free -software engineering-21

Applying software engineering standards in small settings: Recent historical perspectives and initial achievements
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The software industry recognizes the value of very small enterprises (VSEs) in contributing valuable products and services. ISO International standards were not written for small projects, small development organizations, or companies with between 1 and 25

Evolutionary computing in search-based software engineering
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Page 2. Abstract Lappeenranta University of Technology Department of Information Technology Leo Rela Evolutionary computing in search-based software engineering Masters thesis 2004 125 pages, 30 figures and 2 tables. Supervisors: Professor D.Sc (Econ.) Timo Mantere. Keywords

Towards a component concept for continuous software engineering
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This paper will sketch the preliminary ideas for the component concept which are to be proven and investigated further within the research project Continuous Software Engineering : Continuous Engineering for Evolutionary Information-and Communication

A critical review of software engineering research on open source software development
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This paper asserts that the software engineering (SE) research literature describes open source software development (OSSD) as a homogenous phenomenon. Through a discourse analysis of the SE research literature on OSSD, it is argued that the view of OSSD as awith contributions from Susan L. Gerhart USC Information Sciences Institute Edward F. Miller, Jr. Software Research Associates William Waite University of Colorado William A. Wulf Carnegie-Mellon University In 10 years, the pursuit of software engineering has produced a wealthSoftware engineering is a well-established discipline for the design and development of large-scale software systems. It is a staged process that follows a software development life cycle (SDLC) consisting of requirements, design and development phases. Many

Collaborative software engineering
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Story telling is an old and revered activity, often intended to educate while entertaining. Practical work on scenario analysis, or scenario planning, is a form of story telling. In a business setting, it is a process by which multiple interests can contribute to constructing

Does global software development need a different requirements engineering process
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Global software development exhibits certain features that make it fundamentally different from traditional co-located software development. These characteristics have an impact on the requirements engineering process. The traditional requirements engineering processes

Software engineering for secure software -state of the art: A survey
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This report contains a survey of the state of the art in software engineering for secure software . Secure software is defined and techniques used in each phase of the software lifecycle to engineer the development of secure software are described. Also identified are

A software engineering perspective on mobility
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The term distributed computing conjures the image of a fixed network structure whose nodes support the execution of processes that communicate with each other via messages traveling along links. Peer-to-peer communication is feasible but client-server relationships

Towards a process and tool-chain for service-oriented automotive software engineering
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The complexity of automotive software systems continues to increase at a dramatic pace. Traditionally, the interactions between the various software components of a vehicle are addressed only at the later stages in the overall development process. We advocate a fresh

Artificial intelligence techniques in software engineering (AITSE)
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Software development process is a very complex process that, at present, is primarily a human activity. Programming, in software development, requires the use of different types of knowledge: about the problem domain and the programming domain. It also requires many

Using the affect grid to measure emotions in software requirements engineering
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Computer systems are designed and used by humans. And human being is characterized, among other things, by emotions. Giving this fact, the process of designing and developing computer systems is, like any other facet in our lives, driven by emotions. Requirements In August of 1980, we wrote an articlel in which we hypothesized 20 major software engineering project management problems.(To avoid later confusion, we define a software engineering project as a software development task that has a prescribed starting point, a

Methods of effort estimation in software engineering
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The objective of this paper is to present the most relevant methods and models for effort estimation used by software engineers in the past four decades. Classification of the methods has been also suggested as well as brief description of the estimation methods

Evaluation of a Suite of Metrics for Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE).
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Abstract Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) has shown significant prospects in rapid production of large software systems with enhanced quality, and emphasis on decomposition of the engineered systems into functional or logical components with well

Exploring the relation between effort and duration in software engineering projects
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This paper presents a confirmatory analysis of empirical models that predict software engineering project duration based on project effort, based on a more recent and much larger sample. The models are based on the analysis of project data provided by release 4

Security software engineering in wireless sensor networks
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The engineering of security is an essential discipline in software engineering . It requires one to embrace a holistic approach, as any weakness along the engineering process of the system lead to future security breaches. It is in general difficult to achieve and becomes

Software Engineering Methodologies: A Review of the Waterfall Model and Object-Oriented Approach
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This paper discusses two main software engineering methodologies to system development, the waterfall model and the objectoriented approach. A review of literature reveals that waterfall model uses linear approach and is only suitable for sequential or procedural

Active rules for the software engineering platform GOODSTEP
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In the framework of GOODSTEP, rules have been introduced as a means to support the implementation of next generation of Software Development Environments (SDE), mainly for:(i) notifying users, ie, programmers of SDE or end-users,(ii) application access CSE PROJECTS