genetic algorithm IEEE PAPER 2022
The genetic algorithm is a method for solving both constrained and unconstrained optimization problems that is based on natural selection, the process that drives biological evolution. The genetic algorithm repeatedly modifies a population of individual solutions.
Intelligent system for recruitment decision making using an alternative parallel-sequential genetic algorithm
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we used a resolution genetic algorithm which is one of the genetic algorithm (SeqGA) and a parallel genetic algorithm (PGA). sequential and parallel genetic algorithms are among the
Indonesian News Articles Summarization Using Genetic Algorithm .
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Genetic Algorithm (GA) is an algorithm based on biological individual, then through a genetic selection process, the best algorithm method that used a genetic algorithm for optimizing
Fitting Volume Models for Parana Pine With a Nonlinear Regression, Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing
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genetic algorithm and simulated annealing. Valuable contribution are delivered in the scope of improving volumetric estimates for the Brazilian pine species, covering in its sample trees
An Improved FOC Strategy for Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives Under an Open-Phase Fault Using Genetic Algorithm
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[27], a hybrid genetic algorithm genetic algorithm with non-dominated elitist selection to support multi-objective test optimization was presented. This research uses a genetic algorithm
Fixed Point, Iteration-based, Adaptive Controller Tuning, Using a Genetic Algorithm
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The first iteration of the genetic algorithm is based on an initial population. The structure of the The genetic algorithm is built around the inner block. The genetic algorithm performs the
The IoT and registration of MRI brain diagnosis based on genetic algorithm and convolutional neural network
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a fast sub pixel registration algorithm is used based on single In this work apply the genetic algorithm and CNN clasifcation entropy, applying the genetic algorithm by selecting the two
An Optimized Neural Network Using Genetic Algorithm for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction
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In this study, the use of the genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters for an ANN in predicting cardiovascular disease was implemented. Genetic algorithm being one of the widely
Research on e-commerce logistics distribution path planning based on Improved Genetic Algorithm
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research, this article uses a hybrid search algorithm to improve the genetic algorithm . In determining the main points of path planning, the improved genetic algorithm is used to build a
The state of charge estimation of lithium-ions battery using combined multi-population genetic algorithmBP and Kalman filter methods
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genetic algorithm (MPGA) is proposed to compensate the nonlinear errors caused by EKF in the process of linearization and to avoid genetic algorithm (GA so that the algorithm can beThe optimum path for Adhoc networks is found using a Genetic Algorithm (GA) in this paper.GA uses natural evolution-inspired methodologies to find answers to optimization problems.
Genetic Algorithm approach in the prevention of torsional irregularity in reinforced concrete structures
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The sizing optimization problem was formulated and implemented using MATLAB by employing Genetic Algorithm method. The design variables are constituted by the columns This process is optimized using a genetic algorithm to get better results. Further, a comparative analysis has been conducted between the different models generated by changing the
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To encrypt and decrypt a message, in this paper we establish an algorithm involving genetic algorithm (crossover and mutation technique) which is based on symmetric key
A Deep Learning and Genetic Algorithm Based Feature Selection Processes on Leukemia Data
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we experimented with, based on a genetic algorithm (GA), widely Genetic Algorithm step and the final classification results. We also experimented with the use of a genetic algorithm but
Optimal Answer Generation by Equivalent Transformation incorporating Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
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In this paper, we use nondominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) , in which individuals with the best trade-off values are determined via non-dominated sorting and crowding
Geometric Optimization of Jet Pump Used in Vacuum Distillation Applications under Different Operating Conditions using Genetic algorithm Methods
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using Multi-Objective Genetic Aggregation (MOGA). Likewise, geneticalgorithms methods have and metal foams was performed using a genetic algorithm . This work was focused on
Optimization of thermal modification of wood by genetic algorithm and classical mathematical analysis
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and compared to the model obtained by genetic programming (GP). The optimization of compared to the results obtained by optimization with genetic algorithm (GA). The results of the
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index with the help of an algorithm . In this method, the structure of a compound along with a genetic algorithm (GA). It applies Darwin s evolution hypothesis and several genetic
Slope Stability Prediction of Road Embankment using Artificial Neural Network Combined with Genetic Algorithm
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The prediction of slope stability was performed using artificial neural networks (ANNs) in this work. The factor of safety determined by numerical analysis was used to develop ANN s
Video Steganography for Image and Text Using Deep Genetic Algorithm and LSB
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Figure 2 shows the proposed embedding algorithm for hiding In the proposed method, we are using Genetic Algorithm be The sender will apply a genetic algorithm to the frames to get
Genetic Algorithm Energy Optimization in 3D WSNs with Different Node Distributions
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Genetic Algorithm Dynamic Clustering Algorithm We propose genetic algorithm dynamic clustering (GA-DC) algorithm GA-DC algorithm uses an enhanced fitness function (F) compared
Determination of transverse isotropic elastic constants of nacre and constituent tablets based on genetic algorithmassisted resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
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In this study, equivalent elastic constants were efficiently determined considering nacre as a homogeneous body by employing a genetic algorithm (GA)[42 44] to ensure that the
Numerical modeling and optimization based on genetic algorithm of tempered glass furnaces
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In this paper, a tempering glass furnace is numerically analyzed for energy performance investigation. In order to manufacture highstrength tempered glass, the glass must be heatedGenetic Algorithm is developed to estimate the base station parameters for more energy efficient LTE network deployment. Results show that a remarkable energy saving of about 26%
Skin Cancer Diagnosis Using CNN Features with Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Methods
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Considering the performance results obtained using only the Genetic Algorithm (GA), 90.09% accuracy was obtained with the holdout (70% training-30% test) method, while 88.69%
Microencapsulation of Dragon Fruit Peel Extract by Freeze-Drying Using Hydrocolloids: Optimization by Hybrid Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm
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The output parameters of the proposed ANN model were fed into the genetic algorithm as the initial population for optimizing the process, illustrated in Fig. 2. The methodology of GA
Conditions of Paint Wastewater Coagulation With Gastropod Shell Conchiolin Using Response Surface Design and Artificial Neural Network- Genetic Algorithm
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Also, due to the robustness of response surface design (RSD), and the proven optimization e ciency of arti cial intelligence ( genetic algorithm ) [30], hybrid method (the use of RSD and
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of the DE algorithm are presented in [22] and [23]. The aforementioned algorithm is used in the so-called derivative-free optimization . In fact, the DE algorithm finds a minimum of a
Spreading Factor Allocation Method Adaptive to Changing Environments for LoRaWAN Based on Thermodynamical Genetic Algorithm
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Next, Section 3 describes the thermodynamic genetic algorithm used in this paper. Section 4 describes the communication model of LoRaWAN and the proposed method using TDGA,
A Genetic Algorithm based Hybrid Deep Learning Approach for Heart Disease Prediction
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hybrid combination of a Genetic Algorithm based Feature selection After feature selection using genetic algorithm we have 20 In this paper, a blend of Genetic Algorithm and ensemble
An Interactive Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning approach for validating the effect of preheated air combustion on fuel consumption of oil-fired industrial
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Abstract This paper presents an interactive approach of Genetic Algorithm and Machine Learning being used as tool for optimizing the Fuel Consumption of oil-fired rotary furnace
A Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Occasional Drivers and Time Windows
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To solve this problem, we develop a version of the Biased Random-Key Genetic Algorithm (BRKGA) that employs multiple parents to pass alleles to the offspring in the next generation
Designing a New Multi-Echelon Multi-Period Closed-Loop Supply Chain Network by Forecasting Demand Using Time Series Model: A Genetic Algorithm
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algorithm with a zero/one hierarchical genetic algorithm . To solve this model, genetic algorithm 123 based on spanning with the traditional method of genetic algorithm . Pedram et al. (
Electricity demand estimation using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique A case study for Iran
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This paper presents application of Genetic Algorithm (GA) techniques to estimate electricity Many studies are performed by researchers to estimate energy demand but Bees Algorithm (The paper proposes a Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique used Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are global optimization techniques In this paper Genetic Algorithm techniques have been used
Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Based Relevance Feedback Approach for Image Retrieval
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Genetic Algorithm is an evolutionary algorithm which is based on the natural evolution procedures and also recognized as machine learning algorithm [ in the start of genetic procedure.
IOT Network Malicious Session Detection by KNN and MothFlame Optimization Algorithm
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The authors in propose an intrusion detection model based on a genetic algorithm and a deep belief network. They use the NSL-KDD dataset for detecting four types of attacks: DoS
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Genetic algorithm (GA), Meta-heuristic set of rules (MA) and our proposed hybridization of GA and Pigeon stimulated optimization issue of Meta-heuristic algorithm ( genetic algorithm
To Enhance the Quality of HCRS using Fuzzy- Genetic Approach
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Proposed approach for HCRS using Fuzzy- genetic approach (FG-HCRS) The construction of our model is based on fuzzy rule based and genetic algorithm which is a key task is
Searching for feature pre-processing methods in MLP binary classification with Genetic Algorithms
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In the context of this study, a genetic algorithm will be performance of a machine learning algorithm . These operations that Figure 2 shows the process of the genetic algorithm used in
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(BFO) algorithm is proposed to algorithm with great worldwide inquiry capacity. Exploratory outcomes contrasted and particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithm (GA)
Application of Machine Learning in Waste Management: An Introductory Approach
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optimize the collection of waste with the shortest path by using genetic algorithm . Python Genetic Algorithm to compute the paths of wastes collection with different time schedules, it isalgorithm makes it unfit in real time tasks. By adjusting on improvement of operation steps and parameter selection, a hybrid optimization algorithm based on genetic algorithm and ant
Real-time Implementation of Optimized Controller for a Water Level system
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and speedy tuning method based on Genetic Algorithm to resolve the optimal parameters of are attained by both the proposed Genetic Algorithm method and the conventional tuning
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This is a problem for all data search engines and is no less a problem for genetic algorithms. To some extent, this is easy to control for a genetic algorithm search as it is very dependent
Efficient test case prioritization using evolutionary algorithms
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In this paper, a new genetic algorithm is introduced that will prioritize regression test suite within a time constrained environment on the basis of total fault coverage .It is better for testers
An improved atomic search algorithm for optimization and application in ML DOA estimation of vector hydrophone array
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Li et al. applied the bionic algorithm genetic algorithm to MLDOA estimation for the first time, but the genetic algorithm is prone to problems such as premature convergence [40]. Sharma
A Genetic Programming-based Approach for Classifying Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: the SICED Experience
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To this end, the problem has been modeled through the usage of Symbolic Regression and solved by a genetic algorithm . Also, the threshold concept has been provided to turn the
A hybrid multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for open vehicle routing problem through cluster primary-route secondary approach
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They employed a trust region algorithm and genetic algorithm They used a genetic algorithm and a perturbation algorithm . multi-objective version of the genetic algorithm with the same
Improved discrete plant propagation algorithm for solving the traveling salesman problem
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Sagban, Hybrid ant colony optimization and genetic algorithm for rule induction, Journal of Cai, A novel genetic algorithm for large scale colored balanced traveling salesman problem
M.; López, M.; Martínez-Solano, J.; Aliod, R. Design Comparison between the Economic Series Method and the Heuristic Method in a Pressurized Irrigation
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It was revealed that both the Series Economic Enhanced Method (MSEM) optimisation method and the Genetic Algorithm were highly useful for the purpose of minimising the design
Optimal Placement of Solar PV with Transformer OLTC to Improve Voltage Profile in Distribution Feeder: A Case Study of Industrial II Feeder of Bharatpur DC
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PR Bista, B Bhattarai In this research, Genetic Algorithm has been used for voltage profile improvement with consideration of optimal placement of the solar PV in distribution network. Stopping criteria
Indexed bibliography of genetic algorithms in physical sciences
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The material of this bibliography has been extracted from the genetic algorithm bibliography sources of genetic algorithm literature including Usenet newsgroup genetic and the
Using a Hybrid Algorithm with Intrusion Detection System based on Hierarchical Deep Learning for Smart Meter Communication Network
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by utilizing technique of Genetic Algorithm based on in order to bring the genetic algorithm complexity down when Feature Selection algorithm based on Optimal Genetic algorithm as
Poa: Puzzle optimization algorithm
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the genetic science, reproductive process, and evolutionary laws. Genetic Algorithm (GA), Artificial Immune System (AIS) algorithm is among the algorithm inspired by the mechanism
An Assembly Line Multi-Station Assembly Sequence Planning Method Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
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for mobile conveyors, and designs an embedded genetic algorithm for multi-stage linear programming [21]. A genetic algorithm based on disassembly matrix is proposed by Pedraza to
Machine Learning for Modeling and Control of Industrial Clarifier Process
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Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and State Transition Algorithm the clarifier model produced from State Transition Algorithm (STA) acts more like the actual
Fuzzy Quadratic Programming Problem with Fuzzy Decision Variables: Acase of Portfolio Risk Minimization
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the strategy used in Genetic Algorithm . The property of algorithm will end, ie produces children who are not significantly different from the preceding generation. The genetic algorithm
Manufacturing resources modeling based on features for manufacturability
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algorithm of genetic algorithm and the fuzzy c-means clustering based on genetic algorithm is The hybrid algorithm has not only the global searching ability of GA, but also the local
Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning
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This paper uses genetic algorithm and neural network which comprises of techniques for This algorithm is a heuristic approach used to solve high complexity computational problems
genetic algorithm IEEE PAPER 2021
Finding the discriminative frequencies of motor electroencephalography signal using genetic algorithm
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A crucial part of the brain-computer interface is a classification of electroencephalography (EEG) motor tasks. Artifacts such as eye and muscle movements corrupt EEG signal and reduce the classification performance. Many studies try to extract not redundant andIn this paper we focus on an unrelated parallel workgroup scheduling problem where each workgroup is composed of a number of personnel with similar work skills which has eligibility and human resource constraints. The most difference from the general unrelated In this numerical study, a class of nonlinear singular boundary value problem is solved by implementation of a novel meta-heuristic computing tool based on the artificial neural networks (ANNs) modeling of system and the optimization of decision variable of ANNs
Optimizing a GPU-Accelerated Genetic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem
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The capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) is an NP-hard optimization problem with many applications. Genetic algorithms (GAs) are often used to solve CVRPs but require many parameters and operators to tune. Incorrect settings can result in poor solutions. In this
Utilizing the Genetic Algorithm to Pruning the C4. 5 Decision Tree Algorithm
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A decision tree (DTs) is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms that divide data repeatedly to form groups or classes. It is a supervised learning algorithm that can be used on discrete or continuous data for classification or regression. The most traditional
Speed control of an SPMSM using a tracking differentiator-PID controller scheme with a genetic algorithm
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In this paper, a tracking differentiator-proportional integral and derivative (TD-PID) control scheme is proposed to control the speed of a surface mount permanent magnet synchronous motor (SPMSM). The TD is used to generate the necessary transient profile for
An Improved FOC Strategy for Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives Under an Open-Phase Fault Using Genetic Algorithm
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The Vector Control (VC) of Y-Connected Induction Motor (YCIM) drives is entirely demanding task. Furthermore, YCIM under an Open-Circuit Fault in the Stator Coils (OCFSC) leads to deterioration of the VC. Consequently, the VC of YCIMs under an OCFSCLoad balancing is an efficient mechanism to distribute loads over cloud resources in a way that maximizes resource utilization and minimizes response time. Metaheuristic techniques are powerful techniques for solving the load balancing problems. However, these
Efficient Framework for Genetic AlgorithmBased Correlation Power Analysis.
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Various Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques are combined with classic side-channel methods to improve the efficiency of attacks. Among them, Genetic Algorithms based Correlation Power Analysis (GA-CPA) is proposed to launch attacks on hardware
MTC: Minimizing Time and Cost of Cloud Task Scheduling based on Customers and Providers Needs using Genetic Algorithm
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Cloud computing is considered a pattern for distributed and heterogeneous computing derived from many resources, and requests aim to share resources. Recently, cloud computing is graded among the top best technologies globally, which must be scheduled
Reduction Attributes on K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm (KNN) using Genetic Algorithm
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Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a serious health problem both in Indonesia and in the world. Data mining techniques have been done to help diagnose diabetes. Attribute selection is a process to identify and remove attributes with irrelevant or excessive values. In this study
Hybrid quantum genetic algorithm based on spin and its performance analysis
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Quantum computing is a new interdisciplinary science combining information science and quantum mechanics. This paper presents a hybrid quantum genetic algorithm based on spin, which implements quantum crossover on quantum individuals, which is beneficial to
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Nowadays, search engines tend to use the latest technologies in enhancing the personalization of web searches, which leads to a better understanding of user needs. One of these technologies is web search results clustering which returns meaningful labeled
IoT System Based on parameter optimization of Deep Learning using Genetic Algorithm
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Nowadays, more and more human activity recognition (HAR) tasks are being solved with deep learning techniques because its high recognition rate. The architectural design of deep learning is a challenge because it has multiple parameters which effect on the result
Features of genetic algorithm for plain text encryption
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The data communication has been growing in present day. Therefore, the data encryption became very essential in secured data transmission and storage and protecting data contents from intruder and unauthorized persons. In this paper, a fast technique for text
Designing dartboards with genetic algorithm
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This study addresses the optimal dartboard design problem. It is mainly targeted to locate the numbers from 1 to 20 around the dartboard in order to maximize the risks of the player. In the dart games, maximizing the players risk will also increase the difficulty of the game
A Genetic Algorithm Integrated Approach for Efficient Relay Nodes Placement
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Abstract Relay Node Placement (RNP) is a critical design problem in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Network performance and energy efficiency can be highly affected by the placement strategy of RNs. It is an NP-hard optimization problem which can be effectively
Genetic algorithmbased Local Binary Convolutional Neural Network for Gender Recognition
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At present, the main focus in the development of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is deepening the network model to improve accuracy. However, this increase the numbers of parameters and calculations in the network architecture. When the networkThe Intrusion Detection System (IDS) plays a significant part in security schemes. Network IDS (NIDS) seems to have a position in the detection of harmful and unauthorized networks and systems among its various forms. The identification of Denial of Service (DoS) and An adaptive control algorithm design for an electromechanical system has been introduced. The adaptation mechanism covers the controlled system identification executed after each detection of the system dynamics behavior change and a genetic algorithmbased controller
An Optimal Digital Image Encryption System using The Genetic Algorithm
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The advancement in technology has made it very easy to gain access to an avalanche of items, both tangible and intangible. As this advancement takes on different strides, the ease with which the privacy of individuals and institutions at large is exploited has exponentially Small to medium sized transportation and logistics companies are usually constrained by limited computing and IT professional resources on implementing an efficient parallel metaheuristic algorithm for planning or management solutions. In this paper we extend the
Using Genetic Algorithm to Optimize The-Loading Space in a Container
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The problems often occur in loading the contents of goods into a container, so it is needed an optimization of the goods to be loaded into a container. The settlement of the problem which generally occurs is based on the experience of the actors who arrange the layout ofThe paper addresses research in the area of software testing, which has a critical part of performing in software quality assurance. It becomes very inefficient for a tester to re-execute massive number of test cases again and again for small variations. The proposed artificial
A Novel Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm for Multi-objective Optimization: DSGA
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Non-dominated sorting is a critical component of all multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). A large percentage of computational cost of MOEAs is spent on non-dominated sorting. So the complexity of nondominated sorting method in a large extent decides the
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Computer vision has seen some breakthroughs in the last decade based on some methodological advances, but as well based on the availability of huge datasets like ImageNet for training. However, training data is generally scarce in remote sensing and The theory and practice of genetic algorithms is largely based on the Schema Theorem. It was formulated for a canonical genetic algorithm and proves its ability to generate a sufficient number of effective schemata of individuals. Genetic algorithms to solve specific
Genetic Algorithmbased Task Allocation in Multiple Modes of Human-Robot Collaboration Systems with Two Cobots
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In this paper, we introduce a human-robot collaboration (HRC) mold assembly cell to cope with smallvolume mold production and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) on a human worker during manual mold assembly operation. Besides, the wide variety of
Genetic Algorithm Approach in Forming the Optimal Portfolio of Issuer Companies with Dividend Distribution Criteria
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Investing in the capital market for some investors is a challenge in itself. Investors are required to be able to determine the right combination and proportion of shares when they want to place a number of funds in each share that make up the optimal portfolio. The
An Optimized Input Genetic Algorithm Model for the Financial Market
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The financial market has continued to attract increasing investment volume in the last decade. The daily turnover of the foreign exchange (forex) financial market for example, has increased from 4.0 trillion USD in to 6.6 trillion USD in 2020. However, with all the
Analysis and Optimization of Truss Structures, Constrained Handling using Genetic Algorithm
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In this study, an attempt is made to minimize the weight of Howe roof and ten member-6 Node trusses, separately. Two constraints, maximum allowable deflection and maximum allowable member stresses have been considered. For the first truss, permissible deflectionThis paper presents an analysis of building blocks propagation in Quantum-Inspired Genetic Algorithm , which belongs to a new class of metaheuristics drawing their inspiration from both biological evolution and unitary evolution of quantum systems. The expected number of
Web service composition based on improved multi population genetic algorithm
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With the development of cloud computing, the improvement of web service standards and the progress of supporting software, more and more web services are published on the Internet. Web service quality aware (QoS) not only requires specific services to complete
Selective Harmonic Eliminated Pulse Width Modulation (SHE-PWM) Method using Genetic Algorithm in Single-Phase Multilevel Inverters
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Numerous techniques have been used in the literature to produce switching signals in multilevel inverters (MLIs). Reducing the number of switching component in multilevel inverters is another area of interest in the literature. In this paper, a MLI with low switching
A novel continuous genetic algorithm technique for the solution of partial differential equations
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In this paper, a novel continuous genetic algorithm (CGA) approach is proposed for the solution of Laplace, Poisson, Helmholtz, and nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) due to their importance as they are encountered in a variety of mathematical and physical
Comparison of Genetic Algorithm and Taguchi Optimization Techniques for Surface Roughness of Natural Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites
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Climate change has necessitated the development of green alternatives to replace existing materials. This focus has resulted in the push toward fabricating natural fiber-reinforced polymer composites. This research work looks at the surface roughness (SR) of natural
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This paper presents a novel procedure for short-term load forecasting in distribution management systems. The load is forecasted for feeders that can be of a primarily residential, commercial, industrial or combined type. Each feeder has various amounts ofImages have important role in different section of life like, social, medical diagnosis, environmental science, etc. Images are easy to modify by different tools and methods, hence reality check or authentication required. Out of many techniques of authentication, invisible
Multivariate Optimization of a Jacketed Heating System: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
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Many industrial processes involve heating or cooling of fluids, and as such, it is important to figure out ways and synopsis that could effectively determine operating conditions for a desired optimum process output. In this paper, a fluid heating jacketed system was studied
Analysis Efficiency and Optimization of Crystallization Method of Genetic Algorithm Sugar Plant Use
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The accessibility investigation of the crystallization framework in a sugar plant is investigated in the current paper. There are different subsystem which are mind boggling in nature and are repairable In a sugar plant, there are (I) taking care of framework (ii) refining framework