hadoop IEEE PAPER 2016
An overview of the Hadoop/MapReduce/HBase framework and its current applications in bioinformatics
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This talk will present an overview of Apache Hadoop (http://hadoop. apache. org/) and associated open source software projects. Current Hadoop usage within the bioinformatics community will be summarized, and the advantages of Hadoop will be discussed as they
Social Media Market Trender with Dache Manager using Hadoop and Visualization Tools
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Abstract-The modern business and advertising strategies all involve market analysis and study of the trends going on in the world. Social media is the main advertising and analysis market in today's world. The current Analytics tools and models that are available in the
Storage and Processing Speed for Knowledge from Enhanced Cloud Computing With HadoopFrame Work: A Survey
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ABSTRACT Cloud is a Pool of servers, all the servers are interconnected through internet, The main problem in cloud is retrieving of data (knowledge) and process that variety of data and here other problem is security for that data, Generally now a day s different types of,
Migration of Hadoop To Android Platform Using 'Chroot'
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Abstract:Googles Map Reduce is one of the largest popular algorithms for big data processing. Moreover big data can be termed as large number of data to be process within short period of time. Its implementation-Hadoop reduces time requirement, provides
Content Based Image Retrieval System over Hadoop Using MapReduce
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ABSTRACT A huge amount of image data is generated everyday due to rapid evolution of image capturing devices. Information associated to images has got diversified applications. The medical imaging systems produce more and more digitized images in all medical
Commercial Product Analysis Using Hadoop MapReduce
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Abstract-In this electronic age, increasing range of organizations face the matter of explosion of knowledge. The databases employed by the organizations these days has been growing exponentially. There are unit sizable amount of sources generating this monumental
Data Security in Hadoop Distributed File System
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Abstract-Hadoop is most popularly used distributed programming framework for processing large amount of data with Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) but processing personal or sensitive data on distributed environment demands secure computing. Originally Hadoop
Network Traffic Analysis Measurement and Classification Using Hadoop
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Abstract: Traffic classification is a process which categorizes computer network traffic according to various parameters (for example, based on port number or protocol) into a number of traffic classes such as Sensitive, Best-Effort, and Undesired etc. Each resulting
Big Data Analytics on Cray XC Series DataWarp using Hadoop, Spark and Flink
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zib Zuse Institute Berlin Big Data Analytics on Cray XC Series DataWarp using Hadoop, Spark and Flink CUG2016 R. Schmidtke May 12, 2016zib Zuse Institute Berlin Big Data Analytics on Cray XC Series DataWarp using Hadoop, Spark and Flink CUG2016 R. Schmidtke
A Content Based Image Information Retrieval for Medical MRI Brain Images based on Hadoopand Lucene (LIRe)
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Abstract: CBIR technique is one of the important techniques for feature extraction in medical field in order to store, manage, and retrieve image data based on user query. Searching is done by means of matching the image features such as texture, shape, or different
Mining Analysis on User Search Behavior Based on Hadoop
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Abstract User webpage search behavior is the hot research topic on information search at present. In view of the deficiency in Cloud parallel computing search, the thesis has proposed a method for mass user webpagesite search behavior based on Hadoop. On
Hadoop based Information Extract from Text Document
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ABSTRACT Hadoop is one of the generally received bunch figuring structures for handling of the Big Data. Despite the fact that Hadoop seemingly has turned into the standard answer for overseeing Big Data, it is not free from constraints. In nowadays developing technology
A Paramount Mining for Facebook Dataset using Hadoop.
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Abstract: This Big Data is new term define to store a huge data sets complex data. There are various techniques which are proposed for mining. The big data can be mined is really a researchers issue especially in domain of text mining. This paper presents an effective
Emergence of Big Data with Hadoop: A Review
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Abstract:-We are living in an enormously developed, technical era, where internet is becoming fundamental need of all individual. Today, our social, personal as well as professional life are revolving around world wide web. Thus, giving birth to Big Data at an
A Hadoop Framework Require to Process Bigdata very Easily and Efficiently
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ABSTRACT Main aim of invention of Hadoop is to process of big data very efficiently. Nowadays, web is generating lots of information on a daily basis, and it is highly require and difficult to manage billion of pages of content. This paper will clearly describe the evolution
A Review of Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Data Using Hadoop
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Abstract Twitter is an online social networking site which contains rich amount of data that can be a structured, semi-structured and un-structured data. In this work, a method which performs classification of tweet sentiment in Twitter is discussed. To improve its scalability
Analysis of Multiple Account Holders in Various Banks Using HADOOP Technology
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Abstract: In this paper, User's banking data is partitioned into multiple Tuples and stored in different sets of Database. We have designed an Application to track multiple accounts maintained in different banks by the same user and who have transacted more than
Bidirectional Hadoop Kakfa Managing Messaging Bus
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Abstract-In this paper, We introduce Kafka, a robust messaging system that we developed for collecting and delivering high volumes of data. Our system incorporates ideas from existing messaging systems, and is suitable for message consumption. Using hadoop
Parallel implementation of Apriori algorithms on the Hadoop-MapReduce platform-An evaluation of literature
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ABSTRACT Data mining is the extraction of useful, prognostic, interesting, and unknown information from massive transaction databases and other repositories. Data mining tools predict potential trends and actions, allowing various fields to make proactive, knowledge-
An Experimental Evaluation of Data Placement Scheme Using Hadoop Cluster
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Abstract–A network bandwidth is steadily increasing at much slower rate than the corresponding increase in CPU performance. This states that there is a widened gap between CPU and network speed. In this project, we investigate improvements in data
Text Mining in Bigdata using RCDC Clustering Algorithm in Hadoop Environment
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Abstract: Big Data refers to the large set of data that range beyond exa-bytes (1018). It is due to the exceeding capacity of online storage and processing system. The evolution of web technology results in a huge amount of data present in the web for the internet user. Those
Dr. Hadoop: an infinite scalable metadata management for Hadoop How the baby elephant becomes immortal
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Abstract In this Exa byte scale era, data increases at an exponential rate. This is in turn generating a massive amount of metadata in the file system. Hadoop is the most widely used framework to deal with big data. Due to this growth of huge amount of metadata, however,
Big Data Framework for Healthcare using Hadoop
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Abstract The technological advancements prevailing today make it possible to sense, collect, transmit, store and analyze the voluminous, heterogeneous medical data. This data could be mined to provide valuable and interesting patterns. However, extracting
Big Data Analysis Using Hadoop Framework
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Foundation. Earlier yahoo, google developed their file system (GFS) Google File System. Before 5-7 years data generated in a year is generating in a day. Traditional analysis system can't solve the timing issue and storage capacity of large data set which is in Gigabytes,
Motion Detection for Smart Video Surveillance Using Hadoop
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Abstract: Visual article recognition and following are vital parts of video investigation (VA) in multi-camera observation. We create framework for accomplishing these errands in a multi- camera system. Framework configuration is unique in relation to existing multi-camera
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Abstract:Cluster based distributed system contains singles JobTracker and multiple TaskTracker. TaskTracker performs MapReduce operation on DataNode. In this approach, JobTracker facing single point of failure problem. The solution includes the AvatarNode
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Abstract: TheProposed architectonics comprises threemain units, such as Remote Sensing Big Data Acquisition Unit (RSDU), Data Processing Unit (DPU) and Data Analysis Decision Unit (DADU). First, RSDU acquires datafrom the satellite and dispatchesacquired data to
Computation of Big Data in Hadoop and Cloud Environment
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Abstract:-Big Data is a new phenomenon that needs high attention due to the wealth it possesses only if it is addressed and if it is not addressed it will lead to a situation of Data Explosion and a huge amount of garbage will be formed. Various technologies like
Survey Paper on Big Data and Hadoop
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Abstract-The term 'Big Data', refers to data sets whose size (volume), complexity (variability), and rate of growth (velocity) make them difficult to capture, manage, process or analyzed. To analyze this enormous amount of data Hadoop can be used. Hadoop is an open source
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ABSTRACT Cloud computing and Hadoop has become a new distributed storage model for most of the organizations, Industries etc. It provides a pay per use model in which customer has to only pay for the data he is storing on the cloud. However, relying on a single cloud
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ABSTRACT Recent technological advancements have led to a deluge of data from distinctive domains (eg, health care and scientific sensors, user-generated data, Internet and financial companies, and supply chain systems) over the past two decades. The term big
Recommender System for Hotels based on user's personalized ratings using Hadoop and Cloud
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Abstract: It is a service recommender system for providing appropriate recommendations to users. In the last decade, the number of customers, services as well as online information has grown rapidly. So, the big data analysis for service recommender systems is required.
Running Krill Herd Algorithm on Hadoop: A Performance Study
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Abstract:The krill herd algorithm was introduced mimicking the herding behavior of krill individuals. The krill herd algorithm obtains the optimum solution by considering two factors, namely the density-dependent attraction of the krill, and the areas of high food
In-memory Data Analytics On Top Of Hadoop Environment For Detecting Fraudulent Transactions And Analysing Customer Behaviour
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Abstract:Data is being generated by everything around us at all times. Every digital resource and social media operations produces it. Mobile devices, systems and sensors carry it. Data Analytics is an emerging technology in every area where large amount of
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ABSTRACT We live in the era of data explosion and Data Analysis is an important functionality as deluge of data comes from distinctive domain. The five V's of data-Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Value brings in a robust computation model known as Hadoop,
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Abstract:There are various applications which have a huge amount of database in different format. All databases maintain log files that keep records of database changes in a system formation. This can include tracking various user events and activity. Apache Hadoop can
Smart Web Search Engine Framework with Personalization and Privacy Preservation withHadoop
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Abstract: Now a day s data of an individual is sensitive. Everybody does not want to disclose their sensitive information. To achieve this user need to secure the sensitive data. Search engine also need to be personalized. This paper intends a design or a structure
Big Data Analytics: Challenges and Solutions Using Hadoop, Map Reduce and Big Table
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ABSTRACT We live in on-demand, on-command Digital universe with data prolife ring by Institutions, Individuals and Machines at a very high rate. This data is categories as" Big Data" due to its sheer Volume, Variety, Velocity and Veracity. Most of this data is
A Survey On Distributed Video Management Cloud Platform Using Hadoop
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Abstract:This paper presents the literature review on distributed video management cloud platform using Hadoop. Due to complexities of big video data management, such as immense processing of large amount of video data to do a video summary, it is
Hadoop in Flight: Migrating Live MapReduce Jobs for Power-Shifting Data Centers
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Abstract:Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are unpredictable for power utilities, which must produce exactly as much power as is needed at any given time. To help manage the demand, some utilities have begun deploying real-time energy prices to their
A Review Paper on Map Reducing Using Hadoop
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Abstract-Big data is used to describe a massive volume of both structured and unstructured data that is so large that it's difficult to process using traditional database and software techniques. Big data usually includes data sets with sizes beyond the ability of commonly
Pattern Analysis and Fraud Detection Using Hadoop Framework
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Abstract:An improved approach for identifying patterns and detecting a bank fraud in any organization and to investigate the process for bank frauds and to the proper implementation of preventive security controls in banking industry transactions. According to RBI records,
Dynamic Backlight Optimization for Mobile Streaming Applications using Hadoop (DBOMSAH)
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Abstract:Nowadays there is increase in demand of mobile devices and its applications, these applications consume lot of energy and resources, therefore to find the solution on this problems is major challenge. To find the solution which minimizing the energy
Malware and Log file Analysis Using Hadoop and Map Reduce
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Abstract-Today each and every day a lot of data is generated in increasing order. This is because of today's ecommerce and easy to use technologies. Also, there is increasing number of vulnerabilities in this large data. There are counter measures for these
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In a typical MapReduce job, each map task processing one piece of the input file. If two input matrices are stored in separate HDFS files, one map task would not be able to access the two input matrices at the same time. To deal with this problem, we propose a efficient
A Survey on Social Data Processing Using Apache Hadoop, Map-Reduce
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Abstract:„BIG DATA has been getting much importance in different industries over the last year or two, on a scale that has generated lots of data every day. Big Data is a term applied to data sets of very large size such that the traditional databases are unable to process
An Efficient Replication Technique for Hadoop Distributed File System
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Abstract:The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is designed to store, analysis, transfer massive data sets reliably, and stream it at high bandwidth to the user applications. HDFS is a variant of the Google File System (GFS). It handles fault tolerance by using data
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ABSTRACT: Still it is a difficult problem to index video archives for future use. Generally, lecture videos contain slides and explanation of them is done. The text displayed in those slides are the main part of video content. Therefore, video text can be used for indexing
Autoscaling for Hadoop Clusters
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Abstract:Unforeseen events such as node failures and resource contention can have a severe impact on the performance of data processing frameworks, such as Hadoop, especially in cloud environments where such incidents are common. SLA compliance in
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Abstract-Cloud computing provides some basic services (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) to users on the lease as per demand. Most valuable services provided by cloud computing is-it reduces hardware, maintenance and their installation cost. Users store their entire data on the
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Abstract--The proposed the MRDTW parallel algorithm which is able to search two large time series more accurately. The MRDTW algorithm works by breaking a larger time series into sub sequences and then compares their relationship in the segmented time series.
Proficiency of Hadoop Integrants in Virtualization Milieu by wielding Word Count Doctrine
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ABSTRACT: Ubiquitously, Big Data is contemplated as a cardinal imperative quantum in the world. Prodigious datatypes commencing from Terabytes to Petabytes are consumed persistently. But, to reserve these databases amplitude is an enervating quest. Although,
Hotel Recommendation System using Hadoop and MapReduce for Big Data
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Google search engine is the basic motivation behind personalized recommendation. Google recommends services according to popularity of web page, number of hits or cache maintained by the end user. Most famous recommendation site tripadvisor. com also
Health Care Virtual Environment System Reinforced by Hadoop and Cloud
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Abstract:The advances in information technology have wit-nessed great progress on healthcare technologies in various do-mains nowadays. However, these new technologies have also made healthcare data not only much bigger but also much more difficult to
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Abstract: k-means is one of the most used clustering algorithms due to its simplicity of understanding and efficiency. However, this algorithm is mostly sensitive to the chosen initial centers and thus a proper initialization is hard for obtaining an ideal solution. To overcome
Improved I/O Performance Using Flexible Data Analytics for Hadoop Heterogeneous Environment
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ABSTRACT Now days, Big Data applications are very frequently used. The immense use of these HEC machines requires very quick I/O systems, processing and output generation. For such unprecedented quantity of data, the input output process plays a very crucial role.
Secured Hadoop as A Service Based on Infrastructure Cloud Computing Environment
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Abstract: This paper propose system that gives out requirement based allocation of Hadoop as a service with infrastructure cloud environments. Hadoop is effective big data analysing and processing platform these days. But in instead of its promising nature, researchers or
Ontology Based Semantic Web on Hadoop Platform
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Abstract: In recent times size of the data is increasing rapidly. Existing centralized system is not able to handle large dataset beyond a certain limit. So, we need ontology based approach in Semantic Web and distributed system. Ontology describes a formal
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ABSTRACT At present the whole mankind lives in a world that is drowning in data and this data is continuously generated on massive scale mostly by online interactions among people, by the transactions taking place between people and systems, also by sensor
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Abstract–With the advent of web 2.0, huge dimensions of opinionated text is now available on web. To extract feeling of the mass about an object from this huge web, automated opinion mining system ie algorithmic method of analysis of large number of reviews is thus
Improving Rule Accuracy Using Positive And Negative Rule Subgraph Mining With Top K-Rule AndHadoop
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Abstract-Association rule mining (ARM)-it is one of the most researched areas of data mining and recently it has received much focus from the database community. In the other more diverse fields, they are proven to be quite useful in the marketing and retail communities.
Image data conversion module using Hadoop in cloud computing enviornment
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Abstract:the traditional approach to transcoding multimedia data requires specific and expensive hardware because of the high-capacity and high definition features of multimedia data and transcoding imposes a considerable burden on the computing infrastructure as
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ABSTRACT Data pours in millions of computers and millions of process every moment of every day so today is the era of Big Data where data interrelate to the volume, velocity, and variety of data interrelate. Huge volume, various varieties and high velocity create lots of
The Hadoop Stack, Part 1 Introduc on to Pig La n
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Map-Reduce programs can be challenging to write, and are limited to performing only one analysis step at a/me.Pig La/n: Chain together mul/ple Map-Reduce runs, each one expressed by a compact statement similar to SQL.By using a high level query language,
A Technique for Improving Size-Based Scheduling Using Hadoop
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Abstract:Scheduling with Size-based perceived as a powerful way to deal with ensure reasonableness, needs, parsing, work lining and close optimal framework reaction times. We display a scheduler acquainting this method with a genuine, multi-server, complex
VectorH: Taking SQL-on-Hadoop to the next level
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ABSTRACT Actian Vector in Hadoop (VectorH for short) is a new SQL-on-Hadoop system built on top of the fast Vectorwise analytical database system. VectorH achieves fault tolerance and scalable data storage by relying on HDFS, extending the state-of-the-art in