health care research papers
heart attack prediction
Intelligent and effective heart attack prediction system using data mining and artificial neural network
SB Patil ,European Journal of Scientific Research, 2009 ,
Abstract The diagnosis of diseases is a vital and intricate job in medicine. The recognition of
heart disease from diverse features or signs is a multi-layered problem that is not free from
false assumptions and is frequently accompanied by impulsive effects. Thus the attempt to
Extraction of Significant Patterns from Heart Disease Warehouses for Heart Attack Prediction
SB Patil ,IJCSNS International Journal of , 2009 ,
Summary The diagnosis of diseases is a significant and tedious task in medicine. The
detection of heart disease from various factors or symptoms is a multi-layered issue which is
not free from false presumptions often accompanied by unpredictable effects. Thus the
MA JABBAR ,Journal of Theoretical and Applied , 2011 ,
ABSTRACT This Paper Focuses on Analyzing Medical Data using Association Rule mining
for Heart Attack Prediction. Association rule mining is one of the fundamental research topics
in data mining and knowledge discovery that finds interesting association or correlation
diabetes prediction
An immune origin of type 2 diabetes?
H Kolb ,Diabetologia, 2005 ,Springer
REVIEW H. Kolb . T. Mandrup-Poulsen An immune origin of type 2 diabetes? Abstract Subclinical,
low-grade systemic inflammation has been observed in patients with type 2 diabetes and in those
at increased risk of the disease. This may be more than an epiphenomenon.
Prediction of diabetes by employing a new data mining approach which balances fitting and generalization
H Pham ,Computer and Information Science, 2008 ,Springer
The Pima Indian diabetes (PID) dataset [1], originally donated by Vincent Sigillito from the
Applied Physics Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins University, is one of the most well-known
datasets for testing classification algorithms. This dataset consists of records describing
Islet cell antigens in the prediction and prevention of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
E Bonifacio, MR Christie ,Annals of medicine, 1997 ,
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is associated with both antibody and T-cell
autoimmunity to pancreatic islet cell components. In recent years, considerable progress has
been made in the identification of the molecular components of the pancreatic islets to
Blood glucose prediction for diabetes therapy using a recurrent artificial neural network
WA Sandham, D Nikoletou, DJ Hamilton ,Conf Proc , 1998 ,
ABSTRACT Expert short-term management of diabetes through good glycaemic control, is
necessary to delay or even prevent serious degenerative complications developing in the
long term, due to consistently high blood glucose levels (BGLs). Good glycaemic control
Assessing prediction of diabetes in older adults using different adiposity measures: a 7 year prospective study in 6,923 older men and women
SG Wannamethee, O Papacosta, PH Whincup ,Diabetologia, 2010 ,Springer
Abstract Aims/hypothesis The aim of this study was to examine whether waist circumference
(WC) or WHR improve diabetes prediction beyond body mass index in older men and
women, and to define optimal cut-off points. Methods In this prospective study, non-
Applying rough set theory to the system of type 1 diabetes prediction
R Deja ,Internet–Technical Development and Applications, 2009 ,Springer
In this paper we present the results of analysis of the genetic data of children with diabetes
mellitus type 1 (DMT1) and their up to now healthy siblings. Base on the data the decision
support system has been developed to classify and later on to predict the illness among