
MobiCloud: Building Secure Cloud Framework for Mobile Computing and Communication

FREE-DOWNLOAD D Huang, X Zhang, M Kang… – 2010 Fifth research International …, 2010
This research
article is presented as a position paper to highlight research directions and possible solutions
for enhancing secure mobile computing using cloud computing.

Cloud services broaden the computing capability ofmobile devices to a great extend in that many computationalintensive operations can be processed in the cloud. Mobileusers can rely on cloud services to process complex operationssuch as searching, data mining, and multimedia processing. Inthis article, we propose a new mobile cloud framework calledMobiCloud. In comparison to existing cloud services, MobiCloudnot only provides computational intensive services to mobileusers, but also monitors and collects mobile ad hoc networkingstatus by considering mobile devices as service nodes. In this way,MobiCloud can provide better services to mobile users by offering more effective communication. To enable this, MobiCloudframework aims to address trust management, secure routing,and risk management issues. We also present a new class ofapplications that can be developed using the extended processingpower and more effective communication of MobiCloud. Openresearch issues for MobiCloud are also provided to highlight thefuture research directions.