Going beyond the sandbox: An overview of the new security architecture in the Java development kit 1.2.
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This paper describes the new security architecture that has been implemented as part of JDK1. the forthcoming JavaTM Development Kit . In going beyond the sandbox security model in the original release of Java , JDK1. 2 provides ne-grained access control via an
INGENIAS development kit : a visual multi-agent system development environment
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1. INTRODUCTION The INGENIAS Development Kit , IDK from now on, is the development support tool for the INGENIAS method- ology . It is distributed as GPL software and devel- oped in Java . The distribution can be downloaded
Online java compiler using cloud computing
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The client machine doesnt having java development kit .The paper aims todescribe an online compiler which helps to reduce the problems of portability and storage space by making use of the concept of cloud computing. The
NIST performance analysis of the final round Java AES candidates
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A previous NIST publication entitled Report on the NIST Java AES Candidate Algorithm Analysis documents the first round analysis performed by NIST, using the Java Development Kit (JDK) Version 1.1.6. Only IBM has submitted official modifications to their candidate
Predicting Caco-2 permeability using support vector machine and chemistry development kit
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Software and Hardware The chemistry development kit (CDK) is a freely available open source Java library for structural chemistry and bioinformatics. Its development is an open source project by a team of international collaborators from academic and industrial institutions
Evaluating Java for game development
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The Java platform or implementations thereof. The Java standard library. The Java Development Kit (JDK) Although these concepts are related it is important to distinguish between them since they no necessarily need to be used together 4.6 The Java development kit
Investigation of Java Smart Card Technology for Multi-Task Applications
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It is used in hospital, clinic and medical establishments. These applets were simulated by development kit for the Java card platform. Each applet was compiled, converted, veriï¬ed, and installed successfully using thc development kit tools
Agent platform evaluation and comparison
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Public License FIPA Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents GPL General Public License GUI Graphical User Interface IIOP Internet Inter-ORB Protocol IMC InterAgent Communication System J2ME Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition JDK Java Development Kit JNDI Java Naming
Introduction to Java programming and data structures
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Software Java Development Kit : Java SDK 9+, available from Oracle Text Editors of Choice: Notepad++ or Atom or sublime Course Websites: All student grade information will be on the courses Canvas site. Note that the textbook is useful, but not required
Hardware-neutral Embedded System Development Kit
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This paper makes a hardware-neutral embedded system development kit to help users develop Java programs in embedded systems The main control program is a Java application developed by the embedded system development kit of this paper as shown in Figure 5
A Quantitative Analysis of the Cyclomatic Complexity of the Java Development Framework J2SDK
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been stated. On the one hand, the Java Development Kit (the JDK is a framework delivered within each version of Java ) allows a serious reduction of the cyclomatic complexity in the applications built on top of the JDK. On the
Java software solutions: foundations of program design
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Program development problem solving program design and implementation object-oriented concepts steps in the development process the Java programming language Specific programming concepts and techniques data and operations decisions and loops
Java database programming with JDBC
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If you dont already have a Java development kit , such as Javasofts JDK, youll need that as well. At the time this manuscript was finished, the examples in the book were tested with the JavaSoft JDK, Symantec Cafe, Microsoft J++, and Borlands C+ + 5.0 with Java support
Utility Revision in a Java -based Group Decision Support System
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In the GCDSS, agents negotiate with each other on behalf of their users. The GCDSS is written in the Java language with IBMs Aglets Software Development Kit (ASDK). By using the Java language, the GCDSS becomes platform-independent
Using java for discrete event simulation
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3.7 Java run-time systems Suns Java Development Kit was used for development ; this provides a stan- dalone applet viewer for running programs. Applets also be run from within a Web browser such as Netscape. This
JavaOS: A standalone Java environment
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co m. The Java API provides the specification of how the programmer writing an application or applet accesses the facilities of some object. The Java Development Kit (JDK) defines the Java API which 2ofI3 7/13/98 11:36 AM MS-PCA 1699236 Page 3
A Java API for Using a Native PGP Implementation
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The interaction between C and Java is based on the Java Native Interface (JNI) which has been included in the Java Development Kit (JDK) since version 1.1 and is the advancement of the Native Method Interface (NMI) introduced in Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.0
Programming an Internet Interface for the HYDRA Game Development Kit
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Serial and Network Communication using Java The Java Development Kit (JDK) 6 does not include any classes to use a computers serial port. Fortunately, Sun Microsystems provides the Java Communications API for free through their Sun Developer Network (SDN)
The Java language specification
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whose names begin with java , javax, com.sun or their equivalents in any subsequent naming convention adopted by Oracle through the Java Community Process, or any recognized successors or replacements thereof; and Technology Compatibility Kit or TCK shall
A fast TSP solver using GA on JAVA
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where n is the positive real number, the program will stop when the elite, whose tour length is n, is found. On Windows295 with the Java Development Kit (JDK) , for example, type the following command in the MS-DOS2 Prompt window. java TSPvp 200 gr96.data 300