manet research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER
Prevention of Black Hole Attack in MANET using Addition of Genetic Algorithm to Bacterial Foraging Optimization
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Abstract At present, several efficient routing protocols have been proposed for MANET. Most of these protocols assume a reliable and cooperative environment. However, when malicious nodes are present, the networks are penetrable to various kinds of attacks. In
Location based Energy Efficient Scheme for Maximizing Routing Capability of AODV Protocol in MANET
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Abstract Nodes in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) are forming a dynamic topology by that the nodes are continuously change their location and also the nodes functioning is dependent on the limited battery capacity that is called energy. The dynamic behavior of
Comparative Survey on Reliable Video Transmission in MANET Using Node Stablization
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Abstract The purpose of this paper is to carry out study on techniques for reliable video transmission in MANET. Various algorithms are defined that were used by previous investigators. In this paper, we have reviewed, analyzed and a tabulated summary work is
Traffic Analysis and Prevent Pattern in MANET using AODV Protocol with AES Algorithm
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Abstract: The Mobile Ad-hoc Network is an autonomous system of movable nodes, this type of a wireless network where the movable nodes dynamically form a network to exchange information without utilizing any pre-existing fixed network infrastructure. In this self-
A Study on High Secure and Efficient MANET Routing Scheme
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In mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), the more applications we use, the more security is required. In this paper, we propose a high secure and efficient routing scheme that not only satisfies the properties of anonymity, security, authentication, nonrepudiation, and
Design of Routing Protocol For MANET Through Energy Optimization Technique
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Abstract: A typical ad hoc network consists of nodes that are usually battery operateddevices such as laptops, PDAs or sensor nodes that come together and spontaneously form a network. Energy conservation is a critical issue as the lifetime of these no desdepends on
Qualitative and Quantitative Based Comparison of Proactive and Reactive Routing Approaches in MANET
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Abstract-In recent years, a broad research has been done in the domain of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). Due to the bounded resources in MANETs, to develop a reliable and efficient routing approach is still a threat or issues. There are distinct aspects appropriate
Qualitative Based Study of Hybrid Routing Protocols in MANET
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is the collection of various mobile nodes which are connected together over a wireless medium having no fixed infrastructure. In recent years, a broad research has been done in the domain of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (
Performance Evaluation of AODV Using Fuzzy Logic to Reduce Congestion in MANET
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Abstract Mobile ad-hoc network is an infrastructure less network as it doesn't follow any particular network topology. In MANET congestion is a major problem in small size networks congestion's effect is low as compared to the large size networks. Congestion degrades
Energy Efficient Consumption based Performance of AODV, DSR and ZRP Routing Protocol inMANET
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Abstract:This Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) is gaining importance because of their flexibility, mobility and ability to work with a limited infrastructure. In multi-hop wireless network, proper utilization of battery power is very much necessary to maintain network
Prevention of black hole attack by different methods in MANET.
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Abstract: An ad-hoc network is a temporary infrastructure less network which is a collection of mobile nodes in the dynamically form. This network is always independent and a isolated network. Due to the limitation power and mobility there is less sufficiency among them. In
Qualitative Analysis of Hybrid Routing Protocols Against Network Layer Attacks in MANET
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Abstract:This paper gives utmost predictive comparative analysis of two hybrid routing protocol which includes Zone routing protocol (ZRP), Hybrid wireless mesh protocol (HWMP) and reactive protocol which is Adhoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
A Comparative Analysis and Performance Evaluation of TCP over MANET Routing Protocols
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Abstract A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile devices dynamically forming a communication network without any centralized control and pre-existing network infrastructure. Due to the presence of mobility in the MANET, the interconnections
Effective Authenticated Routing Scheme for Data Integrity in MANET
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Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks consist of mobile nodes which are running randomly. Nodes are communicating each other without any access point. Due to mobility of nodes, network is easily affected by presence of several attacks. Particularly black hole attacks
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Abstract: In this paper a comparative study is done for different routing protocols in mobile ad- hoc network by using directional antenna. The directional antenna is metamaterial rectangular patch antenna. Performance of MANET can be improved using metamaterial
A Survey on Routing Protocols of MANET in Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract:In Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) all nodes are battery operated, as battery power or batter energy is limited resource therefore it requires special attention to minimize energy consumption in MANET. For MANETs, optimization of energy consumption has
An Improve Performance, Discovery and Interruption of Sybil Attack in MANET
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is an independent network which consists of many nodes and these nodes used wireless links to communicate with each other. Mobility can be used to enhance security. An advantage of such a network is that no fixed
Improved Route Discovery Based on Constructing Connected Dominating Set in MANET
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A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is widely applied in various urgent scenarios, benefiting from its feature that the hosts can communicate with each other without any physical infrastructure. An efficient routing function plays a critical role in MANET, and routing
A Comprehensive Study on QoS in MANET and 4G
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Abstract:The paper contains a brief review of Quality of service in MANET and 4G with reference to certain quality parameters which are analyzed on the basis of technique used. Strong bandwidth utilization and need for enhanced performance makes the quality of
Detection and Isolation of Black Hole Node in MANET
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Abstract Advancement in wireless technologies and improved use of wireless devices demands more infrastructure-less networks like MANET. Security of such a scenario is a challenging task over last few years. Because of its distinctive characteristics such as
Comprehensive Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols with Mobility and Scalability for FTP Delay Traffic Using OPNET Modeler
free download 1 Comprehensive Analysis of MANET Routing Protocols with MobilityRozy Student, Department Of Computer Engineering, Punjabi University, Patiala Abstract:Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) are made up of wireless mobile nodes, so the main issue with
Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Modified AODV Using Clustering Method inMANET
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Abstract-Mobile Ad hoc network is a wireless network without having any fixed infrastructure. It consist of mobile nodes which are free in moving in or out in the network. MANET is make sure mutual confirmation of participants nodes, confidentiality and integrity of exchanged
Detecting Packet Dropping Misbehaving Nodes using Support Vector Machine (SVM) inMANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad-hoc network is suffering with various attacks due to the infrastructure- less network. Hence, MANET needs very specific security methods to detect false entrance of the misbehavior nodes. The networks work well if the nodes are trusty and act rightly
A Secure and Efficient Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for MANET
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Abstract Mobile ad hoc networks consists of mobile nodes which communicates with each other without any fixed topology. In these networks data is transferred between the mobile nodes by using the intermediate nodes which communicates with each other. As the
Performance Evaluation of AOMDVMPOLSR Routing Protocol for MANET
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Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes communicating with each other using multi-hop wireless Links without any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. In recent years, a variety of routing protocols
Enhancing MANET Routing Efficiency by Multipoint Relaying and 2-hop Repair
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Abstract Building proper routing protocols for a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a critical challenge. A desirable MANET routing protocol must consider not only the broadcast storm problem which comes from flooding route requests in route discovery but also the path
Efficient Method For Selecting Cluster Head In TRCA Clustering for MANET
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Abstract: Communication in MANET while not having any fixed infrastructure has drawn abundant attention for research. The infrastructure primarily based cellular architecture sets up base stations to support the node mobility. Thus, mapping the ideas of base stations
Suitability of Ant Colony Optimization as an application to MANET
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are infrastructure-less networks consisting of wireless devices called as mobile nodes which are organized in autonomous fashion. The highly dynamic topology, limited bandwidth availability and energy constraints make the
Performance Comparison of AOMDV and SMR Protocols for Scalable Video Communication inMANET
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Abstract: With the development of wireless network technology and multimedia technology, multimedia applications of MANET have gained more and more attention. How to ensure the QoS of video communication in multi-hop network is an urgent key problem. Multi-path
To Propose Enhancement in Reactive Routing AODV Protocol to Overcome Congestion inMANET
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Abstract: The wireless ad hoc network is the self-configuring network; mobile nodes can leave or join the network when they want. There are various types of routing protocol in MANET. But there is a problem in routing protocol ie link failure problem which is
An Adaptive Packet Drop Probability Approach Using Fuzzy Logic to Control Congestion inMANET
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Abstract Mobile ad-hoc network is an infrastructure less network where every node has its own protocols and services for powerful cooperation in the network. Every node has the ability to handle the congestion in its queues during traffic overflow. This was done
An Algorithm to Improve MAODV Multicast Routing in MANET
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Checkpointing and Trust based Recovery in MANET: A Survey
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Abstract:Trust in MANET is an important concept as the nodes are mobile and can be easily prone to various attacks. The challenge lies in developing various models for the calculation of trust. Various models for trust calculations has been proposed over time and
Performance evaluation of position-based routing protocols using different mobility models inmanet
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ABSTRACT A Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a dynamic selforganizing multi-hop wireless network. Owing the random and unpredictable movement of the mobile nodes, the topology is changing rapidly and frequently. In MANET, where is no routing infrastructure
Simulation Study of Connectivity Performance in MANET Using Random Waypoint Mobility Model
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Abstract-This paper evaluates the connectivity performance of a dynamic mobile ad hoc network (MANET) with the help of introducing agent nodes in the network. Although agent nodes are similar to user nodes, their movements and locations with respect to other
Behaviour Visualization for Malicious-Attacker Node Collusion in MANET Based on Probabilistic Approach
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Abstract Inspite of wide range of exploration towards the mitigation techniques for malicious nodes in past few years, the effective solutions for addressing the behavioral pattern of malicious nodes are still largely unfound. One of the most challenging dynamics related to
MANET Test Bed for Rescue Operations in Disaster Management
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Abstract---A post disaster situation demands an efficient communication and coordination among rescue teams. Exchange of real time information among responders and emergency management centers is crucial for saving lives. However, communication systems were
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) and its Security Aspects
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc network becomes a centre of attraction in technological area now-a- days. Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a infrastructure-less network and hence can work in slow network area also. The node can communicate directly with other node available
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ABSTRACT A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile hosts that move in different directions and speeds without the need to maintain connectivity with existing network infrastructure. If two mobile nodes are within each other's transmission range,
Routing Algorithm using DNA Cryptography in MANET
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Abstract-MANET is collection of nodes with wireless communication and networking capability that communicates with each other without any centralized node as it is infrastructure less. Due to mobility and limited radio range, every node has to perform the
A Study on Effective Hash Routing in MANET
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Abstract. Recently demands in construction of the stand-alone networks and interconnection between convergence devices have led an increase in research on and much attention has been paid to the application of MANET as a Ubiquitous network which is growing fast.
Acknowledgement Based Multipath Routing Scheme For Detecting Mallicious Nodes In MANET
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Abstract:Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data among themselves without the reliance on a fixed base station or a wired backbone network. MANET nodes are typically distinguished by
Analysis and Implementation of AODV Routing Protocol against Black Hole Attack in MANET
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ABSTRACT Wireless mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a selfconfiguring network which is composed of several movable mobile nodes. Black Hole attack is one of the DOS attacks in MANET, which can misbehave with network, increase in network traffic, packet loss,
Detection and Prevention of Cooperative Black Hole Attack in MANET Using PEI
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Abstract:the main aim of this research paper is to study about MANET (Mobile ad hoc Networks) and security attacks present in MANET. MANETs are Powerless against different types of attacks that are present at different layers. Black Hole Attack is an External attack
Secured Routing Strategy over MANET
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Abstract In the recent years, the area of mobile ad hoc networking is of quite interest to researchers. A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a temporary/short-lived network without any fixed infrastructure where all nodes
A QoS Routing Algorithm for Video Streaming in MANET
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Abstract: With the development of wireless communication technology, video communication over the mobile ad hoc networks has been more and more applied. How to ensure the QoS of video communication is an important problem that should be solved quickly. In this
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CROSS-LAYER APPROACH FOR COMMUNICATION IN MANET Aradhna Yadav (M.Tech Scholar) 286 1. INTRODUCTION A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a continuously self-configuring, infrastructure-less network of mobile nodes connected without wires.
Maintenance of Link for Stability in MANET
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ABSTRACT In Mobile ad hoc network is a new generation technology which works on the concept of relay communication. Routing algorithms are played key role in network. These routing algorithms are responsible for finding routes are carry data from one node another
An Intrusion Detection System for MANET using Hybrid Cryptography
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Abstract: Over the decade, security has become a most important issue in Mobile Adhoc Network compared to other networks, MANETs are more weak to the various types of attacks. In this case the detection should be focused as another part before an attacker
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ABSTRACT In mobile wireless ad hoc network (MANET) and a wireless commotions network to be proved to better the next generation wireless networks hybrids networks reusability we propose a QoS-Oriented Distributed routing protocol (QOD) to enhance the
Performance Evaluation of AODV and DSR Protocols in MANET
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Abstract:MANETs are being widely used and it is the technology that is attracting a large variety of applications. Routing in MANETs is considered a challenging task due to the unpredictable changes in the network topology, resulting from the random and frequent
A Comparative Survey for Computation of Cluster-Head in MANET
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ABSTRACT A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of wireless nodes that can dynamically be set up anywhere and anytime without using any pre-existing network infrastructure. Several algorithms like Lowest ID, Least Cluster-head Change, Highest in-degree,
Enhanced DSR protocol for Detection and Removal of Selective Black Hole Attack in MANET
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Abstract Black hole attack on a MANET refers to an attack by a malicious node, which forcibly acquires the route from a source to a destination by the falsification of sequence number and hop count of the routing message. A selective black hole is a node that can
An Overview on Intrusion Detection in Manet
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Abstract A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring of mobile devices network connected without wires and hence MANET has become a very popular technology now days. A MANETS are the networks that are building, when some mobile nodes come in
Performance Study of AODV Protocol during Collaborative Blackhole Attack in MANET
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Abstract:Mobile Ad Hoc Networks are an appealing branch of wireless networking due to benefits of having communication without need of infrastructure, ease of deployment, etc. AODV (Ad Hoc on demand Distance vector Routing) is one of the protocols used for
A Survey of Energy-Efficient Fair Routing in MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) also called mesh networks are self- configuring networks of mobile device connected by wireless links. MANETs are deployed in situations where there is no existing infrastructure, such as emergency search and rescue,
Power Efficient Routing Algorithm for MANET
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Abstract:There are various issues in the MANETs like large packet drops, finding shortest route in dynamic topology, efficient utilization of power consumption of nodes, etc,. As in MANETs each nodes have their own small power source which needs to be protected
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Abstract Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are a setup of several independent nodes that are capable of transmitting any kind of data by themselves. In MANETs, the node themselves act as routers and the setup can either be single hop or multihop depending on the
Implementation of Secure Clustering in Manet Using Mobile Agent
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Abstract-This paper deals with secure clustering in MANETs having main emphasis on security by utilizing mobile agent with clustering algorithms. MANET is composed of peer nodes with equal networking capabilities which are able to function as mobile routers ie to
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ABSTRACT Ad hoc wireless networks are energy constrained since nodes operate with limited battery energy. If some nodes die early due to lack of energy, they cannot communicate with each other. Therefore, inordinate consumption of nodes energy should
Detection of Packet Dropping Nodes in MANET using DSR Routing Protocol
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ABSTRACT Wireless network is a growing technology that facilitates users for sharing of information instantly through wireless electronic devices irrespective of their locations. It can be infrastructure based or infrastructure less (ad hoc networks). An ad hoc network gains
Performance Analysis of Traffic Load and Mobility on AODV, DSR and DSDV Routing Protocols in MANET
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Abstract: Mobile Adhoc network is an infrastructure less multi hop wireless network, were there is no any centralized access. MANET is a self-configuring and self-organizing collection of mobile nodes. As nodes have given mobility, it is very complex task to
Effective Cluster Head Selection Approach based on Topology Robust Clustering Algorithm TRCA for MANET
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Abstract Communication in mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) without having any fixed infrastructure has drawn much attention for research. The infrastructure based cellular architecture sets up base stations to support the node mobility. Thus, mapping the
A Review: Black HoleGray Hole Attack in MANET
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Abstract In past few years, mobile ad hoc network has gaining more attention of researchers. Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) are most widely used all over the world, due to its ability to communicate each other without the use of any fixed network. It applications used in
Threat Conscious Improvement for Routing Attack in MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad hoc Networks are extremely exposed to attacks because of the self- motivated nature of its network infrastructure. Out of all these attacks, routing attacks need sizable attention since it could root the most upsetting harm to MANET. There exist several
Survey of Various Keys Management Techniques in MANET
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Abstractey management is a basic part of any secure communication structure. Secure communication protocol depends upon efficient key management technique. The key is a piece of input information for cryptography algorithms. Various key management schemes
An Efficient Neighbor Node Detection Using AODV in MANET
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Abstract: MANET is a self configuring and centralized multi hop wireless network. Adhoc achieve efficient routing but due to high mobility network can change the structure dynamically so route may be disconnected and route selection, route combinations are
Trust and Cluster based Security architecture in MANET for a Collaborative Computing Environment
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Collaborative computing is the new paradigm of computing in the industry towards saving time and cost. As Information and Communication Technology grows, further digital
Secure AOMDV Protocol in MANET
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Abstract:he crucial problem in the MANET is malicious nodes. When data is transmitted among nodes it may reach to the destination node with response time less than the threshold value. Such types of nodes are known as black hole nodes. In this paper, we try
Mobility Adaptive Ad-Hoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol in MANET
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Abstract A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less, self-organized and multi-hop network with a rapidly changing topology causing the wireless links to be broken at any time. Routing in such a network is challenging due to the mobility of its nodes and
Performance Evaluation of AODV and OLSR for Different Mobility Patterns By Varying Source Nodes in MANET
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Abstract: MANET is a network of wireless mobile nodes that exchanges information forming a self-governing and self-motivated network without any central management and fixed infrastructure. There is always a requirement of energy efficient and high speed protocols
A Comparative Performance Analysis of Routing Protocols in MANET using NS3 Simulator
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Abstract:Due to frequent topology changes and routing overhead, selection of routing protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a great challenge. A design issue for an efficient and effective routing protocol is to achieve optimum values of performance
A Comparative Study of Selfish Node Detection Methods in Manet
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Abstract:Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are infrastructure less and intercommunicate using single-hop and multi-hop paths. Nodes in MANET can act as hosts and routers. Nodes involve themselves in a process of packet forwarding and so the packets are relayed in a
Risk Aware Intrusion Detection and Response Mechanism for MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETS) are dynamic in nature. It is well known fact that dynamic nature of network infrastructure (of MANETS) results in the highly vulnerable to attacks. Among these attacks, routing attack has considerable attention, since it could
A Survey on Different Types of Techniques Used Against Wormhole Attack in MANET
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Abstract: A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is an infrastructure less network that includes of the mobile nodes which are independent of each other and connected through a wireless network. This type of network always faces the security threats. Networks have different
Architecture for detection of sybil attack in MANET using mac address
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Abstract:Ad hoc network is improved method of communication which reduces the network overhead and also opens a wide spectrum for attacker to break the security. As wireless communication happens through open air, it also increases possibility of fetching the
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Abstract:-Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are self organized networks whose nodes are free to move randomly while being able to communicate with each other without the help of an existing network infrastructure. Ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing (AODV) is
Performance Evaluation in MANET by Using NCPR Scheme with Cluster Technique
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ABSTRACT MANET is the one of the type of special wireless network. In MANET there is no static topology due to high mobility of nodes, there exists frequent link breakages which leads to path failure and route discovery. Due to link breakage problem arises in data
Secure Method for AODV Routing By Detection and Prevention of Collaborative Blackhole Attack in MANET
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Abstract:Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANETS) are self configuring, decentralized networks in which the nodes communicate without the need of infrastructure. The nodes work in an environment in which mutual trust between the nodes form an important part of the
MANET Routing and Data Security with Multiple Packet Collision Control Using Acyclic Node-Links
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Abstract: MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is an autonomous system facing several issues such as attacks due to the wireless communication media and limitation related to routing. Routing algorithm optimizes different performance metrics on single and multi-path
Classification and Intimation of Black Hole Attack with AODV Routing Protocol in MANET Using NS-3
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ABSTRACT This paper breaks down the blackhole assault which is one of the conceivable assaults in specially appointed systems. In a blackhole assault, a vindictive node imitates destination nodes by sending a ridiculed course answer parcel to source nodes that starts
Effect Analysis of Black Hole Attack of AODV Protocol in MANET using Table Driven Approach
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ABSTRACT MANET is a wireless network that allows user to communicate and transfer information without using any infrastructure and irrespective of their location. They are very useful for home uses, for military uses etc. Though they are very useful in day to day life,
Study and Performance Evaluation of AODV Protocols under Black Hole Attack in MANET
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Abstract: A Mobile ad-hoc network is a temporary network set up by wireless mobile computers moving arbitrary in the places that have no network infrastructure. Since the nodes communicate with each other, they cooperate by forwarding data packets to other
An innovative mobility based self-stabilizing clustering algorithm for MANET
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Abstract-A Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring infrastructure less network of mobile devices connected by wireless. Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will therefore change its links to other devices
Quality of Service Routing in Manet Using a Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm Inspired by Cuckoo Search
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A hybrid computational intelligent algorithm is proposed by integrating the salient features of two different heuristic techniques to solve a multiconstrained Quality of Service Routing (QoSR) problem in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) is presented. The QoSR is always
Wormhole Detection and Prevention in MANET: A Review
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Abstract:As Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) doesn't require pre-existing infrastructure, thus every node is active in data transmission and reception. In MANET various attacks are created by unauthorized transmitter in the network, which may affects on the performance
Analysis of Routing Over Manet Protocols
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Abstract: Mobile Ad hoc Network is characterized by multi-hop wireless connectivity and dynamic topology. The mobile nodes in this network communicate with each other without established infrastructure. Since the wireless links are highly error prone and can go down
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Abstract Mobile Ad hoc Networks are deployed in many new domestic and public applications, rising to new requirements in terms of performance and efficiency. However due to their nature, some usual network services as routing and security are not carried
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Abstract:Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) are self-configured infrastructure less network which has many issues like scalability, node mobility, Qos, network life time etc. Among these the network lifetime is considered to be an important issue to improve the
Implementation of High Power Routing Node for Minimizing Flooding in Manet
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Abstract:Broadcasting has been used widely in wired and wireless networks to understand the data and topology information. There are various routing protocols in MANETs rely on a flooding mechanism to broadcast data and control packets over the entire network for
Enhancement to EAACK for improved MANET security
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Abstract: From past few decades there is a global trend in migrating form wired network to wireless network. Among all the wireless networks, Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is one of the unique and most important applications. MANET is vulnerable to malicious attacks
Intrusion Detection System in MANET Using Mobile Agent Knowledge Based Learning
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Abstract: Intrusions are the activities that violate the security policy of system. Shared broadcast radio channel, insecure operational environment, lack of central authority, lack of association, limited resource availability and physical vulnerability are the important
Performance Analysis of Table Driven and Event Driven Protocols for Voice and Video Services in MANET
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Abstract----This research paper encompasses the performance analysis of table driven and event driven routing protocols by using voice and video traffic in mobile Adhoc network (MANET). Particularly, OLSR (table driven) and DSR (Event driven) protocol are
QuAADD: A Quick Access Routing Algorithm using Distance and Direction of Nodes inMANET
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Abstract Critical applications to be deployed over MANET need Performance as a key factor. Performance can be measured by certain Quality of service (QoS) attributes such as energy efficiency, bandwidth, security, and resource. In order to achieve higher throughput,
A Review on: Clustering Based Certificate Revocation Scheme for Malicious Nodes in MANET
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Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have attracted much attention due to their mobility and ease of deployment. However, the wireless and dynamic natures render them more vulnerable to various types of security attacks than the wired networks. The major
Implementation of Session Initiation Protocol in MANET using ns2
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Abstract:Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a well established protocol used as a signalling and session establishment protocol for Voice over IP (VoIP) in stable infrastructure networks. SIP relies on the centralised registry and proxy servers for identifying the callee
BT-WAP: Wormhole Attack Prevention Model in MANET Based on Hop-Count
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Abstract: MANET has more security issues compared to wired networks. Among all of security threads wormhole attack is considered to be a very serious security thread over MANET. In wormhole attack, two selfish nodes which is geographically very far away to
Evaluating the Impact of Weather Condition on MANET Routing Protocols
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a dynamically reconfigurable wireless network without any centralized administration or infrastructure. Here each node acts as a router for each other nodes. Data transmission over a wireless ad hoc network links in adverse
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ABSTRACT A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is an autonomous collection of mobile users that communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links. One of the main issue in such networks is performance-in a dynamically changing topology, the nodes are
Packet Forwarding Misbehaviour Isolation using Fuzzy Trust-based Secure Routing in MANET
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ABSTRACT MANETs are much more susceptible to various attacks because of openness in network topology and being away of a centralized administration in management. As an outcome of that, more malicious nodes are often comes in and goes out without being
Performance Measure Modeling Of Routing Protocols In MANET
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Abstract Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) are recently attracting a lot of interest due to their widely available wireless devices and low communication cost. MANET comprises a set of wireless communicating devices able to connect instantaneously without any
Performance Comparisons of Routing Protocols with Mobility and Scalability in MANET
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Abstract MANET is a collection of wireless mobile nodes communication each other through wireless channels without the aid of any stand-alone infrastructure or centralized administration. Each node participation in network acts both as host and a route and
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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are autonomous collection of mobile nodes which communicate over relatively bandwidth constrained wireless links [5]. MANETs differ from conventional wireless networks, such as cellular networks and IEEE 802.11 (infrastructure
QoS Enabled SIP for VoIP in MANET
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Abstract:Voice over Internet Protocol in Mobile ad-hoc Network (MANET) is challenging because MANET is an infrastructure-less network. VoIP requires a signalling protocol like the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for session establishment and management. In
Geographic Routing Based Accurate Position Finding in MANET
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ABSTRACT: In geographic routing, nodes need to maintain up-to-date positions of their immediate neighbors for making effective forwarding decisions. Periodic broadcasting of beacon packets that contain the geographic location coordinates of the nodes is a popular
Reliable and Efficient Neighbor Coverage Probabilistic Routing With Swarm Optimization inMANET
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Abstract: In routing broadcast storm problem is a common issue where in which a mobile node blindly rebroadcasts received route request packets until a route to a particular destination is established. This leads to high redundant retransmission causing excessive
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) refers to a multi-hop packet based wireless network consist of number of mobile nodes which be able to communicate and move simultaneously, without using any fixed infrastructure. MANET'S are self organizing
zDiverse Attack Vulnerabilites in MANET
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Summary A MANET is an infrastructure-less type network, which consists of number of mobile nodes with wireless network interfaces In order to make communication among nodes, the nodes dynamically establish paths among one another. Security is an essential
An Enhanced Trust Management Framework for MANET using Fuzzy Prediction Mechanism
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Abstract A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a self-sufficient arrangement of portable switch and related hosts associated by remote connections. It is a gathering of autonomous versatile hubs that can speak with one another through radio waves. These systems are
Novel Approach of Preventing and Detecting Gray Hole Attack on AODV based MANET
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Abstract: Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is constructed from a collection of nodes that can move anywhere and anytime in different areas without any infrastructure that means MANET is infrastructure less. Each node works at the same time as router and host. Lack of a fixed
Rules For Designing Protocols Using the RFC5444 Generalized Packet/Message Format draft-ietf-manet-rfc5444-usage-00
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Abstract This document updates the generalized MANET packet/message format, specified in RFC5444, by providing prescriptive guidelines for how protocols can use that packet/message format. In particular, these mandatory guidelines prohibit a number of
Minimization of Routing Overhead in MANET: A Review
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Abstract: Movements of nodes in a MANET cause the nodes to move in and out of range from one another. As a result, there is a continuous making and breaking of links in the network, making the network connectivity (topology) to vary dynamically with time. Routing
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Abstract Mobile sinks (MSs) are very important in many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications for efficient data gathering, restricted sensor reprogramming, and for characteristic and revoking compromised sensors. This paper presents a secure and
A Novel Approach towards Trusted and Stable Cluster in MANET
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ABSTRACT MANET has wide impact on research area from past two decades. Its structure less establishment and flexibility increases its growth of popularity. MANET is described as frequent change in network topology and restricted energy. Thus the effectiveness of
Secure Intrusion Detection Techniques for MANET using Improved EAACK
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Abstract: The mobility and scalability brought by wireless network made it possible in many applications. Among all the contemporary wireless networks, Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) is one of the most important and unique applications. On the contrary to
Comparative Performance analysis of MANET Routing Protocols for Real Time Multimedia Applications
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Abstract: MANET network is a collection of nodes which are wirelessly communicating with each other without need of any wired infrastructure. To deliver and exchange data across a network multiple network hops are required. Ad-hoc networks have been an object of
A Pairing-Free Identity-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for MANET
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Abstract Providing a suitable authenticated key establishment protocol in MANETs is challenging due to all the characteristics of networks, such as communication capability, computation capability and storage resources. This paper presents an efficient and
Review On Rushing Attack And Its Prevention Techniques In MANET
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A Mobile ad hoc network is a self-organizing mobile nodes which doesn't have any topology and the communication is achieved by means of wireless links. The nodes in
A Survey on Security Challenges in Routing Protocols and Schema in MANET
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Abstract-A Mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a keen robotized dynamically circulation of wireless Mobile autonomous hubs they either join clearly or using halfway node (s) with no predefined infrastructure. In the event that there is no predefined infrastructure then
A Review of Routing Attacks in MANET and WSN
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Abstract-A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) consists of a collection of wireless mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without the use of a network infrastructure. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have become a growing area of research
Improving Energy Efficiency In Ids For MANET Using ECDSA
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Abstract-Cryptography provides a powerful way of verifying the authenticity of data and identifies the problem. It plays essential role in many electronic applications. Information in private, verification and integrity are attractive features for electronic connections and
Energy Efficient P-manet MAC Layer Protocol with Variations in Beacon Window and Multihop Transmission Indication Map for Manet
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Abstract-Mobile Ad hoc Networks are designed of roaming mobile nodes using temporary network operated by battery power. This paper proposes a set of performance metrics in evaluating energy efficiency in MANETs, and studies the energy consumption of MANET
QoS Aware and Secure Dynamic Multipath Routing Protocol for MANET
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Abstract Now days the use of wireless networks such as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) or Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is common and widely used in day to day life. Mobile Ad Hoc networks (MANET) are dynamically formed by a group of mobile nodes that are
Tree structure based Optimized Multicast Routing Algorithm in MANET
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Abstract-Portable Ad-hoc Network (MANETs) assume a vital part in crisis interchanges where system needs to be built briefly and rapidly. Since the hubs move haphazardly, steering conventions must be very viable and dependable to ensure fruitful parcel
Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Manet using NS2
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a group of wireless node, which rapidly moves, changes and forms a network without need of centralized controlling entity [1]. The entire nodes in MANET intercommunicate with other node which stays in its relative
Prevent congestion in MANET using Neighbor Probability and Shortest Path
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Abstract: In mobile ad hoc network (MANET) the regular link failures scenario which ultimately bring the path down and so as the path discovery. Post failures we need to resend the packets unless it has route to destination which termed as rebroadcasting, nothing but
Detection and Recovery of Packet Drop under Network Layer Attack in MANET
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Abstract Mobile Ad-hoc Network is a wireless temporary network setup by mobile nodes. In MANET each node works both as host and also as router. As it is an infrastructure less network the malicious nodes will disturb the Routing process. The malicious activities will
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Abstract: MANET has self-arranging and selfconstructing arrangement exclusive of required any central base station and no wired links to mobile devices. It doesn't have any permanent topology due to moving of nodes, multipath broadcast, path loss and obstruction, So, it's
Effective Intrusion Reduction in Manet
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Abstract: The main challenges in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) is to design the robust security solution that can protect MANET from various routing attacks. In the presence of malignant nodes, routing causes the most destructive harms to MANET. Even though
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ABSTRACT: Malware are more frequently in mobile network, modeling an effective defence system in MANET to help the infected nodes to recover from the infection. MANET is a self- configuring, Infrastructure less network which connect the mobile nodes without wires. It
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Abstract:-In this paper, we recognize chunks of data in a MANET which can use decode technology from coded blocks by inculcating defending mechanism for security breech in a network of nodes. Here we infer solutions for pollution attack induced by any kind of
A Survey of Routing Attacks in Manet
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Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of communication devices or nodes that wish to communicate without any fixed infrastructure and predetermined organization
Comparison of Robustness of Proactive and Reactive Protocol against Attack in MANET
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ABSTRACT: Infrastructure less nature distinguish the Ad-hoc network from other networks. In Ad-hoc environment mobile nodes having wireless capability collaborate with each other to form a network. For this collaboration purpose each mobile node can act as router. Mobile
Routing Protocols in MANET
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MANET is a self organized and self configurable network where the mobile nodes move arbitrarily. The mobile nodes can receive and forward packets as a router. Routing is a critical issue in
Enhanced Intrusion DetectionPrevention Mechanism for Selfishness in MANET
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ABSTRACT: A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is the network of self-configuring nodes without having any fixed infrastructure. In mobile ad hoc network all the node have limited batterylifetime in the network. There is many routing protocols are based on assumption
Performance Evaluation of Black Hole Attack and Prevention Using AODV on MANET
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Abstract-An Ad-hoc network is a part of a network that is use for as requirement. It'sa LAN ie built spontaneously as devices connect. A wireless Ad-Hoc network is decentralized type of wireless network ie access from anywhere. It'sa geographical independent. In the Ad hoc
Reducing Overhead in MANET using Lightweight Proactive Source Routing Protocol
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Abstract: Routing and Data forwarding are the two most important operations performed at the network layer. Due to the lack of an efficient proactive routing scheme with strong source routing capability, opportunistic data forwarding was not generally utilized in MANETs. A
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Abstract-Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is switching network and provides significant benefits to the network by fast forwarding Internet Protocol (IP) packets. MPLS is scalable network and which provides end-to-end quality of service (QoS), also it enables efficient
MANET Based Improved Throughput and Transmission Capacity for Spectrum Sharing
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Abstract: Spectrum sharing between wireless networks enhances the effectiveness of spectrum utilization, and in this way alleviates spectrum scarcity because of growing demands for wireless broadband access. In the proposed theme, to improve the cellular
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ABSTRACT: Group messaging has a boom in today's modern world. Various applications exist which support this feature. The feature is advantageous as the communication networks are developing with each passing day. A novel technique is proposed here in
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Abstract-A network that is created of random nodes and within each node is capable to speak with different nodes. A mobile node works as a individual router in such a network wherever nothing like fastened infrastructure or excess points are out there. However
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ABSTRACT A mobile ad hoc network is a dynamic and autonomous system of self- organized nodes operating without infrastructure support. MANET's topology is dynamic and can change rapidly because nodes move constantly, making the properties of such a
Application layer versus IP Multicast in Manet
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(MANETs) poses several challenges due to inherent characteristics of the network such as node mobility, reliability, scarce resources, etc. In this paper we have focused our attention on some experimentation and simulation results that demonstrate the performance of IP