iPhone and mobile access
The iPhone and mobile access to the internet
FREE DOWNLOAD [PDF] R Ling ICA pre-conference on mobile communication, , 2009
ilearn on the iphone : Real-time human activity classification on commodity mobile phones
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As computing moves beyond the desktop, human activity becomes an essential component of many applications. Activity classification is an active research area and several research systems have been constructed. Most have focused on fragile custom hardware only
The iPhone and mobile access to the internet
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The marketing of the iPhone has been a type of watershed event in the world of mobile communication. The sleek device has captured the attention of the public and the design and functionality of the iPhone has been seen as something new in the rather more
Evaluating the iPhone as a mobile platform for people-centric sensing applications
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A number of mobile phones such as the Nokia N95 and Apple iPhone are being used by researchers to explore new people-centric sensing applications. These top-end phones include various sensors (eg, accelerometer, proximity sensor, GPS, camera, microphone)
MoMu: A Mobile Music Toolkit.
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Keywords instrument design, iPhone , mobile music, software develop- ment, toolkit 2001. Retrieved on April 2007. M. Ali. iPhone SDK 3 Programming: Advanced Mobile Development for Apple iPhone and iPod touch. John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey
Evolving The Mobile Phone Orchestra.
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Keywords mobile phone orchestra, live performance, iPhone , mobile music With the change to iPhone hardware, mobile phone soft- ware development has been greatly improved. The iPhone SDK provides tremendous development support, largely in Page 4
Background Positioning for Mobile devices-Android vs. iphone
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This seminar paper covers the current techniques available for mobile phone positioning and their application. GPS, WiFi and cellular based positioning methods are explained in detail, and current trends regarding the optimization of existing algorithms are analyzed. The
Designing smules iphone ocarina
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Keywords: Ocarina, mobile music, social, interface, multitouch, design, iPhone , ChucK. 1. Introduction Until the iPhone , there has never been such an intersection of existing technologies, integrated into a single, personal mobile device, and deployed at such a pervasive scale
A multimodal mobile B2B dialogue interface on the iPhone
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In this paper, we describe a mobile Business-to-Business (B2B) interaction system. The mobile device supports users in accessing a service platform. A multimodal dialogue system allows a business expert to intuitively search and browse for services in a real-world
Hacking mobile phones using 2D printed fingerprints
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is the most popular biometric trait due to the perceived uniqueness and persistence of friction ridge pattern on human fingers . Following the introduction of iPhone 5S with Touch ID fingerprint sensor in September 201 most of the mobile phones, such as iPhone 5s/6/6
Mobile development for iPhone and Android
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The mobile industry has seen strong development in the last few years, and this has led to that knowledge of mobile development from a few years back is not relevant any more. This puts the industry in a whole new situation. As with every subject this big and versatile it is
E-texts, mobile browsing, and rich Internet applications
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Readdle A Service for ebooks for the iPhone Create ebooks on your iPod Site for creating ebooks on an iPod Cool Gorilla Phrase book and translator for iPhone Mobile Learning: The Next Step in Technology-Mediated Learning By Ellen Wagner Description Nokia Web
Motivational profiles of toolkit users iPhone and Android developers
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platforms. Keywords: open innovation; toolkits; platforms; developers; Android; iPhone ; mobile application development; motivation; profiles I chose the iPhone platform because it was the first real mobile development platform. It
Mobile -computing trends: lighter, faster, smarter
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MILLEE: Mobile and Immersive Learning for Literacy in Emerging Economies Berkeley project MILLEE: Learning Languages Over Your Phone Learning a Language on a Mobile Device From mLearnopedia.com Google Translate now for iPhone From Google mobile blog
Entering a mature industry through innovation: Apples iPhone strategy
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Here we examine the decision of Apple Inc. to enter the mobile handset business. We link the iPhone entry strategy to its historic competencies and the industry context of commodization and convergence. From this we offer
Research in the app store era: Experiences from the cenceme app deployment on the iphone
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We discuss our experiences in developing, distributing and sup- porting CenceMe, a personal sensing application for mobile social networks, developed for the Apple iPhone and first re- leased when the Apple App Store opened in 2008
The mobile iRevolution
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Handheld tools of change The most recent significant entries into this space are Apples iPhone 3G and its iPod Touch. While some librarians have been developing mobile services for a while, Apples products transform the landscape
Mobile apps for language learning
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from the Blackboard course Web site and from an open, mobile -friendly link. This allows the students to use the app both from desktop browsers and mobile devices, something not doable with native iPhone or Android apps
iPhone privacy
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iPhone . Customers of ID Mobiles MogoRoad iPhone application are com- plaining that theyre getting sales calls from the company, a pro- cess which turns out to be technically a piece of cake. The Register, 30th September 2009
A mobile application accessing patientshealth records through a rest api
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2.2 Client Platforms The initial platforms chosen to deploy our mobile applications are the iPhone and iPad Our appreciation to David Stanfill and Nick Fisser and their team from Remedy Systems who helped us develop the iPhone mobile client
Top mobile internet trends
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103% Y/Y 350K+ apps 10B+ downloads 972MM users +8% Y/Y CQ4: CPCs +4% Q/Q paid clicks +18% Y/Y iPhone /iTouch/iPad SEARCH MOBILE SOCIAL Source: Company data, comScore global 12/10. *Google Android momentum especially strong too. * Page 13. 13