mobile computing research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER
An Overview of Mobile Cloud Computing
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MCC integrates the cloud computing into the mobile environment and overcomes obstacles related to the performance, security etc discussed in mobile computing.Index Terms Mobile Cloud Computing, Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing.
Mobile Computing on Android using Cloud Infrastructure
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Abstract-The Linux based Android OS offers a wide range of features, functionality and an open architecture that has become the most popular mobile and tablet OS in the world. However, Android devices even after being so widely used have many application
Secure Key Management in Mobile Cloud Computing
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We are going to learn some security problems. Before knowing security problem we need to learn about the mobile technology briefly. Mobile computing is a process of calculation on a movable gadget.Mobile computing offers mobility with computing power.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
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Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Pervasive and Mobile Computing journal homepage: Controlling the fluid factors of an environment by sensor and actuator networks/ Pervasive and Mobile Computing
Resource Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing using Optimization Techniques
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Delivering cloud services in a mobile environment is a principle issue. Mobile cloud computing is the summation of cloud computing [1] and a mobile computing environment.Mobile cloud computing is combination of mobile computing, cloud computing and wireless networks.
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
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In this paper, we use graph analysis to evaluate the network architecture of a large scale delay tolerant network (DTN) of transoceanic aircraft. At LCN (Local Computer Networks) 2014 we analyzed information propagation inside a pure opportunistic version of this
Research on Switching Strategy of Mobile Cloud Computing based on Fusion of Threshold Judgment and Network Selection
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Mobile Cloud computing is applied cloud computing to a mobile environment, solving the discussed problem of performance insufficient of the mobile terminal in a mobile computing [1]. In mobile cloud computing, through reasonable and effective computing switching and
Energy Optimized Link Selection Algorithm for Mobile Cloud Computing
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ABSTRACT----- Mobile cloud computing is the revolutionary distributed computing research area which consists of three different domains: cloud computing, wireless targeting to improve the task
Mobile Cloud Computing: Its Challenges and Solutions
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International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
Distributed Transaction Processing Model Based on Image Technique in Mobile Computing
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Abstract:Advancements in networking and distributed processing are enabling the emergence of new types of distributed processing environments. The environment for accessing and processing information is rapidly changing from stationary to mobile and
Mobile Computing and Databases
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Abstract: The emergence of powerful portable computers, along with advances in wireless communication technologies, has made mobile computing a reality. Among the applications that are finding their way to the market of mobile computing those that involve data
A Review on Mobile Cloud Computing
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It is the combination of mobile computing, cloud computing and wireless networks to bring high quality computational resources to network operators, mobile users, and cloud computing providers [1, 2]. MCC is a new platform for combining the mobile devices and cloud
Sleepwalk: Scalable and Energy-Efficient Processing of Continuous Range Queries for Location-Aware Mobile Computing
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Abstract:Recently, monitoring queries are getting attention for various real-life applications such as safety, security, personalization services. This work proposes a distributed sensing and monitoring technique (called Sleepwalk) for continuous range queries with energy-
Pervasive and Mobile Computing
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In recent times, Cognitive radio (CR)-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have been widely used for opportunistic access of the shared spectrum. In WSNs, deployment of sensor nodes (SN) may be random, or it may follow an optimized approach-based upon the
Experimental Framework for Mobile Cloud Computing System
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This has led to an unprecedented growth in the mobile devices market ushering us into what is known as the era of mobile computing 3. However, mobile devices suffer from many limitations related to their limited resources.
Optimization of Mobile Applications in Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC)
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The section V in describes the related work and next section VI in defines the future scope and next is the conclusion of this paper. II. APPLICATION OF MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING Mobile computing is arrangement of applications on mobile devices.
Review of Some Checkpointing Schemes for Distributed and Mobile ComputingEnvironments
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Fault Tolerance Techniques facilitate systems to carry out tasks in the incidence of faults. A checkpoint is a local state of a process saved on stable storage. In a distributed
Integration of Mobile Computing to Ubiquitous Healthcare
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Abstract This study proposed an improved framework for u-healthcare monitoring system which is a combination of a medical sensor module and wireless communication technology as an integration of mobile computing and u-healthcare monitoring. The framework allow
iSkin: Stretchable On-Body Touch Sensors for Mobile Computing
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Abstract This demo presents iSkin, a stretchable and visually customizable sensor that capture touch input on the human body for mobile computing. iSkin is a thin skin-worn sensor overlay, made of biocompatible materials. The sensor can be produced in different
Resource Management in Mobile Cloud Computing
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Mobile cloud computing is a major research topic in Information TechnologyCommunications. It integrates cloud computing, mobilecomputing and wireless networks.Another potentially mobile computing clients are the tablets, with sales 270 million units just in 2014.
New Architecture for Mobile GIS Cloud Computing
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Giza, Egypt3 Abstract: Nowadays the fast growth and evolution on technologies such as cloud computing, mobile computing and geographic information systems (GIS) inherently exhibit spatiotemporal phenomena. These technologies
Computational Offloading for Mashup Services in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment
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The mobile cloud computing is the combination of cloud computing and mobile computing. MCC (mobile cloud computing) integrate the cloud computing into mobile devices and overcome the problems in mobile computing
Mobile Computing
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The International Standards Organization (ISO) Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) is a standard set of rules describing the transfer of data between each layer in a network operating system. Each layer has a specific function (ie, the physical layer deals with the
Mobile Agents for Mobile Computing
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Abstract: Mobile agents are programs that can move through a network under their own control, mi-grating from host to host and interacting with other agents and resources on each. We argue that these mobile, autonomous agents have the potential to provide a
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applications, the confidentiality and integrity of the conveyed messages are specifically compelling [1]. Communication messages preserving procedure is viewed as with respect to the integrity while the transmission happens between the clients in the mobilecomputing and the
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role in enhancing the web computing infrastructure. With the fast advances in wireless communication and moveable computing devices, a new computing paradigm, that is named mobilecomputing, has evolved. This paper
Towards mobile opportunistic computing
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Computational resources are heterogeneous and should co- operate in an opportunistic mobilecomputing environment where a mobile device can choose between all computational offloading opportunities based on given metrics.
A New Approach on Optimized Routing Technique for Handling Multiple Request from Multiple Devices for Mobile Cloud Computing
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mobile devices and cloud nodes. Our approach helps to enhancement of data transmission rate in green cloud environment. Keywords: MobileComputing, Cloud Computing, Routing Algorithm, Congestion Control Algorithm.
A cost/reward method for optimal infinite scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing
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A cost/reward method for optimal infinite scheduling in Mobile Cloud Computing
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Abstract:-Mobile computing may be a new variety of computer access rising at the intersection of the two presently dominant trends: manufacturing move-able computers in business and wireless communications in telecommunication industry. This paper
A Light-Weight Permutation based Method for Data Privacy in Mobile Cloud Computing
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provides several advantages over traditional in-house IT [3], such as on-demand services, pay- per-use basis and elastic resources which have rapidly made cloud computing a popular technology in different fields, such as IT business, mobilecomputing systems and health
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Energy efficiency and sensing coverage distance, life time has increased for essential metrics for enhancing the wireless sensor networks. Its growth is expeditiously increasing an immense field for research in this area. Sensors has depends entirely on the trust of their
A Systematic Literature Review of Mobile Cloud Computing
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ng Abstract Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is a relatively new concept that leverages the combination of cloud technology, mobilecomputing, and wireless networking to enrich the usability experiences of mobile users. Many This index covers all technical items papers, correspondence, reviews, etc. that appeared in this periodical during 2015, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in 2015. Departments and other items may also be covered
Data Mining Techniques in Mobile Computing Environment
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Abstract: The emergence of powerful portable computers, along with advances in wireless communication technologies, has made mobile computing a reality. Data mining is also called knowledge discovery in several database including mobile databases. In this paper
Context Awareness in Mobile Computing
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Abstract: Context awareness is a growing area in the field of ubiquitous computing. It is particularly related to the emerging sub-field of mobile computing as a user's context is changing more rapidly when a user is mobile, and interacting with more devices and
Security Risks, Limitations and Operational Problems in Mobile Computing
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Abstract-Mobile computing is a versatile and potentially strategic technology that improves information quality and accessibility, and enhances management effectiveness. The primary focus of this paper is on the selected security risks and limitations associated with mobile
Application of Clouds Computing Assisted Instruction to Mobile Learning Activities
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Mobilecomputing learning activities based on clouds computing is a variety of learning activities combined with clouds computing technology, wireless communication technology and various multimedia technology, which can carry out the learning activities. Page 5.
A Mobility Management System for Mobile Cloud Computing
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It is important to note here that the challenges pertaining to mobile computing are also relevant for mobile cloud computing (MCC).
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That traction will push the revenue of mobile cloud computing to $5.2 billion.Mobile cloud computing is a highly promising trend for the future of mobile computing. MCC SECURITY ISSUESProtecting user
A Mobile Cloud Computing Framework Integrating Multilevel Encoding for Performance Monitoring
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Page 1. Research Article A Mobile Cloud Computing Framework Integrating Multilevel Encoding for Performance Monitoring in
Joint Cloud and Wireless Networks Operations in Mobile Cloud Computing Environments
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addressed separately in the literature. In this thesis, we jointly study the opera- tions of cloud computing and wireless networks in mobilecomputing environments,In traditional mobile computing systems, mobile devices usually have limited computing and storage capabilities.
Mobile Cloud Computing: Security Issues and Considerations.
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The context of mobile cloud computing is different comparing to mobilecomputing because in mobile cloud computing the devices run cloud based Web applications not as mobilecomputing native appsMOBILE APPS
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Secure Mobile Cloud Computing Based-On Fingerprint
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Mobile cloud computing which combines mobilecomputing and cloud computing, has become one of the industry buzz words and a major discussion thread in the IT world. This reduces the price of mobilecomputing to the end users.
Two Novel Techniques for Authenticating Short Encrypted Messages in Mobile and Pervasive Computing
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complete method. Keywords: Message Authentication Code (MAC), MobileComputing, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Encrypt-And- Authenticate, In Distinguish Ability under Chosen Plaintext Attacks (IND-CPA). I. INTRODUCTION
Perspective of Decoy Technique using Mobile Fog Computing with Effect to Wireless Environment
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Keywords: CISCO, Cloud Computing (CC), MobileComputing (MC), Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC).The rapid progress of mobile computing (MC) becomes a powerful trend in the development of IT technology as well as commerce and industry fields.
Focusing on Mobile Users at Edge and Internet of Things Using Fog Computing
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by time and place. With convergence of cloud computing and mobile computing, Mobile users are experiencing high end user friendly applications and facilitated video streaming, cloud gaming etc. Mobile users intensively and
Mobile Computing Challenges and Solutions: A study
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Abstract:obile computing is human–computer interaction by which a computer is expected to be transported during normal usage. With increasing use of small portable computers, wireless networks, and satellites, a trend to support computing on the move has
A Study on Mobile Cloud Computing and Challenges as of Late
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International Journal of Computer Science and MobileComputing, International Journal of Computer Science and MobileComputing A Monthly Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology
Security Issues in Mobile Computing
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Abstract In the present mobile communication environment, lot of research is going on, to improve the performance of issues like handoffs, routing etc. Security is another key issue that needs to be considered, which comes into picture once the communication channel is
A Novel Pervasive Computing for Mobile Based on Efficient Authentication System
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Efficient Authentication for Mobile and Pervasive Computing, IEEE Transactions on MobileComputing
Spontaneous Mobile Cloud Computing Final Year Dissertation
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This can be seen as a novel system with the potential to open new avenues in mobilecomputing. 6 Page 11. Chapter 2Offloading Mobilecomputing devices have experienced an enormous growth in fea- tures and performance as they have grown in popularity and use.
An Energy-efficient Approach based on Learning Automata in Mobile Cloud Computing
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A survey of mobile cloud computing, architecture, applications, and approaches, Wireless communications and mobile computing,
Fog Computing and Mobile Edge Cloud Gain Momentum Open Fog Consortium, ETSI MEC and Cloudlets
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Fog computing and mobile edge cloud gain momentum Fog Computing and Mobile Edge Cloud Gain Momentum
request paper Trajectory anonymity in publishing personal mobility data
Trajectory anonymity in publishing personal mobility data
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Abstract Recent years have witnessed pervasive use of location-aware devices such as GSM mobile phones, GPS-enabled PDAs, location sensors, and active RFID tags. The use of these devices generates a huge collection of spatio-temporal data, variously called