home-automation IEEE PAPER 2017

Intelligent Smart Home Automation and Security System Using Arduino and Wi-fi
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Abstract: This paper provides a low cost-effective and flexible home control and monitoring system with the aid of an integrated micro-web server with internet protocol (IP) connectivity for access and to control of equipment and devices remotely using Android-based

IoT Based Home Automation Using Raspberry PI
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Abstract: This paper proposes the design of Inter of Things (IoT) based home automation system using Raspberry pi. Currently in day todays life we can hardly find a house without a home automation system. This project is intended to construct a home automation system

Raspberry Pi Home Automation Using Android Application
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Abstract: The project presents a low cost and flexible home control and monitoring system using a Raspberry PI module and a Static Relay, with internet connectivity for accessing and controlling devices and appliances remotely using Smartphone android application. The

Smart home automation: Gsm security system designimplementation
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Abstract Smart home automation has attracted the interest of the research community during the last decade, at a great manner. Home security systems consist a constantly developing research field. In this paper, a security system for smart home automation is proposed. The

Home Automation using Raspberry Pi controlled via an Android Application
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Abstract The overall design of Home Automation System (HAS) implements low cost wireless communication between a Raspberry Pi module and an android based application to the IP appliances present at home. This paper provides a combination of these two

A Review of Home Automation System with Speech Recognition and Machine Learning
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Abstract: Many of the technologies currently used in smart homes can be adapted to meet a number of needs. By emerging these technologies in homes can eliminate the need of care and grant independence to those who might struggle with day to day activities or in

Smart Home Automation System using Android Application
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Abstract-The Home Automation System (HAS) is extension of current activities performed inside the home and this Home Automation System (HAS) can be developed easily now a days, because of powerful computational devices and wireless sensor network (WSN), to

Iot-Based Smart Band to Achieve Home Automation with Gesture Detection and Control
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The ease of usability of any appliance is paramount. The traditional way of controlling any appliance requires use of switch or remote. This paper provides an aid in usability of appliances by bringing a technological change in how we control them. In this paper, we

Economical Home Automation System using Arduino UNO
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Abstract Home automation or smart home industry have seen dramatic growth in past years and will continue to in future as per the market requirements and it benefits. In the proposed paper we have tried to develop a home automation system that is affordable than the

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Abstract: Automation is a technique or a system of controlling a process by electronic devices with reducing human involvement to a minimum. This report presents a design of monitoring and controlling home automation system from an android application based on

Internet of Things based Home automation using Raspberry Pi
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Abstract: Automation or automatic control means the use of various control systems for operating equipment. Home automation is exciting field when it is blow up with new technologies like Internet of Things (IoT). It is automation of the home, housework or

Gesture Human-Machine Interface (GHMI) in Home Automation
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Abstract-Hand gesture based electronic device control is gaining more importance now days. Most of electronic devices focus on the hand gesture recognition algorithm and the corresponding user interface. Gesture Human-Machine Interface (GHMI) uses an

Voice Recognition Based Home Automation System for Paralyzed People
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Automation is a trending topic in 21st century making an important role in our daily lives. Automation reduces the human labor, time, effort and some human errors. The key objective of our project is to design a system for physically handicapped persons to control and

DTMF based Home Automation System
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Abstract: This paper presents the design of home automation system using dual tone multiple frequency based home automation s ystem. Todays demand for better home security systems has drifted over to a need for home automation. Not only does a home

Home Automation control system using SMS
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Abstract In the world of automation we want our daily life to be controlled remotely. The aim of the project is controlling of home appliances remotely when the user is away from the place. This is SMS based system and user uses wireless technology (GSM). The system

Development of a Low-Cost GSM-Bluetooth Home Automation System
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AbstractIn todays age of digital technology and intelligent systems, home automation has become one of the fastest developing technology in the world as more and more people begin to see the idea of remotely monitoring and controlling their home appliances more as

Home Automation Using ZigBee
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Abstract The home automation will be necessary in modern era. Home automation is the digital connectivity among different appliances. This paper shows the potential of ZigBee through the design and implementation of home automation system. ZigBee based home

Home Automation using IOT and Mobile App
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Abstract-This paper presents an idea or a concept for home automation using voice recognition. Today, home automation industry is growing widely; this is powered by the need to provide systems which provides support for aged and physically handicapped people,

Home Automation with Indoor Location Using Bluetooth Low Energy and Arduino-ZigBee Nodes
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Abstract-With the conveniences and security offered by IOT, control of devices that were created before the IOT advent by a means of devices to interface between the internet and the device Home Routers have limited capacity and are susceptible to failure under load, the

Energy Saving Through Smart Home Automation System
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Abstract: As home energy use is increasing and renewable energy systems are deployed, home energy management system (HEMS) needs to consider both energy consumption and generation simultaneously to minimize the energy cost. This paper proposes a smart HEMS

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Abstract-Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that imagines all objects around us as part of internet. IoT covers a very wide range of objects and includes variety of objects like smart phones, tablets, digital cameras and sensors. When all these devices are connected to one

Smart Home Automation Based on IOT and Android Technology
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Abstract: Accessibility of rapid portable systems like Gand Long Term Evolution (LTE) combined with less expensive and open advanced cells, versatile industry has seen a gigantic development as far as giving different administrations and applications at the

Towards the Design and Implementation a Smart Home Automation System Based on Internet of Things Approach
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Abstract This paper presents a design concept for smart home automation system based on the idea of the internet of things (IoT) technology. The proposed system has two scenarios where first one is denoted as a wireless based and the second is a wire-line based scenario.

Advanced Control Web Based Home Automation with Raspberry Pi
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ABSTRACT: Today we are living in the 21st century. It is necessary to control the home from desire location. Home automation is the control of any electrically and electronics device in our home and office, whether we are there or away. There are hundreds of products

Web Hosting and Live Streaming Using Raspberry-Pi for Home Automation
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Abstract: In this busy and comfortable lifestyle of peoples, communication technology has evolved in such a way that any information will be accessed from anywhere, at any time, by any one. In todays communication technology, communication is not only constrained

Home Automation using Speech Recognition in Android framework
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Abstract: Due to fast increment in the utilization of web and colossal increment of client has made Internet as a piece of their day by day life. IoT is future innovation, and it is developing its system of ordinary protest from client to fabricate that can share their data and finish

A Novel Home Automation System using Bluetooth and Arduino
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Abstract: The main objective of this article is to develop a Home Automation System using Android mobile with Bluetooth Module. Nowadays people are expecting to control the home appliances through remote control. This expectation is fulfilled by our advanced technology.

Security Issues in Home Automation
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ABSTRACT In this modern world all the operations are done via smart manner without manual interruptions and hard activities. This system concentrates two major portions, one is like controlling the smart devices based on wireless manner and provides access rights to its

Smart Energy Meter Using GSM for Home Automation
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ABSTRACT Electrical energy is very important form of energy source in day to day life. Consumers have complaints regarding Energy Meter readings in their monthly bill. The development of a fully Automated Energy Meter which is having capabilities like automatic

Controlling Home Automation Using Android Platform
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ABSTRACT Smart Home is the residential extension of building automation and concerns the control and monitor of lighting, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), appliances, and security. Smart systems usually consist of switches and sensors connected to a central

Home Automation via Bluetooth using Android Application
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Abstract The past decade has seen great improvement in the field of consumer electronics. Variousbrilliantappliances such as mobile phone, air conditioners, home security devices, etc., are set to realize the advancement of a smart home. In todays world, each and every

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Abstract-The aim of this project to develop a system that will voice control the home appliances and also provide security against intrusion when the home owner is not in home. This paper mainly concerned with the automatic voice control of light or any other home

Home Automation: HMM based fuzzy rule engine for ambient intelligent smart space
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Abstractin this paper, we proposed a new type of decision-making system to achieve the intelligent goal for automated smart environments. The artificial intelligence techniques, used as building blocks to understand inhabitant activity patterns. The collected information

IOT Based Secured Smart Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi
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Raspberry pi based IOT concept it means internet of things. In this present generation everything is going on internet itself. So in this project we concentrate totally on the present generation life how they can get security to their home or office and control the devices by

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KUMRU, Sercan Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Project Supervisor: Asst. Prof. Dr. Hassan SHARABATY January-2017, 25 Pages This graduation project report analyzes the process of writing a graduation project report in a historical context. This report

Smart Home Automation using Raspberry Pi, Motion Sensor and Android with Gesture based Controls
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AbstractWith the rapid growth of Smart Technology in the recent times, it has become imperative for us to explore different types of exciting automation systems concerning simple parts of life. One of these areas is Smart Home Automation that can control all the domestic

Home Automation Using Smartphone Application
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ABSTRACT: Home automation (HA) is becoming more and more popular day by day due to its numerous advantages. It gives a way to have things around your home happen automatically. Smart home automation has attracted the interest of the research community

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ABSTRACT Today is a world of advanced mobile applications which are used exhaustively to save time and energy. These applications ease day-to-day life of a common man. Based on these technologies and applications, we have designed a Home Automation System. In

A Review of Home Automation and Security Using Arduino, Bluetooth and GSM Technology
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Abstract-In this paper, we describe the design and development of a remote household appliance control system using mobile handset through GSM technology. This system provides ideal solution to the problems caused in situations when a wired connection

Touch-n-Play: An Intelligent Home Automation System
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Abstract-The comfort of the home and the Society are helped by thethingswhich surround them. These things are connected to each other, either directly or indirectly via the internet of things. Having full access to controlling these devices remotely with reasonable precision

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Abstract This paper represents the idea of home automation system using wireless technology. Wireless technology widely used for communication purpose these advanced technology changes every person constantly. In todays world automation plays very

ECA Based Home Automation
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Abstract Automation of the surrounding environment of a modern human being allows increasing his work efficiency and comfort. There has been a significant development in the area of an individuals routine tasks and those can be automated. In the present times, we

Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation Using Wi-Fi, IOTAndroid for Live Monitoring
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ABSTRACT The project focuses on controlling the Electronic Devices with a Remote or a Smartphone. The major focus of this project is to provide the Ease of Access to handicapped people. A Live Monitoring System to get the fresh updates of what exactly the power

Home Automation
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ABSTRACT Home automation develops the lifestyle by automating the appliances. It saves energy as well as time. This project aims to achieving the home automation using wireless technology. We are using Bluetooth technology for exchanging data within a short range.

Home Automation Based On IOT
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Abstract: Home Automation using cloud network is a system that uses computers or mobile devices to control basic home functions and features automatically through the internet from anywhere around the world, an automated home is sometimes called a smart home. This

Home Automation System Based on Gesture Recognition System
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Abstract Old aged or disabled persons who can t walk are most sensitive persons and they must be served in a systematic, quick, sophisticated and efficient manner by very little effort. The problem is that there is no anybody who is always with them for 24 hours. Speech

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Home automation is an IoT application area that uses sensors for data collection and protocols like Zigbee and/or Z-Wave for communication. The proliferation of Z-Wave devices poses information security challenges such as a hacked z-wave door lock, due to a protocol

Modern Home Automation System Using Android Mobile App and Web Based Server
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Abstract: Automation of any task is the uses of control systems and information technologies to minimize the need for human work in the produce of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. This paper presents a lower

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ABSTRACT The idea of conversing electricity means that used whenever necessary and avoid wasting it. This means doing simple things like turning OFF lights when any person left the room, etc. One of the biggest motivation for the people is conserving electricity in their

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ABSTRACT The main aim of conducting this project is to control a maximum of electrical appliances by just using a WI-FI technology. The devices can be switch on/off using a smartphone through wifi (ES88266). Today is a world of advance ubiquitous mobile

Voice Controlled Home Automation Based on MediaTek LinkIt
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AbstractHome automation is the residential extension of building automation and involves the control and automation of lighting, heating and appliances. The system discussed in this paper can be used to control lighting and as well as makes of sensors to detect various

Smart Home (Home Automation)
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Abstract-The wide availability of sophisticated devices in markets today had laid paths for developing consumer base models at lesser cost of resources. The result has been incorporated of wide variety of techniques and technologies in development of every

Bluetooth Based Smart Home Automation System using Arduino UNO Microcontroller
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Abstract There are different methods in wireless technology such as Bluetooth, WIFI, and GSM. In this paper, new design and different home appliances are presented. Bluetooth Based Home Automation System using Arduino UNO Microcontroller is design and

Home Automation using Speaker Identification
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Abstract: This paper discusses the overall design of a wireless automation system, which is built and implemented. The speech recognition centers on recognition of speech commands stored in database of MATLAB and it is matched with incoming voice command of speaker.

Raspberry Pi Based Home Automation System for Android Application
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Abstract: Now a days, the home environment has seen a hurried introduction of network enabled digital technology. For the purpose of Home automation this technology offers new and exciting chances to increase the connectivity of devices within the home. Home

A Survey On Improving Home Automation Security by Integrating Device Fingerprinting Into Smart Home
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Abstract-Home automation involves automatic control of household features, activity and appliances. A home with an automatic control system is known as smart home. Automation system helps ones home to promote security, comfort and convenience. This paper is a

Home Automation using Raspberry Pi-3
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Abstract Today Home Automation is one of the growing requirement in the society. This paper presents the implementation of Home Automation using Raspberry Pi. The Raspberry Pi is a basic embedded system and being a low cost single-board computer used to reduce

Lora Based Intelligent Home Automation System
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Abstract: The home and Society are surrounded bythingswhich are connected to each other, either directly or indirectly via the internet of things. To have access to controlling these devices remotely with precision within the network when required is a key factor in the

Smart Home Automation Based on Voice Command Using Smart Phone
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Abstract: In the recent years, the voice controlled home automation systems have seen a rapid change due to introduction of various wireless technologies. This system is the most suited to seniors and the disabled persons especially those who live alone and since

Home Automation System Based on Speech Recognition
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Abstract Old aged or disabled persons who can t walk are most sensitive persons and they must be served in a systematic, quick, sophisticated and efficient manner by very little effort. The problem is that there is no anybody who is always with them for 24 hours. Speech

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ABSTRACT In this Era IOT (internet of things) is the quick rising innovation which includes cooperation among things through web without human collaboration. The objective of this paper is to build up a system that will give remote control of home apparatuses and

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AbstractToday we are living in 21st century where automation is playing important role in human life. Home automation allows us to control household appliances like light, door, fan, AC etc. It also provides home security and emergency system to be activated. Home

A Review: Internet of Things (IoT) Based Smart Home Automation
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AbstractIn todays world advancement of technology in the fields of automation is getting simpler and better in all aspects. There is a rapid increase in number of internet users. Smartphones have played a very important role in helping users with a much better internet

Design and Develop a Smart Digital Electrical Board for Home Automation Systems
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Abstract-A fully autonomous home is going to be the future. Everyone want that the complete control such as switching on/off the lights, fans, televisions and other appliances through one device. A result from this idea is a well-worked home management and other aspects

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ABSTRACT The project is to develop a system, which uses mobile technology that keep control of the various units of the automobiles, which executes with respect to the signal sent by mobile. Now a days every system is automated in order to face new challenges in the

Felicity-A Personal Home Automation System
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ABSTRACT Felicity is a virtual personnel assistant that is android based that provides assistance to your daily activities. Felicity achieves this by breaking down complex activities to simpler ones and then customizes it according to the user needs. Felicity implements a

Home Automation using IoT
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Abstract Home automation has become more and more popular in recent years. It aims at helping people manage the home appliances freely and build an autonomous environment in home. The aim of this project is the home automation with full security and controlling the

Home Automation using LabVIEW
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Abstract The main purpose of the project is to ease mans life and to make it more sophisticated we go for home automation. It prevents the energy wastage by switching off the electrical appliances in the absence of human. In this project the home appliances like

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ABSTRACT Gesture recognition is a growing area of interest because it provides a natural 3D interface for humans to communicate with computers. Hand gesture based electronic device control is gaining more importance nowadays. Most of electronic devices focus on

A Review on IOT Based Home Automation Techniques
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ABSTRACT In this survey, paper discuss the techniques of communication in internet of things (IoT). Many times it is needed not only to send data to one IoT device to another IoT device in different network topologies like PAN, CAN etc. In this survey paper discuss the CSE PROJECTS