moisture sensor
Soil moisture sensor landscape irrigation controllers: A review of multi-study results and future implications
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This is a review article with the objective of summarizing and relating the main findings of different research projects carried out in Florida that evaluated commercially available soil moisture sensor systems (SMSs) for residential irrigation control. The initial goal of the
Soil moisture sensor -based irrigation reduces water use and nutrient leaching in a commercial nursery
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Significance to Industry: High quality irrigation water is becoming increasingly scarce and it is becoming more important to use the available water efficiently. One approach to more efficient irrigation is the use of soil moisture sensors to control irrigation. Soil moisture
Soil moisture sensor calibration for organic soil surface layers
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This papers objective is to present generic calibration functions for organic surface layers derived for the soil moisture sensors Decagon ECH2O 5TE and Delta-T ThetaProbe ML2x, using material from northern regions, mainly from the Finnish Meteorological Institutes Arctic
Smart Irrigation Controllers: How Do Soil Moisture Sensor (SMS) Irrigation Controllers Work
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Water is required for the basic growth and maintenance of turfgrass and other landscape plants. When a sufficient amount of water is not present for plant needs, then stress can occur and ultimately lead to reduced quality or death. Irrigation is common in Florida
Wireless soil moisture sensor networks for precision irrigation scheduling
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Advanced nutrient management aims to optimise plant nutrient use and minimise deleterious environmental effects. Precision irrigation tools tackle this issue by controlling soil moisture status related to irrigation events, minimising drainage and run-off events, and
Implementation of linear trace moisture sensor by nano porous thin film moisture sensor and NLAmp
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Almost all type of moisture sensors has a non-linear response. With out linearization it is difficult to apply such a non-linear sensor in electronics circuits, specially in analog electronics. Non linear sensor and transducers characteristic can be linearized using analog
Calibration and evaluation of an improved low-cost soil moisture sensor
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Irrigation scheduling in agriculture and turf requires a soil moisture sensor (SMS) that is accurate, reliable, and low-cost. Although there are many SMS on the market, their use is limited because they fall short in one of these areas. A need exists for a sensor that offers
Development of a wireless sensor network for field soil moisture monitoring
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A wireless sensor network system (WSNS) was developed and tested which was able to continuously monitor soil moisture content in a wheat field. The system consisted of 12 wireless nodes with star-type, tiered network architecture. Out of 12 wireless nodes, ten were
Irrigation of St. Augustinegrass with soil moisture sensor and evapotranspiration controllers
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Water conservation is a growing issue in the state of Florida due to increased water demands and limited resources. Water withdrawal in Florida, along with California and Texas, accounted for one-fourth of all water withdrawals in the nation for 2000 (Hutson et al
Design of textile moisture sensor for enuresis alarm system
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To improve the comfort properties of nocturnal enuresis alarm system, a modular humidity sensor should be replaced with a textile sensor . During research, two-electrode textile moisture sensor has been developed to study its electrical properties. To define the optimal
Proposal of a novel heat dissipation soil moisture sensor
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A novel heat dissipation soil moisture sensor with only one bipolar transistor performing as both heating and temperature sensing element is presented. Due to the fact that the power dissipated in the transistor is a function of both the voltage and the current in the transistor, it
Ag thick film microstripline as nondestructive dielectric and moisture sensor for soybean
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A cost effective miniaturized Ag thick film microstripline 1in x 1in was used as a nondestructive dielectric and moisture sensor for soybean. The in-touch overlay method provides ease of loading and unloading. The perturbation obtained in the transmittance and
Automated weighing and moisture sensor system to assess the hygrothermal response of wood sheathing and combined membrane-sheathing wall
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A weighing system was devised to conduct drying experiments on wood based products that could be used to compare results with those derived from simulation. The experiments were designed to retrieve data on the change in weight of specimens continuously over time from
A BJT Based Soil Moisture Sensor for Irrigation Monitoring
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A soil moisture sensor is an integral aspect of the various precise irrigation techniques. This paper focuses on a BJT based soil moisture sensor which can be implemented in a large array spreading throughout an irrigated field. Soil conductivity depends on the moisture
Analysis of moisture sensor based on microstrip patch antenna: a review
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The paper summarize that moisture sensor based on microstrip patch antenna. Microstrip patch sensors have become useful and widely used in every fields such as agricultures, industrials, food products, medicals communication etc. It have been more useful for
Automation of peanut drying with a sensor network including an in-shell kernel moisture sensor
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Peanut drying is an essential task in the processing and handling of peanuts. Peanuts leave the fields with kernel moisture contents> 20% wet basis and need to be dried to 10.5% wb for grading and storage purposes. Current peanut drying processes utilize decision support
Fabric selection for textile moisture sensor design
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I Parkova, I Ziemele, A Vilumsone- Rigas Tehniskas Universitates In order to improve the sensor comfort properties, a modular sensor should be replaced with an embroidered textile sensor . In this paper, quality and comfort properties of a moisture textile sensor have been studied. The speed of moisture sensor signal detection significantly
Soil moisture sensor calibration for organic soil surface layers
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This papers objective is to present generic calibration functions for organic surface layers derived for the soil moisture sensors Decagon ECH2O 5TE and Delta-T ThetaProbe ML2x, using material from northern regions, mainly from the Finish Meteorological Institutes Arctic
Timer versus moisture sensor -based irrigation control of soilless lettuce: Effects on yield, quality and water use efficiency
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Abstract Montesano FF, van Iersel MW, Parente A.(2016): Timer versus moisture sensor based irrigation control of soilless lettuce: Effects on yield, quality and water use efficiency. Hort. Sci.(Prague), 43: 67 75. The study compares the effects of: timer (Timer) and soil
Soil moisture measurement by an improved capacitance technique, Part I. Sensor design and performance
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ABSTRACT Dean, TJ, Bell, JP and Baty, AJB, 1987. Soil moisture measurement by an improved technique, Part I. Sensor design and performance. J. Hydrol., 93: 67-78. It has long been recognised that dielectric constant is a sensitive measure of the moisture content of