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complex problems using new methods. The research on integrating Geographic Information
Theorizing information for information science
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Does information science have a theory of information There seems to be a tendency within information science to seek a theory of information , but the search is apparently unproductive (Hjorland; Saracevic). This review brings together work from
History of information science
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The purpose of this chapter is to provide a review of historical writings about the development of information science (IS) or certain aspects of it rather than to review historic events and figures in the development of IS. We have reviewed the available literature
Theory and metatheory of information science : a new interpretation
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This paper analyses the theoretical and the epistemological assumptions of information science (IS). Different views of knowledge underlie all major issues in IS. Epistemological theories have a fundamental impact on theories about users, their cognition and information
Information and information science in context
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Based on the cognitive view, äs defined in 1977 by M. De Mey, the author discusses the understanding of the concept of Information in relation to the discipline and proposes a Consolidated concept which has to satisfy dual requirements in relation to both sender and
The science of information : Measurement and applications
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Measurement Journal Elsevier Force Measurement for Life Science Applications (FMS-LS) Principles, Advances and Industrial Applications . technological and scientific developments
The Concept ofsubjectin Information Science .
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This article presents a theoretical investigation of the concept ofsubjectorsubject matterin library and information science . Most conceptions ofsubjectin the literature are not explicit but implicit. Various indexing and classification theories. including automatic indexing and
Information retrieval interaction
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Royal School of Library and Information Science Department of Information Studies Birketinget 6 DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark Information Retrieval Interaction was first published in 1992 by Taylor Graham Publishing Page 11. 1 1. INFORMATION SCIENCE in CONTEXT
Shaping biomedicine as an information science
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Monods work on the genetic code is usually credited with propelling biology into the Information Age, in this essay I explore the transformation of biology by what have become essential tools to the practicing biochemist and molecular biologist: namely, the
Key papers in information science
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Citations of earlier published works have been used to map the position of documents, as in the paper by Small included in this collection. Whites recent work on combining authors to retrieve from the Science Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) Humans have sought, organized, and used information for millennia as they evolved and learned patterns of human information behaviors (HIBs) to help resolve their human problems and continue to survive. The field of library and information science (LIS) has
The serious leisure frontier in library and information science : hobby domains
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The library and information studies (LIS) field conducts a minority of research into leisure realms while favoring scholarly and professional contexts as subjects. Such is the case despite compelling evidence of the desirability and profundity of leisure in human life. This
The dialectic of defeat: Antimonies in research in library and information science
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SOMETHING APPEARS TO BE dramatically wrong with research in library science . Some would argue that there is simply too little of it. 0thers, like Herbert Goldhor, would insist that what little research is done is methodically primitive; all that is needed is more
Relevance: An interdisciplinary and information science perspective
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Although relevance has represented a key concept in the field of information science for evaluating information retrieval effectiveness, the broader context established by interdisciplinary frameworks could provide greater depth and breadth to on-going research
Subject trends in library and information science research, 1975-1984
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Astudy OF SUBJECT TRENDS in library and information science publishing is a way for the library profession to learn more about itself. Although most disciplines have periodic assessments of their literature, library and information science remains behind these other
Coinage of the term information science
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Every discipline has a terminology, whose vicissitudes often assume considerable importance in the life of the discipline. The history of that terminology is therefore a vital component of the disciplines history. The discipline of the science of information has gone
Information literacy
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224 pages DBL 1-59158-143-5 $47.50 PRICE IN UK STERLING:£ 26.99 Seeking Meaning A Process Approach to Library and Information Services SECONDEDITION By Carol Collier Kuhlthau A classic text that is recognized worldwide in library and information science
Ratings of journals by ARL library directors and deans of library and information science schools
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DF Kohl, CH Davis 1985 A study of the perceived prestige of a core group of library journals by directors of ARL libraries and library school deans reveals a prestige hierarchy for each group. Although in rough agreement on the rating of two-thirds of the journals, the deans and directors differ CSE PROJECTS