image-retrieval IEEE PAPER 2017
Satellite Image Mining using Content Based Image Retrieval
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Abstract: Satellite images are used in many applications, such as disaster forecasting, geological survey etc. Satellites captures thousands of images every day, but only few are useful to us. How to retrieve useful images from the database is a very challenging area of
Presenting and visualizing results on an image retrieval user interface
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Abstract. The volume of images available online has increased significantly but the choices offered by image retrieval systems have not kept pace. We describe the design and evaluation of a high densityimage search interface focusing on the results pages. We
A Survey on Different Relevance Feedback Techniques in Content Based Image Retrieval
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Abstract-The conventional image retrieval methods like Google, Bingo, Yahoo are based on the on textual annotation of images to access the large collection of relevant database images. Then Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is a technique, which takes visual
Discriminative Deep Hashing for Scalable Face Image Retrieval
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Abstract With the explosive growth of images containing faces, scalable face image retrieval has attracted increasing attention. Due to the amazing effectiveness, deep hashing has become a popular hashing method recently. In this work, we propose a new Discriminative
Content Based Medical Image Retrieval and Clustering Based Segmentation to Diagnose Lung Cancer
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Abstract Now a day lung cancer is most serious health problem in the world which causes multiple deaths every year. There are various techniques available for diagnosis of the lung cancer such as CT image, MRI image, X-Ray Image etc. but the CT scan image provides
Deep Spatial-Semantic Attention for Fine-Grained Sketch-Based Image Retrieval
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Abstract Human sketches are unique in being able to capture both the spatial topology of a visual object, as well as its subtle appearance details. Fine-grained sketch-based image retrieval (FG-SBIR) importantly leverages on such fine-grained characteristics of sketches to
A New Architecture for Image Retrieval Optimization with HARP Algorithm
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Abstract-Image retrieval plays a vital role in image processing. The main aim of this paper is to build more generalized CBIR system, which increase the searching ability and to improve theretrieval accuracy. The proposed method is experimented and analyzed with large
Image Retrieval Efficiently Using Search Engine-Visual Intelligence
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ABSTRACT In todays world Internet plays a major role. We have witnessed great interest and a wealth of promise in image retrieval. There are times and situations when we imagine what we desire, but are unable to express in precise wording. Take, for instance, a desire to
Beyond instance-level image retrieval: Leveraging captions to learn a global visual representation for semantic retrieval
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Abstract Querying with an example image is a simple and intuitive interface to retrieve information from a visual database. Most of the research in image retrieval has focused on the task of instance-level image retrieval, where the goal is to retrieve images that contain
Image Retrieval Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Regularized Locality Preserving Indexing Strategy
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Abstract Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) has been a very popular area in large scale data processing and many works have demonstrate that CNN is a very promising tool in many field, eg, image classification and image retrieval. Theoretically, CNN features can
Sub-Block based Color Moments, Wavelet and Edge Histogram for Image Retrieval
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes a novel image retrieval algorithm using local color feature of image sub-block and global texture and shape features. Image sub-blocks are identified by partitioning the image into blocks. Color Texture and shape are the low level image
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Texture Structure Histogram and Texture Features
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Abstract In Content Based Image Retrieval one of the most important features is texture. In this paper we present a image retrieval based on Texture Structure Histogram (TSH) and Gabor texture feature extraction. In TSH technique to describe the texture feature, we use the
Deep Visual-Semantic Quantization for Efficient Image Retrieval
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Abstract Compact coding has been widely applied to approximate nearest neighbor search for large-scale image retrieval, due to its computation efficiency and retrieval quality. This paper presents a compact coding solution with a focus on the deep learning to quantization
New Non-Parametric Model for Automatic Annotations of Images in Annotation Based Image Retrieval
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In this paper we propose an automatic approach to annotating and retrieving images based on a training set of images. We assume that regions in an image can be described using a small vocabulary of blobs. Blobs are generated from image features using clustering. Given
Various Distance Metric Methods for Query Based Image Retrieval
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Abstract: In a decade ago, huge database of pictures have developed quickly and will proceed in future. Recovery and querying of picture in proficient way is required keeping in mind the end goal to get to the visual substance from substantial database. Content bas ed
Signature based Document Image Retrieval Using Multi-level DWT Features
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AbstractAutomatic signature extraction from document image and retrieval has a large number of applications such as in business offices, organizations, institutes and digital libraries. Hence it has attracted a lot of researchers from the field of document image
Content based image classification and retrieval using visual bag of features and adaboost algorithm
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes the content based classification and retrieval of images using Visual bag of Features and adaboost classifier. The Visual bag of Features has been extracted from the input images and then the visual bag of features is classified using the
A Survey on Image Retrieval by Different Features and Techniques
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Abstract-As the advanced world is developing with changed sensibly data like archive, picture, video. Out of these picture assumes a fundamental part in a few field like remote detecting, online networking, and so on. currently this increase of information has attract
A Survey of Content Based Image Retrieval in Cloud Computing
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Abstract: The images are used as a prime factor of communication on an effective scale. Hence the need of efficient and effective tools for retrieval of query images from database is increased significantly. CBIR is a technique for retrieving images on the basis of
Image Retrieval Framework for Medical Images using Improved SVM
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Abstract: Extraction of certain features from the images is quite difficult to conclude as a result, which can be further used for some kind of specific purpose. In medical field, there is a huge amount of digital images that are related with different diseases. Since, it is a field
Analysis of Different Similarity Measures in Image Retrieval Based on Texture and Shape
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Abstract In the previous few years, large number of digital images are used in various application areas. To store and retrieve these images we need some efficient image retrieval techniques. Content Based Image Retrieval is one of the image retrieval system, but to
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ABSTRACT Ontology is a semantic technology that provides the possible approach to bridge the issue on semantic gap in image retrieval between low-level visual features and high-level human semantic. The semantic gap occurs when there is a discrepancy between
Content-based image retrieval and semantic automatic image annotation based on the weighted average of triangular histograms using support vector machine
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Abstract In recent years, the rapid growth of multimedia content makes content-based image retrieval (CBIR) a challenging research problem. The content-based attributes of the image are associated with the position of objects and regions within the image. The addition of
A Review on Feature Extraction Techniques in Content Based Image Retrieval
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Abstract The Content Based Image retrieval (CBIR) is a very critical for retrieving the most visible applicable images from the huge image database. The numerous low stage functions are extracted primarily based on their visual content which might be shade, shape, texture
A novel method for Content Based Image retrieval using Local features and SVM classifier
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Abstract-Retrieving images from the large amount of database based on their content are called content based image retrieval. It is a basic requirement of retrieve the relevant information from huge amount of image database according to query image with better
A Content Based Image Retrieval Using Soft Computing
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ABSTRACT The CBIR tends to index and retrieve images based on their visual content. CBIR avoids many problems associated with traditional ways of retrieving images by keywords. Thus, a growing interest in the area of CBIR has been established in recent years.
Content-Based Image Retrieval in Cloud Using Watermark Protocol and Searchable Encryption
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Abstract:-With the development of the imaging devices, such as digital cameras, smartphones, and medical imaging equipments, our world has been witnessing a tremendous growth in quantity, availability, and importance of images. The needs of efficient
Survey on sketch based image retrieval method by re-ranking and relevance feedback.
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Abstract-Content Based Image retrieval method considered as they put together use of query by sketch and relevance opinions as the technique to ease user interaction and improve retrieval effectiveness in CBIR. The main aim of CBIR is to remove visual content of
Multi-Model Search Engine for Text and Image Retrieval
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Abstract: With the popularity of the network and development of multimedia technology images on web are increasing. Due to these large growing amounts of visual and multimedia data underline the need to create access methods that offer more than simple
Content-based Image Retrieval System for clinical diagnosis of Pigmented Skin Lesions
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Summary The screening process of skin cancer and the capacity of storing the digital images in recent years are rapidly increasing at an alarming rate. These digital image contains a lot of useful diagnostic information, which are not efficiently accessed and used.
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Abstract Retrieving images similar to query image from a large image collection is a challenging task. Image consists of different regions. There are several methods in the literature which are useful to capture region level similarities between pair of images using
The Use of Object Labels and Spatial Prepositions as Keywords in a Web-Retrieval-Based Image Caption Generation System
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Abstract In this paper, a retrieval-based caption generation system that searches the web for suitable image descriptions is studied. Googles search-by-image is used to find potentially relevant web multimedia content for query images. Sentences are extracted from web pages
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This paper presents a new content-based image retrieval algorithm. The main idea of the method is to represent objects by its shape approximation using graphs. As shapes primitives based on line segments and arches were chosen. Each graph node contains
A Scalable Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks
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1PG Scholar, Department of CSE, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India. 2Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh, India.To Cite this Article Digital images and videos are proliferating at an amazing speed in science, engineering and technology, media, and entertainment. With the huge accumulation of such data, the keyword search or manual annotation scheme may no longer meet the practical demand for
Image Based Information Retrieval
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Abstract-In todays time retrieving the relevant information from huge collection of data has attracted a lot of attention. Various search system are available for that purpose but they should be able to find the most relevant search results according to users query that satisfies
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ABSTRACT The performance of Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) system is depends on efficient feature extraction and accurate retrieval of similar images. Content based image retrieval is the task of retrieving the images from the large collection of database on the basis
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ABSTRACT Most of the existing works on fine-grained bird image categorization and retrieval focus on finding similar images from the same species and often give little importance to inter-species similarity. In this paper, we devise a new fine-grained retrieval
Local Differential Excitation Binary Co-occurrence Pattern (LDEBCoP): A New Descriptor for Texture and Bio-Medical Image Retrieval
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Abstract: This paper presents a novel pattern based feature descriptor named as Local Differential Excitation Binary Co-occurrence Pattern (LDEBCoP) for texture and biomedical image retrieval. The proposed method exploits the local structure information using
Review on: Content Based Image Retrieval
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AbstractThe paper presents a review of different techniques in content-based image retrieval. Content Based image retrieval is a system by which several images are retrieved from a large database collection. The paper starts with discussing the fundamental aspects
Sketch Based Image Retrieval System based on Block Histogram Matching
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Abstract-Nowadays, the usefulness of scalable image retrieval (IR) systems is obvious valiant than ever. Moreover, searching desired image by describing hand-drawn sketch is popular, because of the emerging of touch screen technology. Therefore a matching
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Abstract: Image retrieval is a dynamic research territory throughout the previous two decades. This range is increasing more significance as the development of interactive media content over the web is expanding. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) utilizes the
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ABSTRACT Multiresolution decomposition of images such as wavelet transform has emerged as a key technique for Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Among various wavelets, the Gabor wavelets have been found to present the best overall performance in
An Enhanced Approach for Content Based Image Retrieval System
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ABSTRACT: Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) overcomes the traditional text-based image retrieval technology where search is based on automatic or manual explanation of images. For Image retrieval its an active research field. Content Based Image Retrieval is a
Review on Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Technique
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Abstract: In digital image processing finding or searching a image in huge database of digital images is big task for designing more efficient image and shape matching algorithm. In data storage and image acquisition technologies we have to enabled the creation of large
A Review on Content Base Image Retrieval Techniques
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Image retrieval technique has taken its improvements with the growth in image volumes and its application in various fields. Image retrieval technique is an interesting and a vast field yet to be researched more. Images are described through its color, texture, shape, clarity and
Spatial and Transform domain based Content Based Image Retrieval for classification of Very High Resolution images
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, explore the combination of both spatial and transform domain methods for the satellite image which are very high resolution by applying content base image retrieval concept. The methodology is first applied to supervised classification
Content Based Image Retrieval with Multi-Feature Classification by Back-propagation Neural Network
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Abstract: Emergence of Internet, as well as digital image acquisition technology, has increased the usage of rich visual information such as images and videos. It has become the integral and essential part of everyones life. Since image production has become easy and
An Overview on Image Retrieval Using Image Processing Techniques
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ABSTRACT Data mining refers to the extracting of knowledge/information from a huge database. There are number of topics in data mining such as Clustering, Classification, Association, Decision Tree, Graph mining, Multimedia mining and Image Mining. In above
Surf Based Large Scale Image Retrieval
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ABSTRACT: Image matching is the primary and important process which is mainly used in target tracking, space exploration, 3D reconstruction, modification identification. The existing system is utilizes the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) is used to identifying
Improve Image Retrieval using Modified Fuzzy color texture Histogram
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Abstract The goal of Content based image retrieval (CBIR) is to design and development of effective and efficient CBIR system. There is a problem in retrieved images by using classical methods such as RGB Histogram, Perceptual HASH and Bhattacharyya such
A review on content based image retrieval by different Techniques
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Abstract In present time image data is growing up day by day in a large amount, and for an easy access of important data content based image retrieval technique for searching an image from a large database. Images are extracted by using visual contents like color,
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Hierachical and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering
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Abstract-Grouping images into semantically meaningful categories using low-level visual feature is a challenging and important problem in content based image retrieval. CBIR is a part of image processing. We know that with the development of the internet and the
Content-Based Image Retrieval by Multi-Features Extraction and K-Means Clustering
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AbstractNowadays, Content-Based Image Retrieval has received a massive attention in the literature of image information retrieval, and accordingly a broad range of techniques have been proposed. However, these techniques are not free of defects in terms of
An Efficient Approach for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Distributed networks
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Abstract: Peer-to-peer networking offers an adaptable answer for sharing media information over the system. With a lot of visual information circulated among various nodes, it is a vital yet difficult issue to perform content-based retrieval in peer-to-peer networks. While the
An Enhancement On Dominant Color And Texture Feature Approach For Content Based Image Retrieval
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Abstract: Due to rapid increase in volume of image and video collections, traditional methods of indexing and retrieval using only keywords have become outdated. Therefore, alternative methods to describe images using their visual content have been developed.
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Mammographic Masses using Scalable Image Retrieval
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Abstract: Mammogram analysis is known to provide earlystage diagnosis of breast cancer in reducing its morbidity and mortality. In this paper, we propose a scalable content-based image retrieval (CBIR) framework for digital mammograms. CBIR is of great significance for
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ABSTRACT Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique to search the desired image from the homogeneous or heterogeneous database. Image is analyzed using features like shape, size, texture etc. which forms the basis of image retrieval. In CBIR, the
Research of Video Retrieval based on Image and Audio Feature
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AbstractRecently as computer technology and multimedia information have developed, text information as well as various types of image information can easy to obtain and be stored. In this paper, we proposed the efficient method of context based image retrieval to
Content Based Medical Image Retrieval System Using DWT and LBP for Ear Images
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ABSTRACT This paper aims to develop visual-content based medical image retrieval technique to search and retrieve ear images from the medical image database. Content based medical image retrieval system search and retrieve images which are perceptually
Content Based Image Retrieval using Feature Selection Techniques
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AbstractContent Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is an approach for retrieving similar images from an image database based on automatically-derived image features. The quality of a retrieval system depends on the features used to describe image content. Image
Content Based Image Retrieval: Concept and Methodologies
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Abstract Due to increase in digital trend the number of images to be stored in digital format has also increase. so text based image retrieval was facing many problems to overcome these challenges content based image retrieval came under consideration, searching and
A Survey on Content-based Image Retrieval
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AbstractThe widespread of smart devices along with the exponential growth of virtual societies yield big digital image databases. These databases can be counter-productive if they are not coupled with efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) tools. The last
Manifold Ranking Method For Image Retrieval
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ABSTRACT: Manifold Ranking (MR), a diagram based positioning calculation, has been generally connected in data recovery and appeared to have incredible execution and attainability on an assortment of information sorts. Especially, it has been effectively
Image Annotation and Retrieval-An Overview
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ABSTRACT Structured knowledge models, such as semantic hierarchies and ontologies, appear to be a way to improve the accuracy of automatic image annotation. It allows modeling many valuable semantic relations between concepts based on image annotation
Content-based image retrieval
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Abstract Nowadays, most peoples, whatever their specialty, have a collection of images that increase over time to become a large collection. This increases the need to develop a quick and effective tool to retrieve image collections. One technique to retrieve the desired
Rank Using User ClicksLocation Based Image Retrieval
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ABSTRACT The textual features and visual contents can cause poor image search results. To solve this problem, click features, which are more reliable than textual information the relevance between a query and clicked images, are in image ranking model. However, the
Locality-Constrained Deep Supervised Hashing for Image Retrieval
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Abstract Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) based deep hashing has shown its success for fast and accurate image retrieval, however directly minimizing the quantization error in deep hashing will change the distribution of DCNN features, and consequently
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Abstract Main objective of this paper is to present review about various image retrieval techniques and it applications. With the associate of internet, there has been large amount of Images resides on the web. Therefore it is essential for fast retrieval search engines that
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Abstract: Saliency methods are recent trends in content based image retrieval usually saliency detection are categorized into bottom-up and top-down approaches. A bottom-up visual saliency model, known as Graph-Based Visual Saliency (GBVS), proposed by
Similar image retrieval in e-commerce for online shopping based on color and edge
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AbstractThis paper presents a method based on similar image retrieval in e-commerce for online shopping based on color and edge; aiming at efficient retrieval of images from the large database for online shopping. Here, RGB (horizontal and vertical) projection is used
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Abstract-Current generation uses the images and photos more than the text messages. Images consume more time and space than the text messages for both retrieval and storage respectively. Hence there is a need for efficient storage and retrieval of images. Cloud
A Robust Image Retrieval Algorithm by Utilizing Encrypted Visual and Textual Features
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AbstractAs the large number of internet users are increasing day by day. So digital data of those users are also increasing, now this increase of data has attracted many researchers. Searching the relevant images from the collection of dataset is an important issue. In this
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Abstract Content based image retrieval is the heart favorite topic for many researchers. Now days it is a burning research topic, because it is used in a large number of areas. This paper proposes a novel haar wavelet transform method based technique for the content based
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ABSTRACT This paper has a look for the in the lands ruled over of image processing, image mining is move-forward in the field of facts mining. image mining is the extraction of put out of the way knowledge for computers, association of image data and added good example
Confidence and Diversity for Active Selection of Feedback in Image Retrieval
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Abstract Image search is a challenging problem because of the need to model any concept the user might want to retrieve. One recent solution to the problem allows the user to give feedback on the current set of results, by answering questions about how the relative
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Abstract: In recent years, image mining techniques enters and plays a vital role in various fields. The fast improvement in the information technology various methods has been appear to process and store these information, issues in data retrieval and huge volume.
Global Neighbour Preserving Local Binary XOR Pattern: A new feature descriptor for texture and CT image retrieval
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AbstractA novel texture feature descriptor for content based image retrieval (CBIR) titled Global Neighbour Preserving Local Binary XOR pattern (GNPLBXORP) is presented in this paper. The proposed method integrates the global information with local structure
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ABSTRACT Human handwriting comes with different styles, highly variable and inconsistent which makes recognition of rare handwritten Nandinagari scripts extremely challenging. This paper proposes a Bag of Visual Words (BoVW) based approach to retrieve similar
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ABSTRACT The color of the surface is a very significant feature in classification and recognition process of the object. Additionally, the color of the object differs due to variation in illumination and condition of the surface. Research on analyzing appropriate methods for
Review on Content Based Medical Image Retrieval System and Techniques
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Abstract: The rapid expansion and improvement in medical science and technology which generates the amount of image data more and more in its regular activity such as CT-image, X-ray, MRI etc. Due to scalability of image data, it has been increased in size of database
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AbstractAn Image Retrieval (IR) is a system which allows user to browse, search and retrieve digital images based on visual Features such as color, texture and shape. Image retrieval based on single feature cannot provide a good result for accuracy and efficiency.
Fine-Grained Image Retrieval: the Text/Sketch Input Dilemma
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Abstract Fine-grained image retrieval (FGIR) enables a user to search for a photo of an object instance based on a mental picture. Depending on how the object is described by the user, two general approaches exist: sketch-based FGIR or text-based FGIR, each of which
Enhancement of Text Based Image Retrieval to Expedite Image Ranking
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ABSTRACT The monstrous development of advanced images over the web required the best image retrieval procedures that can enhance the recovery precision of the images. Hence research focus has been shifted from designing of sophisticated algorithms that can
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ABSTRACT Image retrieval means to recover the original image from the reconstructed image, here in this paper we have discussed latest techniques in the field of image retrieval for image processing. Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) is one of the most exciting and
A Proposal of an Efficient Feature Extracting Method for Content-Based Image Retrieval
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ABSTRACT Searching a required image from the World Wide Web (WWW) is very difficult because the WWW contains a huge number of images. To solve such a problem, an efficient system is needed to retrieve images that are required by the user. The content-based image
Image Retrieval System based on Colour Shape and Texture Attributes
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Abstract: In general, Image retrieval is well-known research and development field in information management. An image contains several types of visual features which are difficult to extract and combine manually by humans. These papers introduce some visual
A Survey On Semantic Image Retrieval For Bigdata
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Abstract: From last few years, there is an enormous growth in size of digital image collections. Every day, millions of images are being generated, in that semantic Image retrieval is the most complex process in the real time scenario where the similarity finding
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ABSTRACT Image retrieval system is a computer system for browsing, searching and retrieve images from a huge data set of digital images. Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is the function of computer vision to the image retrieval problem, that is, the problem
Keyword Generation for Biomedical Image Retrieval with Recurrent Neural Networks
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Abstract. This paper presents the modeling approaches performed by the FHDO Biomedical Computer Science Group (BCSG) for the caption prediction task at ImageCLEF 2017. The goal of the caption prediction task is to recreate original image captions by detecting the
An Efficient Sketch Based Image Retrieval Using Re-Ranking Method
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AbstractA sketch based image retrieval often needs to optimize the trade off between efficiency and precision. Index structures are typically applied to large-scale databases to realize efficient retrievals. However, the quantization errors will affect the performance.
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ABSTRACT Medical pictures play an important role in distinguishing diseases and police investigation if organs area unit functioning properly. Image process associated with medical pictures is a full of life analysis space within which varied techniques area unit utilized in
Hybrid Wavelet Transformed Row/Column Mean Content based Image Retrieval with Image Tiling
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Abstract One of the crucial problem of computer vision technique is search images in large databases. This problem is addressed with efficient Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) techniques. The research paper introduces three techniques validated with two different
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ABSTRACT Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) are easy to manipulate and edit due to availability of powerful image processing and cloud computing environment. Searchable encryption (SE) scheme allows image users to search over encrypted data collection.
Image Retrieval System Based on Sketch
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Abstract In todays world, technology is enhancing day by day, the most enhanced research area in digital image processing is image retrieval system. The techniques used for retrieving image on the basis of content, the content as text, sketch, color and shape that can
An evolutionary approach for optimizing content-based image retrieval using a support vector machine
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ABSTRACT: One of the vital challenges in the field of image retrieval is the semantic gap between visual features and high-level semantic concepts. Various kinds of relevance feedback approaches have been developed to deal with this semantic gap. Of these, the
Web Based Medical Image Storage and Retrieval Using Irma
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Medical informatics deals with the resources, devices, and methods required for optimizing the acquisition, storage, retrieval, and use of information in health and biomedicine. Engineers and scientists are trying to find efficient ways of storage and retrieval of medical
A Review on Research and Challenges in Modern Image Retrieval Techniques in Big Data Systems
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Abstract--In modern context of high speed big data access environment content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is one of the challenging areas of search engines in terms of speed and retrieval accuracy. CBIR is an user interactive and intelligent technique that process the
A Study on Recent Image Features for Effective Classification and Retrieval
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AbstractImage retrieval (IR) is a technique to retrieve images from an image database that are semantically relevant to the query image. IR uses the visual contents of the image to retrieve the desired image. Most of the proposed approaches emphasize on finding a
Image Retrieval System for Peer To Peer Network Using Color and Bit Pattern
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Abstract-Retrieving Images plays a major role for users instead of viewing written data. Images are used for easy understanding about certain information. In existing system images are retrieved by using of text which is not much user-friendly. In proposed system CSE PROJECTS