mobile tracking
A ZigBee-based mobile tracking system through wireless sensor networks
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Wireless sensor networks have been deployed widely. Sensor networks involve sensor nodes which are very small in size, low in cost and have a short battery-life. One of the critical wireless sensor network applications is localisation and tracking mobile sensor
Mobile tracking application
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Personal Tracking Systems are the tracking devices specially built up for personal information. The person takes it with him and the information of where he is presently is provided. The same system has been implemented in this mobile tracking application i
Mobile tracking application for locating friends using LBS
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In todays fast moving life services based on location has very much importance in everyones life. As the trend is of smartphones, mobiles, iPhones, and all the gadget emerging today its very important for the mobile user to have the location based services
A new approach to mobile position tracking
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In this paper, an approach developed in learning theory, namely, Support Vector Regression (SVR), is applied to the geolocation problem with the addition of Kalman- Bucy filtering to smooth location estimates in a mobile tracking scenario
Shining the floodlights on mobile web tracking-a privacy survey
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Mobile tracking appears to be an under-researched area, and this paper is only a first step Mobile devices are gradually catching up to the computing power of desktop computers, so we should expect mobile tracking to become very elaborate in the next few years
A study of third-party tracking by mobile apps in the wild
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We set out to learn what mechanisms are used for mobile tracking , what kind of parties beyond developers are tracking users, how much tracking is actually going on, and what kind of information is being collected by these trackers
Real-time public vehicle mobile tracking system using global positioning system technology
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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are gaining recognition in developing countries today. This paper focuses on the implementation of a Real-Time Public Vehicle Mobile Tracking System using GPS Technology. The system includes global position determining
Mobile phone location tracking by the combination of GPS, Wi-Fi and cell location technology
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mobile phone. Keywords: Mobile Tracking , Tracking, Mobile Location _____ Introduction Mobile
Defining usual environment with mobile tracking data
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Domestic tourism is an important part of tourism economy, but it is difficult to measure it as it is defined by travelling outside of usual environment. The aim of this study is to provide a new way for determining usual environment based on mobile positioning and GPS data. We
Design and Development of New Application for Mobile Tracking
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The steady rise of mobile computing devices and local-area wireless networks has fostered a growing interest in location-aware systems and services. Consequently, the location based services has now become one of the most exiting features of the next generation
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Location Estimates Obtained using Mobile Radio Tracking Equipment
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fully-accessible study areas with fixed boundaries). Consequently they fail to address many issues germane to the relatively crude mobile tracking systems used in most field studies. Given fixed tower system is generally preferable to a mobile tracking system. While fixed tower
Mobile Tracking System using Web Application and Android Apps
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Parents are very much concerned about their children now a days and are compelled to provide an Android phone to their children. They want to monitor children activities and movements, where they are going and what they are doing. But this process is difficult. To
Mosque tracking on mobile GPS and prayer times synchronization for unfamiliar area
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In Proceeding of International Conference Automatics and Informatics ?0 Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-10 (2008) Varandas, LCM, Vaidya, B., Rodrigues, JJPC: mTracker: A Mobile Tracking Application for Pervasive Environment, International Conference on Advanced Information
Modified Iterated Extended Kalman Filter for Mobile Cooperative Tracking System
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Page 1. Vol.7 (2017) No. 3 ISSN: 2088-5334 Modified Iterated Extended Kalman Filter for Mobile Cooperative Tracking System Rafina Destiarti A., Prima Kristalina, Amang Sudarsono Department of Electrical Engineering, Magister
Mobile Tracking Based on Phone Theft Detection
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Lots of Applications are developed to track a Smart phone but still it is a major concern. User has to manually report to the customer care to block the IMEI Number of the lost Phone. So that, Android Application is deployed with initial registration of Alternative Mobile numbers
Developing Mobile Tracking Applications for Patient Treatment.
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Much of the adjunct technology developed for using among medical environments is targeted towards computers. Because the hospitals face increasing demands to participate in a very big selection of quality improvement activities, the role and influence of using
Automated mobile user experience measurement: Combining movement tracking with app usage logging
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periods of time. Author Keywords HCI, Android, Mobile , Tracking , User Interaction ACM Classification Keywords Tracking, HCI, User Interfaces, Evaluation/methodology, User Interfaces, User-centered design. INTRODUCTION The
Model-based Tracking for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.
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3.1 Loose Synchrony To maintain the data consistency in a cell, previous mobile tracking frameworks such as VINESTALK , GLS , and HGRID[19], used strict synchronization: nodes constantly exchange information with neighboring nodes to keep synchronization
Efficient inter-camera management for multiple objects tracking in mobile ar environments
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In the remainder of the paper, we discuss related work on mobile tracking for mobile AR applications in Chapter 2. Chapters 3 and 4 describe our method and present our experimental results 4.2 Mobile tracking The mobile tracking system (see Fig
Optimization of tracking loops for signals of opportunity in mobile fading environments
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In small-scale fading, the received signal is subject to rapid changes, mainly caused by multipath signals with constructive and destructive additions. It is this small-scale fading that affects our mobile tracking of cellular signals and DTV signals CSE PROJECTS