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Free download research paper

N. Drost, R.V. van Nieuwpoort, J. Maassen, F.J. Seinstra, and H.E. Bal:
Zorilla: Instant Cloud Computing,
Submitted for publication, 2010.

Ch. Rossow, J. Maassen, F.J. Seinstra, and H.E. Bal:
Self-Adaptation for Divide-and-Conquer Systems,
Submitted for publication, 2010.

N. Drost, R.V. van Nieuwpoort, J. Maassen, F.J. Seinstra, and H.E. Bal:
JEL: Unified Resource Tracking for Parallel and Distributed Applications,
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, to appear, 2010.

Paola Grosso, Damien Marchal, Jason Maassen, Eric Bernier, Li Xu and Cees de Laat
Dynamic photonic lightpaths in the StarPlane network ,
In: Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 132-136

Gosia Wrzesinska, Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Thilo Kielmann, and Henri E. Bal:
Fault-tolerant Scheduling of Fine-grained Tasks in Grid Environments,
International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), Vol. 20, No. 1, Feb. 2006.

Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal:
Satin: Simple and Efficient Java-based Grid Programming,
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, Volume 6, No. 3, pp. 19-32, September 2005

Jason Maassen, Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Thilo Kielmann, Kees Verstoep, Mathijs den Burger:
Middleware Adaptation with the Delphoi Service
Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol 18, Issue 13, p 1659-1679, 2006.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/cpe.1022

D. Churches, G. Gombas, A. Harrison, J. Maassen, C. Robinson, M. Shields, I. Taylor, I. Wang:
Programming Scientific and Distributed Workflow with Triana Services.
Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol 18, Issue 10, p 1021-1037, 2006.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/cpe.992

Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Gosia Wrzesinska, Rutger Hofman, Ceriel Jacobs,
Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal:
Ibis: a Flexible and Efficient Java-based Grid Programming Environment,
Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol. 17, No. 7-8, pp. 1079-1107, 2005.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI 10.1002/cpe.860

Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Gosia Wrzesinska, Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal:
Adaptive Load Balancing for Divide-and-Conquer Grid Applications.
In Journal of Supercomputing, 2004.

Arnold Nelisse, Jason Maassen, Thilo Kielmann, and Henri E. Bal:
CCJ: Object-based Message Passing and Collective Communication in Java
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, Vol. 15, Issue 3-5, pp. 341-369, March-April 2003.

Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal, Jason Maassen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Lionel Eyraud, Rutger Hofman, Kees Verstoep:
Programming Environments for High-Performance Grid Computing: the Albatross Project.
Future Generation Computer Systems, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 1113-1125, 2002.

Jason Maassen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Ronald Veldema, Henri Bal, Thilo Kielmann, Ceriel Jacobs, and Rutger Hofman:
Efficient Java RMI for Parallel Programming.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 747-775, 2001.

Jason Maassen, Thilo Kielmann, and Henri E. Bal:
Parallel Application Experience with Replicated Method Invocation.
Concurrency & Computation: Practice & Experience, Vol. 13, No. 8-9, pp. 681-712, 2001.

Rob van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal, Thilo Kielmann, and Ronald Veldema:
Wide-Area Parallel Programming using the Remote Method Invocation Model.
Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 12, No. 8, pp. 643-666, 2000.


J. Urbani, S. Kotoulas, J. Maassen F. van Harmelen and H.E. Bal:
OWL reasoning with WebPIE: calculating the closure of 100 billion triples
In Proceedings of the ESWC’10
Heralkion, Greece, May 30 June 3, 2010

Roelof Kemp, Nicholas Palmer, Thilo Kielmann, Frank Seinstra, Niels Drost, Jason Maassen and Henri Bal:
eyeDentify: Multimedia Cyber Foraging from a Smartphone
research International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2009)
San Diego, California, 14-16 December 2009.

Niels Drost, Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, and Henri E. Bal:
Resource Tracking in Parallel and Distributed Applications.
In Proceedings of the 17th research International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC’08)
Boston, MA, USA, June 2008.

Kees Verstoep, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal and John W. Romein:
Experiences with Fine-grained Distributed Supercomputing on a 10G Testbed.
8th research International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid’08)
May 19-22, 2008, Lyon, France.

H.E. Bal, J. Maassen, R.V. van Nieuwpoort, T. Kielmann, N. Drost, C. Jacobs, F.J. Seinstra, R. Kemp, and K. Verstoep:
The Ibis Project: Simplifying Grid Programming and Deployment,
European Projects Showcase, special track at the 8th research International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2008),
Lyon, France, May 19-22, 2008.

Jason Maassen and Henri E. Bal
SmartSockets: Solving the Connectivity Problems in Grid Computing
In Proceedings of The 16th research International Symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC’07)
Monterey, CA, USA, June 2007.

Gosia Wrzesinska, Jason Maassen and Henri E. Bal
Self-adaptive Applications on the Grid
ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP’07)
San Jose, CA, USA, 14-17 March 2007, accepted for publication

Gosia Wrzesinska, Jason Maassen, Kees Verstoep, and Henri E. Bal
Satin++: Divide-and-Share on the Grid
2nd research International Conference on e-Science and Grid Computing,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-6 December 2006, accepted for publication

Frank J. Seinstra, Jason Maassen, Rob. V. van Nieuwpoort:
Applications that Work on a Grid that Works.,
Invited talk at HPCSI, Dublin, Ireland, 23-25 August 2006

Gosia Wrzesinska, Rob V. van Nieuwport, Jason Maassen, and Henri E. Bal:
Fault-tolerance, Malleability and Migration for Divide-and-Conquer Applications on the Grid,
IPDPS 2005, Denver, Colorado, 3-8 April 2005

Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Rutger Hofman, Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal:
Ibis: an Efficient Java-based Grid Programming Environment.
Joint ACM Java Grande ISCOPE 2002 Conference, pp. 18-27, November 3-5, 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA.

Arnold Nelisse, Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal, and Jason Maassen:
Object-based Collective Communication in Java.
Joint ACM JavaGrande-ISCOPE 2001 Conference, pp. 11-20, Stanford University, June 2-4, 2001.

Jason Maassen, Thilo Kielmann, and Henri E. Bal:
Efficient Replicated Method Invocation in Java,
ACM 2000 Java Grande Conference, San Francisco, CA, June 3-4, 2000.

Rob van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Henri E. Bal, Thilo Kielmann, and Ronald Veldema:
Wide-area parallel computing in Java.
ACM 1999 Java Grande Conference, pp. 8-14, San Francisco, CA, June 12-14, 1999.

Jason Maassen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Ronald Veldema, Henri E. Bal, and Aske Plaat:
An Efficient Implementation of Java’s Remote Method Invocation,
Seventh ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP’99), pp. 173-182, Atlanta, GA, May 4-6, 1999.


B. van Werkhoven, J. Maassen, and F.J. Seinstra:
Towards User Transparent Parallel Multimedia Computing on GPU-clusters,
Proceedings of the 37th ACM research International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2010)
First Workshop on Applications for Multi and Many Core Processors (A4MMC 2010), LNCS Vol. xxxx, pp. xx-xx
Saint Malo, France, June 19-23, 2010.

J. Urbani, J. Maassen and H.E. Bal:
Massive Semantic Web data compression with MapReduce
In Proceedings of the MapReduce workshop at HPDC ’10
Chicago, Illinois, June 20-25, 2010

Jason Maassen, Kees Verstoep, Henri E. Bal, Paola Grosso, and Cees de Laat.
Assessing the Impact of Future Reconfigurable Optical Networks on Application Performance.
HPGC workshop in conjunction with the 23rd research Intl. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2009),
Rome, Italy, May 2009.

Henri.E. Bal, Niels Drost, Roelof Kemp, Jason Maassen, Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Cees van Reeuwijk, and Frank J. Seinstra.
Ibis: Real-world problem solving using real-world grids.
HPGC workshop in conjunction with the 23rd research Intl. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2009),
Rome, Italy, May 2009.

Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Andrei Agapi, Ana-Maria Oprescu, and Thilo Kielmann:
Experiences Deploying Parallel Applications on a Large-scale Grid.
EXPGRID Experimental Grid testbeds for the assessment of large-scale distributed applications and tools, workshop in conjunction with the 15th International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-15) June 19 2006, Paris

A.Iosup, J.Maassen, R.V.van Nieuwpoort, D.H.J.Epema:
Synthetic Grid Workloads with Ibis, KOALA, and GrenchMark.
CoreGRID Integrated Research in Grid Computing Workshop, November 27-30, 2005, Pisa, Italy.

Jason Maassen, Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Thilo Kielmann, Kees Verstoep:
Middleware Adaptation with the Delphoi Service.
AGridM 2004 Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware, September 30, 2004, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France.

Rob V. van Nieuwpoort, Jason Maassen, Rutger Hofman, Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal:
Satin: Simple and Efficient Java-based Grid Programming.
AGridM 2003 Workshop on Adaptive Grid Middleware, September 28, 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Jason Maassen, Thilo Kielmann, and Henri E. Bal:
GMI: Flexible and Efficient Group Method Invocation for Parallel Programming.
LCR-02: Sixth Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Run-time Systems for Scalable Computers,
Washington DC, March 22-23, 2002.
To be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.

Thilo Kielmann, Henri E. Bal, Jason Maassen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, Ronald Veldema, Rutger Hofman, Ceriel Jacobs, and Kees Verstoep:
The Albatross Project: Parallel Application Support for Computational Grids.
1st European GRID Forum Workshop, pp. 341-348, Poznan, Poland, April 12-13, 2000.

Henri E. Bal, Aske Plaat, Thilo Kielmann, Jason Maassen, Rob van Nieuwpoort, and Ronald Veldema:
Parallel Computing on Wide-Area Clusters: the Albatross Project.
Extreme Linux Workshop, pp. 20-24, Monterey, CA, June 8-10, 1999.

Magazines and press coverage

Twee maal winst Vrije Universiteit in Data Analysis Challenge
Gridforum Nederland Nieuwsbrief, Nr. Augustus 2008.

Scalable Wall-Socket Multimedia Grid Computing with Ibis
CoreGrid Newsletter, “In the Spotlights”, Nr. 9, July 2008.

Gedeelde eerste plaats in SCALE Challenge 2008 voor VU Amsterdam met rekenkracht uit het stopcontact
Gridforum Nederland Nieuwsbrief, Nr. Juni 2008.

Jason Maassen, Paola Grosso, Li XU:
Het Starplane-project; Applicatiespecifiek management van optische netwerken.
Informatie Magazine
Issue of May 2006.