multilevel inverter research papers 2015 IEEE PAPER
A robust speed sensor less vector control of multilevel inverter fed induction motor using particle swarm optimization
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A robust speed sensor less vector control of multilevel inverter fed induction motor using particle swarm optimization
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Abstract: A novel speed sensor less adaptive robust control method is proposed to improve the trajectory tracking performance of induction motors. The proposed design employs the so called vector control (or field oriented control) theory for the multilevel inverter fed
Reduced common-mode voltage operation of a new seven-level hybrid multilevel invertertopology with a single DC voltage source
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Abstract: In this study, analysis of extending the linear modulation range of a zero common- mode voltage (CMV) operated n-level inverter by allowing reduced CMV switching is presented. A new hybrid seven-level inverter topology with a single DC supply is also
Assessment of performance with the Comparision of Asymmetrical Cascaded and Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter of Space Vector Control Modulation
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Abstract: In recent research activities, different types of multilevel inverters are designed to fulfil the present requirements of power. Already some of the standard multilevel inverters take major role in the electrical market like, Diode Clamped, Flying Capacitor and
Review On Various Multilevel Inverter Topologies For Renewable Energy Sources
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Abstract-This paper deals with various Multilevel Inverter topologies used in Renewable Energy Sources. The four different commonly used Multilevel Inverter topologies are Neutral Point Clamped, Flying Capacitor, Cascaded Inverter and Hybrid Inverters. Each topology
Multilevel Inverter Compensation System of the Single-phase Based on Instantaneous P-instantaneous Real Power and Q-instantaneous Virtual Power Theory
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Abstract:This paper gives an introduction to the single-phase instantaneous PQ (P- instantaneous real power and Q-instantaneous virtual power) theory and carries out the calculation and simulation analysis on reactive power, active power, instantaneous
A New Symmetric Multilevel Inverter Topology Using Single and Double Source Sub-Multilevel Inverters
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Abstract In recent years, the multilevel converters have been given more attention due to their modularity, reliability, failure management and multi stepped output waveform with less total harmonic distortion. This paper presents a novel symmetric multilevel inverter
Performance Verification of Novel Cascaded Multilevel Inverter (CMLI)
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Abstract: In this paper performance analysis of a novel cascaded multilevel inverter (CMLI) with reduced number of switches is discussed. The CMLI comprises of a number of sub inverter levels. The fundamental and PWM switching of 11 level CMLI is analyzed using
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The power electronic converter which converts DC power to AC power at required voltage and frequency is known as Inverter. Inverters with different levels of output voltage and current are called Multilevel Inverter. Multilevel inverter have very high efficiency and their
An Improved PSO Based Selective Harmonic Elimination in Multilevel Inverter for Performance Enhancement of Induction Motor Introduction
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Abstract Harmonics measurement of an industrial unit is done to asset the power quality aspects in a typical factory. Then with using a lumped steady state and thermal model we analyzed the influences of different harmonics on motor temperature rise. The real issues are the
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Abstract- In this paper, a new multi-level inverter topology is developed and applied for injecting the real power of the renewable power into the grid to reduce the switching power loss, harmonic distortion caused by the switching operation of power electronic devices.
Optimal Design of Multilevel Voltage Source Inverter with Minimal Distortion and No Extra Cost for Photovoltaic Systems
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Keywords Multilevelinverter, voltage quality, switching angles Page 2. Int. J. Acad.98 2. Proposed method In this section, the proposed method is described. In this method, a technique to calculate switching angles of pulse step modulation for multilevelinverter is presented.
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This paper deals with Single Phase Five level Inverter using Multi Carrier Based Pulse width modulation Technique. The multilevel inverter is used to improve the voltage quality by reducing the harmonics, as the number of voltage levels of multilevel inverter is increased
Optimal Harmonic Stepped Waveform Technique for Solar Fed Cascaded Multilevel Inverter
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Abstract In this paper, the Optimal Harmonic Stepped Waveform (OHSW) method is proposed in order to eliminate the selective harmonic orders available at the output of cascaded multilevel inverter (CMLI) fed by solar photovoltaic (SPV). This technique is
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ABSTRACT Micro grids are small-scale electricity supply networks that have local power generation. Micro grid became one of the key spot in research on distributed energy systems. Micro grids are capable of both generating their own electric power with small-
Modeling and Experimental Validation of 5-level Hybrid H-bridge Multilevel Inverter Fed DTC-IM Drive
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Abstract This paper aims to improve the performance of conventional direct torque control (DTC) drives proposed by Takahashi by extending the idea for 5-level inverter. Hybrid cascaded H-bridge topology is used to achieve inverter voltage vector composed of 5-
Control of Multilevel Inverter Using Embedded Controller and Flip Flops
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Abstract-This paper proposes a new topology of symmetric multilevel inverter operated in symmetric mode. Two control methods are proposed in this paper. They are digital and embedded controller. By using logic gates and flip flop pulses are generated as digital
Analysis of Performance of Multilevel Cascaded Inverter
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Abstract: Recent year's multilevelinverter technology plays a very important role in the area of high-power medium-voltage energy control. Multilevelinverter uses either sine or modified sine waves. They are also used in industrial applications as a source of high power.
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ABSTRACT In the renewable energy sources, PV system forms the reliable for power generation. Thus the transformerless CMI is considered to be the best alternative for low cost and high efficiency photovoltaic systems. Eliminating the leakage current is one of the
Assessment of Single Phase Cascaded Multilevel Inverter using Equal and Unequal Amplitude Carriers
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Abstract This work presents the comparison of various multicarrier based Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) techniques for the chosen single phase CMLI (Cascaded Multi Level Inverter). In this paper, a single phase symmetrical cascaded multilevel inverter is
Investigation of Multilevel DC Link Inverter to Solve the PV Partial Shading
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A cascaded inverter for transformerless single-phase connected cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter, in grid-connected photovoltaic systems, Renew.system performance,IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists parameters for asymmetric multilevelinverter using Conference, pp: 1-6.
Power Loss Investigation for 13-level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
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Abstract: In recent years, voltage source multilevel inverters are being applied extensively in industry as they have many advantages compared to conventional two level inverters. Some of these advantages such as higher output voltage at low switching frequency, low voltage
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Abstract:The inverter configurations with higher number of output voltage levels have the ability to modulate waveforms with a better harmonic spectrum. A Three phase cascaded multilevel inverter which uses five-level transistor clamped H-bridge power cells is
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This paper presents the cuckoo optimization method for harmonic elimination in a cascaded multilevel inverter. The main objective is to eliminate 3rd, 5th, 7th, 13th harmonicsusing the Selective Harmonic Elimination Pulse Width Modulation strategy order by solving non
Multilevel hybrid cascade-stack inverter with substantial reduction in switches number and power losses
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Simulation and experimental results for 11- and 23-level symmetric types and a 31-level asymmetric form of converter are described. Key words: Reduced number of circuit devices, inverter power losses, cascade-stack multilevelinverter, symmetric and asymmetric topology
Enhancement of Power Quality in Renewable Energy System by Using Multilevel Inverter
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Abstract: In this paper we proposed better solution for designing five-level inverter by injecting small amount of real power from the renewable power source into the grid to consistently reduce the switching power loss, the harmonic distortion in it, and EMI in
Reduced Component Cascaded Multilevel Inverter using Switched Capacitors
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Abstract: In this paper, Reduced component nine level cascaded multilevel inverter using switched capacitors is proposed. This multilevel inverter topology finds applications in high frequency power distribution systems and this is constructed by switched capacitor front
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ABSTRACT A multilevel inverter is a preferred choice for most medium-voltage and high- power applications, as well as cascaded H-bridge (CHB) two-level inverters due to its advantages such as low cost, light weight and compact size. Space vector modulation is
A Higher Voltage Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Power Electronic Switches
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Abstract: Power electronic inverter become popular for various industrial drives applications. The multi-level inverter system is very promising in ac drives. Large electrical drives and utility application require advanced power electronics converter to meet the high power
THD Analysis of a 13 Level Asymmetric Hybrid Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for Industrial Applications
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Abstract: This paper proposes asymmetric cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with reduced number of switches suitable for industrial applications and renewable energy too. Cascade Multilevel Inverters are very popular and have many applications in electric utility
FPGA Controlled Simplified H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter
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Abstract:the multilevel inverter is recently applied in many industrial applications such as ac power supplies, static var compensators, drive system, etc. One of the significant advantages of multilevel configurations is the harmonic reduction in the output waveform
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ABSTRACT A multilevel inverter is a power electronic device that is used for high voltage and high power applications, with the added advantages of low switching stress and lower total harmonic distortion (THD), hence reducing the size and bulk of the passive filters.
Torque Ripple and Harmonics Reduction in BLDC Drive using Multilevel Inverter
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Abstract: In this a new seven inverter with lesser number of switches fed to BLDC motor drive is proposed. In a regular Brush Less DC motor (BLDC) drive, the motor in general fed with Pulse width modulated (PWM) voltages which cause sudden voltage wave fronts (dv/dt) to
PV Fed Novel Hybrid Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Drive Application
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Abstract: Renewable energy sources (RES) gain an importance in recent decades because they are pollution free, easily erectable, and limitless. Among RES, Photovoltaic systems are mostly used as they are light, clean and easily installable. Normally PV cells converts
A Novel Unique 5-Level Cascaded Multilevel Inverter based Active Power Filter for Power Quality Enhancement
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Abstract: Implementation of intelligence controller by using voltage as feedback for significantly improving the dynamic performance of advanced compensator, the comparative analysis of several control strategies fed APF for power quality improvement features is
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Abstract:-The Photo Voltaic (PV) energy system, used in this project, is a very new concept in use, which is gaining immense popularity due to increasing importance to research on alternative sources of energy over depletion of the conventional fossil fuels all around the
Construction of Multilevel Inverter Based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement with DC Link Switches
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Abstract: This paper presents an investigation of five-Level Inverter as Distribution Static Compensator (DSTATCOM) in Power System (PS) for compensation of reactive power and harmonics. The advantages of inverter are low harmonic distortion, reduced number of
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bus utilization. Multilevelinverter have capability to deliver high output power with lower dv/dt (or) lower di/dt with less distorted output waveforms resulting in reduction of harmonics injected into the system. Multilevel current
Implementation of PV Fed Hybrid Multilevel Inverter using MPPT Based Induction Motor Drive for Industrial Pump Application
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Abstract: This paper shows that versatile stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems still demand on at least one battery inverter with improved characteristics of robustness and efficiency, which can be achieved using multilevel topologies. A compilation of the most common
Advanced of Induction Motor with PV Cell Fed Multilevel Inverter with Various Voltage Levels
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Abstract: Harmonic reduction in inverters fed from a standalone PV system is currently becoming important in induction motor applications. This paper focuses on the design and analysis NPC based multi level inverter fed induction motor drive. In this concept three,
A new symmetric cascaded multilevel inverter topology with reduced number of power electronic components
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Abstract: Researchers try to improve the multilevel inverters performance or make them more economically proposing new switching algorithms or novel structures. In this paper, a new structure is proposed for symmetric cascaded multilevel inverter which has a simpler
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In this paper, H-Bridge cascaded multilevel inverter is proposed for single phase induction motor drive. Number of output levels is increased, by using ternary mode Asymmetric Multilevel inverter. IGBT plays a major role in multilevel inverter. The total amount of
Design and Simulation of Multilevel Inverter with Less Number of Switches for Induction Motor Drive Application
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Abstract: This paper proposes a new Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Drive. The Inverter presented gives a seven level output voltage. This inverter uses very less number of switches when compared with the other type of multi inventers like diode clamped, flying
Switched-Capacitor Supported Cascaded Multilevel Inverter for High-Frequency a Power Distribution System
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Abstract: The increase of transmission frequency reveals more merits than low-or medium- frequency distribution among different kinds of power applications. Highfrequency inverter serves as source side in high-frequency ac (HFAC) power distribution system (PDS).
A Novel Single Phase Multilevel Inverter Structure with Fewer Switching Components
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Abstract: Photovoltaic power generation employs solar panels composed of a number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material. Multilevel inverter structures have been developed to overcome shortcomings in solid-state switching device ratings so that they
A Novel Multilevel Inverter Based on Switched DC Sources
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Abstract: This paper presents a multilevel inverter that has been conceptualized to reduce component count, particularly for a large number of output levels. It comprises floating input dc sources alternately connected in opposite polarities with one an-other through power
Simulation of Three-Phase Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Switches for Induction Motor Applications
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Abstract: The proposed topology significantly reduces the number of dc voltage sources, switches, IGBTs, and power diodes as the number of output voltage levels increases. To synthesize maximum levels at the output voltage, the proposed topology is optimized for
Adaptive Active Power Filter Performance for Renewable Power Generation Systems with Current Control Multilevel Inverter
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Abstract: An active power filter implemented with a four-leg voltage-source inverter using a predictive control scheme is presented. The use of a four-leg voltage-source inverter allows the compensation of current harmonic components, as well as unbalanced current
A New Z-Source Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Drives
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Abstract: In this a new multilevel inverter based Z-source inverter fed induction motor drive is proposed. Multilevel Inverters are one of the promising techniques used in many industrial drive applications. When these inverters are used for industrial drive directly, the THD
Improvement of Power Quality Features using Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel InverterBased DSTATCOM under Fault Condition
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Abstract: Cascaded multilevel configuration of the inverter has the advantage of its simplicity and modularity over the configurations of the diode-clamped and flying capacitor multilevel inverters. This paper presents a three-phase, five-level and seven level cascaded
A New Multilevel Inverter Based Shunt Active Power Filter to Improve Power Quality
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Abstract: This paper investigates mitigation of current harmonics using different configuration of cascaded multilevel inverter based shunt hybrid active power filter (SHAPF) and to improve power quality of the system. The main objective of this paper is to develop and
A Higher Voltage Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches for Induction Motor Drive Applications
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Abstract: Power electronic inverter become popular for various industrial drives applications. The multi-level inverter system is very promising in ac drives. Large electrical drives and utility application require advanced power electronics converter to meet the high power
11-Level Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches
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Multilevel inverters are considered today as the state-ofthe-art power-conversion systems for high power and powerquality demanding applications. Multilevel inverters are currently considered as a better industrial solution for high dynamic performance and power-quality
Power Quality Improvement by Multilevel Inverter in Shunt with Voltage Controlled DSTATCOM
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Abstract: This venture proposes another calculation to produce reference voltage for an distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM) working in voltage-control mode. The proposed plan shows a few points of interest contrasted with customary voltage-controlled