microcontroller IEEE PAPER 2016
Continuous Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Remote Monitoring SystemMicrocontroller Based
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Abstract: This paper presents design and development of a non-invasive method to measure the blood pressure signal in this instrument for remote monitoring and also continuous monitoring system based Zigbee module and microcontroller. The system is a embedded
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Abstract: Generally temperature inside the parked car can rise up to 30 C more than the outside temperature, thus during summer it can seriously affect the child or pet which had left inside the parked car. Even entering into such heated car is difficult exercise. Thus various
A Novel Approach for Power Factor Correction Using Microcontroller in Domestic Loads
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Abstract: The need for power factor correction is for compensating the lagging reactive power due to the highly varying inductive loads and is done by either switching on the capacitor banks or by synchronous condenser. Presently, capacitors switching is done
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Abstract-This paper describe the power factor correction of an inductive load by using capacitor bank. The power factor is the ratio of actual power and apparent power, hence it affects the power energy. If it is less than 1 then electricity company have to supply more
RFID lab management system using Arduino microcontroller approach associate with webpage
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Abstract: RFID stands for Radio-Frequency Identification. There has been emerging demand for secure system that must be reliable and fast responded for the industries and company. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is one of the reliable and fast means of identifying
Hierarchical Approach to Simulation in a Vertical System for the TriCoreMicrocontroller
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Siemens Microelectronics Inc. of this for a new machine may not be fully Abstract understood for a particular implementation. The second category includes defects due to a specification error. It is possible for the specification of a new architecture to specify conflicting functions
Design And Development Of A Vehicle Theft Security System Based On Arduino Microcontroller
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Abstract:This paper includes the strategy adopted for establishing a system which secures the vehicle. The main aim is to provide total security to the vehicle when it is kept idle. This system is able to connect in any type of vehicle. So this would be a universal vehicle
Hand Gesture Recognition Based Wheel Chair Direction Control Using AVRMicrocontroller
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Abstract: In today's world, physically handicapped personelder peoples are depending on others peoples. But today's world becomes fast, everyone is very busythere are few peoples to take care of these peoples properly. They find the automated wheelchairs for
Wireless Controlled Robot Movement System Desgined using Microcontroller
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Abstract:Wireless controlled robot which can be controlled by simple human gestures. The transmitter circuit in which sensor included, the user needs to wear this device. The robot can move forward, backward leftwardrightward through the transmitter device. The
GSM Based Digital Fuel Meter and Fuel Theft Detection using PICMicrocontroller
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ABSTRACT: Today's world need digital techniques for measurement of any quantity conventional fuel meter are analog so that we trying to make it digitized to show the fuel value digitally. In our project we show the amount of fuel present in fuel tank digitally ie
Inductance-Capacitance Meter using Microcontroller
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Abstract: The Inductance-Capacitance (LC) meter is an electronic instrument that can be used for the measurement of the value of unknown inductor or capacitor of a simple coil. This paper aims to discuss the concept and the technique of measuring the unknown
Controling DC Motor Position, Using PID Controller Made by PICMicrocontroller
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Abstract:The Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is the most common form of feedback used in the control systems. It can be used for various Industrial functions. One of the applications used here is to control the position of the DC motor. Controlling the
Switching Pulse Generation and Design, for Microcontroller Based Modified Square Wave Inverter (MSI)
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Abstract:The paper aims at designing modified square wave inverter, which is MOSFET based PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), to illuminate the elevator cab. Switching techniques are used rather than linear circuits in power stage, because switching techniques are
Design Wireless Sensor Network System to Power Management and Protect Electrical Pole Transformers by using Zigbee Model and Microcontroller
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Transformers by using Zigbee Model and Microcontroller Muthanna Ali Saihood1, K. Lakshmi Bhavani2The powerful devices that use in this system is ZigBee and microcontroller. Keywords: WSN Zigbee Microcontroller CT VT PMS. I. INTRODUCTION
Microcontroller Based Programmable Logic Controller and Graphical User Interfacing Using Visual Basic
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Abstract:Teaching and learning PLC in the laboratory has been traditionally carried out using branded simulators and supporting evaluation boards. The branded PLC are not widely used because their high cost and limited accessibility. This paper presents
Robotic Arm Controller by using a Tmega16 Microcontroller
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Abstract In our daily life, there is an increasing need to create artificial arm where human interaction is difficult or impossible. Its application is used to diffusing bomb by using active volcano. In this we are built robotic arm controlled by natural human arm movement using
Development of a Microcontroller Based Digital Breath Alcohol Threshold Limit Detector
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ABSTRACT: In many countries of the world, a major course of vehicle accidents is attributed to driving under the influence of alcohol. Various solutions to this problem have been found by the use of different types of technology. The digital breath alcohol threshold limit
A New Parallel VLSI Architecture in Real Time by using Microcontroller
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Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a new architecture of multiplier-and-accumulator (MAC) for high-speed arithmetic. By combining multiplication with accumulation and devising a hybrid type of carry save adder (CSA), the performance was improved. Since the
Microcontroller using Density Based Traffic Signal Systeming
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Abstract: The project is designed to develop a concentration based dynamic traffic pointer system. The signal altered automatically on sensing the transfer. The system tries to condense possibilities of traffic jams, caused by traffic lights, to an level. The structure is
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ABSTRACT In This paper we propose the advanced Ration Distribution System, named as Microcontroller Based Ration Distribution and Controlling. Huge amount of Govt. money get wasted due to corruption in the conventional Ration Distribution System. This paper
Microcontroller based DC Drive with Power Factor Correction
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Abstract In order to improve the performance of conventional AC/DC converter the proposed system presents a microcontroller based triggering circuitry for converter with power factor correction. Microcontroller with Zero crossing detectors and ADC are used to generate
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ABSTRACT Coverage-driven Verification is a verification methodology in which coverage planning precedes the rest of the verification process. Coverage planning means defining a strategy for measuring verification progress–employing functional, code and assertion
Design and Implementation of PIC16F877A Microcontroller Based Data Acquisition System with Visual Basic Based GUI
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Abstract-Data acquisition (DAQ) is a process of bringing a real world signal in to the computer for processing, analysis, storage or other data manipulation. Here in this paper not only the process of data capture from real world in real time, also the process of data feed
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Abstract Everything in this world is getting automated. We can say that automation has rapidly taking over the traditional way of living. We can see automation in everything nowadays and hence we have shown the basic concept of automation of vehicle parking
Analysis of Domestic Refrigerator and Compression Cycle usingMicrocontroller
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ABSTRACT The project is designed to detect, record and display the on and off of the compression cycle of the domestic refrigerator with the respected temperatures. The project has already introduced combined compressor and thermoelectric module to analyze
An Embedded System for a Bluetooth Controlled Mobile Robot Based on the ATmega8535 Microcontroller
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Abstract Embedded systems have received significant attention during the last decade mainly because of their numerous applications. They can be found in robotics, smart buildings, fabrication equipments as well as medical, automation, industrial, commercial,
Morse code Generator Using Microcontroller with Alphanumeric Keypad
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Abstract:This research paper proposes the Morse code which is the earliest method used in Radio Telegraphy. Because of advanced telecommunication systems it is considered to be an outdated technique. Travelers, Sailors, Villagers from remote areas where cellular
Multi actuated hydraulic powered automatic gate using Applic-37microcontroller
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ABSTRACT: Automatic sliding gate is a semiautonomous system with embedded capability of using hydraulic and automatic control systems. This research work focuses on generating system control using Passive infrared, Pressure sensor, Radio Frequency Transceiver to
Automatic Bridge Balance and Measurement of Resistance UsingMicrocontroller
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I. INTRODUCTION he paper [1] Dutta et. al has suggested the stochastic gradient algorithm for automatic balancing of AC bridge. The paper [2] L. Callegaro suggested PC controller by root finding strategies. There is also an automatic bridge balancing method based on the
Wind Solar Complementary Power Inverter Based On Microcontroller
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This paper represent generation of electricity by using wind solar complementary system and design single phase half bridge sine wave inverter. It describes hardware structure, operating principle and microcontroller. The microcontroller is design for charging and
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ABSTRACT Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV's) are used in industrial applications to move materials around manufacturing facility or warehouse. They are available in variety of models, have various navigation modes and control mechanisms. The paper deals with
Wireless Vehicle Alert and Collision Prevention System Design using AtmelMicrocontroller
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Abstract:Now-a-days the vehicle accident rate has been increasing as compared to previous decade. The accident rate has increased by 54%. This system minimizes the action time after an accident. This paper deals with such system to detect possible collision and
Control of Braking System by Using UART and PIC Microcontroller
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Abstract-The main purpose of present Automobiles is being developed by more of electrical parts for efficient operation. Generally a vehicle was manufactured with an analog driver- vehicle interface for indicating various vehicle statuses like speed, fuel level, Engine
A Cost-effective Microcontroller based Sensor for Dual Axis Solar Tracking
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Abstract. Energy crisis is one of the most important issues in today's world. Conventional energy resources are limited and are one of the primary reason for environmental pollution. The use of renewable energy is becoming increasingly popular. Solar energy is rapidly
Microcontroller Controlled Automated College Bell
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Abstract-The need for an automatic school/college bell is now a necessity which has been evolved with the revolution in technology and boost in the education system where time is a major factor affecting the educational system where the time has to be accurate. Man
Password Protected Lock System Desgined using Microcontroller
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Abstract:The purpose of this project is to provide security at (house, ATM, office etc.) in this system the user will have to register a unique password. The information will be stored in data base. Whenever the right password will be received, the controller will accordingly
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ABSTRACT Over the past few decades, some innovations have replaced the use of manpower in factories, homes. This reduces the system running cost of organizations and understandably increases the scale of unemployment. However, being enthused to follow
Implementation in Arm Microcontroller to Maximize the Power Output of Solar Panel using Hill Climbing Algorithm
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Abstract:The objective of the paper is to discuss about the hardware implementation of a Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) unit which comprises of a 10W Photo Voltaic Panel, a Boost dc-dc converter and load, using ARM Cortex M3 32 bit Microcontroller in which
Improved Design of Obstacle Avoidance Robot using three Ultrasonic Sensors and ATMEGA328P Microcontroller
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Abstract:This paper proposes an alternative design for a cost effective and simplified version of the obstacle avoidance robot using three ultrasonic sensors. It also provides a dynamic algorithm which directs the robot to navigate smoothly in different environments,
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Abstract-In today's industrial world multilevel inverter (MLI) got a significant importance in medium voltage application and also a very potential topic for researchers. It is experienced that to study and compare results of multilevel inverter (MLI) at distinct levels is a costlier
Electronic weighing instrument based on microcontroller
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Abstract The design is based on SCM weighing instrument, and its hardware design, including minimum system microcontroller, A/D converter circuit, the load cell, LED display circuit, 5V power supply circuit and alarm circuit and circuit design content of several
Automated unified system for LPG using Microcontroller and GSM module
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Abstract: A cost-effective, Automated Unified System for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) booking, leakage detection, Real time gas monitoring system and automatic controlling of LPG regulator is proposed in this paper. The aim of this paper is to monitor for LPG
Microprocessor and Microcontroller
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OBJECTIVES:To study the Architecture of uP8085uC 8051To study the addressing modesinstruction set of 80858051.To introduce the needuse of Interrupt structure 80858051.To develop skill in simple applications development with programming
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Abstract Since the modern power systems are highly non-linear, huge and complex, there will be a possibility of cascaded tripping due to overloading. To avoid cascaded tripping due to overload of lines it is necessary to monitor the status of incomingoutgoing lines using
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ABSTRACT This paper deals with a microcontroller based solar panel tracking system. Solar energy is rapidly gaining notoriety as an important means of expanding renewable energy resources. My project will include the design and construction of a microcontroller-based
Real-Time Multiple Sensors Microcontroller–Based Automobile Hazard Alert System
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ABSTRACT Security against hazard is a vital concern for everyone. In recent past years, some alarm systems and intelligent control apparatus has been designed and developed in order to increase safety in automobile system. This research work is focus on design and
PMSM drive based on STM32F4 microcontroller
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In this paper based on STM32F4 microcontroller and dedicated for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive is presented. Information concern structure and implementation of the program main blocks such as: modulator, speed and position
Automatic PC On/Off for CALLISTO Data Acquisition Using Microcontrollerand RTC
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Abstract: A real-time application (RTA) is an application program that functions within a time frame also called realtime computing (RTC). A real-time clock/calendar is an essential part of many computer data acquisition and control systems. The things that need to be done in
Modeling of Wireless Energy Transfer Circuit and Implementation of Wi-tricity System Control using Infrared and PIC Microcontroller
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Abstract:A prototypes to prove and demonstrate the concept of Wireless Energy Transfer (WET) is proposed in this paper. The prototype is a simple structure consist of a transmitter as an electromagnetic resonator and a receiver to which the device to be powered is
Microcontroller Based Power Factor Correction Using IC L6561
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Abstract: Proposed system presents an efficient AC/DC converter with power factor correction by using IC L6561. The Microcontroller 89s52 used to generate triggering pulses for semi converter based on firing angle control mechanism. Semi converter gives
Protection of power transformer by using PIC microcontroller
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Abstract:This paper describe the design and implementation of an Automatic method of protecting transformer as an PIC microcontroller based protection technique. The aim of this paper is to provide an alternative, effective, efficient and more reliable method of