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best influences weve seen during software engineerings first 50 years. After drafting an initial list of influences, I turned to our advisory boards. IEEE Software has active editorial and industrial advisory boards comprising lead- ing experts from around
Application of Blooms taxonomy in software engineering assessments
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Blooms Taxonomy has been utilized in many fields of studies. It has also been used in computer science education but research on the application of Blooms Taxonomy into software engineering curricula has not been done much. This paper outlines software The SE 2004 guidelines were assembled by an ACM/IEEE Computer Society task force led by Rich LeBlanc and Ann Sobel. However, because software engineering knowledge continues to grow and evolve, the societies created a new task force in 2010 (see SoftwareA number of individual concepts embodied in Eiffel were present in previous languages, notably Simula 6 Ada and Alphard. However the design has brought in many new contributions. From the language standpoint, one quote the safe treatment of multiple
Versioning in a software engineering database the change oriented way
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The work is based on Change Oriented Versioning, or COV for short, which is an alternative to the more traditional versioning principles. Instead of explicitly registering versions of data items, COV will register the logical changes, and versions are the result of applying a set of such On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to present the proceedings of the 2005 Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE). CBSE is concerned with the development of software -intensive systems from reusable parts (components), the
Comparative study of prototype model for software engineering with system development life cycle
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The concept of system lifecycle models came into existence that emphasized on the need to follow some structured approach towards building new or improved system. Many models were suggested like waterfall, prototype, rapid application development, V-shaped etc. In
Workflow management in software engineering projects
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Large software engineering projects require computer support for collaborative development work. An efficient management of the flow of work items between different people or different groups of people is an important prerequisite for a successful software engineering project
Future directions for agent-based software engineering .
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We briefly review the current state of play in the area of agent-based software engineering , and then consider what next . We discuss a range of marketing activities that will together help in making people from other communities aware of work in this area. We then outline a
Software metrics validation methodologies in software engineering
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In the software measurement validations, assessing the validation of software metrics in software engineering is a very difficult task due to lack of theoretical methodology and empirical methodology [4 4 45]. During recent years, there have been a number of
Use of Ontologies in Software Engineering .
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This paper surveys the role ontologies might play in the whole software development life cycle. Use of ontologies in each phase of software development yields competitive advantage over traditional approach enabling greater information sharing and reuse. In thisThe importance and complexity of software systems require software engineers who possess the appropriate skills, knowledge, and experience to develop, maintain, and acquire such systems. Graduate education is key in advancing professional software
Enterprise Ontology Driven Software Engineering .
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Model Driven Engineering (MDE) has been with us for quite some time, the most well known MDE approach being OMGs Model Driven Architecture. Current MDE approaches suffer from two major shortcomings. First, they are unable to deliver domain models that comprise
An agenda for research in the managerial evaluation of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool impacts
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While sales of computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tools are already significant and are continuing to rise, many software developers have adopted await and seeattitude, due in part to the complete lack of validated research demonstrating any of the tools
An assessment strategy to determine learning outcomes in a software engineering problem-based learning course
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This paper briefly explores the role of experiential learning in software engineering education, focusing on Problem-based learning. An existing assessment strategy for grading individual students in a small group Problem-based learning setting is described. Although
A traceability engine dedicated to model transformation for software engineering
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This paper deals with the use of a model transformation traceability engine in a model- driven process. We propose to use traces of model transformations for the visualization and debugging of an example of model refactoring transformation. We start off with the
Adapting the software engineering process to web engineering process
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With the evolvement of web based applications, it has been found that the conventional software engineering models can not be used directly for the development of web based applications. The conventional software engineering life cycle models need to be adapted to
Applying HAZOP to software engineering models
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ABSTRACT HAZOP is a powerful hazard analysis technique which has a long history in process industries. As the use of programmable electronic systems becomes more common, it is clear that there is a need for a HAZOP method which can be used effectively with such
Empirical software engineering research on libre software : Data sources, methodologies and results
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Public available data sources are an important knowledge generator from which researchers can obtain, mostly in a non-intrusive way, data and facts from software projects. We present a methodological approach to the data sources commonly found in libre (free CSE PROJECTS