VoIP technology in general refers to the set of software, hardware and industry standards that enable “voice” to be transported using the Internet Protocol (IP). The technology is compelling to a wide audience for several reasons: • VoIP phone bills are typically cheaper than traditional phone bills to the consumer. • VoIP networks offers providers easier IT management and reduction in operating cost for a combined network for voice and data. • VoIP technology is feature rich to support next generation multimedia applications With private phone conversations being conducted on insecure public networks, security of VoIP communications is increasingly important. VoIP has a very different architecture than traditional circuit based telephony, and these differences result in significant security issues. Encryption is one of the essential security technologies for computer data, and it will go a long way toward securing VOIP[1,2,3]. In our discussion we proposed a Biometric-Crypto system which generates a cryptographic key from the fingerprints for Encrypting and Decrypting the voice data packets for VoIP Security. if your VoIP packets traverse the Internet to reach a destination, a number of attackers have a shot at your voice data. The calls are also vulnerable to hijacking or a man in the middle attack . In such a scenario, an attacker would intercept a connection and modify call parameters. This is an especially scary attack, since the participants likely wouldn’t notice a change. The ramifications include spoofing or identity theft and call redirection, making On Five Definitions of Data Integrity .
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This paper compares ve de nitions of data integrity , and shows how they can be ordered in an increasingly restrictive sequence. The most general of these, due to Courtney and Ware 6], is based on the concept of expectation of data quality: data has integrity to the extent that
End-to-end Data Integrity for File Systems: A ZFS Case Study.
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We present a study of the effects of disk and memory corruption on file system data integrity . Our analysis focuses on Suns ZFS, a modern commercial offering with numerous reliability mechanisms. Through careful and thorough fault injection, we show that ZFS is robust to a
Fast integrity for large data
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We present a scheme that provides data integrity with extreme speed. The proposed scheme bases on a different design than those from hash functions. Like a hash function a deterministic algorithm outputs a small string called tag with a message on input, however
Efficient integrity checking technique for securing client data in cloud computing
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It has been widely observed that the concept of cloud computing is become one of major theory in the world of IT industry. It involves storing the users data to be able to use the applications and services that the clouds introduce. There is a significant numbers of risks
A system for ensuring data integrity in grid environments
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Data integrity has to become one of the central concerns of large-scale distributed computing systems such as the Grid, whose primary products are the results of computation. In order to maintain the integrity of this data , the system must be resilient to diverse attacks We discuss several disk read-write optimizations that are implemented in different transaction systems and disk hardware to improve performance. These include:(1) when multiple sectors are written to disk, the sectors may be written out of sequence (SCSI disk
Identifying data integrity in the cloud storage
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In cloud computing, data is moved to a remotely located cloud server. Cloud faithfully stores the data and return back to the owner whenever needed. But there is no guarantee that data stored in the cloud is secured and not altered by the cloud or Third Party Auditor (TPA). In This paper discusses the design and implementation of a high-availability clustering solution. This solution provides data integrity guarantees and a simple and effective way for making services highly available. The implementation of the system design in a Linux
Data integrity on 20nm SSDs
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Page 1. Data Integrity on 20nm SSDs Robert Frickey Intel Corporation Flash Memory Summit 2012 Santa Clara, CA 1 Page 2. Agenda Flash Memory Summit 2012 Santa Clara, CA 2 Overview of data integrity metrics Challenges as Nand scales to 20nm and below Nand-related
Security of Fully Distributed Power System State Estimation: Detection and Mitigation of Data Integrity Attacks.
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State estimation plays an essential role in the monitoring and supervision of power systems. In todays power systems state estimation is typically done in a centralized or in a hierarchical way, but as power systems will be increasingly interconnected in the future
A robust tamperproof watermarking for data integrity in relational databases
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Watermarking for Databases is one of the fastest growing areas of research dealing with security and authentication issues for digital contents when they are shared or distributed to others. One of the security aspects is to authenticate tamperproof receipt of the database This work presents a scheme to build data communication system that can effectively protect data integrity and confidentiality. Firstly, This work briefly introduces the situation of integrity and confidentiality protection. Then, This work brings forward a new cipher, which uses a
Ensuring Data Integrity in Cloud Computing
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Cloud computing provides convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. The resources can be rapidly deployed with great efficiency and minimal management overhead. Cloud is an insecure computing platform
Modelling spatial data integrity rules at the metadata level
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Data quality in populated spatial databases has been of great concern over the last decade. Much work has gone into means of incorporating spatial business rules in GIS with the ultimate aim of reducing errors in data entry, or detecting them after they are made. This
Digital watermarking method for data integrity protection in wireless sensor networks
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Wireless sensor networks are self-organized and data -centric, which have been well applied in many practical areas. But in these applications, data integrity from sensors has not been verified. Thereby in this paper, we have proposed a novel data integrity protection strategy
Refreshing thoughts on DRAM: Power saving vs. data integrity
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To head-off the trend of increasing power consumption and throughput overheads due to refresh in DRAM, researchers are exploring ways to fine-tune refresh rate. Refresh management proposals range from temperature-aware refresh to partitioning data cells
Testing and data integrity in the administration of statewide student assessment programs
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Testing and data integrity on statewide assessments is defined as the establishment of a comprehensive set of policies and procedures for: a) the proper preparation of students, b) the management and administration of the test (s) that will lead to accurate and appropriate
Experiments on Formal Verification of Mobile Agent Data Integrity Properties.
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This paper explores the possibility of applying exist-ing verification techniques and tools to the cryptographic mechanisms specifically designed for the protection of mobile agents from their environment, with a particular emphasis on agent data integrity . In a previous paper we
Data integrity of cloud data storages (CDSs) in cloud
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The growing need of Information Technology in every field has lead to the evolution of cloud computing for highly efficient usage of IT resources. Cloud provides services through internet. The computing power to the cloud environment is provided through collection of
Data integrity and confidentiality in outsourced database
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An increasing number of enterprises outsource their IT functions or business processes to third-parties who offer these services with a lower cost due to the economy of scale. Quality of service has become a major concern in outsourcing. When database owners outsourced
a major risk. One way to help protect your privacy is to encrypt these conversations so that they aren’t simply floating around out there for potential hackers to latch onto. In our approach we have proposed a system which will encrypt the VoIP data packets using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)[7] with the novel method of Biometrics based Key Generation technique.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) [1] is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet or other packet switched networks. VoIP is often used abstractly to refer to the actual transmission of voice . VoIP is also known as IP Telephony[2,4], Internet telephony, Broadband telephony, Broadband Phone and Voice over Broadband. “VoIP” is pronounced voyp. VoIP calls can take place between LAN or on WANs, as is the case with internal calls on a corporate network. If a VoIP user wishes to call a destination on POTS, a special gateway is used. These devices act as connectors between the data network and the SS7 network used by POTS. They translate the incoming data into a format the recipient, be it IP or SS7, can understand. In the process of saving money and increasing efficiency, two crucial portions of any infrastructure, voice and data, were combined. As if these A cryptographic key generation scheme for multilevel data security
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In 1982, and Taylor proposed an elegant solution to rhe partially ordered multilevel key distribution problem, using a cryptographic approach. Since then, continuing research has been conducred to try to realize and simplify their scheme. Generally speaking, there are
Towards achieving data security with the cloud computing adoption framework.
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Offering real-time data security for petabytes of data is important for Cloud Computing. A recent survey on cloud security states that the security of users data has the highest priority as well as concern. We believe this can only be able to achieve with an approach that is
Data security model for cloud computing
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With the development of cloud computing, Data security becomes more and more important in cloud computing. This paper analyses the basic problem of cloud computing data security . With the analysis of HDFS architecture, we get the data security requirement of cloud
Data security in cloud computing with elliptic curve cryptography
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Cloud computing is one of todays hottest research areas due to its ability to reduce costs associated with computing while increasing scalability and flexibility for computing services. Cloud computing is Internet based computing due to shared resources, software and the protection of data from accidental or malicious modification, destruction, or disclosure (FIPS); the science and study of methods of protecting data in computer and communications systems against unauthorized disclosure, transfer, delay, modifications, or
Privacy and Data Security Risks in Cloud Computing.
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In recent years, cloud computing has emerged as one of the fastest-growing segments of the information technology industry. The ability to leverage economies of scale, geographic distribution,
Robust data security for cloud while using third party auditor
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Cloud computing has been envisioned as the next-generation technology of IT industries. The Cloud is a platform where data owner remotely store their data in the cloud to enjoy the high quality applications and services. The client or data owner send their data to data
Enhancing data security using video steganography
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Information security has become the area of concern as a result of widespread use of communication medium over the internet. This paper focuses on the data security approach when combined with encryption and steganographic techniques for secret communication
concerns weren’t enough, VoIP servers acting as gateways, special routers, phones, new protocols and
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Computer systems are rapidly changing. Over the next few years, we will see wide-scale deployment of dynamically-scheduled processors that can issue multiple instructions every clock cycle, execute instructions out of order, and overlap computation and cache misses s are now thrown into the mix. The burden of voice and telecommunications security has been shifted from the carrier to the IT team. It has moved from an obscure PSTN, to an IP network every cracker is familiar with. Let’s examine the risks and how you can mitigate them
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