free from social Networking -02
The risks of social networking
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C Wüest- Symantec Corporation pronto-core-cdn.prontomarketing Social networks are an inherent part of todays Internet and used by more than a billion people worldwide. They allow people to share ideas and interact with other people, from old friends to strangers. This interaction reveals a lot of information, often including personal The usage of mobile computing and social networking has skyrocketed in the past several years. Since the introduction of Apples iPhone, the mobile phone has now truly become the device that Mark Weiser noted in his vision for ubiquitous computing (Weiser 1999). Since
Social networking websites in India and the United States: A cross-national comparison of online privacy and communication
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This study examined cross-national differences in the usage of social networking websites (SNWs) between university students in India and the United States. A total of 245 Indian university students and 241 American university students completed a survey about privacy
A study of the perceptions of students on privacy and security on social networking sites (SNS) on the internet
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Social networking on the Internet continues to be a frequent avenue of communication, especially among Net Generation consumers, giving benefits both personal and professional. The benefits be eventually hindered by issues in information gathering
Social networking , teaching, and learning
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Todays students and educators live in the world of Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia and YouTube. These and many other social networking and social media applications are part of the so-called Social Web (ie, Web 2.0), best characterised by the notions of social
Facebook-a social networking tool for educational purposes: developing special interest groups
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The purpose of this research was to examine and evaluate the role, usefulness and value of social networking as perceived by higher education students. It also attempted to examine the educational role of social networking by developing Special Interest Groups within a
Online social networking : A new form of social interaction
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This paper will present the findings of the pilot studies on the use of online social network in Malaysia. A total of 40 questionnaires were distributed to active users of this social media to get an early indication on this activity. In addition, discussion about the global activities of
Social networking sites and hiring: How social media profiles influence hiring decisions
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This study investigates the use of Social Networking Sites (SNSs) to screen candidates in the hiring process, highlighting factors that employers consider while selecting or rejecting candidates. These factors are usually visible on the candidates SNS profile. A sample of
International students acceptance on using social networking site to support learning activities
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The increasing numbers of international students studying in UCSI University necessitates research into appropriate ways to support cultural diversity in teaching and providing learning tools for them. International students usually face problems in adapting to culturally
The role of national cultural differences in user adoption of social networking
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Social networking sites are extremely popular around the world with millions of users logging in daily to reconnect with their friends or find new ones. Using Hofstedes dimensions of national culture and diffusion of innovation as theoretical basis this paper
Social Networking Privacy Behaviors and Risks
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The study of online privacy management is a relatively new field, which suffers from a lack of empirical studies and needs to be examined in greater depth. This study identified security behaviors and attitudes for social network users from different demographic groups, and The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general
Using social networking tools to promote eParticipation initiatives
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This paper describes the context and background of the conference workshop Social networking tools and widgets to promote or expand eParticipation initiatives . Social networking tools form many peoples main Internet destination and communication method
Social networking sphere: A snapshot of trends, functionalities and revenue models
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One of the most exciting evolutions in the internet over the last years is the spread of social networks. No other genre of web services has such high expansion rates like the social networking sphere. MySpace, LinkedIn, Orkut or Facebook have gained enormous
Engaging pre-service teachers in learning through social networking
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One fast-growing facet of new literacies is social networking . The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of social networking on preservice teachers knowledge of professional organizations and resources. In this study, Facebook was utilized to expose
Value of social networking in libraries and information organizations in Asia and Oceania
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Abstract In 2005 Tim OReilly coined the phrase Web 2.0. The term Web 2.0 is a new web environment (OReilly) including Weblogs, Wikis and Syndications. Libraries and other information organizations are beginning to incorporate these applications as a means of
Social networking sites addiction and the effect of attitude towards social network advertising
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Because of the prevalence of mobile devices, the overuse of social networking sites has become a global phenomenon. Social networking sites (hereafter SNS) give a lot of opportunities for business. First of all, businesses can make advertise their product in an
Social networking and security risks
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However, as with any new tool or application, it is always important to keep a close watch on its security implications. Each of these tools comes with its own set of security concerns which can put your information systems and/or personal data at risk. This white paper will
Programmed sociality: A software studies perspective on social networking sites
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First, I must thank my supervisor Anders Fagerjord and co-supervisor Geert Lovink for their support and helpful criticism. Anders has been an encouraging and positive advisor, whose calmness and pragmatic advice have helped me keep my feet on the ground. I am grateful
Identity development in the digital age: The case of social networking sites
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Youth are growing up amid profound sociocultural change driven by the worldwide spread of the Internet and social media that position the individual at the center of expansive social networks unrestricted by physical propinquity. This chapter reviews literature on the use of CSE PROJECTS