autonomic and Self-Organizing Systems, 2008. [pdf]
Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Bin Chang, Yanchuan Cao, and Yi Cui, “Optimal Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks With Dynamic Traffic Demand, Demand,” in ACM/Springer Mobile Networks and Applications, vol. 13, no 1-2, pp 97-116, April 2008. [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yanchuan Cao, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, “Optimizing P2P Streaming Throughput under Peer Churning,” in Multimedia Systems Journal, Springer, 2008. [pdf]
Liang Dai, Yanchuan Cao, Yi Cui and Yuan Xue, “On Scalability of Proximity-Aware Peer-to-Peer Streaming,” in Computer Communications, Elsevier, vol. 32, no 1, pp 144-153, 2009. [pdf]
Nishanth Shankaran, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Douglas C. Schmidt, Chenyang Lu, and Yuan Xue, “Hierarchical Control of Multiple Resources in Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems,” in Real-Time Systems, vol 39, no 1-3, August, 2008. [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Optimal Resource Allocation in Overlay Multicast,” in research Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol 17, no 8, pp 808-823, Aug 2006. [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Utility-based Distributed Maximum Lifetime Routing Algorithm for Wireless Networks,” in research Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Special Issue on Cross-layer Design in Mobile Ad hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks, vol 55,no 3, pp 797-805, May 2006. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Baochun Li, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Optimal Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Price-based Approach,” in research Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol 5, no 4, pp 347-364, April, 2006. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Baochun Li, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Channel-Relay Price Pair: Towards Arbitrating Incentives in Wireless Ad hoc Networks,” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Ad Hoc Networks, vol 6, no 2, pp 235-245, March 2006. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Yi Cui, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Maximizing Lifetime for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Energy Constraints and Lifetime Performance in Wireless Sensor Networks, vol 10, no 6, pp. 853-864, December 2005.[pdf]
Yuan Xue, Kai Chen, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Achieving Proportional Delay Differentiation in Wireless LAN via Cross-Layer Scheduling,” in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Emerging WLAN Technologies and Applications, Wiley InterScience, vol 4, no 8, pp 849-866, 2004. [pdf]
Yuan Xue and Klara Nahrstedt, “Providing Fault-Tolerant Ad-hoc Routing Service in Adversarial Environments,” in Wireless Personal Communications, Special Issue on Security for Next Generation Communications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol 29, no 3-4, pp 367-388, 2004. [pdf]
Kai Chen, Yuan Xue, Samarth H. Shah, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Understanding Bandwidth-Delay Product in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Computer Communications, Elsevier, vol 27, no 1, pp 923-934, 2004. [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Optimal Distributed Multicast Routing using Network Coding: Theory and Applications,” in ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review vol 32, no 2, pp 47-49, September, 2004. [pdf]
Conference/Workshop Publications

Tareq Hossain, Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, “Minimizing Rate Distortion for Mesh-based P2P Video Streaming”, accepted to research International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2009.
Tareq Hossain, Yi Cui and Yuan Xue, “Vanets: Case Study of a Peer-to-peer Video Conferencing System,” in Proc. of research Consumer Communication and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, January 2009. [pdf]
Tareq Hossain, Yi Cui and Yuan Xue; “Minimizing Rate Distortion in Peer-to-Peer Video Streaming”; 5th research International Workshop on Networking Issues in Multimedia Entertainment (NIME) held in Conjunction with CCNC, Las Vegas, NV, January 2009. [pdf]
Bo Liu, Yi Cui, Bin Chang, Ben Gotow, and Yuan Xue, “BitTube: Case Study of a Web-based Peer-Assisted Video-on-Demand System,” in Proc. of research International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), Berkeley, CA, December 2008. [pdf]
Bo Liu, Yansheng Lu, Yi Cui, and Yuan Xue, “A Measurement Study on AS-aware P2P Streaming Strategies,” in Proc. of Chinacom, Hangzhou, China, August 2008. [pdf]
Bin Chang, Liang Dai, Yi Cui, and Yuan Xue, “On Feasibility of P2P On-Demand Streaming via Empirical VoD User Behavior Analysis,” in Proc. of International Workshop on Multimedia Network Systems and Applications, held in conjunction with International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Beijing, China, June 2008. [pdf]
Jonathan Wellons, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, and Yi Cui, “Predictive or Oblivious: A Comparative Study of Routing Strategies for Wireless Mesh Networks Under Uncertain Demand” in Proc. of research Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), San Francisco, CA, June, 2008. [pdf]
Jonathan Wellons and Yuan Xue, “Oblivious Routing for Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Communications (ICC), Beijing, China, May, 2008. [pdf]
Shanshan Jiang, Yanchuan Cao, Sameer Iyengar, Philip Kuryloski, Roozbeh Jafari, Yuan Xue, Ruzena Bajcsy, and Stephen Wicker, “CareNet: An Integrated Wireless Sensor Networking Environment for Remote Healthcare,” in Proc. of International Conference on Body Area Networks (Work-in-Progress paper), Tempe, Arizona, March, 2008. [pdf]
Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Bin Chang, Yanchuan Cao, and Yi Cui, “Integrating Traffic Estimation and Routing Optimization for Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. of research INFOCOM, Phoenix, AZ, April, 2008. (acceptance ratio = 236/1100 = 21%) [pdf]
Bin Chang, Yi Cui, and Yuan Xue “Maximizing Resilient Throughput in Peer-to-Peer Network: A Generalized Flow Approach,” in Proc. of research INFOCOM Mini-Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April, 2008. (Regular track acceptance ratio = 236/1100 = 21%; Mini-conference = 9.3% from the remaining pool) [pdf]
Yi Cui, Liang Dai, and Yuan Xue, “Optimizing P2P Streaming Throughput under Peer Churning, in Proc. of research Globecom, Washington D.C., November, 2007. [pdf]
Yanchuan Cao, Yuan Xue, and Yi Cui, “Network-Calculus-Based Analysis of Power Management in Video Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of research Globecom, Washington D.C., November, 2007. [pdf]
Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Bin Chang, and Yi Cui, “Throughput Optimization Routing under Uncertain Demand for Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), Pisa, Italy, October, 2007. (as an extended paper, acceptance ratio 12/265 = 4%) [pdf]
Shanshan Jiang, Yuan Xue, Douglas Schmidt, “Minimum Disruption Service Composition and Recovery over Mobile Ad hoc Networks,” in Proc. of The 4th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MOBIQUITOUS), Philadelphia, PA, August, 2007. (acceptance ratio = 27/119 = 22%) [pdf]
Liang Dai, Yi Cui, and Yuan Xue, “Maximizing Throughput in Layered Peer-to-peer Streaming,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, UK, June, 2007. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Hoang Nguyen, and Klara Nahrstedt,”CA-AQM: Channel-Aware Active Queue Management for Wireless Networks,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, UK, June, 2007. [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt,”Optimal Distributed Multicast Routing using Network Coding,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Communications (ICC), Glasgow, UK, June, 2007. [pdf]
Taojun Wu, Yi Cui, Brano Kusy, Akos Ledeczi, Janos Sallai, Nathan Skirvin, Jan Werner, and Yuan Xue, “A Fast and Efficient Source Authentication Solution for Broadcasting in Wireless Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), Paris, France, May 2007. [pdf]
Liang Dai, Yi Cui, and Yuan Xue, “On Scalability of Proximity-Aware P2P Streaming,” in Proc. of research INFOCOM Mini-Symposium, Anchorage, AL, May, 2007. (Regular track acceptance ratio = 252/1400 = 18%; Mini-symposium = 25%) [pdf]
Taojun Wu, Liang Dai, Yuan Xue, Yi Cui, “Digital Rights Management for Video Sensor Network,” in Proc. of research International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), San Diego, California, December 2006. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Shanshan Jiang, “Disruption-Aware Dynamic Component Deployment and Composition in Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) Systems,” to appear in Workshop on Ultra-Large-Scale Systems, held in conjunction with ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), Portland, Oregon, October 2006. (Position Paper) [pdf]
Ken Debelak, Larry Howard, Yuan Xue, Christina Lee and Janos Sztipanovits, “ntroducing Security in a Chemical Engineering Design Course Using Adaptive On-line Learning,” in Proc. of International Conference on Engineering Education, San Juan, Puerto Rico, July 2006. [pdf]
Nishanth Shankaran, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Douglas C. Schmidt, Yuan Xue and Chenyang Lu, “ierarchical Control of Multiple Resources in Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems,” in Proc. of the 18th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), Dresden, Germany, July 2006. [pdf]
Taojun Wu, Yi Cui, and Yuan Xue, “Preserving Traffic Privacy in Wireless Mesh Networks,” in Proc. of research International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, Buffalo, New York, June 2006 (short paper). [pdf]
Jan Werner, Matthew Eby, Janos Mathe, Gabor Karsai, Yuan Xue, Janos Sztipanovits, “Integrating Security Modeling in Embedded System Design,” in Workshop on Research Directions for Security and Networking in Critical Real-Time and Embedded Systems (CRTES), held in conjunction with research Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), San Jose, California, April 2006. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Yi Cui, and Klara Nahrstedt, “A Utility-based Distributed Maximum Lifetime Routing Algorithm for Wireless Networks,” in the second International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired/Wireless Networks (QShine), 2005. [pdf]
Chui Sian Ong, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “A Middleware for Service Adaptation in Differentiated 802.11 Wireless Networks,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Networks (ICON), Singapore, 2004. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Kai Chen, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Distributed end-to-end proportional delay differentiation in wireless LAN,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, Aug 2004. (acceptance ratio = 864/3000 = 29%) [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Max-min Overlay Multicast: Rate Allocation and Tree Construction,” in Proc. of research International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), Montreal, Canada, June 2004. (acceptance ratio = 30/154 = 19%) [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt,”Optimal Distributed Multicast Routing using Network Coding: Theory and Applications,” in Proc. of the 6th Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis, held in conjunction with Sigmetrics, New York City, NY, June, 2004, also in ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review vol 32, no 2, pp 47-49, September, 2004. [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Baochun Li, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Price-based Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad hoc Networks,” in Proc. of the 11th International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS), also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ACM Springer-Verlag, Vol. 2707, pp. 79-96, Monterey, CA, June, 2003. [pdf]
Yi Cui, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “Optimal Resource Allocation in Overlay Multicast,” in Proc. of the 11th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Atlanta, Georgia, November, 2003. (acceptance ratio = 30/230 = 13%) [pdf]
Kai Chen, Yuan Xue, and Klara Nahrstedt, “On Setting TCP’s Congestion Window Limit in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proc. of research International Conference on Communications (ICC), Anchorage, Alaska, May, 2003. [pdf]
Yuan Xue and Klara Nahrstedt, “Fault Tolerant Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks,” in Proc. of research Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, Louisiana, March, 2003. [pdf]
Yuan Xue and Baochun Li, “A Location-aided Power-aware Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,” in Proc. of research Globecom, vol. 5, pp. 2837-2841, San Antonio, Texas, November, 2001. (in Symposium on Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, acceptance ratio = 30/121 = 24.8%) [pdf]
Yuan Xue, Baochun Li and Klara Nahrstedt, “A Scalable Location Management Scheme in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks,” in Proc. of the 26th research Annual Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Tampa, Florida, November, 2001. [pdf]