manet-Mobile Ad-hoc network IEEE PAPER 2017
A Framework to improve the Network Security with Less Mobility in MANET
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ABSTRACT Infrastructures less network is MANET which creates the temporary network. Performance and security are its two major issues. Due to its self organizing feature providing runtime network security is tedious task. So an efficient and strong model is
Quality of Service Analysis for Cluster Based Routing Protocol in MANET
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Abstract Routing is the most important component of communication protocols in MANETs. Packets are routed from source node to destination node. Because of frequent topology changes and routing overhead, selection of routing protocol in Mobile Ad-hoc Network
Detecting Attacks in MANET using Secure Zone Routing Protocol
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Abstract: MANET is a wireless network of mobile devices that has the ability to self-configure and self organize and it is characterized by an absence of centralized administration and network infrastructure. In this paper, present Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP); the most popular
A Novel Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Highly Dense MANET Architecture
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Abstract With the growth of Mobile Ad-hoc network communications, the need for recent research to moving towards the better and efficient routing protocols. The efficiency of the routing protocols depends of the packet delivery. Nevertheless, due to the nature of battery
A Fault Tolerance Technique to Improve Routing in MANET
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Abstract MANETs are active as well as incessantly altering arrangements, having cluster of nodules that are not interiorly managed. Conniving a directionfinding code of behavior for this kind of atmosphere is very demanding task. The circumstances contracts inferior once
A Fault Tolerance Technique to Improve Routing in MANET
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Abstract MANETs are active as well as incessantly altering arrangements, having cluster of nodules that are not interiorly managed. Conniving a directionfinding code of behavior for this kind of atmosphere is very demanding task. The circumstances contracts inferior once The Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a continuously self-configuring network of a collection of mobile devices with neither a defined infrastructure nor a central administration facility [1]. The primary goal of MANET routing is to provide a secure, correct, and efficient
Empirical Examination of TCP in MANET ISSN (e) 2520-7393
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Abstract: Transmission control protocol (TCP) was initially intended for established systems to give the dependability of the information conveyance. The change of TCP execution was additionally accomplished with various sorts of systems with the presentation of new TCP
Performance evaluation of artificial ant colony using zone based routing approach in MANET
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Abstract: AntNet usesartificial antsthat would repeatedly travel through the network and collect the information about the current traffic conditions in the network. This information would be used to direct the data packets towards their destination. AntNet showed very
Performance Evaluation of Power Efficient Protocol in MANET
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Abstract--As reliability is a major factor in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET), many protocols have been designed for efficient power consumption with minimizing the delay. This paper presents the design of a truthful routing protocol with delay optimization and power
Impact of Density Models Using MANET Routing Protocols
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Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless dynamic mobile nodes forming a network Topology without the use of any existing network infrastructure or centralized administration. Each node participating in the network acts both as host and a
Wormhole Attack Detection and Prevention in MANET Using Bait Scheme
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Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc network is distributed network in which all activities of network are executed by the nodes themselves; activities performed by the network like to adapt topology and delivery of messages etc. ie, all routing functionality is merged into mobile
Prevention of BLACK HOLE attack in MANET Using Indexing Algorithm
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Abstract: MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc Network) could be a collection of self configurable mobile nodes wherever every node acts as a router for different nodes, which permits knowledge to travel, utilizing multi-hop network paths. MANETs are vulnerable to various attacks in the
Improved Route Relability To Overcome Route Flooding Attack In Manet
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Abstract Wireless system is the system layer attack that wants to expand the system and node utilization, for example, data transfer, capacity and battery life to influence the ordinary preparing and demand. Flooding can be ordered by its focused on frameworks and attack
Detection of Wormhole, Blackhole and DDOS Attack in MANET using Trust Estimation under Fuzzy Logic Methodology
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AbstractMobile ad-hoc communication is a spontaneous network because the topology is not stationary but self-organized. This requires that during the time MANET it operational, all the processes regarding discovering the topology, delivery of data packets and internal
Mathematical Route Optimization Based Probabilistic Broadcast for Reducing Energy Efficient and Routing Overhead in Manet
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Abstract In mobile ad hoc networks, this exhaustion of energy will be more due to its infrastructure less nature and mobility. Several researches have gone so far for predicting node lifetime and link lifetime. To address this problem a new algorithm has been developed
A Study of Congestion Control in MANET
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Abstract Wireless ad-hoc network is becoming one of the most animated and dynamic field of communication. Because the moveable devices and wireless networks have increased significantly in recent years. Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) uses wireless connections to
Overview (Advantages and Routing Protocols) of MANET
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Abstract A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is generally defined as a network that has many free or autonomous nodes, often composed of mobile devices or other mobile pieces that can arrange themselves in various ways and operate without strict top-down network
Detection of Fictitious Node with Modification of OLSR Protocol in MANET
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ABSTRACT MANET has been gaining the popularity because of its ease of implementation. One of the major elements in MANET is routing protocol, which consists of two main protocols: proactive and reactive routing protocols. In this work, we focus on proactive Abstract Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is basically an infrastructure less network consisting of numerous member nodes connected to each other wirelessly. All the nodes in MANET work in cooperation with one another, by forwarding the data to its neighbor node
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Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is one containing of a set of mobile hosts which can control independently without infrastructure base stations. Power saving is a critical issue for MANET since most mobile hosts will be operated by battery powers. This metric
Mobility models based performance evaluation of AOMDV routing protocol of MANET
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Abstract In Mobile Ad-hoc networks, mobility of nodes affects the performance of network along with the manner in which these nodes move. In this work, performance of Mobile ad hoc network is analyzed on the basis of routing protocol used and mobility model employed.
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Abstract:-Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a dynamic infrastructure less wireless network. Each node of this network operated by battery with limited capacity. Thus, energy consumption is a vital issue in the design of new routing protocol. So in this paper, we
MANET Routing Protocols: A Review
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Abstract-The MANET is the self-configuring network in which mobile nodes can join or leave the network any time. Due to its decentralized nature routing is the major concern or major issue on MANET. In this work properties of reactive, proactive and hybrid is highlighted and
Multiple Black Hole Detection Algorithm for AODV in MANET
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Abstract: When multiple devices (nodes) perform communication wirelesslyshare network features with each other then they form an ad hoc wireless network. These communications is performed without establishing any central administrator. The wireless nodes that can
Route Constancy and Energy Aware Routing Protocol for MANET
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Summary In Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) consists of nodes which are powered by batteries with temporary power supplies. Because of faults in nodes links are prone to disconnection due to frequent battery drain or the mobility of the node beyond the coverage
Mitigation of Wormhole Attack using SOA in MANET
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Abstract Development of security protocol in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a very challenging task. It is vulnerable to various security attacks due to dynamic topology, absence of centralized authority, limited resources etc. One of the prominent security threats
Enhancement of Performance Analysis in Anonymity MANET through Trust-Aware Routing Protocol
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Abstract: A Mobile ad Hoc Network is a collection of nodes which is an infrastructure less network and hence can be easily established and deployed instantly. In addition to their normal operation, all the nodes in this kind of network act as routers as well. Because of the
Monitoring the Misbehaving Nodes in MANET using Audit-Based Misbehaviour Detection (AMD) Method
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A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad-hoc network. As the nodes move from (or move within) the transmission range of other nodes, the resulting change in network topology dynamically changes the current routing information in each node (removing,
A Survey: Optimal Node Routing Layouts in MANET
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Abstract MANET, a self-organizing network of various devices responsible for absolute communication. New layouts are adopt to assure energy, security, traffic minimization, overhead. MANET have aggressive nature. It requires the modification in routing protocols
Optimized Model for Energy Aware Location Aided Routing Protocol in MANET
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Abstract Energy optimization for MANETs is essential to prolong the life time of the network. Location Aided Routing (LAR) is one of the reactive routing protocols where the nodes use their location information to assist in routing. LAR is very efficient in maintaining a good
Utilisation of DANGER and PAMP signals to detect a MANET Packet Storage Time Attack
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Abstract: The dynamic distributed topology of a Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) provides a number of challenges associated with decentralised infrastructure where each node can act as the source, destination and relay for traffic. MANETs are a suitable solution for distributed
RERMRS: Residual Energy based Reliable Multipath Routing Scheme for increasing Network Lifetime in MANET
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Abstract Reliable route selection is a major issue in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). To establish route with more reliability, there is a need of stability and link tolerability. In previous works, it was identified that only stability is adopted for route reliability selection. In
Energy Optimization using Neighbour Coverage Based Rebroadcast and Rebroadcast Probability in MANET
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Abstract: In Manet broadcasting is a Major and effective data dissemination mechanism for route discovery, address resolution and many other network services in ad hoc networks. While data broadcasting has many advantages, it also causes some problems such as the
RREQ Flooding Attack Mitigation in MANET Using Dynamic Profile Based Technique
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Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a continuously self-configuring, infrastructure- less network of mobile devices connected wirelessly. Each device in a MANET is free to move independently in any direction, and will therefore change its links to other devices
DBSCAN APLLY In Weighted Clustering Algorithm for MANET
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Abstract In this paper, we propose a mobile ad-hoc network, an emerging type of wireless networking, from which mobile nodes associate extemporaneous or ad-hoc basis. Nowadays due to on demand, mobile node is a collection of multi-node. The mobile adhoc
Defending Sybil Attack in MANET by Modified Secure AODV
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Abstract: In Mobile-Ad-hoc network (MANET) security is a challenging issue due to its open nature, infrastructure, less property and mobility of nodes. Due to this, Sybil attack is one of the most severe attacks in the vast domain of the ad-hoc network under the control traffic
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Abstract-Swarm based routing algorithms in wireless network uses the operation of biological swarms, such as ants, honeybees, birds, termites, fish, frogs etc. These swarms perform complex tasks of global optimization and resource allocation using only local
Mitigating Black Hole Attack on MANET with AOMDV Protocol
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Abstract: The rapid usage of wireless devices and spreading of many mobile devices and applications has transformed wireless network security. One of well-known types of network which require high security is the Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET). The termAd hoc
Prevention and Detection of Packet Dropping and Message Tampering Attack on MANET using EAMD
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ABSTRACT A packet dropping and message tampering attack contains data which routed between source and destination. Packet dropping attack happens accidently or deliberately on network or packet switching network. Message tampering attack causes measure
Performance Comparison of Two MANET Routing Protocols (AODV and DSDV)
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Abstract Wireless networks can be classified in two types: infrastructure wireless networks and infrastructure less (ad hoc) wireless networks. Ad hoc networks are characterized by the need for efficiency routing protocols. As per past research, the Destination Sequenced
Middleware Implementation in Cloud-MANET Mobility Model for Internet of Smart Devices
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Summary The smart devices are extremely useful devices that are making our lives easier than before. A smart device is facilitated us to establish a connection with another smart device in a wireless network with a decentralized approach. The mobile ad hoc network
Energy efficient sustainable routing architecture for MANET
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Abstract The Iternet of Things (IOT) is acknowledged as one of the most significant areas of upcoming technology and is gaining vast attention from a wide range of industries, Agriculture, Education, Telehealth, etc. IoT is a combination of various resource constrained
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Abstract The beaconing approach is the key function in geographic routing to disseminate the location. However, the node mobility is a prominent challenge to the beacon based location broadcasting schemes resulting in high routing overhead. The conventional
Evaluating the Impact of Routing on QoS of VoIP over MANET Wireless Networks
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Abstract In this paper, a performance analysis study for VoIP over mobile wireless ad hoc networks (MANET) is carried out using OPNET tool. The AODV, DSR, TORA, OLSR, and GRP routing protocols have been used as candidates to evaluate the impact of routing on
Optimum Relay Node Selection in Clustered MANET
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Abstract: A mobile ad hoc network contains mobile nodes that are associated with each other by means of wireless links. Frequent change in the topology and energy constraint are the main issues in MANET. Clustering helps in organising network topology in MANET up to
Black Hole Attack Prevention and Detection Solutions on AODV Routing Protocol in MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network that is formed via wireless links by a collection of mobile nodes without the help of a fixed infrastructure or centralized management. Securing wireless ad hoc networks is particularly difficult for many
Performance Enhancement for QoS in VoIP Applications over MANET
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET) has been intended as one of the most important technologies to stand future everywhere and invasive computing scenarios and internet connected mobile ad-hoc networking will be a necessary part of future wireless
Design and Implementation of an Intrusion Detection System using MLP-NN for MANET
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Abstract: Communication in Mobile Ad hoc (MANETS) networks for end-to-end delivery of packets is achieved cooperatively. This model assumes that an intermediary node will always forward traffic originating from other nodes willingly, other than traffic emanating from
An Enhanced Reputation-based for Detecting Misbehaving Nodes in MANET
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Abstract In this paper, we propose an enhanced approach based on first-hand reputation with allows to detected misbehavior node in Manet. The networks security is an important challenge in this kind of networks. The main objective of the misbehaving nodes in AODV
Development of a Congestion Adaptive Routing Algorithm for MANET Throughput Optimization
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Abstract Congestion is one of the most crucial restrictions of wireless ad-hoc network. This is because congestion can greatly deteriorate the performance of whole mobile ad hoc network. The current design of MANET routing protocols does not handle congestion in an
Improving Network Performance and Qos in MANET
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An optimized protocol MAODV-BB created on MAODV, which recovers the fitness of the MAODV etiquette by uniting recompenses of the tree structure with the mesh structure. The main knowledge of MAODV-BB is to kind complete use of GRPH messages that the group
A Survey Paper on Preventing Packet Dropping Attack in Mobile Ad-Hoc MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is collection of many wireless mobile nodes. In MANET any number of nodes can join to the network. Centralized administrator will not be there. All wireless devices under network can communicate with each other within a range.
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ABSTRACT: A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is an infrastructure-less network where the number of mobile nodes is independently moved in a random direction within the transmission range of the network. Due to the movement of mobile nodes, the network
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Abstract: The paper comprehends an impending accost of intensifying biometric stationed authentication technique bestowing meta-heuristic algorithm for securing MANET. Biometric authentication using fingerprint, facial, iris scan, voice recognition etc. have gain a lot of
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AbstractFlooding is the simplest way of broadcasting, in which each node in the network retransmits an incoming message once. Simple flooding technique in MANET causes the broadcast storm problem. In the proposed method, AODVUU protocol is used instead of
Removal of Black Hole Attack using AODV Protocol in MANET
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ABSTRACT This paper presents a review on a major category of coordinated attacks ie black hole attack which is a serious threat to ad ho c network security. In black hole attack multiple nodes collude to hide the malicious activity of other nodes; hence such attacks are
Analysis of Network Layer Attacks and their Solutions in MANET
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Abstract A temporary network of wireless mobile hosts without the assistance of standard administration form mobile ad hoc network (MANET). It has dynamic topology because mobiles can enter and leave the network continuously. As MANET are wireless, dynamic
Prevention of Gray Hole Attack in MANET using Fuzzy Logic
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Abstract-In recent years, MANET (Mobile ad-hoc network) has turn out into an interesting research area among a variety of researchers because of their flexibility as well as independence of network infrastructures, like base stations. In the presence of malicious
A Survey on Data Intrusion schemes used in MANET
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Abstract-Mobile Ad hoc networks gained popularity because of flexibility in their architecture. MANET networks found correlated applications with WSN. Due to dynamic architecture of MANET, it had gone through many problems in data intrusion. This paper reviews some
Enhancing the lifetime of Network in MANET by Using Sleep Mode MAC Protocol Design
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Abstract Ultimate aim of authors is to implement a high energy efficient data transmission protocol for Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) which prolongs the life time of network in a significant way. MANET devices mainly depend on a limited battery power supply to
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Abstract-Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is collection of wireless node which can move freely in any direction. In MANET clustering plays an important role, because clustering makes large network to small cluster and improve the bandwidth utilization by minimizing
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ABSTRACT: Recent development in communication technologies has brought a big change in the life of human beings. In this rapid era of human history, disasters are also happening very rapidly in the form of floods, earthquakes etc. In these circumstances, communication is
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ABSTRACT: A Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes (hosts) which communicate with each other via wireless links either directly or indirectly depending on nodes in the network. As the nodes in the MANETs having mobility the position of nodes
Weighted Energy Efficient Cluster Based Algorithm in MANET
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ABSTRACT: A mobile adhoc network is a network in which nodes are dynamic in nature and has limited bandwidth and minimum battery power. For providing the scalable routing the nodes are divided into clusters, in clusters there should be a cluster head which contains all
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Abstract: Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is one of the most promising fields for research and development of wireless network. As the popularity of mobile device and wireless networks significantly increased over the past years, wireless ad-hoc networks has now
Review of Effective Usage of Rebroadcast Delay to Minimize Routing Overhead in MANET
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ABSTRACTBroadcasting is powerful information spread component for course disclosure in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Despite the fact that it has many advantages, it additionally causes a few issues, for example, the communicate storm issue, which is
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Abstract A MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) is the collection of mobile nodes and its formed by using these mobile nodes. MANET supports infrastructure less communication architecture. It doesnt have any central access point or control center. In MANET every
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad-hoc network are a specific kind of wireless network that can be quickly deployed without pre-existing infrastructure. The characteristics of MANET are dynamic topology, distributed operation, multihop etc. Clustering is an important research
IDS and its Routing Protocols in MANET
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Abstract: Although Intrusion Detection technology (IDS) is undeveloped and should not be measured as a complete security, we believe it can play a major role in overall security architecture. Many efforts were made to secure wireless ad hoc networks (WAHNs), but due
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Abstract: Optimal data routing is a significant functional part in the Mobile Adhoc NETworks. In order to achieve this, cooperation of nodes plays a vital role in the data routing process. Under single authority framework, the mobile nodes are adapting to its wireless
Multipath Reliable Ant Optimized Secure and Congestion Free Communication under MANET
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Abstractin this research we proposed the security in ANT Optimized based multipath congestion routing performance. The scenario of DDoS is simulated and examines their effect in dynamic network. The multipath protocol like AOMDV is balance the load by
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Abstract Mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a local which necessitate more security. The termad hocrefers to self-configuring nodes that do not have a central entity to govern them. Network security plays a decisive role in MANET and the traditional way of providing
Performance Enhancement of Routing Protocol in MANET by implementing Ant Colony Optimization
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AbstractMobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is dynamic in nature. In MANET routing becomes challenging for certain Quality of services (QoS). In this paper an enhanced version of Dynamic source routing protocol (DSR) is proposed that is based on Ant colony optimization
New Modified AODV for MANET
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Abstract: Mobile Communication is a wireless connection between two nodes which is having limited bandwidth and high rate of data disconnnection. So there is a requirement of new MANET routing protocol having low rate message overhead. Hence it is necessary to
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AbstractMANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc Network) operates without centralized access point and physical fixed infrastructure. MANET is considered as astatic in nature. MANETs are distributed and self-directed networks. The development of different types of routing
Combined Approach for Detection and Prevention of Flooding and Black-hole Attack in MANET
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AbstractWireless network is the network of mobile computer nodes that are not physically wired. The main advantage of such network is communicating with rest of the world while being mobile. The risks to users of wireless technology have increased as the service has
Hybrid Routing Using ANT and BAT Algorithm for MANET
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Abstract-Now a day the wireless network demands increased because its allow to user to connect with services anywhere. In wireless network, MANETs is an infrastructure-less network in which each node work as host and router provide more flexible routing in the
Privacy Preservation Routing against Wormhole Attacks in MANET using Path Tracing Approach
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ABSTRACT To provide privacy preservation routing in MANET, Path Tracing (PT) algorithm is used as an extension to AODV protocol. Using the Path Tracing algorithm the wormhole attack is detected and prevented. The per hop distance is calculated on each and every
Secure Light Weight Encryption Protocol for MANET
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Abstract: This paper proposes an incorporation mechanism of primitives to provide complete cryptography services for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs). The proposed approach is the Secure Light Weight Encryption Protocol for MANET, where an algorithm for providing
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ABSTRACT-Ad-hoc network is a collection of dynamic nodes it means any node can join the network and leave the network any time. Wireless communication is less secure than wired communication and thats why it is the vulnerability of mobile ad-hoc network and any threat
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a set of wireless mobile nodes. These networks are decentralised system. Here nodes communicate with each other without any centralized access points or base stations. In this type of network, each node acts both as a
International Journal of Intellectual Advancements and Research in Engineering Computations Attack Resistant Query Processing Framework for MANET
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Abstract-The mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) are temporary wireless networks. Emergency and rescue operations are supported with MANET environment. Data values in a mobile node can be shared with all the nodes in the network. The query values are issued
Collective Study On Security Threats In MANET
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Abstract: In this paper the authors will be discussing the security issues in MANETthe methods to protect it. Authors will be talk about related work in securing the network, different type of attacks, how to sense these sorts of attack, what are the features of MANET, then will
Survey on Watchdog Systems and Classifier Based Scheme to Detect Selfish Nodes in MANET
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Abstract: Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) is self configured and decentralized wireless network without any prior infrastructure. Every node in it acts as a router as well as end- system and hence each node in MANET is allowed to move freely which makes routing
Comparative Study of the performance of existing protocols of MANET with simulation and justification of an improved Routing Protocol
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AbstractIn Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET), a group of wireless mobile nodes, dynamically constructed without the use of any existing network infrastructure. In such a network, it is quite a challenging task to route a packet efficiently from a source to destination
Distributed Evidence-driven Message Exchange intrusion detection Model for MANET
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Abstractin this paper, we make two major contributions for intrusiondetectionsystems (IDS) in MANET. First, we propose a practical and effective messageexchangemodel: DistributedEvidence-driven MessageExchangingintrusiondetectionModel (DEMEM) for
Analysis of Energy Routing Protocol with Power Consumption Optimization in MANET
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ABSTRACT As innovation quickly increments, different detecting and versatility capacities have turned out to be promptly accessible to gadgets and thus portable specially appointed systems (MANETs) are being conveyed to play out various imperative errands. In MANET,
MANET Routing Protocols Comparison for Performance Evaluation
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AbstractMobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a set of wireless mobile nodes dynamically form spontaneous network which works without centralized administration. Due to this characteristic, there are some challenges that protocol designers and network developers
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ABSTRACT Mobile Ad hoc Network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a network without using any existing infrastructure. MANET is a collection of mobile nodes equipped with both a wireless-transmitter and receiver that communicate with each other via
Cluster Head Selection Based Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for MANET Using HCH Algorithm
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Abstract__In the recent research year clustering in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANET) has become a crucial research issue, because clustering can improve routing performance of wireless adhoc networks. Clustering is a process that divides the network into nodes group
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ABSTRACT-A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is defined as an arrangement of wireless mobile nodes which creates a temporary network for the communication. MANET doesnt having any access point. Due to high availability of wireless devices infrastructure-less
Review Based on Black Hole Attack in MANET Environment
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Abstract: The routing protocol should detect and maintain a good route (s) between source and destination nodes in these dynamic networks. Many routing protocols have been proposed for mobile ad hoc networks, and none can be considered as the best under all
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Abstract: The main aim of this research paper is to study about attacks that are present at different layers and always face the security threats. Black Hole and Worm Hole are the attacks present at Network Layer. MANET (Mobile ad hoc Networks) and security attacks
A Novel Approach to detect Denial Of Service Attack in MANET
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ABSTRACT Mobile ad-hoc network is a growing field of research. There are lots of work done in this field. MANET can be easily threatened by many attacks, denial of service attack is one of the crucial attack by which whole network services effected, there are lots of
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Abstract MANET is a wireless system that comprises group of mobile nodes which do not have pre-existing infrastructure in the form of communication network. Maintenance of these kinds of networks are not dependent on any special user. There are many problems in the
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Abstract Mobile ad-hoc network formed by wireless hosts which may be mobile. Ad-hoc network without using apre-existing infrastructure. Routes between nodes may potentially contain multiple hops. In MANET nodes are free to move randomly and organize themselves
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Abstract Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are autonomously self-organized networks without infrastructure support. In a mobile ad hoc network, nodes move arbitrarily; therefore the network mayexperience rapid and unpredictable topology changes. Because nodes in a Networks (MANET) has increased its popularity by two fold. MANETs have become a commonly used network for various applications. But this advantage suffers with serious security concerns, mainly a wireless transmission medium perspective where such networks
Comparative Study of Cluster Based Routing Protocols in MANET A Review
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AbstractMobile Ad-hoc Network has broad impact on research area from past two eras. Its structure less establishment and flexibility increases its growth of attention in the field of Ad hoc network. MANET is defined as instant alteration in network topology and constrained CSE PROJECTS