grid computing IEEE PAPER 2016
Fault Tolerance in Grid Computing with Improved Resource Utilization and Maximum Efficiency
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Abstract: Today Highly secure or virtual grid is very demanding in which you can share any resource from any cluster even with existence of fault in system. This paper gives a method to improve the resource utilization with maximum efficiency and throughput even in
A New Approach for Dynamic Load Balancing using Simulation in Grid Computing
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Abstract-Grid computing technology can be seen as a positive alternative for implementing highperformance distributed computing. The goal of Grid computing is to create the illusion of virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous nodes sharing
Enabling Remote Fault Diagnosis through Data-driven Grid Computing
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Abstract Due to the complexity of modern manufacturing and mechanical equipments, it is difficult for equipment users or maintainers to accomplish fault diagnosis independently. In this paper, the development history of fault diagnosis technology is surveyed and
High Exploitation Genetic Algorithm for Job Scheduling on Grid Computing
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Abstract Scheduling jobs on computational grids is identified as NP-hard problem due to the heterogeneity of resources; the resources belong to different administrative domains and apply different management policies. Genetic algorithm which is a metaheuristic search
A Critical Review on Resource Allocation Mechanisms in Grid Computing
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Abstract-In recent years, the fast evolution in the industry of computer hardware such as the processors, has led the application developers to design advanced softwares that require massive computational power. Thus, Grid Computing has emerged in order to handle the
Job Scheduling and Schedulers in Grid Computing-A Survey
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Abstract-Grid computing is a method to execute computational jobs requiring a significant amount of computing resources or large sets of data. This computing allows sharing of resources from distributed and heterogeneous locations. Grid Computing has wide variety
Grid Computing In Smartphones
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Abstract:The overall speed of execution of a task, which is considerably reduced due to the typical limitations of mobile devices can be efficaciously increased by aggregating the capabilities of distributed handhelds. Through an Ad-Hoc Network, task and data
Grid Computing for Effective performance of Job Scheduling
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ABSTRACT Grid computing is becoming the most important research area in the high performance computing. Under this concept, the job scheduling in Grid computing has more complicated problems. However, the major problem is the optimal job scheduling in which
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ABSTRACT: Since the grid is emerging all over the internet, there comes a need for optimal job scheduling and load balancing approaches that takes various characteristics of the grid environment into consideration. Our principal seek is to present a novel fault tolerant
Reputation Based Resource Selection in Grid Computing
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Abstract-Grid is a kind of distributed and parallel computing, mainly it is used to solve complex problems such as weather forecasting, earth observation and financial modeling etc. Grid differs from normal distributed computing by the way of resource sharing and
An Advanced Analysis on Grid Computing Security Threats
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Abstract:Grid computing is a distributed computing and storage infrastructure which provides high end computing or supercomputing capability by sharing the resources of computers over the network. To achieve grid computing, development of secure and
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ABSTRACT Ant colony optimization (ACO) is a Swarm Intelligence technique which inspired from the Foraging behaviour of real ant colonies. The ant deposit pheromone on the ground in order to mark the rout for identification of their routes from the nest to food that should
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Abstract: Pervasive computing is the means by which the digital world of the Grid couples into our physical world. Both Grid and Pervasive computing are about large numbers of distributed processing elements. Grid computing and pervasive computing are two visions
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ABSTRACT In this research Paper I am focusing on the To expand the effectiveness of any assignment, we require a framework that would give superior along adaptabilities and cost efficiencies for client. Disseminated figuring, as we are all mindful, has turned out to be
Application of Cukoo Algorithm to Improve Economic Scheduling In Grid Computing
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Abstract In this article, Cukoo algorithm was used to improve the economic scheduling in grid computing. Different economic calculation methods is evaluated given the synchronization importance of time and cost criteria. Using TCI algorithms, a new
An Adaptive Counting Job Scheduling algorithm for grid computing
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Abstract:In contrast to the traditional notion of using supercomputers, grid computing is proposed. Distributed computing supports resource sharing. Parallel computing supports computing power. Grid computing aims to harness the power of both distributed
Peer to Peer Resource Discovery Mechanisms in Grid Computing: A Critical Review
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Abstract-In computing systems such as the Grid, computing systems provide a lot of resources across multiple administrative domains to in order to handle a huge task. The major challenge faced by the system is to find the right resources on the network. In this
From grid to cloud computing service model: new business model for web services basedcomputing
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Abstract:-Grid and cloud computing are two models of distributed computing systems that are based on the same objective of sharing heterogeneous resources in terms of networks, compute, storage, software, platform and infrastructure, in a transparent way for the end
New Batch Mode Scheduling Strategy for Grid Computing System
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Abstract:Effective scheduling algorithm to reduce total completion time and promote resource utilization with load balancing in a grid computing environment is required. Scheduling tasks on heterogeneous machines distributed over a grid system proves to be