FREE -database management
Database management systems: A nosql analysis
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and by way of distributed systems that can span data centres while handling failure scenarios without a hitch. In this paper different database management systems are discussed and their underlying design principles namely ACID, CAP and BASE theorems respectively, are
Business artifacts: A data -centric approach to modeling business operations and processes.
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are based on conceptual meta-models only loosely connected to the base model Arti- facts combine both data aspects and process aspects into a holistic unit and highlights ways that philosophic underpinnings and selected techniques from database management research can
The impact of multimedia data on database management systems
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That is, in the case of a database management system, the operating system should provide appropri- ate support for eg, video and audio data . Then the data base model can provide built-in data types based on the functionality of these underlying data types Tornado is a data - base management system developed for CAD/CAM application systems. It is a network sys- tem programmed in Fortran with powerful functions for handling complex data structures. Unrestricted in combi- nations of relationships, Tornado directly handles many
Tioga: Providing data management support for scientific visualization applications
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di ers from other work that sought to support scienti c users of database systems on the seamless integration of general purpose languages, such as C++, with data base systems[Rich87 Although the main motivation for using a DBMS for scienti c data is storage management for
New architecture of fuzzy database management systems
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area of fuzziness in Data Base Management Systems (DBMS) has resulted in a number of models aimed at the representation of imperfect information in DataBases (DB), or at enabling non-precise queries (often called flexible queries) on conventional database schemas [ 2
Storage structures and access methods in the relational data base management system INGRES
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INGRES is a relational data base management system, under development at Berkeley, which implements a high level non-procedural query language (QUEL). We describe our choice of storage structures which are used to implement relations. Also described is an
Retrieving cases from relational data -bases: Another stride towards corporate-wide case- base systems
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Case- Base Management using RDBMS The most significant design decision was the use of a commercial RDBMS for its case- base manager. Each case is represented as a record of a relational database table. The use of a RDBMS offers several advantages, such as (1) data
The Basic Principles of Query Optimization in Relational Database Management Systems.
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Recent and Future Trends in Distributed Data Base Management . In Proceedings NYU Symposium on New Directions for Data Base Systems, 1984. 14 Page 17. [P+87] H.-B. Paul et al. Architecture and Implementation of the Darmstadt Database Kernel System
Multilevel security issues in distributed database management systems III
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In such a DBMS, used cleared at different security levels access and share a database with data at different management , metadata management , and con- straint processing The MLS/DBMS as well as the SDP are hosted on a trusted computing base (TCB) which enforces
Successful B2B customer database management
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Findings Assets: quality data Again, to achieve growth, the RBV focuses on managing tangible and intangible assets. The primary asset relevant to customer information management is the marketing or customer database
The intelligent database interface: Integrating AI and database systems
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tion of a frame-based representation system with a rela- tional database management system is Instead, ifan attempt is made to access their roles, additional database queries to retrieve Once again, this information is not added as permanent knowledge base data , but only last
Mining video associations for efficient database management
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Accord- ingly, a semantic video database management framework has been presented [Zhu et al] where video semantic units (events, scenes or other scenario information) are used to construct a data - base index. To
Metamodel for Object-Oriented Database Management Systems
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Particularly, a metamodel definition provides a base for implementation of databases schema of database metamodel together with inherent complexity of object data model can To show the importance of metamodel extensibility, the database schema-based mechanism to
GENIS: A fourth generation information system for the database management of genebanks
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GENIS-PCC can be used on a personal computer. GENIS-IDBB is the application used for the management of the International Data Base for Beta. This database is also being developed on a personal computer (IBPGR, 1987)Bun82] P. Buneman, RE Frankel, and R. Nikhil,An Implementation Technique for Database Query Languages, ACM Trans. Database Syst Data base Syst., 1 (March 1981), 140-173 TwiS7] BC Twichell,Design Concepts for an Extensible File Management System, M. Sc
Development of the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim salmon database management system through June 2006
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Fish and of Commercial Fisheries: Fishery Manuscripts, Fishery Data Series Reports natural) ln logarithm ( base 10) log logarithm (specify base ) log etc DEVELOPMENT OF THE ARCTIC-YUKON-KUSKOKWIM SALMON DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THROUGH JUNE
Database fundamentals
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199 1995 Robert Robbins What Does a DBMS Do Database management systems provide several functions in addition to simple file management : allow concurrency control security maintain data integrity provide for backup and recovery control redundancy
Research topics in statistical database management
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Database Management Dorothy Denning SRI International Wesley Nicholson BatteUe-Pacific Northwest Labs Gordon Sande Statistics Canada Arie Sbosbani Lawrence Berkeley Labs Abstract This report identifies research topics in statistical data - base management
Physical database support for scientific and statistical database management
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file organizations for SSDB applications (as described in Section 3.2), without necessarily re- quiring that the entire database first be 6 Data Editing Support SSDBs are frequently composed of a large, static base file (ie, the original data set) against which a variety of relatively CSE PROJECTS