image processing research paper-81
Object Dimension or geometry determination using Image Processing
Using spin images for efficient object recognition in cluttered 3D scenes
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exist a correlation between spin images of small support generated for different objects.A common technique for image compression in object recognition is principal component analysisNext, the model projection dimension, s, is determined using a reconstruction metric that
Method and means for recognizing complex patterns
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Business Machines Corporation, Method and means for adding an extra dimension to sensor 2012, Cognex Corporation, System and method for detecting flaws in objects using machine vision.Sri International, System and method for detecting and tracking an object of interest in
Determining optical flow
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If the viewer translates parallel to a flat object, rotates about a line perpendicular toboundaries constitute a one dimensional subset of the plane and so one can expectand Thompson, WB, Velocity determination in scenes containing several moving objects, Computer Graphics
Uniqueness and estimation of three-dimensional motion parameters of rigid objects withcurved surfaces
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Uniqueness and Estimation of Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters of Rigid Objects with Curved Surfaces1. Basic geometry for three-dimensional motion estimation. (x, y, z) = object-space coordinates of a point P before motion (x',y', z') = object-space coordinates of P after
Image processing, analysis, and machine vision
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FLANN FOE GA one dimension(al) two dimension(al), three dimension(al), activeDENSity propagATION cathode ray tube cerebro-spinal fluid constructive solid geometry computed tomography8.5 Summary 373 8.6 Exercises 375 8.7 References 379 9 Object recognition 385
Pose determination of a three-dimensional object using triangle pairs
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Thus, a natural size of one cell is a few pixels in each dimension.LINNALNMAA E [ ul.: POSE DETERMLNATLON OF 3-D OBJECTRecall that there may be junctions that correspond to other objects in the image, and generally only about half of the vertices can be expected to
Range image segmentation based on differential geometry: a hybrid approach
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image or range (depth) map, have become available for the analysis of three-dimensional (3-Drange finder and the calibration process and is not dependent upon the underlying objects.' If wediscrimination of these edge types is thought to be important for later object analysis.
Determining three-dimensional motion and structure from optical flow generated by several moving objects
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ADIV: DETERMINING THREE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION AND STRUCTUREA seg- ment satisfying this constraint is very likely to be associated with only one rigid object.This organization makes it possible to deal with independently moving objects, while employing all the
Reverse engineering of geometric models an introduction
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Abstract. In many areas of industry, it is desirable to create geometric models of existing objects for which no such model is available.2; PJ Besl, RC Jain; Three dimensional object recognition. Three-dimensional alpha shapes. ACM TOG, 13 (1) (1994), pp. 43–72.
Collision detection between geometric models: A survey
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5.4 Uniform spatial subdivision We can divide the space into unit cells or volumes and place each object or bounding box in some cell s Ove92 .A fast procedure for computing the distance between objects in three-dimensional space.
Spacetime stereo: A unifying framework for depth from triangulation
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N and M are the spatial sizes of the window, and T is the dimension along theOf course, if the object is sufficiently specular, then view dependent effects will become predominantHowever additional robustness for many objects, that exhibit some specularity but are primarily
dimensional information processing method and apparatus for obtaining three-dimensional information of object by projecting a plurality of pattern beams onto object
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3, the right-and-left direction of the figure corresponds to the dimension of the imageAutomated method of and system for dimensioning objects transported through a work environment using contourMeasuring system with improved method of reading image data of an object.
Image-based visual hulls
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Pollard's and Hayes' [21] immersive video objects allow rendering of real-time scenes by morphing live video streams to simulate three-dimensional camera motion.The visual hull is not guaranteed to be the same as the original object since concave surface regions can
Parametric correspondence and chamfer matching: Two new techniques for image matching
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Another dimension for possible improvement is the chamfering process itselfIn this case, the object's position and orientation are the parameters; the object is translated andShepard, RN and Metzler, J., "Mental Rotation of Three-Dimensional Objects", Science, 1971, p.701-703
A survey of image registration techniques
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finding changes in images taken at different times or under different conditions, (3) inferring three- dimensional information from images in which either the camera or the objects in thea template image in another image, often as part of a larger problem of object recognition
A new generation of the IMAGIC image processing system
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The object shown here is a helical aggregate of simple amphiphilic molecule (N-octylHollenberg, J. (1980) The stretching of dis- torted images of two dimensional crystals, in Baumeister, W. (Eds.), Proceedings in Life Sciences: Electron Microscopy at Molecular Dimensions, pp.
Apparatus and methods for determining the three-dimensional shape of an object usingactive illumination and relative blurring in two-images due to defocus
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In order to meet these and other objects which will become apparent with reference toLight source 12 illuminates a partially transparent screen 14 having a two dimensional grid toin the depth from defocus determination, and its application to varying object field requirements.
A new method for the model-independent assessment of thickness in three-dimensional images
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The object in Fig. 5 is thus not considered as a valid structure by this definition.The local thickness will have a stochastic error corresponding to the dimension of one voxel.Goldak, JA, Xinhua, Y., Knight, A.Lingxian, D. (1991) Constructing discrete medial axis of 3-d objects.
On analytical study of the self-affine mapping system in the image processing domain
ABSTRACT All image processing applications of the self-affine mapping system (SAMS) were developed based on the attraction and repellence behaviours. In this paper, we provide some analytical justifications for these properties. Besides, it is shown that the cost
Image Processing for Automated Flaw Detection in Pulsed Thermography
ABSTRACT Infrared (IR) thermography has evolved in recent years from being an emerging non destructive testing (NDT) technique to a viable approach for both aerospace manufacturing and in-service inspections. One of the drawbacks of thermography
Computer Vision and Image Processing
ABSTRACT In this project, I studied the application of inner distance shape context descriptor (IDSC) in recognizing articulated objects particularly the hand articulation. The IDSC is used as a hand shape descriptor to capture the hand state (open/closed) and to recognize
Solar radiation over the urban texture: LIDAR data and image processing techniques for environmental analysis at city scale
ABSTRACT. A complete methodology from the extraction of Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data to the environmental analysis of urban models and the visualization of results is presented. Aim of the work is to establish a process to investigate digital urban models
Angular frequency analysis of wind turbines by means of digital image processing
ABSTRACT This paper proposes a method to calculate the angular frequency of a wind turbine by using Artificial Vision techniques. For a given video in which several wind turbines appear, the set of frames that compose it are taken out. Then, a certain frame is analyzed
Improving the quality of pigskin leather texture images using enhanced image processing
In this paper, we propose a method to improve the quality of pigskin leather texture images using digital image processing approach. The proposed method intends to minimize the imbalance illumination problem that occurs in the images captured from consumer leather
Integrating Web-based GIS and image processing tools for environmental monitoring and natural resource management
The combined powers of Web-based geographic information systems (GIS) and on-line remote sensing tools can significantly reduce the high cost and labor associated with environmental monitoring and natural resource management. This paper introduces an
Image Processing Techniques to Recognize and Classify Bottle Articles
ABSTRACT Solid object recognition and classification has been an area of interest with the increasing environmental and economic concerns. Our work mainly concentrates on identification of bottles and classifying the same into one of several categories, like glass,
A framework for 4D-biomedical image processing, visualization and analysis
ABSTRACT Today, studies on biological systems are often realized acquiring, processing and analyzing 3D-time lapse images. Different structures of the organism can be simultaneously observed by acquiring multi-channel image datasets. In this paper we present a software
Lattice image processing: a unification of morphological and fuzzy algebraic systems
This paper explores some aspects of the algebraic theory of mathematical morphology from the viewpoints of minimax algebra and translation-invariant systems and extends them to a more general algebraic structure that includes generalized Minkowski operators and
A MATLAB based face recognition system using image processing and neural networks
ABSTRACT Automatic recognition of people is a challenging problem which has received much attention during recent years due to its many applications in different fields. Face recognition is one of those challenging problems and up to date, there is no technique that
Memory Allocation for Window-Based Image Processing on Multiple Memory Modules with Simple Addressing Functions
SUMMARY Accelerator cores in low-power embedded processors have on-chip multiple memory modules to increase the data access speed and to enable parallel data access. When large functional units such as multipliers and dividers are used for addressing, a
An Image Processing Approach to Distributed Access for Multiantenna Cognitive Radios
Page 1. An Image Processing Approach to Distributed Access for Multiantenna Cognitive Radios System Model • Spectrum Occupancy and Image Processing • Time ,Frequency Access •Numerical Results
Subject-based regional anaesthesia simulator combining image processing and virtual reality
In this paper, a novel virtual reality-based simulator for regional anaesthesia is presented. Individual datasets of patients with nerve cords are created from medical scans with the help of advanced segmentation and registration algorithms. Techniques for interaction and
Traffic Analysis in Roundabout Intersections by Image Processing
ABSTRACT In this paper a method for the evaluation of roundabout performance, based on the image processing of field survey data, is presented. The methodology of investigation consists of the following three main steps: a field survey to collect vehicular flow images
An application of graph theory to colour image processing
Colour image denoising is a topic which has been extensively studied in the fields of computer vision and digital image processing. The denoising (or filtering) step is essential for almost every computer vision system because noise can significantly affect the visual
Request paper image super-resolution using gradient profile prior
Image super-resolution using gradient profile prior
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Abstract In this paper, we propose an image super-resolution approach using a novel generic image prior–gradient profile prior, which is a parametric prior describing the shape and the sharpness of the image gradients. Using the gradient profile prior learned from a