network security IEEE PAPER 2016
Research on Wireless Network Security Awareness of Average Users
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Abstract Network insecurity has become an increasing problem in the world of computer networks. Technical experts have tried to combat this by improving the technical awareness of the threats and technical solutions involved in Wireless Local Networks (WLAN) through
Value of corrective network security for distributed energy storage applications
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Abstract: Energy storage can provide services to several sectors in electricity industry, including generation, transmission and distribution, where conflicts and synergies may arise when storage is used to manage network congestion and provide services in energy and
Network Security, A Challenge
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Abstract: The Internet is expanding with a tremendous speed so as its Security. Security is an important field that consists of the provisions made in underlying computer network infrastructure, policies adopted by the network administrator to protect the network, the
Network Security in Embedded System Using TLS
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Abstract Security in terms of Networks have turn out to be more significant to Organizations, Military and personal computer user's. Since various kinds of threats are for data from sending it from sender side over internet till it reaches to receiver. Here we will focus on
Don't Forget to Lock the Back Door! A Characterization of IPv6 Network Security Policy
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Abstract:There is growing operational awareness of the challenges in securely operating IPv6 networks. Through a measurement study of 520,000 dual-stack servers and 25,000 dual-stack routers, we examine the extent to which security policy codified in IPv4 has also
Performance Analysis of Wireless Network Throughput and Security Protocol Integration
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Abstract Wireless network security protocols are essential for enhancing security, privacy and confidentiality. However, network security protocols also require network resources in other to carry out authentication of users through the use of encryption keys and packet
Intrusion Detection System Using Raspberry PI Honeypot in Network Security
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Abstract: In this ever changing world of global data communication, inexpensive Internet connection and fast paced software development, security has become more and more of an issue. Security is one of the basic requirements in today's world as any type of interaction
Enhancing Network Security
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Communications in cyberspace pose distinctive security challenges. Starting in 2009, the United States Military incorporated a Cyber Command on the premise that cyberspace domination could be as important in a time of conflict as traditional domains of air, sea,
A Security Architecture Model of Oil and Gas SCADA Network Based on Multi-Agent
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Abstract Modern industrial automation control network SCADA system is facing more and more serious security threat. In order to meet the demand for oil and gas SCADA system security defense, by analyzing the security risk in oil and gas SCADA system and
SMPR: A Smartphone Based MANET Using Prime Numbers to Enhance theNetwork-nodes Reachability and Security of Routing Protocols
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Abstract Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) emerge as an effective solution for networking Smartphones to enable wireless communication when other alternatives such as cellular networks are not available, eg in rural areas. Available MANET routing protocols are
Research and Analysis on Network Security Modeling
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Abstract The integration of Internet and mobile Internet, Internet of things, will promote the wide application of the Industrial Internet and other vertical internet. Smart device manufacturing, smart Internet marketing will give people work and life led to profound
FPGA Based Network Security Using Cryptography
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Abstract-Secured communication is most important thing in present day situation. Need of security is increasing rapidly. No one wants their data to be seen by others. Every individual wants their data to be secured and privacy must be maintained. This requirement can be
Risk Assessment of Computer Network Security in Banks
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Abstract The importance of computer system security of banks can never be exaggerated. Conducting risk assessment of computer system security of banks can increase safety management and ensure normal operation. This paper firstly figures out risk assessment
Location Privacy Based Security Enhancement In Wireless Sensor NetworkUsing LFPM And PPM
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ABSTRACT: We present the growing challenges related to security in wireless sensor networks. We show probable attack scenarios and indication the easiness of performing several types of attacks due to the extreme resource limits in wireless sensor networks.
Security in Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Nodes Using Novel Intrusion Detection System
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Abstract: In our paper, we have implemented Security in wireless mobile ad-hoc network by using Novel Intrusion Detection System in Aodv routing protocol. Aodv routing protocol is a distance vector routing protocol used for better performance, we are implementing the
Security Method in Data Acquisition Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract: In Data Acquisition sensor networks encounter wide range of critical problems in security tasks. Wireless data acquisition sensor networks are best for detecting environmental or chemical threats over leap large scale zone, but security and power
Effective Belief Network for Cyber Security Frameworks
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Abstract Cyber security frameworks direct the implementation of cyber security solutions. Managing the implementation of cyber security frameworks is a difficult task due to many problems. Part of these problems are concealed in the framework interdependent
Computer Security-Tutorial Sheet 2-Solution NetworkProgramming Security
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1. A Web Application Firewall operates at the Level 7, the Application layer of the OSI model. The client specification stated that they needed it to parse HTML which can only be parsed at this layer. An advantage to running a firewall at this layer is that it can look at the whole
A Light Weight Security Scheme for Network Coding Based on a Mobius Transformation
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Abstract Network coding is a new method for forwarding network throughput in digital communication systems. In this paper, we introduce an efficient scheme for protecting the source data against wiretapper in linear network coding. The proposed scheme is
Dynamic Transmission Network Expansion Planning with Security using Performance Index Method
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Abstract The Transmission Network Expansion Planning (TNEP) problem is a large-scale, complex and nonlinear combinatorial problem of mixed integer nature where the number of candidate solutions to be evaluated increases exponentially with system size. The
Enhanced Data Security Using Neural Network in Cloud Environment
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Abstract-Cloud is an on-demand computing service which provides a dynamic environment for end users to assure Quality of Service (QoS) on data for its confidentiality in cloud data centers. A set of information from a cloud database with a high security level accessing
Network Security Based on Rough Set: A Review
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Abstract-As the conventional network security evaluation methods have prejudiced aspects when the weights of an evaluation indexes are recognized, it is not easy to make precise and objective evaluation. However, the Rough set theory has the benefits of not needing
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ABSTRACT Internet plays a vital role in our day today life. Data security in web application has become very crucial. The usage of internet becomes more and more in recent years. Through internet the information's can be shared through many social networks like
Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network: Security Using SHA1 and Authentication using Election Algorithm
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Abstract The proposed system is on Wireless sensor network and clustering technique has been applied for better communication with a cluster leader election among nodes. The cluster head helps is better communication this is been done with election algorithm. even
PTP Approach in Network Security for Misbehavior Detection Using Entropy
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Abstract: A PTP approach in network security for misbehavior detection system is a method of detecting malicious misbehavior activity within networks. The System detects the malicious node and blocks them by adding into Blacklist. Malicious nodes are the
The Network Security Policies of Telecommunication Industries in Sudan
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Abstract: As networks grow and evolve, the risk of coming under attack increases. To help counter this threat, Cisco has developed the Cisco Self-Defending Network (SDN) strategy. To effectively implement this strategy an organization can leverage their comprehensive
A Novel Adaptive Grey Verhulst Model for Network Security Situation Prediction
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Abstract:Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in predicting the situation of incoming security situation for organization's network. Many prediction models have been produced for this purpose, but many of these models have various limitations in practical
Computer Network Security andAttacks on Wireless Sensor Network, Hacking issues
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In the last decade, the progress of internet technologies has led to a significant increase in security and privacy issues for users. This is the study aims to how to secure computer network. In the network security cybercrime technologies have brought many good things
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ABSTRACT The number of people connecting to the internet is increasing very rapidly but the risks involved and new types of attacks are also increasing day by day. It is necessary to have tool for detecting and preventing attacks. A perfect tool for this can be a Honeypot. It
Impact of Network Security Vulnerabilities Management
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Abstract Managing cyber security vulnerabilities in a large network is a big challenge where the implementation of cyber security techniques can create network slowdowns that negatively impact customers and the delivery of service. The challenge of managing cyber
Risk Assessment of Computer Network Security in Banks
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10, No. 4 (2016) xiii Table of Contents Risk Assessment of Computer NetworkSecurity in Banks 1 Tan Juan117 Hind Idrissi, Arnaud Revel, El Mamoun Souidi Research and Analysis on NetworkSecurity Modeling 135 Kehao Cao
Wireless Sensor Network security by Intrusion Detection in Energy Efficient Way
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Abstract: Energy efficient algorithms for wireless sensor networks are getting popularity in the recent past. This paper describes a scheme for intrusion detection framework for clustered sensor networks. The primary design goal of a battery equipped wireless sensor
A Collaboration Model to Recommend Network Security Alerts Based on the Mixed Hybrid Approach
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Abstract. A high number of cyber security alerts are shared every second in different medias like forums, mail lists, and online social networks. The flood of alerts complicates the network administrator's job, since not all cyber security alerts are important for his/her specific
Security Architecture of 3GPP LTE and LTE-A Network: A Review
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Abstract–Mobile wireless communication is improving and getting mature day by day. Due to this, we need the improvement of high broadband wireless technologies. The 3GPP which means that 3rd Generation partnership project is a standard which is developing System
Wireless Local Area Network Security Enhancement through Penetration Testing
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ABSTRACT Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) have become very popular due to their high data rates, cost effectiveness, flexibility and ease of use. On the other hand, they are facing major security threats due to the broadcast nature of the wireless media. WLANs
A Study of Challenges and Security Issues on 4G Network
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ABSTRACT: The detail study of latest advances in wireless network security issues and donations to the wireless networking field. The 4G network technologies guarantee high speed simplicity of right to use during any wireless mechanism by integrate non IP based
Data Network based on Cumulative Security Metric
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Abstract-The multiplication of networks to a substantial populace has expanded network openness for a huge segment of programmers to manhandle. More grounded security strategies, for example, propelled encryption calculations, productive verification
Security Attacks and Defense Mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey
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ABSTRACT The main objective of the paper is to present different types of Security attacks, their effects and defense mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Network which is vulnerable to security attacks and threats due to its characteristics and limitations. Security attacks are
Survey on Distributed Network Security Management Techniques for Cyber AttacksCyber Crime
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Now a days Millions of citizens are using networks for communication, booking, shopping, filing their tax returns and banking because of this network security is emerging on the horizon as a potentially large problem. Their evolution and development has brought many benefits
PTP Method in Network Security for Misbehavior Detection Using Entropy
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Abstract: A PTP method in network security for misbehavior detection system is a method of detecting malicious misbehavior activity within networks. The System detects the malicious node and blocks them by adding into Blacklist. Malicious nodes are the compromised
Evaluation of Network Security Based on Neural Network
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Abstract Computer network security evaluation is a multi-index evaluation system. Computer network invaded by vulnerabilities, viruses and others is a complex nonlinear problem. Traditional linear evaluation methods can not accurately describe the impact of various
Improving Security in P2P File Sharing Based on Network Coding for DTN
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Abstract: Peer-to-peer file sharing is important due to increasing usage of resources sharing in Internet.targets the background of possible attacks in peer to peer file sharing based on network coding for delay tolerant network. Currently existing security schemes
Local Area Network (Lan) Mock-Up And The Prevention Of Cybernetics Related Crimes In Nigermills Company Using Firewall Security Device
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ABSTRACT This study was conducted using the Local Area Network (LAN) of Niger Mills, Calabar, Cross River state, Nigeria. It entailed the simulation of LAN with a view to checking its quality, latency and also creating a firewall security device to mitigate the rate of
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ABSTRACT Wireless sensor network is the most growing technology for sensing and performing the different tasks. With the beginning of the internet, security has become a major concern and the history of security allows a better understanding of the emergence
A Cloud based Security management scheme for Home Area Network (HAN) in the Smart Grid
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Abstract A native networking of electronic appliances in habitation and buildings affords more benefits in wide areas of safety, security to energy efficiency and habitation features. A Home Area Network (HAN) is a committed network with the interconnection of home
CCOS Detection and Security in Wireless Sensor Network
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Abstract-A wireless sensor network can get disunited into multiple connected components due to the failure of some of its nodes, which is called a cut. Here consider the quandary of detecting cuts by the remaining nodes of a wireless sensor network. Here propose an
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ABSTRACT In the near future, sensor networks are going to be a part of everyday life. Traffic monitoring, military tracking, building safety, pollution monitoring, wildlife monitoring, patient security are some of the applications in sensor networks. Sensor networks vary in size and
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Abstract-Vehicular impromptu systems (VANETs) are getting expanding considerations from the educated community and organization endeavors from industry, because of the different applications and potential colossal advantages they offer for future VANET clients.
Security Requirements for IVC Network
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Abstract–IVC Network will improve in the near future for the safety, comfort of drivers and passengers on the road. In IVC network vehicles are equipped with the necessary transmission Links and embedded systems that will make such type of communication
A Review of Security Issues in Wireless Mesh Network
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Abstract:Wireless mesh network (WMN) is a new wireless networking paradigm. Wireless mesh networks are a promising technology for offering ubiquitous Internet connectivity. Unlike traditional wireless networks, WMNs do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. One
A Nowadays Protect Your Inbound/Outbound Data Packets Firewall SecurityEstablished In Network
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ABSTRACT Hey are progressing day by day in the world today, whether in a branch, even if you can say it media or technology revolution. The Network Firewall Security primary option you are home and Organization communication data packets. The first two services on
Two Way Security Mechanism for Sybil Attack in Social Network
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Abstract: From many years, people were concerned about the security of social area network. In this social area network people create multiple bogus identities. To overcome this drawback, Sybil Defender mechanism is used along with the two way security
A Survey on Security based on User Trust in Spontaneous Wireless Ad HocNetwork Creation
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Abstract Security is a main concern now a day. A spontaneous network is a special kind of ad-hoc network; Ad-hoc wireless network is an infrastructure less network that is there is no central coordination for network operations. As and when a new node comes in the region
A Design Approach for Wireless Communication Security in Bluetooth Network
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ABSTRACT Exponential growth of the volume of Bluetooth-enabled devices indicates that it has turned into a mainstream method for remote interconnections for trading data. Bluetooth technology has turned into a vital piece of this advanced society. The accessibility of
A Network-Aware Access Control System for Providing Good Enough Security to Low Value Information
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ABSTRACT Information in digital forms is shared over the Internet between users belonging to different organisations. Such information differs in value based on the nature of the application. Eg. patient medical reports have high value while a book shared for
Security Vulnerabilities of Vehicular Platoon Network
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In these years, the development of autonomous platooning vehicles led to many benefits: fuel efficiency increase, road safety improvement and travel duration, while decreasing traffic congestion, pollution, and stress for passengers [1]. Furthermore it allows people to be
Study of Various Security Attacks in Network Layer and the Mitigation Techniques for MANET
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Abstract: Security is one of the major concerns for protected communication between mobile nodes in a hostile environment. In hostile environments attackers can crew active and passive attacks against intercept able routing in embed in routing message and data
Introduction to Security Protocols for Sensor Network
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Abstract:Wireless sensor networks will be widely deployed in the near future. While much research has focused on making these networks feasible and useful, security has received little attention. We present a suite of security protocols optimized for sensor networks: