Migrating to a service oriented architecture

Introduction: the case for developing a service-oriented architecture Over the last four decades IT systems have grown exponentially, leaving companies to handle increasingly complex software architectures. Traditional architectures have reached the limit of their capabilities, while traditional needs of IT organizations persist. IT departments still need to respond quickly to new business requirements, continually reduce the cost of IT to the business and seamlessly absorb and integrate new business partners and customers. The software industry has gone through multiple computing architectures designed to allow fully distributed processing, programming languages designed to run on any platform and greatly reduce implementation schedules and a myriad of connectivity products designed to allow better and faster integration of applications. However, the complete solution continues to be elusive. Now, service-oriented architectures (SOAs) are being promoted as the next evolutionary step to help IT organizations meet their ever more-complex challenges. But questions remain: Are SOAs real? And even if they can be outlined and described, can they actually be implemented? This white paper discusses how the promise of SOA is true. That after all the publicity has subsided, and all the inflated expectations have returned to reality, IT organizations will find that SOAs provide the best foundation upon which an IT organization can build new application systems, while continuing to capitalize on existing assets. This white paper is the first in a series intended to help you better understand the value of an SOA, and to help you develop a realistic plan for evaluating your current infrastructure and migrating it to a service-oriented architecture. For some time now, the existence of Web services technologies has stimulated the discussion of SOAs. The discussion isn’t a new one; the concept has been developing for more than a decade now, ever since CORBA extended the promise of integrating applications on disparate heterogeneous platforms.

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