hadoop 2017 IEEE PAPER
Hadoop is an open source, Java-based programming framework that supports the processing and storage of extremely large data sets in a distributed computing environment. The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.
DUSR (Distributed Ultrafast Shape Recognition): a Hadoop Based Tool to Identify Similar Shaped Ligand Molecules
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ABSTRACT Background: Identifying potential drug candidates through Ligand-based virtual screening is often associated with processing of huge amount of data and hence is a computational intensive task. Ultrafast Shape Recognition (USR) algorithm has been
POSTER: Access Control Model for the Hadoop Ecosystem
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ABSTRACT Apache Hadoop is an important framework for fault-tolerant and distributed storage and processing of Big Data. Hadoop core platform along with other open-source tools such as Apache Hive, Storm, HBase o er an ecosystem to enable users to fully harness
A Method to Improve the Performance for Storing Massive Small Files in Hadoop
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With the development of the network information technology, large amount of data are generated every day. Hadoop is a popular distributed framework which mainly consists of a high-performance distributed computing platform MapReduce [1] and a distributed storage
Object-Tagged RBAC Model for the Hadoop Ecosystem
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Abstract. Hadoop ecosystem provides a highly scalable, fault-tolerant and cost-effective platform for storing and analyzing variety of data formats. Apache Ranger and Apache Sentry are two predominant frameworks used to provide authorization capabilities in
Polyglot Persistence on Oracle Cloud using Hadoop Map Reduce
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Abstract-Handling Big Data means to handle huge databases. In other words, handling of multiple data stores on multiple platforms cannot be done at a time. So, polyglot persistence came into place to handle data. It is the term that used to describe different data storage
Multi-Layer Authorization Framework for a Representative Hadoop Ecosystem Deployment
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ABSTRACT Apache Hadoop is a predominant so ware framework to store and process vast amount of data, produced in varied formats. Data stored in Hadoop multi-tenant data lake o en includes sensitive data such as social security numbers, intelligence sources and
Efficient Cross User Client Side Data Deduplication in Hadoop.
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Abstract: Hadoop is widely used for applications like Aadhaar card, Healthcare, Media, Ad Platform, Fraud DetectionCrime, and Education etc. However, it does not provide efficient and optimized data storage solution. One interesting thing we found that when user uploads
Analyzing the Behavior of Electricity Consumption Using Hadoop
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In the present day retail market, there are several opportunities for load serving entities which are provided by large volumes of smart data for meters which improves the knowledge of electricity consumption behaviors of customers by using load profiling instead of focusing on load
A Perusal of Big Data Classification and Hadoop Technology
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Abstract Big Data make conversant with novel technology, skills and processes to your information architecture and the people that operate, design, and utilization them. The big data delineate a holistic information management contrivance that comprise and integrates
A Trust Aware Product Recommending Scheme for Multiple Cloud using HADOOP Services
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ABSTRACT Service recommender systems have been shown as irreplaceable tools for yielding worthy recommendations to client. In the recent years, the range of client, services and online information exchange has grown rapidly, producing the big data analysis issue
Big data mining using supervised machine learning approaches for Hadoop with Weka distribution
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Abstract Data is increasing very rapidly with the increase in technologies. To process this data and performing accurate mining to yield conclusions is a challenge. This domain to process and mining this big data is termed as big data mining. To store and process big data
ClubCF Approach for Big Data Application using Hadoop and Comparative Study with Item-Based CF
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Abstract: Inspired from service computing and cloud computing, an increasing number of services are increasing on the Internet. Because of this, service-related data become too big to be effectively processed by existing approaches. In view of this challenge, a clustering-
Securing Cloud using Fog Computing with Hadoop Framework
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Abstract The need to store data is increasing day by day may be as a record or as a memory. The conventional way of storing was with the hard disks of computers or in the smartphones. With the increase in number of profiles of individuals there was a parallel increase in the
Analysis of User Behavior for Twitter Posts on Hadoop
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Abstract-Big Data refers to collection of large datasets containing massive amount of data. Big Data is generated from various sources such as social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. and the data that is generated can be in various formats like structured, semi-
An effective detection of satellite image via K-means clustering on Hadoop system
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Abstract. Nowadays detection of satellite images is generally difficult due to massive volume of images in Big Data era, so high processing speed has become an indispensable requirement for some special applications such as rapid response to disaster warning. In
An Efficient Technique to Improve Resources Utilization for Hadoop MapReduce in Heterogeneous system
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AbstractOughties witness releasing one of the most reputed platform for processing and storing Big Data which known by a strange name is Hadoop, mainly Hadoop consist of two main application MapReduce for processing data and Hadoop Distributed File System
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Distributed computing is important to many web and scientific applications. The quest for lower power dissipation and energy consumption in distributed applications has led to the implementation of ARM processor based distributed systems. The advent of integrated
Q Learning Based Workflow Scheduling in Hadoop
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Abstract Hadoop on datacenter is the popular analytical platform for enterprises. Cloud vendors host Hadoop clusters on the datacenter to provide high performance analytical computing facilities to its customers. While many concurrent users try to use the Clusters to
An Improved De-Duplication Technique for Small Files in Hadoop
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Abstract: HDFS works as one of the core component of the Hadoop ecosystem, as it stores the large data sets in a master slave architecture using the commodity hardware. To store files in HDFS, many de-duplication techniques are given but the existing techniques do not
A Hybride Product Recommendation Model Using Hadoop Server for Amazon Dataset
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Abstract Recommendation in daily life simplifies the searching process to everyone. In day- to-day life, we face the situation of getting the advertisement on web browsers as per our searching history. Internet user in todays world having the value of billion. Every required
Large Scale Satellite Image Processing Using Hadoop Framework
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Abstract: The processing of large amount of images is necessary when there are satellite images involved. Now a days amount of data continues to grow as more information becomes available. And it will increase big amount of surface as well as recognition,
Implementation of Decision Tree Using Hadoop MapReduce
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Abstract Hadoop is one of the most popular general-purpose computing platforms for the distributed processing of big data. HDFS is an implementation of distributed file system by Hadoop to be able to store huge amount of data in a reliable way and process it in an
Enhancing Performance andFault Tolerance of Hadoop cluster
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Abstract-New approach to make a system more fault tolerant is to expect failures rather than trying to avoid it. Here, by fault tolerance, we do not mean that there will be no or less failure in the system, instead, it means how the system deals with the failure when it occurs. In
A Cost-Efficient Data Placement with High Availability In Hadoop
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In this paper, we propose a novel data placement mechanism based on erasure coding redundancy in heterogeneous Hadoop cluster. This mechanism adopts choosing the number of parity blocks with the condition of node properties to guarantee the availability of
Flexible Replication Management for Frequently Accessed Data Files in HDFS Using Hadoop
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Many applications based on Apache Hadoop are greatly enlarging due to the vast and dynamic features of this system. At the heart of Apache Hadoop, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) provides the reliability and high availability for data processing by applying
Herding the elephants: Workload-level optimization strategies for Hadoop.
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ABSTRACT With the growing maturity of SQL-on-Hadoop engines such as Hive, Impala, and Spark SQL, many enterprise customers are deploying new and legacy SQL applications on them to reduce costs and exploit the storage and computing power of large Hadoop clusters.
Comparative Retail Data Analysis in Marketplaces using Hadoop
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E-commerce portals are now trending in India. It is spreading in every place and customers are showing interest in using this portal effectively. While in this time, business of marketplaces are decreasing as they cant reach up to users. Therefore, we will be
On Power Consumption Profiles for Data Intensive Workloads in Virtualized Hadoop Clusters
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Abstract Although reduction in operating costs remains to be a key motivation for migration to Cloud environments, Power consumption is a big concern for data centers and cloud service providers. Many big data applications execute on Hadoop MapReduce framework
Log Analysis Engine with Integration of Hadoop and Spark
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Abstract-Log file or logs in computing are the files for keeping record of the events that occur in the operating system or communication between the users or operating systems. Log files contains large amount of valuable information about the system operation status, usage,
Towards an ApproachBased on Hadoop to Improve and Organize Online SearchResults in Big Data Environment
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ABSTRACT: In this article we study the technical specifications required for the proper conduct of online search process in Big Data environment, with the intention to evaluate the consistency of collected data and identify opportunities to improve and organize search
MapReduce Performance Models for Hadoop 2. x.
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ABSTRACT MapReduce is a popular programming model for distributed processing of large data sets. Apache Hadoop is one of the most common open-source implementations of such paradigm. Performance analysis of concurrent job executions has been recognized as a
Review on Big Data Security in Hadoop
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Abstract-Hadoop prominently utilized for handling vast measure of information on its dispersed programming structure with Hadoop disseminated document framework (HDFS), yet preparing touchy or individual information on circulated environment requests secure
Data Classification by KNN using Mapreduce In Hadoop
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ABSTRACT Recent works have focused on efficient solutions using MapReduce programming model because it is suitable for distributed large scale data processing. For same problem this work provide different solutions with particular constraints and properties.
Big Data is no longer equivalent to Hadoop in the industry.
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Abstract: For a long time, industry projects solved big data problems with Hadoop. The massive scalability of MapReduce algorithms and the HBase database brought solutions to an unanticipated level of computing. But this obstructs the view for the need of change.
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ABSTRACT In last decades, the continuous enhancements of computational power have produced a massive data flow. Big data has been becoming more understandable as well as becoming more available. For instance, the famous online social networks, such as
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ABSTRACT Hadoop Map Reduce framework has become a manageable, scalable and fault tolerant framework for processing big data. The number of Map and Reduce task run decides the performance of the big data computing. Usually the number of Map is decided is
Research in Big Data Warehousing using Hadoop
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ABSTRACT Traditional data warehouses have played a key role in decision support system until the recent past. However, the rapid growing of the data generation by the current applications requires new data warehousing systems: volume and format of collected
Big Data Processing with Hadoop: A Review
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Abstract We live in an era where data is being generated by everything around us. The rate of data generation is so alarming, that it has engendered a pressing need to implement easy and cost-effective data storage and retrieval mechanisms. Furthermore, big data needs to be
A Brief Preview of Efficient Hadoop Job Schedulers
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Abstract BigData is a collection of large and complex data sets which is growing rapidly in every day to day life. Many challenges had been faced like storing, managing, and effective analyzing which was not overcome by the traditional approach. Therefore advanced
A survey on Static and Dynamic Hadoop Schedulers
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Abstract Hadoop is an open source framework which tracks a distributed computing approach. The choice of Hadoop is growing day by day. The capability to deal with enormously large data which is unstructured in nature is truly challenging. But Hadoop is
Analyzing and Filtering Big Data concerned with elections via Hadoop Framework
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ABSTRACT Data is not a new term in the field of computer science, but Big Data is essentially a new word. When data grows beyond the capacity of currently existing database tools, it begins to be referred as Big Data. Big Data possess a grand challenge for both data
Archiving and Analyzing Tweets and Webpages with the DLRL Hadoop Cluster
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ABSTRACT In the Integrated Digital Event Archive and Library (IDEAL)[1] project we research the next generation integration of digital libraries and event archiving. The project team has been collecting Internet information such as tweets and webpages related to crises
Big Data-Hadoop Duo in Health-Care
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AbstractBig Data is making the world a better place and the best way to understand it is by analyzing chunks of data which is generated in health care industry. Introducing Big Data in healthcare domain is used for reducing cost overhead, curing diseases, improving profits,
Data Analytics with Hadoop for Juniors
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AbstractThe huge amount and types of data being generated every day is creating a dearth for data analysts and professionals in computational sciences. In response to this need there have been several attempts and approaches by academia including the use of
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ABSTRACT In view of the fact that clusters used in large scale computing are on the rise, ensuring the wellbeing of these clusters is of paramount significance. This highlights the importance of supervising and monitoring the cluster. In this regard, many tools have been
A Unified Bigdata Analysis Platform Using Hadoop Technology
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Abstract-Big data is prevalent in both industry and scientific research applications where the data is generated with high volume and velocity it is difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. Some techniques
Algorithm to Convert Unstructured Data in Hadoop and Framework to Secure Big Data in Cloud
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AbstractExtracting unstructured BigData from the dataset and converting to Hadoop format. The resultant data is stored in the cloud and secured by double encryption. The user can retrieve the data in the cloud with the help of user interface by double decryption. The
An Efficient De-Duplication Mechanism in Hadoop Distributed File System Environment
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Objective: Day by Day the usage of internet increase exponentially due to growth of IT sector, Technological advancement, modern gadgets usages etc. Big data plays a vital role in manipulation of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. Handling huge amount
The Future of Big Data (Using Hadoop Methods)
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AbstractBig Data is one of the most important and exciting career paths in todays world. Data Science Recently, Data Scientisthas become a popular job title for companies looking for technical experts with interdisciplinary background, a data scientist is someone AbstractDue to the diversification of software and hardware resources in cloud and ever- changing demand for deployment, Hadoop deployment is faced with great challenges in difficulty and complexity. Most of present researches lie in environment configuration and
Smart and Secure Future Health Prediction Using Hadoop
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Abstract In todays modern world Internet of things has become prominent due to advances in information and communication systems that has eventually led to the growth of this new technology. IoT is a technology of inter-networking computing devices that can transfer the
Analysis of Travel Behavior Big Data by Hadoop Ecosystem
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AbstractBig Data has created many opportunities for different organizations to use the data produced by their activities and the data created in the surrounding environment of the organization. The organizations which are operating in the transportation area are also
Hadoop Triggered Opt/Electrical Data-Center Orchestration Architecture for Reducing Power Consumption
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ABSTRACT In this paper, a data-center network (DCN) system that distinguishes Hadoop job types and allocates optical/electrical circuits to data flows depending on the types automatically is proposed. The proposed system calculates the predicted shuffle value
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ABSTRACT By definition, fraud is an unexpected or rare event with significant financial or other damage. Fraud assumes that the fraudster has some prior information how the current system works including previous successful and unsuccessful fraud cases and possibly the
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Abstract Maximum-flow algorithm is used to determine maximum possible bandwidth between source and destination in a large mesh network where packets can travel any root independent of each other. The algorithm also helps to find spam sites which are in contact
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ABSTRACT For large scale parallel applications Mapreduce is a widely used programming model. Mapreduce is an important programming model for parallel applications. Hadoop is a open source which is popular for developing data based applications and hadoop is a open
Hadoop Identity Authentication using Public Private Key Concept
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AbstractProtection from unauthorized access to data and information is notable challenge within data transmission process. One of the best known public key encryption algorithms is the RSA (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman) algorithm [3], which is based on the principles of number
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Abstract-There are millions of user store their information in Social Media every day. These data are gathered in Big Data. Those are analysing to get useful information. Sentiment dictionaries have numerous inaccuracies. This could not able to principally categorize the
Performance Optimization of Heterogeneous Hadoop Clusters Using MapReduce for Big Data
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Abstract:-The key problem that arises due to enormous growth of connectivity between devices and systems is creating so much data at an exponential rate that a feasible solution for processing it is becoming difficult day by day. Therefore, developing a platform for such
Large Scale Measurement in Cellular Network Traffic Monitoring System using Hadoop
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Abstract: Big data is the new knowledge for economic growth and technical innovation. Network traffic grows exponentially, it creates problem with large volume of traffic data, data access and complex dataset. The large volume of traffic data will become impractical. The
Survey on Big Data Analytics and Hadoop Tools
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Abstract Big data is a collection of large data sets that include different types such as structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. This data can be generated from different sources like social media, audios, images, log files, sensor data, transactional applications,
Big Data Authentication and Authorization in HDP (Hadoop Distributed platform) using Kerberos and Ranger
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a solution for user and services authentication and authorization in Hadoop Distributed Platform (HDP). We have implemented MIT Kerberos for Authentication in an automated fashion that involves creating Principals and give it to
BigScale: automatic service provisioning for Hadoop clusters
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AbstractAs the number of interconnected devices grows in the IoT space, data processing systems require increased resources, robustness and flexibility. In this sense the scalability of a system becomes very important. A scalable system can process variable data volumes,
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ABSTRACT The proposed work is to avoid the adult contents and accessing the Facebook posts from the developers account and Tokenizing, The posts and removal of stop words by apply stemming. This system is used to classify posts in to adult content or not, based on
An Automatic Alignment and Grouping of Hadoop Cluster
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AbstractThe MapReduce Framework and Hadoop is the platform for scalable analysis on large Datasets in recent years. The primary concern in the Hadoop is to minimize the completion length (ie, makespan) and fixed number of MapReduce jobs. This makes
An Efficient De-Duplication Mechanism in Multinode Hadoop Distributed File System Environment
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AbstractReal-time exposure towards dealing with large volume of data is called Big data. Big data is one of the emerging technologies in the modern era. Handling huge volume of data in a real time environment is a hectic process. To handle this issue Hadoop Distributed
A Panorama of Big Data Analytics with Hadoop
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Abstract In recent times, data analytics is becoming a part and parcel of our day to day activities that provides big insights about stored data and help us to take better decisions at the right time in every walk of life. The need for data analytics has been augmented
E-Health for Security and Privacy in Health Care System Using Hadoop Map Reduce
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The main functions of the cloud server are to create the interface between application and user. To connect with server must give their username and password then only they can able to connect the server. If the user already exits directly can login into the server else user
Big Data and Hadoop: A Hand-in-Hand Approach
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Abstract: In the todays world of information technology, Data are continuously generated by electronic devices like computers, mobile phones, and digital machines. Data are also generated by large-scale simulations, astronomical observatories, Video Conferencing,
Hadoop: A Framework for Big Data ProcessingStorage
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ABSTRACT Big Data has become big enough to be handled by traditional technologies and algorithms. Rather than bringing the computation to data it is the other way round, it is cheaper to bring the computation algorithm to place where data is residing. Many
Improving Client Access License for Apache Hadoop Application
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Abstract: Hadoop application is currently identified as one of the highly efficient distributed systems for concentrated data classification, data storage and parallel computing. Preserving the data security, authenticity, and integrity of the entities in computing systems
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BACKGROUND Most attacks on the internet consist of opportunistic attacks rather than attacks targeted for some specific entity. An opportunistic attack is when an attacker targets various different parties by using one or various generic ways to attack such parties in the
A brief review of scheduling algorithms of Map Reduce model using Hadoop
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Abstract Scheduling has been an active area of research in computing systems since their inception. Hadoop framework has become very much popular and most widely used in distributed data processing. Hadoop has become a central platform to store big data through
A Review on Big Data Analytics with Hadoop Technology
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Big data is increasingly becoming factor in production, market competitiveness and the growth. Big data refers to massive, heterogeneous, and often unstructured digital
Performance Improvement of Hadoop Distributed File System Using Cauchy Coding Approach
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Abstract-Clients of cloud storage for the most part dole out various repetition designs of eradication codes, contingent upon the wanted harmony amongst execution and adaptation to internal failure. Our study finds that with low likelihood, one coding plan picked by
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Abstract:-The key problem that arises due to enormous growth of connectivity between devices and systems is creating so much data at an exponential rate that a feasible solution for processing it is becoming difficult day by day. Therefore, developing a platform for such
Association Rule Mining with Parallel Frequent Pattern Growth Algorithm on Hadoop
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AbstractAlthough the association rules mining algorithm FP-Growth is more efficient than Apriori, it has two disadvantages. The first one is that the FP-tree could be too large to be created in memory, the other one is its serial processing. A novel improved version Parallel
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ABSTRACT In simple term, big data can be defined as any data which challenges the currently existing techniques for handling it. Big data presents a grand challenge for database and data analytics research. The central theme of the research paper is based on
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Abstract Big data technologies continue to gain popularity as large volumes of data are generated around us every minute and the demand to understand the value of big data grows. Big data means large volumes of complex data that are difficult to process with
Product Analysis Portal on Big Data and Hadoop
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Abstract -The term Big Data describes innovative techniques and technologies to capture, store, distribute, manage and analyze petabyte-or larger-sized datasets with high-velocity and different structures. Big data can be structured, unstructured or semi-structured, resulting
Survey On Big Data Analytcis using Hadoop ETL
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AbstractThe term big data refers to data sets whose volume, variability and speed of velocity make them difficult to capture, manage, procedure or analyzed. To examine this huge amount of data Hadoop is able to be used. Hadoop is an open source software project that
Online Analytical Processing on Hadoop using Apache Kylin
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AbstractIn the Big Data age, it is necessary to remodel the traditional data warehousing and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) system. Many challenges are posed to the traditional platforms due to the ever increasing data. In this paper, we have proposed a
HADOOP: Solution for Big Data Challenges in Bioinformatics and its Prospective in India
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Abstract : Data becomes big data while its volume, variety, and velocity exceed abilities of our systems architecture and algorithm. Data volume is increasingly triggered by recent advancements in high-throughput technologies like Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), the
Hadoop Based Big Data Clustering using GeneticK-Means Algorithm
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Abstract : This is the era of huge and large sets of data or can say Big Data. Clustering of Big data plays several important roles for Big Data analytics. In this paper, we are introducing Big Data clustering algorithm by combining Genetic and K-Means algorithm using Hadoop
An Approach to Extract the Data using Hadoop ETL in Disaster Event
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Big Data is a gathering of the large dataset that cannot be processed using conventional Computing technique. Big Data is not merely a data rather it has become a complete subject Which involves various tools techniques as well as framework The necessitate of big data
A brief review on Hadoop architecture and its issues
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Abstract With enormous data present all over the world, the need of managing the data has also risen. Hadoop is used to maintain and process such large amount of data. Hadoop is an Apache framework which is used to store and process large amount of data. The data is
Hadoop-Based Word Count Simulation on Amazon Cloud
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Abstract : Processing very large amounts of data with the traditional conventional database systems are no longer able to handle such a data in an effective manner and practically now obsolete. Due to the introduction of new automated systems and Internet of Things (IoT),
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Abstract :-Hadoop is most popularly used distributed programming framework for processing large amount of data with Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) but processing personal or sensitive data on distributed environment demands secure computing. Originally Hadoop
Spam Reviews Detection Using Hadoop
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Abstract -Product reviews are now widely used by individuals and organizations for their decision making. However, due to the reason of profit or fame, people try to manipulate the system by opinion spamming (eg, writing spam reviews) to promote or demote some target
Large-Scale Web Traffic Log Analyzer using Cloudera Impala on Hadoop Distributed File System
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AbstractResource planning and data analysis are important for network services in order to increase the service efficiency. Nowadays, Large websites or web servers have a large number of visitors, which mean a large web traffic log need to be stored in the plain text or
Mining of Datasets using Big Data Technique: Hadoop Platform
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Abstract BIG DATA IS THE FUTURE OF IT INDUSTRY. Here see the methodology ie ETL process used for analysis of big data by using Hadoop ecosystem. The analysis of big data extracts business values from the raw data and helps in gaining competitive advantage by
Concepts and Technologies of Big Data Management and Hadoop File System
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Abstract : Big data is a broad term for data sets so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate. Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, and information privacy. The term
Hadoop Based Storage and Analysis of Events
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AbstractIn recent years the volume of data stored has increased rapidly. This is largely due to do increased use of computers and the internet with the possibility of recording every occurring event. These collections of data have become known as Big Data. The traditional
Improving the Performance of Fair Scheduler in Hadoop
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Cloud computing is a power platform to deal with big data. Among several software frameworks used for the construction of cloud computing systems, Apache Hadoop, which is an open-source software, becomes a popular one. Hadoop supports for distributed data
Challenges and security issues in implementation of Hadoop technology in Current Digital Era
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Abstract With the advent of technologies managing the tremendous amount of over flown and exponentially growing data in terms of storing and organizing it with utmost security is the major area of concerns. This exponentially growing data due to IoT has led to many
Network Motif Analysis in Clouds-Subgraph Enumeration with Iterative Hadoop MapReduce
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AbstractFinding network motifs in biological networks is a computationally intensive task as it involves traversing through a large network to enumerate all possible subgraphs of a given size, and then determining their statistical uniqueness by sampling subgraphs from a large
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AbstractBig data refers to the data sets that are too big to be handled using the existing database management tools and are emerging in many important applications, such as Internet search, business informatics, social networks, social media, genomics, and
Data Analytics Framework: R and Hadoop Geo-location based Opinion Mining of Tweets
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AbstractInternet social media services such as Twitter have seen phenomenal growth as millions of users share opinions on different aspects of life every day. This tremendous growth has induced an interest in making use of such data for extracting valuable
HADOOP based Recommendation Algorithm for Micro-video URL
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Abstract : In the recent years usage social media applications pervade in our daily life which makes the Social Networking Sites (SNSs) being dependent on users for content generation. Considering user interest, contents produced by individual SNSs significantly