Milligram Scale High Voltage Power Electronics for Piezoelectric Microrobots
Piezoelectric actuators can achieve high efficiency and power density in very small geometries, which shows promise for microrobotic applications, such as flapping-wing robotic insects. From the perspective of power electronics, these actuators present two challenges: high operating voltages, ranging from tens to thousands of volts; and a low electromechanical coupling factor, which necessitates the recovery of unused electrical energy. This paper explores the power electronics design problem by establishing the drive requirements of piezoelectric actuators, presenting circuit topologies and control methods suitable for driving different types of piezoelectric actuators in microrobotic applications, and demonstrating experimental realizations of sub-100mg power electronics circuits.
Highly compact yet powerful actuators are crucial in many
Review of soft computing techniques used in robotics application
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In this Review paper we discussed, how soft computing to the field of behavior based robotics. It discusses the role of fuzzy, neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithm rule-based systems for behavior architectures and adaptation. It reviews a number of applications of soft
A preliminary study about robust speech recognition for a robotics application
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In this study the specific problem of robustness in automatic speech recognition under various acoustic conditions is reviewed. The currently most used techniques to solve this problem are discussed. One specific technique (RASTA-PLP) is then implemented and
Expensive multiobjective optimization and validation with a robotics application
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Many practical optimization problems, especially in robotics, involve multiple competing objectives, eg performance metrics such as speed and energy efficiency. Proper treatment of these objective functions is often overlooked. Additionally, optimization of the performance of
Learning Control Architectures by Robotics Application
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Engineering students starting their studies in engineering find it difficult to understand and appreciate the value of undergraduate education. Our group has experimented with various robotic projects for diverse engineering students designed specifically to improve their
Flexible tactile sensors based on polysilicon TFT technology for robotics application
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Flexible tactile sensors represent the key element for the development of highly conformable sensor platform that can be defined artificial skin . In this work, we present the fabrication of a piezoelectric tactile sensor based on piezoelectric PVDF-TrFE film integrated with a
Robotics application in flexible manufacturing systems: prospects and challenges in a developing country
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This paper presents some insights into automation of assembly process of a consumer product. The methods developed towards achieving this objective include: surveying the available literature on automated assembly systems; defining the advantages and limitations
Analysis and modelling of strong-AI to engineer BIONIC brain for humanoid robotics application
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In my research very first I was gone through the literature surveys, history of AI and Robotics from various secondary data and information sources like white papers, short essays, research papers, research review papers, newspapers, monographs and standard
Assessment of PrimeSense RGB-D camera for using in robotics : Application to human body modeling
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The use of PrimeSense RGB-D camera (see Fig. 1a) is rising in the last months for several applications not only related to the video games industry. In automation and robotic applications, for instance, it has been used as a sensing device for Human-Robot
Soft Robotics: Transferring Theory to Application, Soft Components for Soft Robots
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components. I will present several on going research on actuation and sensor solutions for soft robotics application as well as novel methods and materials for sensor and actuation integration. 1 Introduction: What kind of Softness This robot manipulator consists of two rigid links; high-torque brushless directdrive servos are used to drive the joints without gear reduction. This kind of joints present reduced backlash and significantly lower joint friction as compared to the actuators with gear drives
Trinity Robotics Application for RoCKIN 2015
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This paper is written to provide a detailed overview of the preparatory activities of the Trinity College Dublin Robotics research group in the run-up to the RoCKIN robotics competition 2015. Details of the Robbie robot under development by the group are explored with a
Robotics application of symbolic design and modeling
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This paper is devoted to the problem of the design procedure automation for nonlinear control systems on the basis of symbolic computations and such well-known technique as exact linearization via nonlinear feedback. Developed software realizes the synthesis of
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Automated robotic systems are critical components in implementing flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) which is the current trend for improving productivity and flexibility. Using robots in actual manufacturing platforms is a decision to improve flexibility and to increase
Revealing a swimming mechanism in penguins and its robotics application
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Since start-up in November 2015, our laboratory is studying biomechanics and fluid dynamics of flying/swimming animals aiming to create biomimetic small, agile, and safe aerial/aquatic robots. We also focus on biological micro structures of such animals and micro
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The solar cell technology has been massively developed and applied as a substitute to exhaustible or nonrenewal energy since 1767. The unlimited energy produced by solar cell can be very useful to robot application where battery life-time is an issue, such as in space
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Space robots and space teleoperators also called telerobots are currently being developed in the USA, Europe, Canada, Russia and Japan for use in the International Space Station (ISS) and in planetary and lunar scientific missions. The robot applications in space
Probabilistic Evolutionary-Classical Constraint Optimization with Robotics Application
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Optimization for single main objective with multi constraints is considered using a probabilistic approach coupled to evolutionary search. In this approach the problem is converted into a bi-objective problem, treating the constraint ensemble as a second
Project MAERA Map Explorer: A Distributed Robotics Application
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Distributed systems find applications in various fields such as robotics, network security etc. In the field of robotics, we can consider a team of robots working towards a common goal to be a distributed system. A team of robots mapping an area can potentially combine their
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Current trends in mobile robotics involve many small yet surprisingly computing-intensive tasks combined in one complex application. While the use of just one personal computer is insufficient in terms of computing power and reliability, the small dimensionality of each of
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This paper reports on a flexible polyethylene terephthalate (PET)-based tactile sensor for distributed-load detection and its potential application in the robotics field. The core of the sensor is a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microstructure embedded with an array of
s, particularly small-scale autonomous systems such as bio-inspired Biomedical Applications of Untethered Mobile Milli/ Microrobots .
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Untethered robots miniaturized to the length scale of millimeter and below attract growing attention for the prospect of transforming many aspects of health care and bioengineering. As the robot size goes down to the order of a single cell, previously inaccessible body sites
Motion-control analysis of ICPF-actuated underwater biomimetic microrobots
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This paper introduces the development of biomimetic underwater microrobots consisting of AVR microcontroller, an infrared ray communication system, and ionic conducting polymer film (ICPF) actuators. We use AVR ATmega16 as the control unit and an infrared ray receiver
Microelectromechanical components for articulated microrobots
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We propose to create a class of articulated micromanipulator robots with multiple degrees of freedom, workspaces on the order of a cubic millimeter, and payloads on the order of a milligram. We have created rigid links, mechanical couplings, and large-force, large We are creating a class of autonomous low-power silicon articulated microrobots fabricated on a 1 cm 2 silicon die and mounted with actuators, a controller, and a solar array. By taking advantage of the high force-densityof electrostatic actuators in the micro scale, low-power
Powering 3 dimensional microrobots : Power density limitations
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Many types of electrostatic and electromagnetic microactuators have been developed. It is important to understand the fundamental performance limitations of these actuators for use in micro-robotic systems. The most important consideration for micro mobile robots is the
Flexible microprocessing organized by versatile microrobots
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In this paper, we describe flexible microprocessing organized by versatile microrobots under microscopes. Versatile microrobots composed of four piezo elements and two electromagnets can move on steel surface with nanometer resolution. And the spherical
Autonomous jumping microrobots
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Despite their relative simplicity, modern day mobile robots capture the imagination by offering mobility in robust and controllable packages. While it would have been an enormous challenge to send humans to Mars, the Mars exploration rovers, Spirit and
Six-Degrees-of-Freedom Remote Actuation of Magnetic Microrobots .
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Existing remotely-actuated microrobots powered by magnetic coils far from the workspace exhibit a maximum of only five-degrees-of-freedom (DOF) actuation, as creation of a driving torque about the magnetization axis is not achievable. This lack of orientation control limits
The ants: a community of microrobots
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As the field of robotics advances, new areas of research are emerging. Two of these new fields are microrobotics and robotic communities. The goal of my thesis is to explore both of these areas with an example borrowed from nature the ant colony. Ants have evolved into
Drive modules for pipe inspection microrobots
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The inspection of low diameter pipes is a subject of great complexity due to the difficulty in finding miniaturised components and the precision that the design and manipulation must have. In this paper, two different approaches to a drive module for pipe inspection
Automated cooperative micro-assembly using multiple bubble microrobots
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Opto-thermally actuated multiple bubble microrobots were controlled by a computer- generated holographic (CGH) control system, and cooperative microassembly of sub- millimeter glass beads was demonstrated. Multiple microrobots were controlled both
Flexure-based two degree-of-freedom legs for walking microrobots
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This work examines the design of legs for a walking microrobot. The parameterized force- displacement relationships of planar serpentine flexure-based two degree-of-freedom legs are analyzed. An analytical model based on Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is developed to
Articulated mechanisms and electrostatic actuators for autonomous microrobots
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Page 1. Articulated Mechanisms and Electrostatic Actuators for Autonomous Microrobots by Richard Yeh BS (University of California at Berkeley) 1993 MS (University of California at Los Angeles) 1995 A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree
Precise manipulation control on three versatile microrobots for flexible micro handling
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In MEMS technology and precision engineering, there have been developed many reports about micromechanisms and microrobotics. Some are based on advanced technology including microbatteries, micromotors, and miniscule computational facility , the others are
Novel Smart Concepts for Designing Swimming Soft Microrobots
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The development of mobile un-tethered microscale robots could revolutionize the future of medicine, since they can be conceived to move in micro-structured liquid environments, such as in inaccessible districts of the human body for performing in vivo diagnosis and
Making Microrobots Move.
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Our group has recently demonstrated three distinct types of microrobots of progressively smaller size that are wirelessly powered and controlled by magnetic fields. For larger scale microrobots , from 1mm to 500 µm, we microassemble three dimensional devices that
Behaviour design in microrobots : hierarchical reinforcement learning under resource constraints
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In order to verify models of collective behaviors of animals, robots could be manipulated to implement the model and interact with real animals in a mixed-society. This thesis describes design of the behavioral hierarchy of a miniature robot, that is able to interact with
Towards Microrobots On Chip (MOC): first prototype and perspectives
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This paper deals with the MOC, ie Microrobot On Chip concept which corresponds to the development of compact, inexpensive and easily plug and use microrobotic chips (as it is the usual case with electronic chips). A first prototype of a six degrees of freedom
Mobi-mag: A compact device for medical research using wireless control of magnetic microrobots
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1 Background Continuous efforts towards the development of less invasive surgical procedures and targeted therapies have led to experimental studies on the possible use of microrobotic agents (Fig. 1a) in medicine . Due to their small size, these microrobots could
First evaluation of a system of positioning of microrobots with ultra-dense distribution
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Microrobots applications evolve in ultra-dense contexts. They are at the stage of the simulation to obtain 2-Dimension or 3-Dimension shapes for the deployment of individual or collective intelligent programs. In this work we address the individual positioning of MEMS
. In recent years, a number of actuation methods have been proposed or applied in a microrobotic context, including piezoelectric [1], electrostatic [2], and dielectric elastomer actuators [3]. These actuation methods have the potential to achieve high effi- ciencies and high power densities in very small geometries. Piezoelectric actuators in particular have shown promise in applications with very stringent weight and power density requirements, such as the Harvard Microrobotic Fly (HMF) – a flapping-wing robotic insect capable of liftoff with external power . In order to produce mechanical output, the actuation methods mentioned above rely on the presence of electric charge on various conductive surfaces in order to either generate high electric fields, as in the case of piezoelectric actuators, or high electrostatic forces, as in the case of electrostatic and dielectric elastomer actuators. Moreover, the geometries of such actuators inherently produce significant electrical capacitance, and therefore high operating voltages are usually necessary to accumulate a sufficient amount of electric charge on the actuator electrodes, ranging from tens to thousands of volts. For example, the piezoelectric actuators used in the HMF require drive voltages in the range of 200-300V. There are two major challenges in the design of power electronics capable of driving capacitive actuators: generating high voltages from low-voltag
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