gps receiver research paper
GPS Receiver is a L-band radio processor capable of solving the navigation equations in order to determine the user position, velocity and precise time (PVT), by processing the signal broadcasted by GPS satellites. GPS is a device that is capable of receiving information from GPS satellites and then to calculate the device's geographical position. Using suitable software, the device may display the position on a map, and it may offer directions.
Generation of a consistent absolute phase-center correction model for GPS receiver and satellite antennas
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AbstractThe development and numerical values of the new absolute phase-center correction model for GPS receiver and satellite antennas, as adopted by the International GNSS (global navigation satellite systems) Service, are presented. Fixing absolute receiver
Development of the low-cost RTK- GPS receiver with an open source program package RTKLIB
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Abstract : RTKLIB is an open source program package for RTK- GPS developed by the authors. RTKLIB is a compact and portable program library written in C to provide a standard platform for RTK- GPS applications. The library implements fundamental navigation functions
GPS receiver system noise
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In radio-based communication and navigation ystems, noise originate, from variou sources: the equipment itself; other electrical devices such as radio transmitters, microwave ovens, motor, relays, ignition systems. and light dimmers; and natural terre trial and extraterrestrial
NovAtels GPS Receiver , the High Performance OEM Sensor of the Future
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AbstractIn this paper, the 10 channel NovAtel GPSCard receiver is presented. This receiver is available as a low cost, high performance GPS sensor, providing features and capabilities to support all OEM applications. NovAtel, a cellular systems and subscriber equipment
Receiver -autonomous spoofing detection: Experimental results of a multi-antenna receiver defense against a portable civil GPS spoofer
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AbstractIn this work we demonstrate the use of a dual antenna receiver that employs a receiver -autonomous angle-ofarrival spoofing countermeasure. This defense is conjectured to be effective against all but the most sophisticated spoofing attempts. The technique is
A 12-channel real-time GPS L1 software receiver
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A real-time software receiver architecture can provide GPS user equipment with operational flexibility that will prove more and more useful as time goes by. The current GPS system is slated to expand its capabilities to include new civilian codes on the L2 frequency and a new
A new automated cycle slip detection and repair method for a single dual-frequency GPS receiver
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AbstractThis paper develops a new automated cycle slip detection and repair method that is based on only one single dual-frequency GPS receiver . This method jointly uses the ionospheric total electron contents (TEC) rate (TECR) and Melbourne wide lane
Acquisition schemes for software GPS receiver
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AbstractThis paper discloses two new acquisition approaches to improve the efficiency of conventional acquisition methods used in GPS software receivers. The first single side band approach will reduce the process time and search time of the conventional approach
Absolute calibration of an Ashtech Z12-T GPS receiver
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Dual-frequency carrier phase and code measurements from geodetic type receivers are a promising tool for frequency and time transfer. In order to use them for clock comparisons, all instrumental delays should be calibrated. We have carried out the calibration of one such AbstractMost satellites in a low-Earth orbit (LEO) with demanding requirements on precise orbit determination (POD) are equipped with on-board receivers to collect the observations from Global Navigation Satellite systems (GNSS), such as the Global Positioning System
A single GPS receiver as a real-time, accurate velocity and acceleration sensor
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AbstractThe determination of velocity and acceleration from GPS measurements is very important for many dynamic applications, but also for airborne gravimetry and geophysics, as long as we can achieve the specific accuracy and resolution for each application. The
Interference benefits of a vector delay lock loop (VDLL) GPS receiver
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AbstractThe interference benefits of a vector delay lock loop (VDLL) GPS receiver are compared by simulation over those of a conventional receiver as a first step before hardware implementation. Besides improvement to interference performance, other benefits to the AbstractDuring the past decade, geodetic measurements have been greatly improved through the use of space geodesy techniques based on the global positioning system ( GPS ). The GPS allows for precise surveys, where centimetre-level accuracies may be
NMEA 0183: A GPS Receiver
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University of New Brunswick tion. The power supply and antenna may also be in the same package. Such single-unit, autonomous receivers are very convenient especially for applications in which small size and portability are desirable features. However, there are
A novel approach in detection and characterization of CW interference of GPS signal using receiver estimation of C/No
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AbstractNarrowband interference can severely degrade the performance of GPS receivers. Different narrowband interference suppression techniques also degrade this performance correspondingly. Detecting the presence of interference and then
Navigator GPS receiver for fast acquisition and weak signal space applications
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AbstractNASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) is developing a new space-borne GPS receiver that can operate effectively in the full range of Earth orbiting missions from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to geostationary and beyond. Navigator is designed to be a fully space
GPS signal acquisition and tracking-An Approach towards development of Software-based GPS Receiver
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AbstractSoftware-based GPS (SGR) Receiver helps us processing the GPS signal at the lowest level of GPS raw signal data from the antenna. A software-based GPS receiver consists of a front-end device that converts the radio frequency signal from the antenna to an
GPS errors statistical analysis for ground receiver measurements
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Abstract : Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RASAbstractThe creation of a autonomous spacecrafts control system with use GPS requires the statistical analysis of GPS error measurements. This work describes a most GPS receiver error measurements.
CASES: A smart, compact GPS software receiver for space weather monitoring
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2 of scintillation,(C) data buffering to permit observation of the prelude to scintillation, and (D) data-bit prediction and wipe-off for robust tracking. The receiver has been tested in a variety of benign and adverse signal conditions (eg, severe ionospheric scintillation, both
Initial Testing of a New GPS Receiver , the PolaRx2, for Time and Frequency Transfer Using Dual-Frequency Codes and Carrier Phases
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AbstractTo contribute to TAI, the Royal Observatory of Belgium (ROB) routinely performs all- inview time transfer using an Ashtech Z-XII3T GPS receiver and the in-house-developed RINEXCGGTTS conversion software. In order to anticipate the renewal of that kind of time
High-precision platform positioning with a single GPS receiver
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AbstractThe goal of the research described in this paper is the design of a GPS data processing technique capable of producing high-precision positioning results, regardless of platform dynamics, utilising only a single, high-quality receiver . This is accomplished by
Spaceborne GPS receiver performance testing
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This report describes a generic test concept to assess the tracking performance of a spaceborne GPS receiver based on hardware-in-the-loop simulations. The test setup and configuration for a Spirent STR4760 GPS signal simulator are specified and the data
Test results of a digital beamforming gps receiver in a jamming environment
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AbstractNAVSYS High Gain Advanced GPS Receiver (HAGR) uses a digital beam- steering antenna array to provide additional gain in the direction of the GPS satellite signals. This increases the received signal/noise ratio on the satellites tracked and also improves the
High precision kinematic positioning using single dual-frequency GPS receiver
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Currently, high precision kinematic GPS positioning with centimetre level accuracy can only be carried out using differential GPS (DGPS) positioning techniques which require the deployment of base receiver stations. The requirement to deploy base receiver sta- tions, however, spatially
Navigator a talking GPS receiver for the blind
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Berlin Heidelberg 2004 Navigator A Talking GPS Receiver for the Blind Ryszard Kowalik1 and Stanislaw Kwasniewski2 1 Gdansk University of Technology, Depatment of Optoelectronic
A fast ambiguity resolution technique for RTK embedded within a GPS receiver
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AbstractGPS carrier phase integer ambiguity resolution is still the key issue and challenge for high accuracy RTK survey and navigation. Due to speed and memory limitations of OEM GPS receiver boards, the calculation efficiency is of prime importance since it affects the
GPS receiver performance using inertial-aided carrier tracking loop
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AbstractRadio frequency interference (RFI) has been a perplexing problem, affecting the navigation quality of the Global Positioning System ( GPS ). The presence of the RFI, or even hostile jamming, will reduce the effective received signal power, and thus degrade
GPS receiver satellite/antenna selection algorithm for the Stanford gravity probe B relativity mission
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AbstractThis paper presents a GPS receiver satellite/antenna selection algorithm for the Stanford Gravity Probe B Relativity Mission. A Trimble Advanced Navigation Sensor Vector receiver onboard the space vehicle, a fourantenna six-channel GPS receiver , will provide
TOPSTAR 3000-an enhanced GPS receiver for space applications
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GPS receivers are now widely used for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) spacecraft applications for both scientific and commercial programmes. New applications are also under study, such as navigation in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO),
GPS precision orbit determination: Measured receiver performance
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Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology llbsifiid The TOpEWposeidon satellite was launched on 10 August 1992. Its mission is to map the time-varying topography of the worlds oceans. The GPS Demonstration Receiver (GPSDR) is carried as a flight
Real-time spoofing detection using correlation between two civil GPS receiver
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AbstractA real-time method for detecting GPS spoofing in a narrowbandwidth civilian GPS receiver has been implemented and tested, both in the absence of and in the presence of spoofing. The system was implemented as a softwaredefined radio system on a personal
Attitude determination methods used in the polarx2@ multi-antenna gps receiver
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AbstractSeptentrio has designed a lightweight single-board position/attitude determination system based on its unique multi-antenna dual-frequency GNSS receiver , PolaRx2@, which receives and provides measurements from 3 antennas. One of the
Performance analysis of an FFT based fast acquisition GPS receiver
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AbstractThe performance of a parallel/serial FFT based acquisition unit for weak signal GPS processing is analysed. Parallel search in the code delay domain is implemented via FFT correlation. Frequency domain search is performed in a serial fashion. A catastrophic
GPS receiver architecture for autonomous navigation in high Earth orbits
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The Global Positioning System ( GPS ) has been used extensively for navigation of satellites in low Earth orbits (LEO), and several commercial receivers exist that can provide reliable and efficient onboard navigation solutions for these applicationsThe prospect
Assessment of a non-dedicated GPS receiver system for precise airborne attitude determination
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AbstractThe use of a non-dedicated GPS receiver system for attitude determination was assessed in airborne mode through a test conducted at Sandia National Laboratories. Four independent NovAtel GPSCardTreceivers were installed in Sandias Twin Engine Otter
The evolution of the GPS receiver
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We have reached another GPS milestone. Just a few months ago, GPS World celebrated its 10th anniversary. The first issue of the magazine (a bimonthly in its first year of publication) appeared in January/February 1990. TheInnovationcolumn has appeared in every
Test results of the PiVoT receiver in high earth orbits using a GSS GPS simulator
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AbstractThere is widespread interest in expanding the use of GPS for real-time on-orbit navigation of satellites or satellite constellations in highly eccentric or geostationary orbits. Recent studies have indicated that GPS is a viable option for these missions when used with
Qualification of a commercial dual-frequency GPS receiver for the e-POP platform onboard the Canadian CASSIOPE spacecraft
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CASSIOPE, the CAScade demonstrator Smallsat and IOnospheric Polar Explorer, is a Canadian satellite scheduled for launch in 2007. It is a hybrid mission designed for a wide range of tasks including space-based communication, high capacity information delivery,
Consumer-grade GPS receiver measurement accuracy in varying forest conditions
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AbstractA variety of affordable consumer-grade Global Positioning System ( GPS ) receivers are novv available for natural resource applications in forested environments. Consumer-grade GPS receivers have the potential to provide a lovv-cost solution for
Construction and performance characteristics of a prototype NBS/ GPS receiver
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The received satellite sign also gave an RMS time fluctuation of the receiver output as good as 3.5 nanoseconds for an omni antenna using 15 second averages. The noise was characterized as white noise phase modulation, which can be averaged below the
Flight tests of an unmanned air vehicle with integrated multi-antenna GPS receiver and IMU: towards a testbed for distributed control and formation flight
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Current research includes the development of a modular real-time controller design platform and the design and verification of flight control algorithms for optimal flight mode switching and high maneuverability (including aerobatics). In addition, Stanford recently purchased a
Receiving the L2C signal with Namuru GPS L1 receiver
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AbstractL2C is the first modernised GPS signal for civilians, broadcast by the new generation of satellites, designated Block IIR-M. Currently three of these satellites (PRN-17, PRN-31 and PRN-12) have been declared operational by the Air Force Space Command at Time-relative positioning is a recent method for processing GPS phase observations. The operational method undertaken in this paper consists of the following steps: first, recording phase observations at a station of known coordinates; second, moving the GPS receiver to
A Software GPS Receiver Application for Embedding in Software Definable Radios
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AbstractThe Software Defined Radio (SDR) is an enabling technology that is being leveraged across a wide range of areas within the wireless industry to provide efficient and comparatively inexpensive solutions to several constraints posed in current systems. Since
acquisition to tracking and coasting for software GPS receiver
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AbstractThe goal the software GPS receiver is to do acquisition and real-time tracking of GPS C/A codes in software using a receiver front-end, an Analog-to-Digital converter (ADC) and a PC to do the processing. To start tracking two parameters need to be obtained from
Block acquisition of weak GPS signals in a software receiver
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AbstractBlock algorithms have been developed to acquire very weak Global Positioning System( GPS ) coarse/acquisition (C/A) signals in a software receiver . These algorithms are being developed in order to enable the use of weak GPS signals in applications such as
Assessing the accuracy of high sensitivity GPS receiver for location based services
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AbstractThis contribution presents practical results with a High-Sensitivity GPS (HSGPS) receiver in Delft, the Netherlands. One outdoor experiment was carried out on a favourable location and acts as a reference. Next, two indoor experiments were carried out, each over a
Space navigation with digital beam steering GPS receiver technology
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AbstractSpace-based GPS technology presents several significant challenges over Earth based systems. These include visibility issues for rotating platforms, and tracking of GPS satellites from spacecraft that are in higher orbits than the GPS . Kinematic relative
Development and field testing of a DSP-based dual-frequency software GPS receiver
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AbstractA real-time software GPS receiver for the L1 C/A and L2 C codes has been implemented on a Digital Signal Processor (DSP) and tested in both scintillating and nonscintillating environments. This receiver is being developed as a low-cost space weather
A real-time cycle-slip detection and repair method for single frequency GPS receiver
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AbstractIn GPS receivers, carrier phase measurement can be used to improve the receivers position accuracy. In order to maintain the accuracy, cycle-slip must be detected and repaired instantaneously and accurately. This paper first analyzes the implementation of
Testing of the ICESat BlackJack GPS receiver engineering model
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AbstractThis paper describes the performance testing done on the Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat) GPS receiver engineering model (EM) at the University of Texas at Austin Center for Space Research (CSR). The goal of this research was to achieve a
Real time estimation of GPS receiver clock offset by the Kalman filter
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AbstractThe global positioning system ( GPS ) is a one-way, all-weather, real time, and world- wide radio navigation system whose main purpose is to provide a GPS dedicated receiver with a signal that allows a user to compute accurately and in real-time the longitude, latitude,
Real-time spoofing detection in a narrow-band civil GPS receiver
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AbstractA real-time method for detecting GPS spoofing in a narrowbandwidth civilian GPS receiver has been implemented and tested, both in the absence of and in the presence of spoofing. The system was implemented as a software-defined radio system on a personal
Test Results of a High Gain Advanced GPS Receiver
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AbstractNAVSYS High Gain Advanced GPS Receiver (HAGR) uses a digital beam- steering antenna array to enable up to eight GPS satellites to be tracked, each with up to 10 dBi of additional antenna gain over a conventional receiver solution. This digital, PC-based
Using the Canadian active control system (CACS) for real-time monitoring of GPS receiver external frequency standards
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AbstractThe Canadian Active Control System is a national network of twelve continuously operating geodetic quality GPS receivers equipped with external atomic frequency standards. Each GPS tracking station provides dualfrequency pseudorange and
Space weather studies at the crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly using GPS receiver
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AbstractSpace weather studies using the GSV 4004A GPS Ionospheric Scintillation and TEC Monitor of M/S GSV Silicon Valley, USA are underway at the crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA), at Udaipur (MLAT 15.3 N), India. These studies are probably, the
International reports: Technical directives for standardization of GPS time receiver software
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The observation, using the common-view method, of satellites of the Global Positioning System ( GPS ), is one of the most precise and accurate methods for time comparison between remote clocks on the Earth or in its close vicinity. It has already been shown that
Integration of a 40 channel gps receiver for automatic control into an unmanned airplane
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AbstractStanford Universitys GPS Laboratory has developed, in coordination with Trimble Navigation Ltd., a new 40 channel GPS receiver specially designed for automatic control of an unmanned airplane. Recent flight tests of the airplane have demonstrated the
Detection and location of GPS interference sources using digital receiver electronics
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AbstractGPS is now being used to provide positioning and timing information for a number of applications where it is essential that the accuracy and reliability of the GPS information can be assured. These include safety of life systems, such as aircraft navigation
Novel approach to determine the effects of MS environment using the portable GPS receiver with built-in antenna
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Abstract : Communication impairment on the Mobile Satellite (MS) path for non-geostationary satellite is mainly due to effect of multipath and shadowing. In order to study the signal quality received by the MS user, a receiver system that has similar characteristics to the
Multipath corrections for a GPS receiver
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AbstractIn a GPS receiver , multipath causes an error in the measurement of the pseudorange because it affects the delaylock tracking loop, which functions to equalize the correlation powers at early and late time positions. Typically, the multipath component of the
Study of GPS based ionospheric scintillation and its effects on dual frequency receiver
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Post-sunset disturbances in the equatorial ionosphere routinely cause rapid phase and amplitude fluctuation (ie Scintillation) of radio waves propagating through the disturbed regions. The phenomenon of scintillations particularly in the L-band has received
TEC determination over single GPS receiver station using PPP technique
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AbstractBernese GPS Software (BGS) version 5.0 is now capable of processing un- differenced GPS observations. The most important reason for this enhancement of BGS software are that processing un-differenced data gives access to the satellite and receiver
TEC measurement by single dual-frequency GPS receiver
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AbstractBy GPS dual-frequency receiver , the Total Electron Content (TEC) along the path from satellite to receiver can be measured directly. But the dual-frequency measurement can be severely colored by the thermal noise in the GPS receiver and the bias
Enabling Location Based Services with a Combined Galileo/ GPS Receiver Architecture
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AbstractSeveral new requirements and challenges are introduced with the transition of traditional navigation applications towards location based services. The three most important ones are low cost, low energy consumption, and high sensitivity. This paper
Pototype software-based GPS receiver for reflected signal analysis
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Abstract -We will discuss about the prototype software-based GPS receiver for reflected signal analysis. The receiver consists of a dual-antenna front-end device that down-converts the signals from the antenna to an intermediate frequency and digitize them at certain
A Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System Integrating Low-Cost MEMS Inertial Sensors and GPS Receiver .
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AbstractThe body-mounted inertial systems for pedestrian navigation do not require any preinstalled facilities and can run autonomously. The advantages over other technologies make it especially attractive for the applications such as first responders, military and
Dual frequency absolute calibration of GPS receiver for time transfer
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AbstractThis paper suggests a receiver time delay calibration method using a GPS simulator. The method has been used to get the receiver time delay of an Ashtech Z12T receiver . The method enables to compute an absolute time delay in the L1-and L2-
CASES: A novel low-cost ground-based dual-frequency GPS software receiver and space weather monitor
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CASES has been designed and developed by the ionosphere community rather than adapting a commercial receiver . The low price of the sensor means that many more instruments can be purchased on a fixed budget, which will lead to new kinds of
Error reduction of a low cost GPS receiver for kinematic applications based on a new Kalman filtering algorithm
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AbstractPositioning for kinematic applications is of great importance in terms of accuracy and computational complexity. In this paper, we present an algorithm based on correlation between error components in three directions, ie x, y, z to decrease positioning error of a AbstractBecause the signals of global positioning system ( GPS ) satellites are susceptible to obstructions in urban environment with many high buildings around, the number of GPS useful satellites is usually less than six. In this case, the receiver autonomous integrity
Stochastic modeling of GPS receiver clocks for improved positioning and fault detection performance
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AbstractA multiple-state stochastic clock model of a GPS receiver clock is derived using methods that have been successfully applied in existing models for high-quality satellite clocks. An advantage of having a stochastic receiver clock model is that it can lead to
A low-power RF front-end architecture for an l1/l2cs gps receiver
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AbstractWith the apparition of several new civilian signals in the years to come, there will soon be great demand for multifrequency receivers. As soon as two signals will be available, users will be able to correct the ionospheric error, the main source of error since
GPS receiver design for integrated navigation systems
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AbstractThere is much interest in integrated navigation using the Global Positioning System and Inertial Measurement Units (accelerometers and gyroscopes). The results reported in this paper quantify integrated navigation performance as a function of GPS receiver design
Smoother-based GPS signal tracking in a software receiver
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AbstractGlobal Positioning System ( GPS ) signal tracking algorithms have been developed using the concepts of Kalman filtering and smoothing. The goal is to improve phase estimation accuracy for non-real-time applications. A bit-grabber/software- receiver
Analysis of GPS visibility and satellite- receiver geometry over different latitudinal regions
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AbstractGPS is the only fully-operational GNSS currently available to all-inclusive users at no direct charge. Given that users obtain their positions by receiving radiowave signals transmitted from its continuously orbiting satellites, proper functioning of a GPS receiver
Accuracy Estimation of GPS Receiver Parameters with Re-Reference System in Static Mode.
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On the establishment of 3-D geodetic control by interferometry with the TI-4100 GPS receiver
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AbstractWe consider some theoretical and practical problems in establishing 3-D multistation, geodetic control networks using interferometric type observations of the Global Positioning System collected with Texas Instruments TI-4100 GPS receivers. The Canadian
Galileo/ GPS receiver architecture for high sensitivity acquisition
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AbstractThe location requirements for emergency callers and location-based services (LBS) outside urban areas can hardly be fulfilled without Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). On the other hand, the new European satellite navigation system Galileo
In search of a new primary GPS receiver for NIST
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AbstractA previous publicationshowed problems with the current NIST Time and Frequency Division primary GPS receiver when used for Precise Point Positioning (PPP)- based carrier phase time transfer. We confirm that, for this receiver , boundary discontinuities
Assessing the accuracy of high sensitivity GPS receiver for location based services
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AbstractThis contribution presents practical results with a High- Sensitivity GPS (HSGPS) receiver in Delft, the Netherlands. One outdoor experiment was carried out on a favourable location and acts as a reference. Next, two indoor experiments were carried out, each over a
Degraded GPS signal measurements with a stand-alone high sensitivity receiver
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AbstractThe use of GPS for personal location using cellular telephones or other devices requires signal measurements under both outdoor and indoor situations. The outdoor environment may range from clear to shaded/blocked signal measurements. The indoor
Galileo/ GPS receiver architecture for high sensitivity acquisition
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AbstractThe location requirements for emergency callers and location-based services (LBS) outside urban areas can hardly be fulfilled without Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). On the other hand, the new European satellite navigation system Galileo
A Novel Efficient Acquisition Scheme for a High Sensitivity Assisted GPS Receiver
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AbstractAutomatic location identifications are required for emergency calls in Japan and many other countries. However, giving a reliable position promptly is a problem in places where the global positioning system ( GPS ) signal is extremely weak. We propose an
Acquisition Scheme for a High Sensitivity Assisted GPS Receiver Considering Application Scenarios
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AbstractAutomatic location identification is required for emergency calls in Japan and many other countries. We proposed a fast acquisition scheme for an assisted GPS (AGPS) architecture that is based on a timing-synchronized mobile network. In this paper, the system
High Sensitivity GPS Receiver for UAV operating in challenging GPS environment
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Abstract : Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used in many applications where the cost, the size, the weight and the power are often crucial. These vehicles are equipped with low cost sensors and navigation based on these sensors is a major issue in challenging GPS CSE PROJECTS