metal detector
Pulse induction metal detector
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Because the author considers buried treasures to be the most lasting and potentially most informative repositories of human history, he feels that their detection and excavation should be restricted to approved organisations. This article describes an experimental metal
Metal Detector
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3.1. Features of AD4971 3.1. 1. What are the features of AD4971 3.1. 2. Is the AD4971 X- ray inspection equipment 3.1. 3. Is auto sensitivity setting function available 3.1. 4. Is phase tracking function available 3.1. 5. What is product phase 3.1. 6. What does the P
Application of TDEM techniques to metal detection and discrimination: a case history with the new Geonics EM-63 fully time-domain metal detector
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Background It is by now well established that, although the use of magnetometers permits detection of ferrous metallic objects at the greatest depths, the real problem is generally not detection at great depths, but rather identification of the target itself. In typical UXO surveys
Archaeologists and metal detector users in England and Wales: Past, present, and future
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This article explores the history of the changing relationships between archaeologists and metal detector users in England and Wales, including the competing political strategies of both groups to influence public opinion and new legislation. It discusses some of the key
Remotely operated solar-powered mobile metal detector robot
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This paper presents the development of a remotely operated solar-powered metal detector robot to assist in the humanitarian effort of landmine detection. The deployment of solar- powered metal detector robot on field sites makes the landmine detection system free of the
Central-places and metal detector finds: what are the English productive sites
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In England the growing popularity of metal -detecting over the last two decades has provided archaeologists with a vast range of new material sources. For the Middle Anglo-Saxon period (c. 650-c. 850) in particular this has led to the identification of a completely new type
Evaluation of a commercial visualizing metal detector for UXO/mine detection: the hilti ferroscan system
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We will report on first tests of a commercial imaging metal detector aimed at trying to assess its potentialities and understand in a broader sense if such systems, possibly in a modified form, could be useful to tackle some aspects of the UXO/mine detection problem
Metal detector trial Colombia
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Abstract The Canadian Centre for Mine Action Technologies, at the request of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, provided personnel to the Republic of Colombia to aide the Colombian authorities in running metal detector trials with a goal to
Soil electromagnetic properties and metal detector performance: Theory and measurement
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Metal detectors are unquestionably the workhorses of humanitarian demining. Although hybrid dual-sensor systems incorporating a ground penetrating radar (GPR) have recently been introduced and are gaining acceptance, a standard electromagnetic induction (EMI)
Multiple-role actors in the movement of cultural property: Metal detector users
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Much of the recent literature has discussed the various stages in the criminal market for looted cultural objects, and the different actors that are present at each of these stages. For many of the best-documented types of looted cultural object, often at the higher end of the
Use of the Metal Detector to Determine the Prevalence of Metalic Foreign Bodies in Dairy Cows in Aracaluba Region, Barazil
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To determine the prevalence of metallic foreign bodies in animals from flocks in the region of Araçatuba-Brazil, to verify the presence of animals with traumatic peritonitis and if there a correlation between the presence of clinical signs with a positive result on the metal detector
Metal detector trials
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This document is devoted to eddy-current metal detectors used for finding mines. Its purpose is to collect the information split amongst the various test reports published during the period from 1997 and analyse it from a technical point of view and to evaluate the main factors
Quantifying Metal Detector Sensitivity with Metal Spheres
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This report describes the simple tests performed to evaluate the possibilities for using spherical metal balls as test targets to measure the sensitivity of metal detectors. Tests to determine the maximum height at which metal balls are detected have been made for four
Polyharmonic metal detector
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The article deals with usage of polyharmonic signals to metal detection and discrimination. A substantial problem of all conventional eddy current metal detectors (induction devices in general) is in limited possibilities of identification of detected objects. The excitation signal
Advances in Metal Detector Technology and Applications in Archaeology
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33 Advances in Metal Detector Technology and Applications in Archaeology Douglas D. Scott (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Chris Esplenshade (New South Associates, Inc., Greensboro, NC) Patrick Severts (New South Associates, Inc., Stone Mountain, GA) Sheldon
Inversion of the Magnetic Polarizability Tensor at a Single Frequency from Walk-through Metal Detector Measurements
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ABSTRACT A tomographic metal detection and characterisation system has been designed and built with the intention of recovering detailed information about magnetic and/or conductive objects within the detector space. This information is gathered as a result of a
Simple, sensitive metal detector
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The metal detecting hobby is enjoying quite a boom at the moment and treasure hunters are not just after gold. Though the price of the precious metal has fallen in recent months, at around $600 an ounce its worth going after. Old coins and relics fetch high prices too, so
Intelligent City Guide with Metal Detector Interface
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In this paper, we propose an intelligent location-aware city guide system which uses a metal detector interface for navigating users. Our system allows users to detect shops that match their preferences, in the same way an actual metal detector would be used to find
Solar Operated Metal Detector Robot based on GSM
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Proposed designed is solar based metal detector Robot. We can control robot from remote location using cell phone. It contains arduino board with metal detector circuit. Robot contains GSM which able to transmit and receive signal from cell phone. It contain ultrasonic
Design of a Beat Frequency Oscillator Metal Detector
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This paper discusses the design, construction, and simulation of a beat frequency oscillator metal detector . Over the years, it has become an important issue to limit, the entry of people into certain places with weapons or instruments of harm and destruction. in this paper is a