network security research paper-36
Quantitative network security analysis
D Moore, Cooperative Association for , 2002 ,
As part of the CAIDA grant, Moore lead several tool development efforts. CoralReef [9, 10], a
suite of tools for passive network measurement, has been used in numerous university
courses and was the basis of an educational CDROM developed by the NSF-funded
Applying the OSI seven layer network model to information security
D Reed ,Practical GSEC, 2003 ,
Abstract Data networking is a critical area of focus in the study of information security. This
paper focuses on reviewing a key area of data networking theory-The Open Systems
Interconnect (OSI) Seven Layer Network Model. This paper demonstrates the application
Design of a network-access audit log for security monitoring and forensic investigation
A Ahmad , 1st Australian Computer Network , 2003 ,
Abstract An attempt at determining the source of anomalous network traffic may result in the
identification of the networked system where it originated. From a forensic point of view it is
almost impossible to positively identify the application or the user behind the application
Location of operating points on the dynamic security border using constrained neural networkinversion
CA Jensen, RD Reed, MA El-Sharkawi ,Proc. Int. Conf. , 1997 ,
A method is proposed in which a neural network trained to predict the dynamic security of a
power system is inverted to provide information regarding nearby operating regions. Given
an initial operating state, the nearest operating state of a given security status can be
Security of wireless sensor network
J Rehana ,Seminar on Internetworking, 2009 ,
Abstract Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an emerging technology and day by day it is
attracting the attention of researchers with its challenging characteristics and diversified
application domain. The more researchers try to develop further cost and energy efficient
Network Security Standards with Increasing Levels of Embedded Generation
R Allan ,Final Report, ETSU Project K/EL/00287, UMIST, 2002 ,
issues associated with the development of commercial arrangements for rewarding generators
for their contribution to network security were identified and discussed.
Security for mobile low power nodes in a personal area network by means of trusted platform modules
U Grossmann, E Berkhan, L Jatoba Security and Privacy in , 2007 ,Springer
The growing field of ubiquitous applications and the use of resource constrained mobile
devices strongly demands for mechanisms to provide the security and privacy of such
mobile devices. In this paper we show that especially new teletherapeutic applications are
Hardware Security Concept for Spontaneous Network Integration of Mobile Devices
I Sedov, M Haase, C Cap , Internet Computing Systems, 2001 ,Springer
In this article we introduce an architecture of a mobile device that enables safe and
authenticated data-transmission in a spontaneously configured network environment. The
usage of this device is illustrated by a number of examples. The hardware and software
Proving the security of AES substitution-permutation network
T Baigneres ,Selected Areas in Cryptography, 2006 ,Springer
In this paper we study the substitution-permutation network (SPN) on which AES is based.
We introduce AES*, a SPN identical to AES except that fixed S-boxes are replaced by
random and independent permutations. We prove that this construction resists linear and
Distributed relay protocol for probabilistic information-theoretic security in a randomly-compromisednetwork
T Beals ,Information Theoretic Security, 2008 ,Springer
We introduce a simple, practical approach with probabilistic information-theoretic security to
mitigate one of quantum key distribution’s major limitations: the short maximum transmission
distance (~ 200 km) possible with present day technology. Our scheme uses classical
Internet security visualization case study: Instrumenting a network for NetFlow securityvisualization tools
W Yurcik ,21st Annual Computer Security Applications , 2005 ,
Abstract With the development of the Internet and organizational intranets, it has become an
increasingly critical and difficult task to monitor large and complex networks-indispensable
to security risk management and network performance analysis. Monitoring for security
Self_USS: A Self Umpiring System for Security in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
A Kathirvel ,International Journal of Engineering and , 2010 ,
Abstract—Protecting the network layer from malicious attacks is an important and
challenging issue in both wired and wireless networks and the issue becomes even more
challenging in the case of mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper we propose a solution of
Network support modeling, architecture, and security considerations for composite reconfigurable environments
Z Boufidis, R Falk, N Alonistioti ,IEEE Wireless , 2006 ,
ABSTRACT Emerging radio access technologies such as wireless personal and
metropolitan area networks and digital broadcasting are a new era for wireless
communications. These standards aim at complementing existing cellular/Wi-Fi networks
Data Security in a Converged Network
J Pogar, J Corcoran, S Murphy ,Siemens , 2003 ,
Abstract Technology allowing Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has been available for a
number of years, however, it has not been accepted as a mainstream technology in the
enterprise until recently. There has been a strong and growing value proposition for the
Network performance centric security design in manet
G Zhong ,ACM Mobile Computing and Communications , 2002 ,
Security is a basic requirement for mobile ad hoc networks. Several recent papers [4, 1, 2]
have started to address security issues in such networks. While these early proposals each
have their own merit, they mainly focus on the security vigor of the design and leave the
The security hole in WAP: an analysis of the network and business rationales underlying a failure
NC Juul ,International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 2003 ,ME Sharpe
To succeed, the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), a protocol for the delivery of Internet-
like services for mobile phones, had to achieve widespread usage on the market for mobile
electronic commerce; but a security hole made it unsuitable for e-commerce transactions.
Towards a realistic testbed for wireless network reliability and security performance studies
F Hu, A Rughoonundon , Journal of Security and , 2008 ,Inderscience
This paper will describe our research on the creation of a wireless ad-hoc network testbed
where ad hoc network applications can be tested in real radio environments. The testbed
will be easy to use and modular enough to allow users to quickly adapt the testbed to their
A network-centric design for relationship-based security and access controlOverview of thesecurity architecture of the Stanford Integrated Digital Libraries Project
M Röscheisen ,Journal of Computer Security, 1997 ,IOS Press
As part of the Stanford Digital Libraries Project, we have prototyped a novel architecture for
security and access control in heterogeneous, networked environments. Conceptually, this
architecture recasts security issues from an “information access” metaphor into a “
A Comparison of Security Protocols in a Wireless Network Environment
J Godfrey ,1995 ,
Abstract The advent of wireless networks has greatly increased the possibilities for mobile
computing offered to the general public. Miniaturization has aided this trend towards
increased user mobility with the development of notebook computers and Personal Digital
Taxonomy of Routing Security for Ad-Hoc Network
RP Mahapatra, SM IACSIT ,International Journal of Computer , 2010 ,
(MANET) technology advocates self-organized wireless interconnection of communication
devices that would either extend or operate in concert with the wired networking
infrastructure or, possibly, evolve to autonomous networks. In either case, the proliferation
Agent based security for the active network infrastructure
I Busse ,Active Networks, 1999 ,Springer
Security in Active Networks is still in its infancy! This paper presents a new Agent-Based
Security architecture for the Active Network Infrastructure (ABSANI). It is explained why
agents in combination with Java are considered the appropriate solution for security