marine engineering
Marine transportation and marine engineering students attitude on classroom social environment
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Social interaction of the students within the classroom involves the teachers and their classmates where teaching and learning activities are being facilitated which need to be improved and addressed some factors that somehow influence the learning process of
Attitude of Marine Engineering Students on Some School-Related Factors and their Academic Performance in Electro Technology 1 and 2
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It is the major purpose of this study to determine the relationship between the academic performance of Marine Engineering students in Electro Technology course and their attitudes towards the subject itself, the instructors methods of teaching and the learning
Attitude on School Facilities and Services of High and Low Performing Marine Engineering Students
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It is the major purpose of this study to determine the difference on the attitude between high and low performing Junior Marine Engineering students towards the School facilities and services. Descriptive type of research was utilized in the study. Result showed that the
Environmental Elements of Learning Style Preference of High and Low Performing Marine Engineering Students
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Identifying the individual differences of students in terms of learning style preference would help them achieve better potential as they go along with their journey in finishing their respective degree programs in college. This study aimed to determine the learning style of
Virtual labs for learning electrical machines in marine engineering
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Studies within the EHEA framework include skills as independent learning, which requires the student will devote much of his time to personal and group work, to strengthen and supplement the information acquired in the different academic classroom activity. To
An economic history of shipbuilding and marine engineering
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For upwards. of half a century Glasgow has boon Imown the world over as the oontre of the shipbuilding and onginooring industries of the West of Sootland* over a similar period the Clyde has holdfirst place among the rivers of tho United Kingdom forquantity of ships and
Marine Engineering as Future Career in Malaysia
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The employability of seafarers is directly linked to their competency level. Perhaps, this is the main reason why crew members from certain countries enjoy preference in the employment market. Therefore, the sea career prospects of Malaysian seafarers should be viewed from
The education of marine engineers in control engineering in accordance with the IMO requirements contained in the STCW95 Convention
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nance of electrical and electronic control equipment including fault diagnostics) . Educational activities are carried out with both full-time and part-time students of the Gdynia Mari- time Academy (GMA), studying in the Faculties of Navigation, Marine Engineering and Marine
Engineering design approach in Marine Engineering : A bridge between Training Need Analysis (TNA) and Engineering Education
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--ABSTRACT --This paper assesses the engineering design approach used in Marine engineering at Military Technological College (MTC), Oman and presents alternatives that bridges the gap
ECTS-based programs implementation in marine engineering studies
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Since 1998 Gdynia Maritime Academy (GMA) has been engaged in the Socrates/Erasmus program of students and staff exchange. The primary experience has taught valuable lessons on the advantages of the program, as well as difficulties to overcome on the way to
Identifying training requirements to enhance basic skills for maintenance 4.0 in marine engineering through engine room simulator
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Ship machinery maintenance is a critical shipboard operation performed in accordance with technical, economical and regulatory considerations. The designed procedures to execute maintenance operations have been targeted to ensure system availability, reliability and
A marine engineering plant model to evaluate the efficiency and CO2 emmisions from crude oil carriers
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Wet cargo is dominated by crude oil carriers and product carriers which account for around 25% of CO2 emissions from the shipping sector. Crude carriers predominantly transport their cargos over long distances at constant speed. The CO2 emissions from these ships are
Implementation of Project Based Learning approach in marine engineering
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An educational project is currently under implementation in the Antwerp Maritime Academy (BELGIUM) to enable marine engineering students to integrate technical knowledge encompassing social skills (teamwork, cooperation, planning, decision making, problem
On the impact of marine engineering efficiency with de-rated engines: A study using VLCCs
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Abstract Very Large Crude Oil Carriers (VLCCs) are amongst the largest ships in the world being between 160,000 dwt and 3 000 dwt. There are an estimated 612 large crude oil carriers in the world fleet accounting for 12.5% by deadweight. The focus of this paper is to
Determining shipboard integration requirements of maintenance 4.0 concept in marine engineering
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Ship machinery maintenance is a core technical aspect to achieve expected reliability, availability and efficiency in system level. Since maintenance practiceon-board ships is so critical, the integrity of planning, coordination and execution stages are expected to be well
Engineering for the Marine Environment at an American Research University
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Page 1. Engineering for the Marine Environment at an American Research University* MICHAEL M. BERNITSAS Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering , University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-214 USA
Student Development in Naval Architecture, Marine and Ocean Engineering Education at UNO
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Page 1. Student Development in Naval Architecture, Marine and Ocean Engineering Education at UNO* ROBERT LATORRE Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering , 911 Engineering Building, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 7014 USA
Improvement of Marine Engineering Curriculum Using The Engine Room Simulator
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ABSTRACT The Engine Room Simulator (ERS) course design is initially established as a parallel to the updated version of IMO Model Course 2.07. IMO Model Course is so general that needs to be modified with available functions and systems of the ERS as well as
Development in calculation and analysis of collision and grounding on marine structure and ocean engineering fields
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impact engineering. Several examples are addressed to observe contribution this part in history of naval architecture. In next section, discussion is given in specific fields, namely ocean and marine engineering . Implementation of CSE PROJECTS