free -embedded system-vlsi
This book describes how evolutionary algorithms (EA) such as genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) can be used for solving multiobjective optimization problems in the area of embedded and VLSI systems design. This book is written primarily Among embedded memories, six-transistor (6T)-based static random access memory (SRAM) continues to play a pivotal role in nearly all VLSI systems due to its superior speed and full compatibility with logic process technology
VLSI Embedded Solution for Multi-Drive Conveyors Control
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In this paper is presented the controller modeling, simulation and implementation the VLSI approach. In order to apply this solution there is analyzed the case of multi-drive conveyor controller. This controller is designed using the VHDL language. The VLSI version is good Gain-Cell eDRAM (GC-eDRAM) is an interesting, high-density alternative to SRAM and conventional 1T-1C eDRAM for a large range of VLSI system-onchip (SoC) applications, including ultra-low power systems such as biomedical implants [17], wireless
VLSI Photonic Ring Interconnect for Embedded Multicomputers: Architecture and Performance.
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This paper presents both an architectural design and performance analysis of a multicomputer interconnection network based upon the use of optical technology. The system uses Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSELs) and free space optics to
A platform for parallel operation of VLSI neural networks
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The network modules are printed circuit boards hosting a programmable logic with an embedded microprocessor core, memory, and a VLSI neural network ASIC. Currently, the modules are equipped with a mixed-signal neural network ASIC
An efficient VLSI architecture for edge filtering in H. 264/AVC.
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We proposed a VLSI architecture that embedded the computation of boundary strength (Bs), the table-derived operations, and several conditional processing such as the threshold value of Alpha and Beta in the edge filtering unit
4-Bit Fast Adder Design: Topology and Layout with Self-Resetting Logic for Low Power VLSI Circuits
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She has been teaching VLSI Design, Embedded Systems, Microprocessor and Microcontrollers for PG and UG students. She authored books on VLSI Design He has been actively guiding PG and UG students in the area of VLSI , Embedded and image processing
VLSI Design and Optimized Implementation of A MIPS RISC Processor Using XILINX Toor
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low running time complexity. Another way of optimize circuit to reduce delay and also increasing the speed of the system is to directly design high speed VLSI chips for these embedded systems. The present paper focuses on (The notable exception is Thompsons original paper [Th]. However, he assumes that VLSI circuits are embedded into the planar grid.) We believe that this assumption is unsatisfying, because: a) Convexity is not an inherent property of VLSI circuits His main research inter- ests include on- and offline built-in self test, embedded core testing, VLSI synthesis target- ing deep-submicron reliability and low power, design of reconfig- urable architectures, real-time embedded systems design, and hardware-software codesign
Design and implementation of multipattern generators in analog VLSI
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embedded limit cycles, and we show that it is possible to switch the networks between these embedded limit cycles with Index Terms Analog neural network, analog VLSI , central pat- tern generator (CPG) implementations, continuous-time recurrent neural network (CTRNN
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VLSI system level codesign toolkit AKKA
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Abstract We present a toolkit for embedded system VLSI design. Toolkit AKKA 1 , consists of design space exploration through profiling, estimation, partitioning, cosimulation and cosynthesis subtools. Most of tasks in this list can be classified into HW/SW codesign domain
Deterministic clock gating for low power VLSI design
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Master of Technology in VLSI Design and Embedded System By SURESH KU AANANDAM Roll No : 20507007 Master of Technology in VLSI Design and Embedded System By SURESH KU AANANDAM Roll No : 20507007 Under the Guidance of Prof
VLSI Implementation of Reversible Watermarking using RCM
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VLSI Implementation of Reversible Watermarking using RCM Riddhi Patel VLSI Embedded System Design Gujarat Technological University PG School Ahmedabad, India Riddhi16211@
VLSI implementation of AES algorithm
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REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Master of Technology In VLSI Design and Embedded System Submitted by SAURABH KU Roll # 211EC2117 Master of Technology In VLSI Design and Embedded Systems Submitted by SAURABH KU Roll # 211EC2117
Recursive implementation of optimal time VLSI integer multipliers
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both electrical engineers and computer scientists. With the technological progress embedded in VLSI , the problem of finding good layouts for monolithic MOS multipliers has been gaining renewed attention. 1.1. Practical multipliers
Design and implementation of embedded based elevator control system
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Master of Technology in VLSI Design and Embedded System By RAJESH KU PATJOSHI Roll No: 208EC216 Master of Technology in VLSI Design and Embedded System By RAJESH KU PATJOSHI Roll No: 208EC216 Under the Guidance of Prof. KK MAHAPATRA the PLAs function. Such a PLA compilers knowledge has been embedded into the subroutifies and modules (such as PLA folding) that implement the algorithm. A comprehensive view of VLSI CAD tools How are individual CSE PROJECTS