free -Mobile and Pervasive Computing -03
Representations in pervasive computing
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The idea behind pervasive computing is that embedded and invisible technology calms our lives by removing the annoyances. Everyday life, however, is shaped by what people do, how they do it, and how they perceive what they are doing. As a consequence everyday life
Secure pervasive computing without a trusted third party
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The miniaturization of computing devices and the need for ubiquitous communication has augmented the demand for pervasive computing . Security demands that all devices in a pervasive system must be able to authenticate each other and communicate in a secure
Ubiquitous service discovery in pervasive computing environment
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Service discovery problems have recently become sizzling subject for researchers with the advancement in ubiquitous computing . Service discovery will be an imperative attribute for future ubiquitous computing networks and autonomous Ad hoc networks. With service
Integrating multiple contexts and ontologies in a pervasive computing framework
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There is a commonly accepted need for contexts and ontologies to describe the vast amounts of data that are available to pervasive computing applications. Existing contexts and ontologies are either much generalised, very application specific, or inflexible. An
Hybrid pervasive mobile cloud computing : toward enhancing invisibility
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Vanishing computers into background toward invisible, distraction-free pervasive computing was envisioned by Mark Weiser which is yet remained unfulfilled. Current pervasive systems feature insufficient infrastructures to accurately perceive, infer context, tune the spaces, and
Embedded-Internet devices: a means of realizing the pervasive computing vision
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This paper explores the feasibility of applying newly emerging low-cost embedded-Internet devices in support of pervasive computing ; a new vision whereby domestic appliances are provided with Internet connections enabling them to be accessed and controlled from
Pervasive Computing @ ICS-FORTH
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This paper introduces the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) Programme of the Institute of Computer Science of the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (ICS-FORTH). In this context, a laboratory space of about 100m2 comprising six rooms, called the AmI Sandbox
Digital heritage tourism: Reconfiguring the visitor experience in heritage sites, museums and architecture in the era of pervasive computing
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Heritage is a very important motivating factor for tourism. In the past decade, the vast amounts of new media information made available to heritage tourists via the World Wide Web have provided a convenient access to the intended destination image of marketeers
Intelligent Buildings and pervasive computing -research perspectives and discussions
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Intelligent Buildings have been the subject of research and commercial interest for more than two decades. The different perspectives range from monitoring and controlling energy consumption over interactive rooms supporting work in offices and leisure in the home, to
Voluntary Cooperation in Pervasive Computing Services.
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The advent of pervasive computing is moving us towards a new paradigm for computing in terms of ad hoc services. This carries with it a certain risk, from a security and management viewpoint. Users become increasingly responsible for their own hosts. A form of service
Toward Pervasive Computing System to Enhance Safety of Ageing People in Smart Kitchen.
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Kitchen is the second place where the majority of domestic accidents occur, and in particular oven presents the most principal source of fire accidents in residence. Therefore, enabling kitchen safety is a major factor for ageing people independent living. This paper presents the
A design framework for pervasive computing systems
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Pervasive computing is a family of technologies that aims to become part of our everyday life. Such technology will be available to us everywhere, and for any pur pose. Being online everywhere and anytime is what pervasive technologies are about. The Internet was
Classification of privacy management techniques in pervasive computing
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Context awareness, the ability to adapt to the needs of each user, is a fundamental property of pervasive computing systems. Context information is created by tracking the actions and collecting real-time user data, such as location or body temperature. As the system collects
Speech-to-text transcription in support of pervasive computing
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This paper describes a concept demonstrator of an automatic speech-to-text transcriber that uses speech recognition. It is defined in terms of motivation for the product, how users operate it, and its similarities and differences with other work being carried out in other
A general risk assessment of security in pervasive computing
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There is currently much research into using trustbased mechanisms to secure computing in ubiquitous environments, which are typified by unforeseen circumstances, unexpected interactions, and unknown entities. Risk evaluation becomes essential to the trust-based
Towards pervasive computing environments with cloud services
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Pervasive computing aims at creating environments saturated with embedded and portable computing devices surrounding the users and providing them with many interesting services. It has been gradually applied into our everyday life and its applications are
Improving the reality perception of visually impaired through pervasive computing
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The visually impaired experience serious difficulties in leading an independent life, due to their reduced perception of the environment. However, we believe that ubiquitous computing can significantly improve the perception of the surrounding reality for the blind and visually
Managing Pervasive Computing and Ubiquitous Communications: A Report on APNOMS 2003
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The 7th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS 2003) was held during October 1 2003 in Fukuoka, Japan. APNOMS 200 which was organized by IEICE TM (The Institute of Electronics Information and Communication
Autonomic pervasive computing : A smart mall scenario using promise theory
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We present a simplified example of a pervasive computing scenario using promises to model the interaction policies between the agents. We examine how the autonomic nodes stabilize into a robust functional system in spite of their autonomous decision making. We
SANDMAN: An energy-efficient middleware for pervasive computing
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Energy efficiency in pervasive computing is crucial for devices operated by battery. To provide energy efficiency we created an energy efficient middleware, called SANDMAN. In this paper we present an overview on the past research done in the SANDMAN project and CSE PROJECTS