Agricultural technology and institutional change in Java
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In 1972 a rather explosive change began in various areas in Java . Since then a traditional but little-used method of selling a crop just before the harvest has been increasingly used to limit the number of rice harvesters, reduce their traditional share of the harvest, and lower
Java technology : an early history
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JAVA TECHNOLOGY : THE EARLY YEARS http:// java . sun. com/features/1998/05/birthday. html 2 of 9 25.11. 2003 19: 05 locked themselves away in an anonymous office on Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, cut all regular communications with Sun, and worked around the clock
Java 2 network security
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Ever since Sun Microsystems announced Java technology in the spring of 199 there has been strong and growing interest (in industry, research laboratories, and academia) around the security of the Java platform as well as new security issues raised by the deployment of
Jop: A java optimized processor for embedded real-time systems
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Compared to software development for desktop systems, current software design practice for embedded systems is still archaic. C/C++ and even assembler are used on top of a small real-time operating system. Many of the benefits of Java , such as safe object references, the
Watermarking java programs
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Java programs distributed through Internet are now suffering from program theft. It is because Java programs can be easily decomposed into reusable classfiles and even decompiled into source code by program users. In this paper we propose a technique that
Challenges in teaching Java technology
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Abstract Object-Oriented Programming-OOP is now replacing procedural programming in almost all applications. Software developers prefer using it because of its many advantages. Therefore colleges should be prepared to make changes to their current curriculums to be
Massively distributed monitoring system application of field monitoring servers using XML and Java technology
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Recently, in the field of agriculture, it is important to monitor field information (temperature, humidity, photosynthesis photon flux density, etc.), to get field/crops view for growing conditions, and to record field operations. We have developed a Field Server which The Java APIs Initially, JDK 1.0.2 was the only Java technology available for application development. Because do. The suitability of Java native compilers and JIT technology for embedded systems will be discussed in further sections
Distributed Object Technology with CORBA and Java : Key Concepts and Implications.
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The purpose of this report is to analyze the potential impact of distributed object technology (DOT) on software engineering practice. The analysis culminates with the conclusion that the technology will have a significant influence on both the design and reengineering of
JAM: Java Agents for Meta-Learning over Distributed Databases.
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We have used JAVA technology to build the infras- tructure of the system, to develop the specific agent operators that compose and spawn new agents from existing classifier agents, to implement the GUI, the animation facilities and most of the machine learning algorithms
Reflective Java and a reflective component-based transaction architecture
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ABSTRACT In this paper, we first give a brief introduction to our Reflective Java technology Transaction management is a typical middleware capability. Based on our Reflective Java technology , we have developed a transaction framework for Internet applications
Java constraint library: bringing constraints technology on the Internet using the Java language
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Distributed problem solving on the web is becoming more and more important. Client server architectures are often confronted with server overload. The process of browsing a large number of alternative solutions is particularly tedious. In this paper, we present s
Java technology in the design and implementation of web applications
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This paper reviews the development of Web applications in the Java programming language, namely the creation of a Web application through three-layer architecture using Java Servlet technology and JavaServerPages. The advantages that we specified in this
Trying Java technology in a Geologic-Mining Information System distributed over an inter/intranet environment
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This paper presents a Java approach to develop a geologic-mining information system. User requirements address system features such as GIS visualization and modification, interoperation with tabular data, distributed concurrent access to read and modify GIS data
Part II: The Java APIs for Bluetooth Wireless Technology
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The Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) and Bluetooth technology are two of the most exciting offerings in the wireless industry today. J2ME, most compact of the three Java platforms, is inherently portable because it shares the Java write once run anywhere
Java access control mechanisms
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Security people are accustomed to asking What is this person trusted to do Java technology started out being concerned primarily with What is this code trusted to do With the rise in distributed Java applications and the use of Java technology in multi-user environments
An intelligent tutoring system for learning java objects
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progress. An initial evaluation of JO-Tutor was carried out by the lecturers and students taken the advanced Java course in the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al Azhar University in Gaza. The outcome
An Experimental Evaluation of JAVA JIT Technology .
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Interpreted languages are widely used due to ease to use, portability, and safety. On the other hand, interpretation imposes a significance overhead. Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation is a popular approach to improving the runtime performance of languages such as Java . We
Java for safety-critical applications
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standards. In the context of Java technology , this means a much tighter and smaller set of Java virtual machines and libraries, and much more precise performance requirements on the virtual machines and libraries. Ad- ditionally
Correct and Efficient Synchronization of Java Technology based Threads
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Page 1. TS-75 Correct and Efficient Synchronization of Java Threads 1 Correct and Efficient Synchronization of Java Technology based Threads Doug Lea and William Pugh Page 2. TS-75 Correct and Efficient