free research papers electronics and communication-61
B. Widrow, “A Radio-Frequency Nondestructive Readout for Magnetic-Core Memories,” Proceedings of the IRE Professional Group on Electronic Computers, EC-3(4):12-15, December 1954.
B. Widrow, “A Study of Rough Amplitude Quantization by Means of Nyquist Sampling Theory,” IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory, CT-3(4):266-276, December 1956.
B. Widrow, “Propagation of Statistics in Systems,” IRE WESCON Western Electronics Show and Convention Record, 2:114-121, 1957.
B. Widrow, “Adaptive Sampled-Data Systems — A Statistical Theory of Adaptation,” IRE WESCON Convention Record, 4:74-85, 1959.
B. Widrow, “Adaptive Sampled-data Systems,” Proceedings of the First International Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, pp.406-411, 1960.
B. Widrow and M.E. Hoff, Jr., “Adaptive Switching Circuits,” IRE WESCON Convention Record, 4:96-104, August 1960.
B. Widrow, “Statistical Analysis of Amplitude-Quantized Sampled-Data Systems,” AIEE Transactions on Applications and Industry, pp.1-14, January 1961.
B. Widrow, “Analysis of Amplitude-Quantized Sampled-Data Systems,” Electrical Engineering, 80(60):450, January 1961.
B. Widrow, W. Pierce and J. Angell, “Birth, Life and Death in Microelectronic Systems,” IRE Transactions of the Professional Group on Military Electronics, pp.191-201, July 1961. Originally appeared as a Stanford Electronics Laboratories Technical Report 1552-2/1851-1, May 1961.
B. Widrow, “The Speed of Adaption in Adaptive Control Systems,” American Rocket Society (ARS) Guidance, Control and Navigation Conference Proceedings, 1933-61, August 1961.
B. Widrow, “Generalization and Information Storage in Networks of Adaline `Neurons’,” in Self-Organizing Systems, symposium proceedings, M.C. Yovitz, G.T. Jacobi, and G. Goldstein, eds., pp.435-461, Spartan Books, Washington, DC, 1962.
B. Widrow and M.E. Hoff, “Associative Storage and Retrieval of Digital Information in Networks of Adaptive `Neurons,”’ Biological Prototypes and Synthetic Systems, 1:160, 1962.
B. Widrow, “Pattern Recognition and Adaptive Control,” Proceedings of the IRE-AIEE Joint Automatic Control Conference, pp.19-26, August 1962.
B. Widrow and J.B. Angell, “Reliable, Trainable Networks for Computing and Control,” Aerospace Engineering, 21(9):78-123, September 1962. Also appears in Proceedings of the IAS Man-Machine Competition Meeting, Paper 62-184, August 1962.
B. Widrow, “Rate of Adaptation in Control Systems,” American Rocket Society (ARS) Journal, pp.1378-1385, September 1962.
B. Widrow, “A Statistical Theory of Adaptation,” Adaptive Control Systems, symposium proceedings, F.P. Carruthers and H. Levenstein, eds., Pergamon Press, New York, 1963.
B. Widrow, G.F. Groner, M.J.C. Hu, F.W. Smith, D.F. Specht, and L.R. Talbert, “Practical Applications for Adaptive Data-Processing Systems,” IRE WESCON Conference Record, pp.1-9, 1963. Reprinted in Rev. A, 10:27-39, 1968.
B. Widrow, “Adaline: Smarter than Sweet,” Stanford Today, Autumn 1963.
B. Widrow and F.W. Smith, “Pattern-Recognizing Control Systems,” Computer and Information Sciences: Collected Papers on Learning, Adaptation and Control in Information Systems, COINS symposium proceedings, J.T. Tou and R.H. Wilcox, eds., 12:288-317, Spartan Books, Washington DC, 1964.
B. Widrow, Review of “Simulation of an Assembly of Simplified Nerve Cells on a Digital Computer” by Sears and Khanna, research Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-13(4):481, August 1964.
B. Widrow, “Pattern Recognition and Adaptive Control,” research Transactions on Applications and Industry, 83(74):269-277, September 1964. Also appears in Proceedings of the AIEE Joint Automatic Control Conference, Discrete Adaptive Processes Symposium and Panel Discussion, pp.19-26, New York, NY, June 1962.
K. Steinbuch and B. Widrow, “A Critical Comparison of Two Kinds of Adaptive Classification Networks,” research Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC-14(5):737-740, October 1965. Originally appeared as a Stanford Electronics Laboratories Technical Report 6764-2, December 1964.
B. Widrow, “Bootstrap Learning in Threshold Logic Systems,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of the IFAC, 1966.
B. Widrow, Review of “Adaptive Systems of Logic Network and Binary Memories” by J. Aleksander, research Transactions on Electronic Computers, EC16(5):710-711, October 1967.
B. Widrow, P.E. Mantey, L.J. Griffiths, B.B. Goode, “Adaptive Antenna Systems,” Proceedings of the research, 55(12):2143-2159, December 1967. [A citation classic.]
B. Widrow, “Adaptive Model Control Applied to Real-Time Blood-Pressure Regulation,” Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, symposium proceedings, K.S. Fu, ed., Plenum Press, pp.310-324, 1971.
B. Widrow, “The `Rubber-Mask’ Technique — I. Pattern Measurement and Analysis,” Pattern Recognition, 5(3):175-198, September 1973.
B. Widrow, “The `Rubber-Mask’ Technique — II. Pattern Storage and Recognition,” Pattern Recognition, 5(3):199-211, September 1973.
B. Widrow, N.K. Gupta, and S. Maitra, “Punish/Reward: Learning with a Critic in Adaptive Threshold Systems,” research Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC-3(5):455-465, September 1973.
B. Widrow, J. McCool, and M. Ball, “The Complex LMS Algorithm,” Proceedings of the research, 63(4):719-720, April 1975.
B. Widrow, J.R. Glover, Jr., J.M. McCool, J. Kaunitz, C.S. Williams, R.H. Hearn, J.R. Zeidler, E. Dong, Jr., and R.C. Goodlin, “Adaptive Noise Cancelling: Principles and Applications,” Proceedings of the research, 63(12):1692-1716, December 1975.
B. Widrow, J.M. McCool, M.G. Larimore, C. Richard Johnson, Jr., “Stationary and Nonstationary Learning Characteristics of the LMS Adaptive Filter,” Proceedings of the research, 64(8):1151-1162, August 1976.
B. Widrow and J.M. McCool, “A Comparison of Adaptive Algorithms Based on the Methods of Steepest Descent and Random Search,” research Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-24(5):615-637, September 1976.
B. Widrow, J. Glover, J. McCool, J. Treichler, “Reply to D.W. Tufts’s Letter `Adaptive Line Enhancement and Spectrum Analysis,”’ Proceedings of the research, 65(1):169-173, January 1977.
B. Widrow, and J.M. McCool, “Comments on `An Adaptive Recursive LMS Filter,’ by P. Feintuch” Proceedings of the research, 65(9):1402-1404, September 1977.
B. Widrow, J.M. McCool and B. Medoff, “Adaptive Control by Inverse Modeling,” Proceedings of the 12th research Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp.90-94, November 1978.
M. Dentino, J. McCool and B. Widrow, “Adaptive Filtering in the Frequency Domain,” Proceedings of the research, 66(12):1658-1659, December 1978.
B. Widrow and J.M. McCool, “Adaptive Filtering with Applications to Fetal Electrocardiography,” Proceedings of the research Conference on Decision and Control, January 1979.
B. Widrow and H. Mesiwala, “Compression of Eigenvalue Range by Using a Surplus of Adaptive Antenna Elements,” research ELECTRO Professional Program Session 11, pp.1-10, April 1979.
B. Widrow, “A Review of Adaptive Antennas,” research International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Convention Record, 4:273-278, April 1979.
B. Widrow, K. Duvall, W. Newman, and R. Gooch, “Jamming of Adaptive Arrays by Signal Cancellation: The Phenomenon and Two Remedies,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Adaptive Antennas, Colorado Springs, Colorado, July 1980.
B. Widrow, “On the Speed of Convergence of Adaptive Algorithms,” Record of the 14th Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp.239-242, November 1980.
B. Widrow, P.F. Titchener, and R.P. Gooch, “Adaptive Design of Digital Filters,” Proceedings of the research International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 6:243-246, March 1981.
E.R. Ferrara, Jr., and B. Widrow, “The Time-Sequenced Adaptive Filter,” research Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 29(3):679-683, June 1981, and research Transactions on Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(6):519-523, June 1981.
E.R. Ferrara, Jr., and B. Widrow, “Multichannel Adaptive Filtering for Signal Enhancement,” research Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 29(3):766-770, June 1981, and research Transactions on Circuits and Systems, CAS-28(6):606-610, June 1981.
B. Widrow, D. Shur and S. Shaffer, “On Adaptive Inverse Control,” Record of the Fifteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp.185-189, November 1981.
K.C. McGill, K.L. Cummins, L.J. Dorfman, B.B. Berlizot, K. Luetkemeyer, D.G. Nishimura and B. Widrow, “On the Nature and Elimination of Stimulus Artifact in Nerve Signals Evoked and Recorded Using Surface Electrodes,” research Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-29(2):129-137, February 1982.
B. Widrow, K.M. Duvall, R.P. Gooch, W.C. Newman, “Signal Cancellation Phenomena in Adaptive Antennas: Causes and Cures,” research Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-30(3):469-478, May 1982.
E.R. Ferrara and B. Widrow, “Fetal Electrocardiogram Enhancement by Time-Sequenced Adaptive Filtering,” research Transactions on Biomedical Engineeing, BME-29(6):458-460, June 1982.
P.F. Titchener, R.P. Gooch, and B. Widrow, “A Linear Phase Adaptive Filter,” Record of the Sixteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp.40-44, November 1982.
E. Walach and B. Widrow, “Adaptive Signal Processing for Adaptive Control,” Proceedings of the IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, San Francisco, June 1983.
M. Yelderman, B. Widrow, J.M. Cioffi, E. Hesler, and J.A. Leddy, “ECG Enhancement by Adaptive Cancellation of Electrosurgical Interference,” research Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-30(7):392-398, July 1983.
E. Walach and B. Widrow, “The Least Mean Fourth (LMF) Adaptive Algorithm and Its Family,” research Transactions on Information Theory, IT-30(2):275-283, March 1984.
B. Widrow and E. Walach, “Adaptive Signal Processing for Adaptive Control,” research International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 9(1):191-194, March 1984.
B. Widrow and E. Walach, “On the Statistical Efficiency of the LMS Algorithm with Nonstationary Inputs,” research Transactions on Information Theory, IT-30(2):211-221, March 1984.
N.K. Jablon and B. Widrow, “Adaptive Superresolution Phenomena in Aberrant Arrays,” Record of the Nineteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp.309-314, November 1985.
J.J. Shynk, R.P. Gooch, B. Widrow, “A Frequency-Domain Adaptive Pole-Zero Filter with Applications,” Record of the Nineteenth Asilomar Conference on Circuits, Systems and Computers, pp.299-303, November 1985.
Y.-L. Su, T.-J. Shan and B. Widrow, “Parallel Spatial Processing: A Cure for Signal Cancellation in Adaptive Arrays,” research Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, AP-34(3):347-355, March 1986.
J.J. Shynk, and B. Widrow, “Bandpass Adaptive Pole-Zero Filtering,” Proceedings of the research International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, II:2107-2110, April 1986.
B. Widrow, “Adaptive Inverse Control,” Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, pp.1-5, July 1986. Also appears in Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Applications of Artificial Neural Networks, pp.13-21, April 1990.
B. Widrow, “The Original Adaptive Neural Net Broom-Balancer,” Proceedings of the research International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.351-357, May 1987.
B. Widrow, “A Fundamental Relationship Between the LMS Algorithm and the Discrete Fourier Transform,” Proceedings of the research International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp.774-776, May 1987.
B. Widrow, R.G. Winter, and R.A. Baxter, “Learning Phenomena in Layered Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the research First Annual International Conference on Neural Networks, 2:411-429, June 1987.
B. Widrow, “Adaline and Madaline 1963,” Proceedings of the research First International Conference on Neural Networks, 1:145-157, June 1987.
B. Widrow, P. Baudrenghien, M. Vetterli and P. Titchener, “Fundamental Relations Between the LMS Algorithm and the DFT,” research Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 34(7):814-820, July 1987.
B. Widrow and R.G. Winter, “Neural Nets for Adaptive Filtering and Adaptive Pattern Recognition,” research Computer Magazine, 21(3):25-39, March 1988. Reprinted in Nikkei Electronics, Japan, 9-5(455):201-218, 1988. Also reprinted in An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks, Second Edition, S.F. Zornetzer, J.L. Davis, C. Lau and T. McKenna, eds., pp.251-273, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1995.
B. Widrow, R.G. Winter and R.A. Baxter, “Layered Neural Nets for Pattern Recognition,” research Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 36(7):1109-1118, July 1988. Reprinted in Neuro-Vision Systems, M.M. Gupta and G.K. Knopf, eds., research Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1994.
V.V. Tolat and B. Widrow, “An Adaptive `Broom Balancer’ with Visual Inputs,” Proceedings of the research International Conference on Neural Networks, 2:641-647, July 1988.
R. Winter and B. Widrow, “MADALINE RULE II: A Training Algorithm for Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the research International Conference on Neural Networks, 1:401-408, July 1988.
J.W. Rector, B.P. Marion, and B. Widrow, “Use of Drill-Bit Energy as a Downhole Seismic Source,” Proceedings of the 58th Annual Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) Meeting, 1:161-164, November 1988.
V.V. Tolat and B. Widrow, “An Adaptive Neural Net Controller with Visual Inputs,” Neural Networks, 1:362, Supplement 1, 1988.
D. Nguyen and B. Widrow, “The Truck Backer-Upper: An Example of Self-Learning in Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2:357-362, 1989. Also appears in Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Neural Computers, pp.11-19, Neuss, West Germany, March 1990; and in Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Applications of Artificial Intellience VIII, pp.596-602, April 1990; and Proceedings of the INNC International Neural Network Conference, 1:399-407, July 1990.
B. Widrow and D. Nguyen, “Self-Learning Controls and Their Applications,” WESCON Conference Record, pp.718-724, November 1989.
B. Widrow and M.E. Hoff, “Adaptive Switching Circuits,” WESCON Conference Record, pp.709-717, November 1989.
D. Andes, B. Widrow, M. Lehr and E. Wan, “MRIII: A Robust Algorithm for Training Analog Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the 1990 Meeting of International Neural Network Society Jointed and research (IJCNN), 1:533-536, Washington DC, January 1990.
E. Wan, P. Ning and B. Widrow, “Neural Tree Structured Vector Quantization,” Proceedings of the 1990 Meeting of International Neural Network Society and research (IJCNN), 2:267-270, January 1990.
E. Wan, G. Kovacs, J. Rosen and B. Widrow, “Development of Neural Network Interface for Direct Control of Neuroprostheses,” Proceedings of the 1990 Meeting of International Neural Network Society and research (IJCNN), 2:3-21, January 1990.
M. Stevenson, R. Winter and B. Widrow, “Sensitivity of Feedforward Neural Networks to Weight Errors,” research Transactions on Neural Networks, 1(1):71-80, March 1990.
D.H. Nguyen and B. Widrow, “Neural Networks for Self-Learning Control Systems,” research Control Systems Magazine, 10(3):18-23, April 1990. Reprinted in the International Journal on Control, 54(6):1439-1451, 1991. Also reprinted in Neuro-Control Systems: Theory and Applications, M.M. Gupta and D.H. Rao, eds., pp.308-313, research Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1994.
D. Nguyen and B. Widrow, “Improving the Learning Speed of 2-Layer Neural Networks by Choosing Initial Values of the Adaptive Weights,” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 3:21-26, June 1990.
B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “Adaline: An Engineering Model for Neurocomputing,” Proceedings of the International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Iizuka, Japan, July 1990.
B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “30 Years of Adaptive Neural Networks: Perceptron, Madaline, and Backpropagation,” Proceedings of the research, 78(9):1415-1442, September 1990. Also appears as a chapter in Neural Networks: Theoretical Foundations and Analysis, C. Lau, ed., pp.27-53, research Press, 1992; and in Artificial Neural Networks: Paradigms, Applications, and Hardware Implemenation, E. Sanchez-Sinencio and C. Lau, eds., pp.82-108, research Press, 1992.
B. Widrow, “Neural Networks for Nonlinear Control,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, 1:1, June 1991.
B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “Artificial Neural Networks of the Perceptron, Madaline, and Backpropagation Family,” Proceedings of the Workshop on NeuroBionics, Goslar, Germany, February 1992. Reprinted in Neurobionics, H.-W. Bothe, M. Samii, R. Eckmiller, eds., pp.133-205, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993.
B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “Backpropagation and its Applications,” Proceedings of the INNS Summer Workshop on Neural Network Computing for the Electric Power Industry, Stanford, pp.21-29, August 1992.
B. Widrow and F. Beaufays, “Neural Control Systems,” Proceedings of the INNS Summer Workshop on Neural Network Computing for the Electric Power Industry, Stanford, pp.143-148, August 1992.
B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “Feedforward Networks,” in INNS Above Threshold, December 1992.
B. Widrow, M. Lehr, F. Beaufays, E. Wan, and M. Bilello, “Learning Algorithms for Adaptive Signal Processing and Control,” Proceedings of the research International Conference on Neural Networks, 1:1-8, March 1993.
B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “Adaptive Neural Networks and their Applications,” International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 8(4):453-507, April 1993.
B. Widrow, M.A. Lehr, F. Beaufays, E. Wan and M. Bilello, “Stanford Neural Network Research,” Proceedings of SPIE, Applications of Artificial Neural Networks IV, vol. 1965, pp.17-29, Orlando, April 1993.
B. Widrow, M.A. Lehr, F. Beaufays, E. Wan and M. Bilello, “Adaptive Signal Processing,” Proceedings of the World Conference on Neural Networks, IV-548, Portland, July 1993.
B. Widrow and M. Bilello, “Adaptive Inverse Control,” Proceedings of the research International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp.1-6, August 1993.
M.A. Lehr and B. Widrow, “Commercial and Industrial Applications of Neural Networks,” Proceedings of the International Simulation Technology Multiconference (SIMTEC), San Francisco, November 1993.
F. Beaufays and B. Widrow, “Simple Algorithms for Fast Adaptive Filtering,” Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Neural Networks: WNN93/FNN93, pp.231-236, San Francisco, November 1993.
F. Beaufays, Y. Abdel-Magid, and B. Widrow, “Application of Neural Networks to Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems,” Neural Networks, 7(1):183-194, 1994.
D. Rumelhart, B. Widrow and M.A. Lehr, “The Basic Ideas in Neural Networks,” Communications of the ACM, 37(3):87-92, March 1994.
B. Widrow, D. Rumelhart, and M.A. Lehr, “Neural Networks: Applications in Industry, Business, and Science,” Communications of the ACM, 37(3):93-105, March 1994.
F. Beaufays and B. Widrow, “Two-Layer Linear Structure for Fast Adaptive Filtering,” Proceedings of WCNN, 3:87-93, San Diego, June 1994.
F. Beaufays and B. Widrow, “On the Advantages of the LMS Spectrum Analyzer over Nonadaptive Implementations of the Sliding-DFT,” research Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, 42(4):218-220, April 1995.
R. Gazit and B. Widrow, “Backpropagation Through Links: A New Approach to Kinematic Control of Serial Manipulators,” Proceedings of the research Internaional Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp.99-104, August 1995.
B. Widrow, I. Kollar, and M.-C. Liu, “Statistical Theory of Quantization,” research Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 45(2):353-361, April 1996.
B. Widrow and G. Plett, “`Intelligent’ Adaptive Inverse Control,” Proceedings of IFAC, pp.104-105, July 1996.
B. Widrow and G.L. Plett, “Adaptive Inverse Control Based on Linear and Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Neural Networks for Identification, Control, Robotics and Signal/Image Processing, pp.30-38, August 1996.
B. Widrow and G.L. Plett, “Nonlinear Adaptive Inverse Control,” Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Decision and Control, 2:1032-1037, December 1997.
B. Widrow, G. Plett, E. Ferreira and M. Lamego, “Adaptive Inverse Control Based on Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering,” Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp.247-252, April 1998.
B. Widrow, E.P. Ferreira and M.M. Lamego, “Neurointerfaces for Human-Machine Real Time Interaction,” Proceedings of the 5th IFAC Workshop on Algorithms and Architectures for Real-Time Control, Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp.131-136, April 1998.
M.M. Lamego, E.P. Ferreira and B. Widrow, “Neurointerfaces: Learning by Genetic Algorithms,” Proceedings of the 14th World IFAC Congress, K:13-19, July 1999.
E.P. Ferreira, M.M. Lamego and B. Widrow, “Neurointerfaces for Semi-Autonomous Object Moving Systems,” Proceedings of the 14th World IFAC Congress, K:155-160, July 1999.
B. Widrow, “A Microphone Array for Hearing Aids,” Proceedings of the research Symposium on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control, pp.7-11, October 2000.
B. Widrow and M.M. Lamego, “Neurointerfaces: Principles,” Proceedings of the research Symposium on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control, pp.315-320, October 2000.
B. Widrow and M.M. Lamego, “Neurointerfaces: Applications,” Proceedings of the research Symposium on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications and Control, pp.441-444, October 2000.
B. Widrow, “A Microphone Array for Hearing Aids,” research Circuits and Systems Magazine, 1(2):26-32, 2001.
B. Widrow, “Recollections of Norbert Wiener and the First IFAC World Congress,” research Control Systems Magazine, 21(3):65-70, June 2001.
C.-Y. Seong and B. Widrow, “Neural Dynamic Optimization for Control Systems; I Background,” research Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 31(4):482-489, August 2001.
C.-Y. Seong and B. Widrow, “Neural Dynamic Optimization for Control Systems; II Theory,” research Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 31(4):490-501, August 2001.
C.-Y. Seong and B. Widrow, “Neural Dynamic Optimization for Control Systems; III Applications,” research Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part B, 31(4):502-513, August 2001.
B. Widrow and M.M. Lamego, “Neurointerfaces,” research Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 10(2):221-228, March 2002.
F.-L. Luo, B. Widrow and C. Pavlovic, “Special Issue on Speech Processing for Hearing Aids: Editorial,” Speech Communication, Elsevier, 39(1-2):1-3, January 2003.
B. Widrow and F.-L. Luo, “Microphone Arrays for hearing Aids: An Overview,” Speech Communication, 39(1-2):139-146, January 2003.
B. Widrow and M. Kamenetsky, “Statistical Efficiency of Adaptive Algorithms,” Neural Networks, 16(5-6):735-744, June-July 2003.
B. Widrow and M. Kamenetsky, “On the Statistical Efficiency of the LMS Family of Adaptive Algorithms,” Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 4:2872-2880, July 2003.
B. Widrow, “On the Statistical Efficiency of LMS Algorithms,” Records of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1:109, November 2004.
A. Flores and B. Widrow, “Assessment of the Efficiency of the LMS Algorithm Based on Spectral Information,” Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1:120-124,, November 2004.
M. Kamenetsky and B. Widrow, “A Variable Leaky LMS Adaptive Algorithm,” Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1:125-128, November 2004.
B. Widrow, “Thinking About Thinking: The Discovery of the LMS Algorithm,” research Signal Processing Magazine, 22(1):100-106, January 2005.
B. Widrow and J.C. Aragon, “`Cognitive’ Memory,” Proceedings of the research International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 5:3295-3299, July 2005.
B. Widrow and M. Etemadi, “Cognitive Memory: Human and Machine,” invited paper, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, pp.3365-3372, June 2009.
O.T. Inan, M. Etemadi, B. Widrow, and G.T.A. Kovacs, “Adaptive Cancellation of Floor Vibrations in Standing Ballistocardiogram Measurements Using a Seismic Sensor as a Noise Reference,” research Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, to appear.
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