home automation 2018
Smart home automation and security system using Arduino and IOT
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With the advancement of technology and more dependency of people on smart phone and increasing demands of easy and quick way of solving Daily life task, it has become very important to have a technology which can control over the domestic and industrial
IoT based home automation system using NodeMCU ESP8266 module
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In this project, we are going to make an IOT based home automation system using NODEMCU ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and. Using this we will be able to control home appliances through a web browser using your PC or mobile. These AC mains appliances
Arduino based home automation using Internet of things (IoT)
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This paper presents a low cost flexible and reliable home automation system with additional security using Arduino microcontroller, with IP connectivity through local Wi-Fi for accessing and controlling devices by authorized user remotely using Smart phone application. The
Interactive home automation system with google assistant
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This is an interactive home automation system that is unique in its own way that it is unlike any other existing home automation systems that have been made previously. Most of the existing systems that are available in the market use a Raspberry Pi or Arduino chipset that
Implementation of Voice Based Home Automation System Using Raspberry Pi
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Voice Based Home Automation System using Raspberry Pi is the project which will be very useful for old age people and disabled people, basically for ones who cannot perform basic activities efficiently. It is the idea which corresponds to the new era of automation and
IOT based smart security and smart home automation
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Internet of Things is fast becoming a disruptive technology business opportunity, with standards emerging primarily for wireless communication between devices and gadgets in day to day human life, in general refered to as Things. This project aims at controlling home
Internet of Things based Smart Home Automation
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Home Automation is conveniences installed and designed to perform chore in your living place. Smart homes are often referred to as intelligent homes as they perform services that become part of our life. Many of the automated systems that silently perform their jobs
Effective Replacement of FPGA for Microcontrollers in Home Automation
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Nowadays the Home automation is a demanded Application/project of every class of people to make their life dynamic and secure. Most of these Home automation systems are developed using Microcontrollers with the help of various sensors to monitor the home
Implementation of Home automation system using Smart Mirror
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This paper presents the design and the development of a futuristic and very interactive Smart Mirror with artificial intelligence for the ambient home automation and commercial uses in the organization also in public environments. This application collects the real-world
Bluetooth Based Home Automation Using Arduino and Android Application
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The aim of this paper is to develop a Bluetooth based home automation system with Arduino UNO Board and Android application. Remote controlled home automation system provides a simpler solution with Android application technology. Remote operation is achieved by
An intelligent remote controlled system for smart home automation
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Home automation is an important milestone in achieving smart grid and is ever exciting field that has exploded over the past few years. Advancement in technologies have made homes more convenient, efficient and even more secure. Introducing the Raspberry Pi to the world
Smart home automation using IoT
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Smart Home Technology is a collective term for information and communication-technology in homes, where the components are communicating through a local network. The technology be used for monitoring and performing actions, according to the
A Smart Home Automation system using IoT and Open Source Hardware
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In the era of Internet of Things, the information will be exchanged without the intervention of human. The manual systems are transforming into smart systems with the incorporation of IoT. The remote superintendence of electrical devices and sensors in the home environment
Home Automation using EMOTIV: Controlling TV by Brainwaves
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In this paper, our goal is to prove the possibility of controlling a home device by solely using neural pattern recognition interface captured by Emotiv EPOC. The neuroheadset EPOC is a personal interface for human interaction with computer through the acquisition of electrical
Controlling of Relay using Raspberry Pi Via Internet for Home Automation
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ABSTRACT The Relay Module is a device that switches power to auxiliary devices. Use relay modules to control switched devices and appliances like lighting, heating, air conditioning, pumps, motors, dampers, elevators, door locks, door releases, and grounds
IoT wireless home automation technologies and their relation to specific absorption rate
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Home automation is one of the most promising Internet of Things domains; it involves the control and automation of the human surrounding environment such as ventilation and heating. The automated home has evolved to include the use of a large number of wireless
Home Automation using Arduino and IOT
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Home automation is a Automation technology which makes the work easier in all aspects related to home . There are different methods in wireless technology such as Bluetooth, WIFI and GSM. As we are entering in a new era of technology home automation has more
Occupancy based home automation system
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Home automation is a component of The Internet of Things. Home automation has become modernized from many decades for the purport of controlling the abode appliances. In home automation we ourselves will predefine the commands for monitoring and controlling of
Smart Home Automation System based on Arduino
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Intelligent home environments are environments that attempt to ease the users life in different ways and make it more comfortable using the technology. This paper present the principle of realizing a home control interface based on an Arduino UNO R3 board equipped
Home Automation System Using WeMos D1 Mini
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The Internet of Things (IoT) based home automation system, aims to control all the devices of the smart homes through Internet protocols and an MQTT server. The concept of home automation to bring the control of operating your everyday home appliances, and making CSE PROJECTS