free -electronics-microprocessor
This paper explores the possibility of using a large-scale array of microprocessors as a computational facility for the execution of massive numerical computations with a high degree of parallelism. By microprocessor we mean a processor realized on one or a few
Power electronics for the microprocessor age
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Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Age by Takashi . Alibris Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Agebegins with a general overview of the relationship between computers, power circuitry, and motors. It then provides Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Age (Oxford
MIPS R4000 Microprocessor Users Manual
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Use, duplication, or disclosure of the technical data contained in this document by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and/or in similar or successor clauses in theSomerset Design Center he 604 microprocessor is the third member of the PowerPC family being developed jointly by Apple, IBM, and Motorola. Developed for use in desktop personal computers, workstations, and servers, this 32-bit implementation works with the software and
Microprocessor Report,
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Three years ago, unbeknownst to its participants, a race began among five major CPU vendors to bring to market the next generation ofRISC technology. Each re alized that pushing the performance envelope beyond 200 SPECint92 would require aggressive During the past three decades, a substantial growth in both the understanding and the application of fault-tolerant computing concepts has occurred. A good example is the aerospace field. Digital computing systems are now being used in aerospace applications for naviga- tion, instrumentation Few advertisements have proved to be as prophetic as one that appeared in the November 1 197 issue of Electronic News. It was placed by Intel Corporation, at that time a three-year-old manufacturer of MOS and bi- polar RAMs with annual sales of$9million and about
Digital logic and microprocessor design with VHDL
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EO Hwang 2005 This book is about the digital logic design of microprocessors. It is intended to provide both an understanding of the basic principles of digital logic design, and how these fundamental principles are applied in the building of complex microprocessor circuits using current
The design and implementation of an asynchronous microprocessor
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The authors first degree was in Electronics at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST). An MSc in System Design at the Computer Science Department of the University of Manchester was completed the following year. The author
A 160-mhz, 32-b, 0.5-w cmos risc microprocessor
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As personal digital assistants (PDAs) move into the next generation, there is an obvious need for additional processing power to enable new applications and improve existing ones. While enhanced functionality such as improved handwriting recognition, voice recognition
Ramp: A model for reliability aware microprocessor design
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This report introduces RAMP, an architectural model for long-term processor reliability measurement. With aggresive transistor scaling and increasing processor power and temperature, reliability due to wear-out mechanisms is expected to become a significant
Internal organization of the Alpha 2116 a 300-MHz 64-bit quad-issue CMOS RISC microprocessor
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A new CMOS microprocessor , the Alpha 2116 reaches 200 mips/600 MFLOPS (peak performance). This new implementation of the Alpha architecture achieves SPECint92/SPECfp92 performance of 345/505 (estimated). At these performance levels, the
Dynamic voltage scaling and the design of a low-power microprocessor system
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This paper describes the design of a low-power microprocessor system that can run between 8Mhz at 1.1 V and 100MHz at 3.3 V. The ramifications of Dynamic Voltage Scaling, which allows the processor to dynamically alter its operating voltage at run-time, will be
Towards a time-predictable dual-issue microprocessor : The Patmos approach
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Current processors are optimized for average case performance, often leading to a high worst-case execution time (WCET). Many architectural features that increase the average case performance are hard to be modeled for the WCET analysis. In this paper we present Multiple microprocessor systems can provide an ap-propriate solution to the demand for additional com-puting power to meet new requirements and to support complex applications. To clarify the concept and its asso-ciated terminology, this article considers the
FR 500 VLIW-architecture high-performance embedded microprocessor
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A new-concept FR500 microprocessor using the VLIW architecture has been developed for digital consumer products. It can issue four instructions simultaneously and can be configured in a small-scale circuit, making it possible to implement a low-cost, high
DIVA: A dynamic approach to microprocessor verification
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Building a high-performance microprocessor presents many reliability challenges. Designers must verify the correctness of large complex systems and construct implementations that work reliably in varied (and occasionally adverse) operating The SH4 is the latest SH series microprocessor . It achieives 360 MIPS and 1.4 GFLOPS at 200 MHz. Its architectural enhancement is based on two-way superscalar issue of instructions, separate instruction and data caches, and early stage branches. The main
Compiling for the CRISP Microprocessor .
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In this paper we present code generation considerations for the ATT CRISP microprocessor . The architecture of CRISP is different from either current CISC or RISC machines in a number of ways. This opens the opportunity for several new types ofPrevious generations of microprocessors were limited by the available technology. Brooks, in an overview article,2 discusses how the technology con- straints and the perceived microprocessor market motivated early microprocessor architecture. Microprocessors were limited in number CSE PROJECTS