fuzzy logic and extended fuzzy logic research papers 2015
Maximum power point tracking using a fuzzy logic control scheme
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Abstract-This paper proposes an intelligent control method for the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) of a photovoltaic system under variable temperature and isolation conditions. This method uses a fuzzy logic controller applied to a DC-DC converter device.
Comparison of Yager's level set method for fuzzy logic control with Mamdani's and Larsen's methods
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Abstract:The generalized modus ponens (GMP) is an important fuzzy inference rule in fuzzy logic control and approximate reasoning. There are several methods to infer the output of a fuzzy logic controller using the GMP. Many of them are based on the compositional
Fuzzy logic control of a switched reluctance motor
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Abstract This paper presents the use of fuzzy logic control (FLC) for switched reluctance motor (SRM) speed. The FLC performs a PI-like control strategy, giving the current reference variation based on speed error and its change. The performance of the drive system was
Intelligent traffic lights control by fuzzy logic
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ABSTRACT Describes the design and implementation of an intelligent traffic lights controller based on fuzzy logic technology. A software has been developed to simulate the situation of an isolated traffic junction based on this technology. It is highly graphical in nature, uses
Development of fuzzy logic and neural network control and advanced emissions modeling for parallel hybrid vehicles
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report describes the development of new control strategies and models for Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) by the Ohio-State University, on a contract with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Golden, CO. The contract was
Maximum power search in wind turbine based on fuzzy logic control
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Abstract: This paper describes fuzzy logic control of induction generator speed in wind turbine application. The aim of fuzzy controller is to establishe maximum power delivery to the grid from available wind power. Fully-controlled wind turbine which consists of
Control of overhead cranes using a fuzzy logic controller
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Transportation of massive loads using overhead cranes can excite undesirable payload swinging. These oscillations have to be damped before other payload manipulation is done. A fuzzy logic controller moves the overhead crane along a desired path while ensuring
Hybrid control of structures using fuzzy logic
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Abstract: This investigation examined the application of control algorithms based on fuzzy logic to a class of hybrid structural control systems. The investigation included both analytical and experimental verication of the fuzzy control algorithm. The objective of the
Autonomous room air cooler using fuzzy logic control system
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Abstract:This research paper describes the design and implementation of an autonomous room air cooler using fuzzy rule based control system. The rule base receives two crisp input values from temperature and humidity sensors, divides the universe of discourse into
Fuzzy logic control for lane change maneuvers in lateral vehicle guidance
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Abstract: This paper investigates the feasibility of a fuzzy logic control (FLC) algorithm for lateral control in a lane change maneuver in an automated highway system (AHS). The lane change maneuver takes the vehicle from lane following control in one lane to lane
Comparing PID and fuzzy logic control a quarter car suspension system
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Abstract The main aim of suspension system is to isolate a vehicle body from road irregularities in order to maximize passenger ride comfort and retain continuous road wheel contact in order to provide road holding. The aim of the work described in the paper was to
Fuzzy logic control of vibrations of analytical multi-degree-of-freedom structural systems
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Abstract A fuzzy-logic-based controller and a PD controller are designed for an active control device considering a multi-degree-of-freedom analytical structure against earthquakes. The advantage of the fuzzy logic approach is its robustness and ability to handle the non-linear
Fuzzy logic control of wind energy systems
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Abstract Wind energy has gained an increasing worldwide interest due to the continuous increase in fuel cost and the need to have a clean source of energy. The main objective of most of the wind energy systems is to extract the maximum power available in the wind
Fuzzy logic control of fuel cell system for residential power generation
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This paper presents a dynamic model of a fuel cell system for residential power generation. The models proposed include a fuel cell stack model, reformer model and DC/AC inverter model. Furthermore a fuzzy logic (FLC) controller is used to control the active power of
Fuzzy logic control optimal realization using GA for multi-area AGC systems
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Abstract An on line Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) realization with Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimization for Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system is developed. By rearranging the multi area AGC system into integration of the SISO cascade loops, the simple FLC
Fuzzy logic cross-coupling control
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ABSTRACT In order to achieve high precision contour machining, it is not enough to utilize individual axis controllers such as PID or feedforward controllers. These axial controllers do not guarantee the reduction of contour errors, which are as important as the axial position
Intelligent control based fuzzy logic for automation of greenhouse irrigation system and evaluation in relation to conventional systems
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Abstract: The idea of irrigation is not new, irrigation stems as far back as the Egyptians and probably further in unrecorded history. Even the idea of automated irrigation is not new, mankind has figured out how to irrigate large areas of foliage through the use of
Fuzzy Logic Congestion Control in TCP/IP Best-Effort Networks
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Abstract-This paper presents a new active queue management (AQM) scheme-Fuzzy Explicit Marking (FEM)-supporting explicit congestion notification (ECN), to provide congestion control in TCP/IP besteffort networks using a fuzzy logic control approach.
Fuzzy logic control based three phase shunt active filter for voltage regulation and harmonic reduction
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ABSTRACT This paper studies a Fuzzy Logic Control Based (FLCB) Shunt Active Filter (SAF) capable of reducing the total harmonics distortion (THD) in Power System (PS). SAF is one of the key controllers in Flexible Alternating Current Transmission System (FACTS) to
Fuzzy logic control of diesel engine turbocharging and exhaust gas recirculation
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ABSTRACT The work presented in this paper is taken from a wider program to examine the effects of the engine control strategy on the emissions, fuel consumption and driveability of a high speed direct injection diesel engine. The overall object is to access the potential for
Using fuzzy logic to control active suspension system of one-half-car model
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In the paper, fuzzy logic is used to control active suspension of a one-half-car model. Velocity and acceleration of the front and rear wheels and undercarriage velocity above the mentioned wheels are taken as input data of the fuzzy logic controller. Active forces
Automatic control of volatile fatty acids in anaerobic digestion using a fuzzy logic based approach
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Abstract A control law based on fuzzy logic was developed and validated for an anaerobic wastewater treatment process. The controlled variable was the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) in the reactor and the manipulated variable was the input flow rate. In order to
Traffic control of intersection group based on fuzzy logic
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Abstract. This paper presents a tra c fuzzy controller for a set of intersections and its simulation results. To control a set of intersection we distribute controls to the controller at each intersection. The controller at an intersection manages phase sequences and phase
Fuzzy logic control of washing machines
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Abstract Washing machines are a common feature today in the Indian household. The most important utility a customer can derive from a washing machine is that he saves the effort he/she had to put in brushing, agitating and washing the cloth. Most of the people wouldn't
Fuzzy logic–based approach for adaptive hysteresis band and dc voltage control in shunt active filter
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Abstract:Active filters are widely employed in distribution system to reduce the harmonics. In this paper, a fuzzy logiccontrolled shunt active power filter capable of reducing the total harmonic distortion is developed. The instantaneous pq theory is used for calculating the
Intelligent control for a perturbed autonomous wheeled mobile robot using type-2 fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
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Abstract: We describe a tracking controller for the dynamic model of a unicycle mobile robot by integrating a kinematic and a torque controller based on Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Theory and Genetic Algorithms. Computer simulations are presented confirming the performance of
Intelligent control of dynamic systems using type-2 fuzzy logic and stability issues
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Abstract Stability is one of the more important aspects in the traditional knowledge of Automatic Control. Type-2 Fuzzy Logic is an emerging and promising area of application to Intelligent Control (in this case, Fuzzy Control). We present a design methodology based
Fuzzy logic control for a wind/battery renewable energy production system
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Abstract In this study, a designed proportional-integral (PI) controller and a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) that fix the voltage amplitude to a constant value of 380 V and 50 Hz for loads supplied from a wind/battery hybrid energy system are explained and compared.
Fuzzy Logic Based Method of Speed Control of DC Motor
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Abstract--Various method of speed control of DC motor is available in the literature. This paper presents design and implements of fuzzy logic in the speed control of DC motor. Fuzzy logic has found high application as a speed control techniques because of its ability
Fuzzy logic control of electric motors and motor drives: feasibility study
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Fuzzy logic motor control (FLMC) is a promising technique for extracting maximum performance from modern motors. Electric motors use over 60% of the electrical power generated in the US More efficient motors can significantly reduce energy consumption
Fuzzy Logic Control of a Nonlinear pH Neutralization in Waste Water Treatment Plan
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ABSTRACT Industrial processes produce a variety of waste water pollutants, some are difficult and/or costly to treat. Waste water characteristics and level of pollutants vary significantly by industry. The task of various pH control system is to adjust the pH of the
Comparison of conventional rule based flow control with control processes based onfuzzy logic in a combined sewer system
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Abstract While conventional rule based, real time flow control of sewer systems is in common use, control systems based on fuzzy logic have been used only rarely, but successfully. The intention of this study is to compare a conventional rule based control of Abstract Self-tuning fuzzy logic controllers (STFLC) for the active control of Marmara Kocaeli earthquake excited building structures are studied in this paper. Vibration control using intelligent controllers, such as fuzzy logic has attracted the attention of structural control
Intelligent control based on fuzzy logic and neural net theory
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ABSTRACT In the conception and design of intelligent systems, one promising direction involves the use of fuzzy logic and neural network theory to enhance such systems' capability to learn from experience and adapt to changes in an environment of uncertainty
Fuzzy logic control for manipulator robot actuated by pneumatic artificial muscles
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F Abstract--In this work, we proposed fuzzy logic control of the manipulator robot actuated by the pneumatics artificial muscles. By using bang-bang motion generation, the control objective is the position and velocity tracking the robot. Simulations results demonstrate
Critical Analysis of Various Known Methods for Approximate Reasoning in Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: In this paper a rewiev and a critical analysis of various, soft computing based, approximate reasoning methods is given, studied in the Phd thesis of the author. Since Mamdani first implemented a fuzzy logic controller it has also gone trough substantial
Roll control of unmanned aerial vehicles using fuzzy logic
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Abstract:-This paper presents an effective methodology for the simplified representation of the kinematics and the horizontal flight control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). A real UAV has been used as a model in this project. The flight behavior of the UAV has been
Non-singleton fuzzy logic control of a dc motor
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Abstract: In this study, a new control scheme was described for the robust speed control of a DC motor under parameter variations and external disturbances. Non-singleton fuzzification were used in the proposed fuzzy control scheme. The control performance is tested under
Hybrid Kalman filter/fuzzy logic based position control of autonomous mobile robot
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Abstract: This paper describes position control of autonomous mobile robot using combination of Kalman filter and Fuzzy logic techniques. Both techniques have been used to fuse information from internal and external sensors to navigate a typical mobile robot in an
Safe and efficient control of hydro power plant by fuzzy logic
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Abstract Many factors related to river run-off are vague, subjective and difficult to quantify. The fuzzy logic method is very useful for such problem solving approach such as small hydro power generation. The rule base and membership functions have a great influence
Formation control of multi-robots via fuzzy logic technique
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Abstract: In this paper we address the problem of mobile robot formation control. Indeed, the most work, in this domain, have studied extensively classical control for keeping a formation of mobile robots. In this work, we design an FLC (Fuzzy logic Controller) controller for
Adaptive PI control of dynamic voltage restorer using fuzzy logic
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Abstract:PI controller is very common in the control of DVRs. However, one disadvantage of this conventional controller is the fact that by using fixed gains, the controller may not provide the required control performance, when there are variations in the system
Genetic fuztarget
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target tracking is a crucial function for an autonomous mobile robot navigating in unknown environments.target tracking approach based on artificial intelligence techniques. The proposed controller calculates both the mobile
Performance evaluation of membership functions on fuzzy logic controlled ac voltage controller for speed control of induction motor drive
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ABSTRACT The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of membership functions in the fuzzy control (FC) of an ac voltage controller for speed control of induction motor drive. A Sugeno type FC for closed loop control of induction motor drive fed by ac voltage
Fuzzy Logic Control Tool Kit: Real-Time Fuzzy Control for Max/MSP and Pd
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Abstract In computer music, it is often the case that the compositional act and the parametric control of the underlying synthesis algorithms are not separable from each other. In these situations, composition is completely intertwined with and dependent on the control of the
Speed Control of a Separately Excited DC Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Control Based on Matlab Simulation Program
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Abstract:The paper presents speed control of a separately excited DC motor using fuzzy logic control (FLC) based on Matlab Simulation program. This method of speed control of a dc motor represents an ideal application for introducing the concepts of fuzzy logic. The
Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Control With Application to Mobile Robotics
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ABSTRACT: A brief introduction to fuzzy set theory and its application to control systems is provided. Fuzzy sets do not have sharp boundaries and are therefore able to represent linguistic terms which may be considered" gray" or vague. Aspects of fuzzy set theory and
Autonomous navigation control with magnetic markers guidance of a cybernetic car usingfuzzy logic
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Abstract: This paper presents a path-following controller of a bi-steerable cybernetic car with magnetic markers guidance and a laser based anti-collision behavior. The velocity planner, the vehicle'target detection and tracking system are
Multi-area AGC system performance improvement using GA based fuzzy logic control
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1 Abstract:A multi area Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system performance improvement using Genetic Algorithm (GA) Based Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) is developed. It is pointed out that the different action will effect the AGC system from such as the load
Comparison between conventional PID and fuzzy logic controller for liquid flow control: Performance evaluation of fuzzy logic and PID controller by using
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Abstract:-Measuring the flow of liquids is a critical need in many industrial plants. In recent years, flow control has become a highly multi-disciplinary research activity encompassing theoretical, computational and experimental fluid dynamics. Fuzzy control is based on
AI based design of a fuzzy logic scheme for speed control of induction motors using SVPWM technique
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Summary The reliability and performance of the AC drives depends on the progress in power electronics, microelectronics, control methods, artificial intelligent techniques and so on. Fuzzy Logic Concept (FLC), one of the Artificial Intelligent methods has found high
Speed control of brushless DC motor by using fuzzy logic PI controller
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ABSTRACT This paper presents the fuzzy, PI controller for speed control of BLDC motor. The controller uses three fuzzy logic controllers and three PI controllers. The output of the PI controllers is summed and is given as the input to the current controller. The current
Direct Torque Control Of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based On Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract In the conventional direct torque control (DTC) of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), hysteresis controllers are employed to select the proper voltage vector resulting in large torque ripples, and the inverse voltage vector, used in this system
Fuzzy Logic Based Water Bath Temperature Control System
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Abstract:Since last two decade a substantial amount of research has reported in the field of control of non-linear dynamical system using fuzzy logic [1]. The work presents in this paper water bath temperature control system which is most widely used process in the process
Control of electrical drives based on fuzzy logic
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Abstract:-The paper presents the theory of control systems for electrical drives based on fuzzy logic, from the author's point of view. The paper offers practical answers at questions related to the design of speed control systems based on fuzzy PI speed controller: what is 6 Conclusion In this paper, several design procedures presented in the process control literature for the PID controller, based on fuzzy control systems, are reviewed. In order to make the fuzzy logic control less dependent on the quality of the expert knowledge, four
Improvement in direct torque control of induction motor using fuzzy logic duty ratio controller
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ABSTRACT This paper shows the application of fuzzy logic based duty ratio control technique to reduce torque ripple in an induction motor employing Direct Torque Control (DTC). This technique increases the number of voltage vectors beyond the available eight
Particle swarm and fuzzy logic based optimal energy control of induction motor for a mine hoist load diagram
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Abstract:This paper investigates the importance of controllers on energy saving opportunity of partial loaded three-phase induction motor in mine hoist applications. The input power of a vector controlled 1 HP induction motor is investigated with three topologies namely
fuzzy logic control 2015
Application of Fuzzy Logic Control to Dynamic Channel Allocation of WiMedia UWB Networks
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Abstract. This paper reviews applications of fuzzy logic to ECMA-368 based WiMedia UWB networks and proposes a fuzzy logic control scheme for dynamic channel allocation with combined prioritized contention access (PCA) and distributed reservation protocol (DRP).
Automation of Domestic Flour Mill Using Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: Automation is one of the emerging technologies in the field of any industrial processes. This paper emphasis on the automation of a domestic flour mill using fuzzy logic. As fuzzy logic have various potential functions, this can be utilized in flour mill automation.
Control of Gas Turbine's speed with a Fuzzy logic controller
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Abstract A gas turbine generator is widely used across the globe for generating substantial power. There have been different control algorithms applied to control the speed of the turbine at different loads. Most commonly used control system is the PID control which is
Single-Stage Power Conversion PV-Battery System by Using Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC)
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ABSTRACT The output power of PV module varies with solar irradiation; temperature; loads and it quickly and accurately tracks the sun. For photovoltaic (PV)-battery application, mostly for utility-scale PV-battery application a new converter ie Reconfigurable solar converter (
Torque Ripple Minimization Scheme Using Torque Sharing Function Based Fuzzy Logic Controlfor a Switched Reluctance Motor
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Abstract This paper presents an advanced torque ripple minimization method of a switched reluctance motor (SRM) using torque sharing function (TSF). Generally, TSF is applied into the torque control. However, the conventional TSF cannot follow the expected torque well
FL-LAB v2: Design and Development of an Easy-to-Use, Interactive Fuzzy Logic ControlSoftware System
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Abstract: The Fuzzy Logic or the Fuzzy Logic Control is an Artificial Intelligence approach/technique, which is especially used for designing and developing intelligent controlling systems. It provides an effective and efficient method to simulate the human
Control of pH Neutralization Process using Fuzzy Logic: A Review
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Abstract-The demand for application of advanced control strategies for process industries is increasing rapidly due to complex nature of industrial processes. The demand also increases to achieve improvement of the product quality and environmental factors. One
Analysis of AGC and AVR for Single Area and Double Area Power System Using Fuzzy Logic Control
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ABSTRACT: In this paper the study of AGC and AVR taken together. In the power system it is require maintaining the frequency and voltage in a tolerable limit. but due to sudden load variation it is difficult to maintain them in a prescribe limit; so it is necessary to take some
Performance Analysis of Multi Converter Unified Power Quality Conditioner with Dual Feeder System using Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract Many customers who require high reliable power, utilities provide dual feeds; ie service to a facility comes from two independent transmission lines. Maintaining power quality is an important issue in the transmission and sub transmission system. Unified
Estimation of elbow joint angle from Time domain features of SEMG signals using Fuzzy Logic for prosthtic control
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Abstract In this work an attempt is made to estimate the elbow joint angle from Surface Electromyography (SEMG) signal during dynamic contraction using Fuzzy logic technique. Here the SEMG signals are taken from the biceps brachii of subjects during flexion and
Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Fuzzy Logic Approach
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Abstract This paper presents a rule-based fuzzy logic controller applied to a scalar closed loop Volts/Hz induction motor (IM) control with slip regulation and its simulation results. The IM is model in terms of dq windings, with synchronous frame associated with the
Fuzzy-Logic-Based Control, Filtering, and Fault Detection for Networked Systems: A Survey
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This paper is concerned with the overview of the recent progress in fuzzy-logic-based filtering, control, and fault detection problems. First, the network technologies are introduced, the networked control systems are categorized from the aspects of fieldbuses and
An Efficient Control Strategy Based Multi Converter UPQC using with Fuzzy Logic Controller for Power Quality Problems
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Abstract A custom power device provides an integrated solution to the present problems that are faced by the utilities and power distribution. In this paper, a new controller is designed which is connected to a multiconverter unified power quality conditioner (MC-
Minimizing torque ripple in a brushless DC motor with fuzzy logic: applied to control rod driving mechanism of MNSR
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A permanent magnet BLDC (brushless direct current) motor is used to move the control rod of a miniature neutron source reactor (MNSR). The BLDC motor drive is modeled using MATLAB/SIMULINK. Two main parts of the modeling are the inverter switching and the
An Adaptive fuzzy logic control (AFLC) strategy for PEMFC fuel cell
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Abstract:The performance of PEMFC, being important and getting more and more attention in recent years, is known to be influenced by many parameters such as operating temperatures both fuel cell and humidifiers, pressure, flow rates and relative humidity of
Building power control and comfort management using genetic programming and fuzzy logic
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Abstract In the last couple of years, energy management in the building environment has been a topic of interest to the research community. A number of renowned methods exist in the literature for energy management in buildings, but the trade-off between occupants
A Control Strategy based on Fuzzy Logic for Three-phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic System with Supporting Grid-frequency Regulation
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Abstract:This paper presents a control strategy based on fuzzy logic to inject efficiently the active power from a three-phase grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system into the local grid with supporting regulation for the frequency of grid voltage. In which the control strategy
The Speed Control Design Based on Fuzzy Logic
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Stability of HVDC Transmission System using Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: The stability of power systems is of paramount importance in order to maintain the integrity of power supply to the grid. There has been a tremendous increase in power demand during the last few years. Transmission of bulk power over large distances and
Temperature Control of Drying Chambers with Fuzzy Logic Algorithm for Common Microcontroller Systems
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Abstract: The fuzzy logic control algorithms are relatively new direction in the field automatic control systems. These algorithms are similar to the thinking style of humans and give more flexibility over controlled parameter than classical systems theory control methods, which
Real Time Implementation of Advanced Control Scheme (Fuzzy Logic Controller) for Three Tank Interacting System
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Abstract: In an industrial system, liquid level control has its own significance especially in petrochemical pharmaceutical industries. Thus a three tank interacting system has been considered for our work. The system is of a higher order which can be modeled into a First
Wind Turbine Speed Control with Maximum Power Extracting Based on Fuzzy Logic
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A New High-Efficiency Isolated AC–DC Converter using the Three-Phase Interleaved LLC Resonant Converter using Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: the power conversion efficiency of an isolated ac–dc converter is a dominant factor in the overall efficiency of dc distribution systems. To improve the power conversion efficiency of the dc distribution system, a three-phase interleaved fullbridge LLC resonant
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Abstract: The consistency and presentation of the AC drives depends on the development in different methods likes microelectronics, power electronics, control methods, artificial intelligent techniques and so on. FLC (Fuzzy Logic Concept) is one of the Artificial
Switching-Frequency control for Regulated Boost Rectifier using fuzzy-logic controltechnique
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Abstract A novel switching-frequency control method for regulated one-switch boost rectifiers operating at the boundary of discontinuous and continuous conduction modes is presented in this paper. To obtain a source current with the least amount of low-order harmonics, the
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a type# 2 fuzzy logic control (FLC) approach for mobile target in cluttered environments. Robot control actions are generated by different behaviors: attraction to a dynamic tar# get, obstacle avoidance and
Fuzzy Logic Control of a Humanoid Robot on Unstable Terrain
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Abstract. This paper describes a novel system for enabling a humanoid robot to balance on highly dynamic terrain using fuzzy logic. We evaluate this system by programming Jimmy, a small humanoid robot, to balance on a bongo board–a simple apparatus consisting of a
Design and Simulation of Adaptive Traffic Light Controller Using Fuzzy Logic ControlSugeno Method
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Abstract:Traffic congestion is a critical issue which must be resolved. The concept of adaptive traffic lights controller needs to be developed to improve the traffic flow. This paper presents the design of an adaptive traffic light controller using fuzzy logic control Sugeno
Determining the Gear Position of Car Using Fuzzy Logic Control System
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Abstract: This research Paper describes the design and implementation of determining the gear position of car Using Fuzzy Logic Control System. The rules base receives two input values Speed; and Road condition, fires the rule, and gives the output in terms of speed
Design and Stability Analysis of Supervisor-based Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control System for Temperature
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ABSTRACT The application of fuzzy logic (FL) supervisors (FLS) for on-line non linear auto- tuning of the basic FL controllers (FLCs) gains popularity as a simple adaptive technique for improvement of the performance of control systems for plants with non linearities, inertia,
A Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Control of Three Phase to Single Phase Matrix Converter fed Induction Heating System
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Abstract: Advancement of power semiconductor devices paved way for development of direct AC-AC conversion topology which has wide application range than conventional AC- DC-AC converters as they restrict the usage of DC link components. In this manuscript
Fuel Cell Based Compact Integrated Converter with Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: With the using of the renewable sources increasingly, application of the distributed generation (DG) in the distribution system acquired more attention. After the power system faults, distribution system which contains many DGs would usually cut off the DGs from the
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In this paper, modern civil aircraft electrical actuators are modeled, analyzed and controlled using Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). The aircraft actuators aremodeled in PSIM and the obtained results verify that FLC is superior compared to classic controls. The FLC
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the fuzzy logic algorithm for process parameters of fused deposition modeling is described. Rapid prototyping is moving towards rapid prototyping manufacturing (RPTM). Surface quality and dimensional accuracy are important with parts
Fuzzy logic Control of Chemical Processes
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ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to investigate the closed-loop control strategies for a batch reactor and batch distillation column by using two different control methods. In this paper, Fuzzy logic control is developed and compared with conventional proportional-
Fuzzy Logic Control Based DTC-SVM Adaptive Stator Flux Observer For Induction Motors
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Abstract: A combination of Direct Torque Control (DTC) and Space Vector Modulation (SVM) for an Induction Motor (IM) drive is defined in this paper. A two-level SVPWM inverter is delivered to the induction motor drive. Using IM model in the stator DQ axes reference
Modified DTC Scheme using Fuzzy Logic Control for a FSTPI Fed Induction Motor Drive
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Abstract: This paper suggests a new approach, Fuzzy logic based space vector modulation, on the direct torque controlled induction motors and plan of the approach is to overcome high torque ripple drawbacks of basic direct torque control. The introduced strategy is
Study of Variable Pitch Control for Direct-drive Permanent Magnet Wind Turbines Based onFuzzy Logic Algorithm
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Abstract Due to the complex structure of direct-drive permanent magnet wind turbines and the high nonlinearity of wind speed, the effect of the conventional PID variable pitch control to maintain the output power unchanged is often less than ideal when the wind speed is
A Survey of Managing Congestion Control in ATM Network Using Fuzzy Logic
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ABSTRACT: This survey paper shows different mechanisms for controlling congestion in ATM network and some suggested solution for the existing mechanism to be modified using fuzzy logic. Different mechanisms are Jump Window (JW), Exponentially Weighted Moving
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ABSTRACT--An electric railway system uses a single phase source that is supplied through a Scott transformer from a three-phase transmission system. In addition, the electric railway system hasrapidly changing load characteristics in time. An unbalance is generated owing
Torque Ripple Minimization of a Switched Reluctance Motor using Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: Switched Reluctance Motors (SRMs) are attractive for industrial applications because of their simple construction and low cost, ruggedness, the capability to cover a wide speed range and relatively high torque-to-mass ratio. The primary disadvantage of an
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ABSTRACT Arc furnace represents one of the most intensive and disturbing loads in the electric power system concerned about. Electric arc furnace can go from zero to full load many times an hour as arc struck and broke in the furnace. Voltage flicker, a phenomenon
Superheated Steam Temperature control in Thermal Power Plant Using Fuzzy LogicController
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Boiler is the main component in generating steam in thermal power generation units and its control is very important in many applications. In present situation conventional PID control is being used for this purpose. These conventional controllers cannot cope up with system
Providing Intelligent Traffic Management Service for High-Speed Networks by Using Fuzzy Logic Control
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Abstract: The tremendous growth of the internet and the advances of computer technology have been pushing forward computer networks for high speed and broad bandwidth. Congestion, being a non-linear and dynamic problem requires robust, possibly intelligent,
Implementation Of Automatic Wiper Speed Control And Headlight Modes Control Systems Using Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract: This research paper describes the design and simulation of the automatic wiper speed and headlight modes controllers using fuzzy logic. This proposed system consists of a fuzzy logic controller to control a car's wiper speed and headlight modes. The automatic
Wind turbine performance optimization through pitch control by using fuzzy logic
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Abstract This research work presents fuzzy pitch controller design of wind turbine to get the maximum power in addition to decrease the losses caused by acceleration and deceleration in turbine rotation. And thus optimize power coefficient of turbine through artificial
Speed Control of Induction Motor by using Self-Tuned Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract: Any novel made easier self-tuned neuro–fuzzy controller (NFC) with regard to speed control of induction motor (IM) drive is presented on this paper. The actual proposed NFC mixes fuzzy LOGIC and a four-layer sensory network design. Only pace error is
Modeling and Control of Wind Energy Conversion Systems under High Wind Turbulence using Conventional, Fuzzy Logic and H-Infinity Controllers
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Abstract: Electricity generated from wind power can be highly variable at several different time scales -hourly, daily or seasonally. Annual variation also exists, but is not as significant because instantaneous electrical generation and consumption must remain in balance to
OptimizationControl of PMSM Based Wind Energy Using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract:In recent years, the increasing concerns to the environmental issues and the limited availability of conventional fossil fuels lead to rapid research and development for more sustainable and alternative electrical sources. Wind energy, as one of the most
Sliding Mode Sensorless Control of Induction Machines Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract Sliding mode control, due to its robustness against modeling imprecision and external disturbances, has been successfully employed to control of the induction machines. In this paper we propose a sliding mode observer for sensorless control of induction
Mobile Robot Control Using Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract: In this work, intelligent fuzzy controller for mobile robot in various (known and unknown) environments is build to control of mobile robot. A successful way of structuring the navigation problem treat with the issues of individual behavior design and action
Comparison of Buck-Boost and CUK Converter Control Using Fuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract:DC-DC converters are used in many application such solar battery system, dc motor drives etc. DC-DC converters are used to convert the unregulated dc voltage into regulated dc voltage. The performance of these types of converters are best choice of
Multi Objective Control Technique For Unification of DG Units to the electrical networkUsingFuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract:This paper proposes with a control method for unification of distributed generation resources using fuzzy logic controller to the utility grid. The theme is to reduce total harmonic distortion reduction using fuzzy logic controller in utility grid while delivering to non linear
Simulation of the Soil pH Control System Using Fuzzy Logic Method
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Some basic factors that can affect both plant growth and quality of the enlargement produced including temperature, relative humidity, intensity of light received by the plants and soil pH levels. Light intensity affect food manufacturing plant, stem length, leaf color
Automatic Control of Fan Speed using Fuzzy Logic
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ABSTRACT This paper gives you the design as well as the simulation of an electric fan speed control by using fuzzy logic. This provides a clear view of how speed control is done based on data from the temperature sensor using fuzzy logic. In this we used data from
Research of the vehicle with AFS control strategy based on fuzzy logic
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ABSTRACT: Vehicle stability is an important index for automobile safety. With the rapid development of auto industry, more attention was emphasized on active front wheel steering technology. A wheel angle control strategy of active front wheel steering was present in
A Cross-Coupled Control of a Two-DOF Robot System Using Fuzzy Logic Technique
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Abstract:–This paper presents a cross-coupled bistage controller for positioning electrohydraulic servo systems having two degree of freedom. The proposed approach is used to reduce the complexity of the fuzzy system. A method, which is based on a
Power Quality Improvement of Electrical Railway System by Fuzzy Logic Based Direct Power Control with Space Vector Modulation
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Abstract: This paper is to develop Power Quality in Electric Railway systems with the help of Fuzzy Logic based Direct Power Control with Space Vector Modulation (DPCSVM). This can be achieved by general filtering and harmonic compensation using the proposed method.
Active Power Control by Using Fuzzy Logic Controller in Fuel Cell Distributed Generation Systems
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Abstract: The operation of Fuel Cell Distributed Generation (FCDG) frameworks in appropriation frameworks is presented by displaying, controller configuration, and reproduction investigation of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) appropriated era (DG)
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Abstract DC motor is a versatile motor and used in many industrial applications. By proper control action use of DC motor can be increase. In this paper propose fuzzy controller for speed control of separately excited DC motors. In industrial work PID controllers are used
Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor With Fuzzy Logic for Minimization of Torque Ripples
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Abstract-The induction motor, which is the most widely used motor type in the industry, has been favored because of its good selfstarting capability, simple and rugged structure, low cost and reliability etc. Over last few decades, Direct Torque Control (DTC) is known to
Comparative Study of Speed Control of Induction Motor Using PI and Fuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract: This paper proposes the idea of using Fuzzy Logic Technique in estimating motor speed and controlling it for Induction motor. The Induction motor is modeled using dq axis theory. The main objective of this project is to develop a fuzzy logic based controller to
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ABSTRACT Stability is a very necessary state in control system and it becomes more difficult to achieve for a non-linear system. This paper looked at Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) of Inverted pendulum for the control of the angle position. A conventional Proportional plus
An Adaptive Packet Drop Probability Approach Using Fuzzy Logic to Control Congestion in MANET
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Abstract Mobile ad-hoc network is an infrastructure less network where every node has its own protocols and services for powerful cooperation in the network. Every node has the ability to handle the congestion in its queues during traffic overflow. This was done
Optimization of Speed Control Of An Induction Motor Using Self Tuning Of PI Plus Fuzzy Logic Controller
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ABSTRACT: The Traditional approach of designing speed controllers for vector control of an induction motor have undergoes many problems like instability, rise time, settling time etc.., during load disturbances. In this paper, hybrid controller is designed for a 3 phase 50 HP,
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Abstract: PID based power controls are popular in precision power control for heaters in industrial as well as research systems where temperature should not vary from the set values. While PID parameters could be set manually for the purpose in simple systems
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ABSTRACT Simple power electronic drive circuit and easy control of converter are specific advantage of SRM drives, but excessive torque ripple has limited its use to special applications. It is well known that controlling current shape adequately can minimize the
An Intelligent Speed Control of Brushless SEDC Motor by using PID, Fuzzy Logic Controller and Neuro-Fuzzy Logic Controller
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Abstract: In modern era, there are not less than six billion motors built in worldwide every year. The Brushless separately excited DC motors are an integral part of industrial plants. In industrial application the demand of BLSEDC motors for low-cost and good quality have
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Abstract-Wind is abundant almost in any part of the world. Its existence in nature is caused by uneven heating on the surface of the earth as well as the earth's rotation means that the wind resources will always be available. Of the available alternative sources of energy,
Robust tracking control for robotic manipulator via fuzzy logic system and H8 approaches
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Abstract Based on fuzzy logic system (FLS) and H8 control methodologies, a robust tracking control scheme is proposed for robotic system with uncertainties and external disturbances. FLS is employed to implement the framework of computed torque control (
Adaptive Cruise Control using Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract In recent years many studies on intelligent vehicles have been devoted to solve problem such as accident prevention, traffic flow smoothing. Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is used to maintain a constant safe distance between the host vehicle and the leading
Characterizing an extended fuzzy logic system with temporal attributes for real-time expert systems
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Abstract:-The approximate reasoning is perceived as a derivation of new formulas with the corresponding temporal attributes, within a fuzzy theory defined by the fuzzy set of special axioms. In a management application, the reasoning is evolutionary because of
Extended fuzzy equational logic
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Abstract. We study fuzzy equational logics extended by additional deduction rules. It is shown that equational deduction rules which preserve substitutions can be represented by Horn clauses with truth-weighted premises. This ensures us to reduce provability in
Trends of Inference Considering Extended Fuzzy Logic (FLe)
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The introduction of fuzzy logic in 1965 has been one of the main advancements in the last several decades in different subjects and especially in control theory [1]. Fuzzy logic has given large deals to reasoning, and clearly, shows its applicability in many areas to solve
Comparison of Extended Fuzzy Logic Models of A-IFS and HLS: Detailed Analysis of Inclusion in the A-IFS of the Data Sets for Implication Operations
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ABSTRACT After the proposal of Zadeh's Fuzzy Set Theory, several kinds of extended fuzzy set/logic models have been proposed. Some extended models treat any multi- dimensional fuzzy logic system. Typically, the models assume a pair of (t, f) for the truth-
Human-Robot Collision Avoidance with RFID Sensors Using Fuzzy Logic and ExtendedKalman Filter
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Abstract At the down of the new millennium, robotic has tendency to contribute to a major transformation in scope and dimension. From a largely dominant industrial focus, robotics is expending into challenge of dynamic unstructured environment. The emerging robots will
Prioritizing highway system safety improvement projects using the extended analytical hierarchy process with fuzzy logic Article Type: Technical Paper
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Abstract: This paper presents a robust multi-criteria model for prioritizing highway safety improvement projects, in which a set of criteria related to the project's technical, economic, social and environmental impacts are properly weighted in consideration. The proposed
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ABSTRACT In this work, we develop a method for pathology detection of the maxillary-facial in 3D CT medical images. Our method is based on a contrario approach that is a statistical region based method. To do this, we detect significant changes in regions previously
Toward extended fuzzy logic a first step
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Fuzzy logic adds to bivalent logic an important capability a capability to reason precisely with imperfect information. Imperfect information is information which in one or more respects is imprecise, uncertain, incomplete, unreliable, vague or partially true. In fuzzy
Maximum Power Search in Wind Turbine Based on Fuzzy Logic Control
ABSTRACT This paper describes fuzzy logic control of induction generator speed in wind turbine application. The aim of fuzzy controller is to establishe maximum power delivery to the grid from available wind power. Fully-controlled wind turbine which consists of induction generator