grid-computing IEEE PAPER 2017
Time and Cost optimization by Grid Computing over Existing Traditional IT Systems in Business Environment
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Abstract: Grid computing harnesses the facility of thousands interconnected processors and their associated memories as one single unit ie instead of employing a network of computers merely to transfer information, Grid computing utilizes the unused PC processor cycles of
A review and classification of grid computing systems
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Abstract Grid Computing is used for high throughput computing at a lower-cost. It has the ability to accumulate the power of geographically scattered and heterogeneous resources to form a cohesive resource for performing higher level computations. Todays
Comparative Analysis of Various Advance Resource Reservation Algorithms In Grid Computing Environments
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ABSTRACT Grid computing is an emerging paradigm for next generation distributed computing. The Grid is a highly dynamic environment with servers coming on-line, going off- line, and with continuously varying demand from the clients. Advance Reservation is a
A genetic algorithm for independent job scheduling in grid computing
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Abstract: Grid computing refers to the infrastructure which connects geographically distributed computers owned by various organizations allowing their resources, such as computational power and storage capabilities, to be shared, selected, and aggregated. Job
Task Scheduling in Grid Computing: A Review
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Abstract Grid computing is a category of high performance computing environment facilitates to solve large scale computational demands. It involves various research issues such as resource management, task scheduling, security problems and information management.
Enhancing Resource Reservation by Applying Defer Time in FCFS Scheme for Grid Computing Environments
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ABSTRACT Grid Computing provides a promising environment where the resources are shared for the earlier execution of the program. The resource management techniques include resource discovery, resource allocation and resource reservation. This paper
Design and Analysis of Peer-to-Peer Fault-Tolerance Approach in a Grid Computing System
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ABSTRACT A grid computing system allows a large complex computing task to efficiently utilize high computing resources by splitting the task into many compute processes to be distributed and executed in parallel at many grid nodes. Under such paradigm, the system
On a Novel Grid Computing-Based Distributed Brute-force Attack Scheme (GCDBF) By Exploiting Botnets
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AbstractBrute-force attacks are known to be the promising way to break into even most complicated systems by trying every possible permutation of the keys. But since cryptosystems began to use longer and more complex keys, brute-force attacks has lost their
Load Balancing and Bandwidth in Grid Computing Environments
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ABSTRACT Load Balancing is the challenging tasks in the Computing infrastructure. These two tasks are interdependent. Well defined computing infrastructure may reach through a Blue Print is called GRID. Even advance Resource Management algorithms may suffer due
Analyzing the Difference of Cluster, Grid, UtilityCloud Computing
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Abstract: Virtualization and cloud computing is creating a fundamental change in computer architecture, software and tools development, in the way we store, distribute and consume information. In the recent era of autonomic computing it comes the importance and need of
Computation of Synchrotron Radiation on Arbitrary Geometries in 3D with Modern GPU, Multi-Core, and Grid Computing
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Abstract Open Source Code for Advanced Radiation Simulation (OSCARS) is an open source project developed at Brookhaven National Laboratory for the computation of synchrotron radiation from arbitrary particle beams in arbitrary magnetic (and electric) fields
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Abstract Cluster and grid computing have become extremely popular, significantly for scientific and engineering applications. Higher information measure of laptop Networks has any boosted development of cluster computing. Native and geographically distributed
Virtual Machines for Grid Computing
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ABSTRACT The emerging computational grid infrastructure will provide users with access to orders of magnitude more computing power than they currently have available. These resources will be heterogeneous in type and implementation and independently controlled
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Abstract Immediate/on-line and Batch mode heuristics are two methods used for scheduling in the computational grid environment. In the former, task is mapped onto a resource as soon as it arrives at the scheduler, while the later, tasks are not mapped onto resource as
Review Paper on Different Types of Attack in Grid Computing
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Abstract-As this grid type of network is highly vulnerable to various types of attacks. Major is black hole attack in the grid. This attack will produce the denial of service. Such that node destruction will be taken place. Every data arrives at this node will be dropped in between. In
Teaching Grid Technologies and Grid Computing to Undergraduate Students of Computer Science
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ABSTRACT Grid computing courses are usually designed for PhD. students. Usually, undergraduate students have possibility to learn flying information within subjects related to distributed computing, etc. This paper summarizes experience in teaching a subject aimed
Grid Computing Adoptability Model for Collaborative Research in Universities
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Abstract Use of grid computing as a distributed computing paradigm for collaborative research in universities cannot be over emphasized. It is a technology which provides a platform on which computing resources from heterogeneous systems are brought together
Grid Computing For Collaborative Research Systems In Kenyan Universities
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Grid computing technologies have the potential of providing universities in this country with opportunities and mechanisms to utilize a wide range of heterogeneous, distributed
A Comparative Analysis of Cloud Computing with Grid Computing
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AbstractCloud Computing is a multipurpose technology that can support a broad-spectrum of applications. The low cost of cloud computing and its dynamic scaling renders it an innovation driver for small companies, particularly in the developing world. Cloud computing
Implementation of Antivirus based on Distributed Computing in GRID Architecture
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Distributed computing (an electronic enlisting), is used to pass on encouraged organizations over the web. The essential issue in the dispersed processing is that it depends on upon the fundamental client server auxiliary arranging. Answer for this issue in vicinity is the fuse of CSE PROJECTS