network security research papers-2012
Designing Better Strategies against Human Adversaries in Network Security Games
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ABSTRACT In a Network Security Game (NSG), security agencies must allocate limited
resources to protect targets embedded in a network, such as important buildings in a city
road network. A recent line of work relaxed the perfect-rationality assumption of human
Coordination in Network Security Games
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Abstract—Malicious softwares or malwares for short have become a major security threat.
While originating in criminal behavior, their impact are also influenced by the decisions of
legitimate end users. Getting agents in the Internet, and in networks in general, to invest in
Network and Information Security Issues
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V Batra , -Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in , 2012 ,
Network security is generally taken as providing protection at the boundaries of an organization
by keeping out intruders (hackers).Information security, however, explicitly focuses on protecting
data resources from malware attack or simple mistakes by people within an
Coordination in Network Security Games: a Monotone Comparative Statics Approach
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Abstract—Malicious softwares or malwares for short have become a major security threat.
While originating in criminal behavior, their impact are also influenced by the decisions of
legitimate end users. Getting agents in the Internet, and in networks in general, to invest in .
Solving Non-Zero Sum Multiagent Network Flow Security Games with Attack Costs
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zero-sum games previously considered to non-zero sum games where the adversary incurs attack
costs that are not incorporated into the payoff of the sender; (2) intro- ducing a refinement of the
Stackelberg equilibrium that is more appropriate to network security games than
Network Security Group
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Y Gev, M Geva ,2012 ,
Abstract We present Backward Traffic Throttling (BTT), an efficient, decentralized
mechanism, coping with congestion situations and mitigating network-flooding attacks. Upon
congestion detection, a BTT node throttles the traffic of its incoming links, and notifies
Designing Better Strategies against Human Adversaries in Network Security Games
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ABSTRACT In a Network Security Game (NSG), security agencies must allocate limited
resources to protect targets embedded in a network, such as important buildings in a city
road network. A recent line of work relaxed the perfect-rationality assumption of human
Coordination in Network Security Games
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Abstract—Malicious softwares or malwares for short have become a major security threat.
While originating in criminal behavior, their impact are also influenced by the decisions of
legitimate end users. Getting agents in the Internet, and in networks in general, to invest in
Network and Information Security Issues
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V Batra , -Cum-Conference on Recent Trends in , 2012 ,
Network security is generally taken as providing protection at the boundaries of an organization
by keeping out intruders (hackers).Information security, however, explicitly focuses on protecting
data resources from malware attack or simple mistakes by people within an
Coordination in Network Security Games: a Monotone Comparative Statics Approach
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Abstract—Malicious softwares or malwares for short have become a major security threat.
While originating in criminal behavior, their impact are also influenced by the decisions of
legitimate end users. Getting agents in the Internet, and in networks in general, to invest in
Network Security Group
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A Herzberg ,2012 ,
Abstract—In spite of the availability of DNSSEC, which protects against cache poisoning
even by MitM attackers, many caching DNS resolvers still rely for their security against
poisoning on merely validating that DNS responses contain some ‘unpredictable’values,
The Wireless Sensor Network Security Protocol Research in Internet of Things
J Lee, H Zhou, Z Liang, X Wan ,Advances in Electronic , 2012 ,Springer
Due to security protocols be Proven safety” are few use in internet of things now, and
design and analysis them is a very difficult thing, this paper research on the establishment of
wireless sensor network security protocol in internet of things (IOT), the protocol provide a
A Prefiltering Approach to Regular Expression Matching for Network Security Systems
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Regular expression (RegEx) matching has been widely used in various networking and
security applications. Despite much effort on this important problem, it remains a
fundamentally difficult problem. DFA-based solutions can achieve high throughput, but
Overcoming Network Security Issues in Cloud Computing and its Applications (A Major Challenge in Cloud Computing Applications)
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N Sharma, D Malik ,IJCA Proceedings on , 2012 ,
ABSTRACT In this modern technologies world everything becomes very vast and more
reliable. We makes our documentation on one pc and we can access and get this on other
system but this can be happened with the help of internet. The rapid improvement of the
A General Session Based Bit Level Block Encoding Technique Using Symmetric Key Cryptography to Enhance the Security of Network Based Transmission
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M Paul ,International Journal of Computer Science, 2012
Hence network security is looming on the horizon as a potentially massive problem. So network
security is the most focused topic among the researchers [1, 2, 3, 4]. Various algorithms have
developed in this field but each of them has their own merits and demerits.
Sensor Data Encryption Protocol for Wireless Network Security
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B Singh, P Singh ,International Journal of Electrical , 2012
Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer, Rajasthan Abstract-Wireless Sensor Network
consisting of a large number of sensor nodes that connected through wireless media has
emerged as a ground breaking technology that offers unprecedented ability to monitor the
A Study on Security Management Service System for Wireless Network Environment
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D Lee ,Appl. Math, 2012 ,
We suggest the wireless network security management service system framework
in Section 6. Finally, we conclude the research in Section 7. 6 Proposal of Wireless
Network Security Management Service System Framework
Quantification of the Different Security Algorithms in Wireless Network
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A Gheryani ,IJCSNS, 2012 ,
Page 1. IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security,
VOL.12 No.6, June 2012 18 Manuscript cases. Page 2. IJCSNS International Journal of
Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.12 No.6, June 2012 19
Effective Programmatic Analysis of Network Flow Data for Security and Visualization using Higher-order Statistics and Domain Specific Embedded Languages
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TA Conley ,2012 ,
Analysis of Security Techniques for Detecting Suspicious Activities and Intrusion Detection in Network Traffic
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WT FaseeUllah, M Arshad, M Saqib ,2012
His Research Interest includes: Network Security, Information Theory and Coding, Digital
Communication, Digital Signal Processing and Microelectronics designing and fabrication.
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.
A knowledge network production: Ten years of information security research
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CY Wang ,African Journal of Business Management, 2012
Int. Bus. Rev., 14: 619-639. Allen JH (2001) The CERT guide to system and network security
practices. Addison-Wesley, Boston. Axelsson S (2000). The base-rate fallacy and the difficulty
of intrusion detection. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur., 3: 186-205. Baskerville R (1993).
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A Verma ,2012 ,
good. The opinion is changed to subjective view from objective view [4]. Within
the sphere of network security, the elucidation of the theory of trust is as a relation
amid entities that partake in various protocols. Trust relations
Securing Network using Network Access Control, User and Resource Management, and Location-based Security
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D Kaur ,International Journal of Computer , 2012 ,
Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing [8] Zhao Jianguang, Liu Jianchen, Fan
Jingjing, Di Juxing The security research of Network Access Control System, 2010 First ACIS
International Symposium on Cryptography, and Network Security, Data Mining and
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E Walston ,2012
Abstract This project describes the design and development of a game-style interface for
Core Security’s Core Impact Pro software. We identified ways to improve the current
interface with commonly used techniques from games and developed a prototype in which
Design of Cross Layered Security Architecture to Mitigate Misbehaving Nodes in Self-Defending Network
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SN Pari, D Sridharan ,European , 2012 ,europeanjournalofscientificresearch.
[17] Satoshi Kurusawa, Hidehisa Nakayama, Nei Kato, Abbas Jamalipour and Yoshiaki Nemoto,
2007. Detecting Blackhole Attack on AODV-based Mobile Ad Hoc Networks by Dynamic Learning
Method, International Journal of Network Security 5, pp.338-346.
Security and Self-stabilization in Sensor Network Services
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A Larsson ,2012 ,
Self-stabilization in Sensor Network Services ANDREAS LARSSON Division of
Networks and Systems Department of Computer Science and
On delay and security in network coding
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TK Dikaliotis ,2012 ,
for secret-key agreement [20]. Relating network coding to secrecy and network
security, Cai and Yeung [21] studied the maxi- mum rate at which information can
be reliably sent without information leakage to an eavesdropper
Network Security Visualization
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G Max ,2012 ,
Page 1. Network Security Visualization Genevieve MaxKeith Fligg April 22, 2012 Page 2. ACM.
[14] CP Lee, J. Trost, N. Gibbs, Raheem Beyah, and JA Copeland. Visual firewall: real-time
network security monitor. In Visualization for Computer Security, 2005. (VizSEC 05).